#someone get my girls some therapy pls bc theyre sure as hell not doing it on their own
akimojo · 2 months
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Serah's dependency issues were already clear as day in xiii-2, but seeing it on paper like this is a whole different experience 😭
And the way she undermines her own concerns... ouughhh, neither her nor lightning want to actually tackle their trauma
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crescentmoonrider · 7 years
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@kakashiobitos i hope youre prepared. you asked for it so dont complain afterwards
but yeah lets talk about kakashi’s various coping mechanisms this will be fun
first one is obviously kid!kakashi’s total rejection of his own emotions following sakumo’s death (kakashi no) and therefore rejection of just anyone’s emotions especially obito’s (who is so emotional and kind and if faced with a choice between his team and the mission he would definitely choose the team and Die one way or another) (we’ll get back to his projection problem later bc this is a whole other issue he has) mixed with typical kakashi “this is a memento of my father” hatake hypocrisy
because if there is one thing kakashi cant do, ever, its letting go
dad died ? let me just bury all my emotions and pretend i manage to not feel stuff while also keeping a piece of my dad with me at all times
obito died ? and gave me his eye ? oh geez i guess im gonna have to fuCKING ABSORB HIS PERSONALITY AND BECOME THE ULTIMATE FRANKEN-NINJA oh and lets not forget about how he spent half his life in front of the memorial stone
im... actually kind of suprised i dont find any for rin but i guess a mangekyou kind of makes up for this wait nevermind i forgot about ANBU, obviously the best way to cope with someone’s death is trying to get yourself killed in S-class missions haha (he probably falls back into hand-washing in dire times i think tbh)
kakashi no
but seriously his absorption of obito (of his idea of obito) is. scary. and like, the way its handled in gaiden is. so g o o d kishimoto did not fuck around with the gaiden. he fucked around with a lot of things but not the gaiden but yumi we dont see kakashi absorbing obito’s personality in gaiden - no youre right we just see hiM COMPLETE HIS SIGNATURE JUTSU WITH OBITO’S EYE, PREFIGURATING THE WAY HES GOING TO ACT HIS WHOLE FUCKING L I F E
im fine this is fine
so about his projection issues - where do i fucKING START
i already mentioned sakumobito before, but let me just add that obito never gives up why does he never give up why did sakumo give up but not obito it makes kakashi so goddamn angry
but really no projection issues could ever prepare him to the absurdity that is Team 7. like. who thought it would be a good idea to put kakashi in there. making him an instructor is already a bad idea enough and now you put him with The Cold Genius, The Village Idiot, and The Sweet Girl With A Crush and ask him to keep it together and not fuck it up ? what is wrong with this village for real
(a good thing sakura doesnt actually look like rin that much aside from the crush and medic stuff - which only comes later, kakashi’s hell-brain thanks you)
oh god seeing sask try to kill sakura must have been so terrible for him oh god this is why you dont project yourself onto your students kakashi you never know when one of them might turn into an actual friend-killer
but the worst. the very worst of it all. is narutobito like. he idealises obito so much. and then projects all of it onto nard. “i will kill the current obito and protect the obito of the past” *picture of naruto there* Kakashi my boy this is. not healthy. for anyone (yes i remember this page by heart no im not going to look for it bc im lazy)
(seriously everyone projects their dead loved ones on naruto pls leave the boy alone holy shit how is he supposed to live with everyone’s impossible expectations thrown at him fuck)
also im sure the mask is probably A Thing(TM) because no one keeps the same look for 25 years (and also @ sakumo why is your 4yo son hiding his face he is 4 being a genius ninja doesnt explain everything)
(please let me talk about my headcanon for kakashi’s mask it physically hurts me and its all my friend’s fault)
anyway you wanted to talk about the ninja system ? lets talk about it. in bullet points after the cut bc its going to be Long
first of all this is the same village that let sask live in the compound where his whole family got slaughtered im like 100% sure no one took care of 5yo orphan kakashi who found his father’s dead body after weeks/months of hearing people badmouth said father
what could possibly go wrong
speaking of which why is a 5yo even allowed with weapons, im not even talking about the missions just giving a 5yo weapons is never a good idea
also the Rules are so. fucking. this is a 5yo child why does everyone think him killing his emotions is a good idea
not even talking about the Actual killing
what even happened between the time he passed genin and the time team minato was formed who took care of him was it minato was he working on his own instead of in a team
also chuunin at 6 ? really ? what about the Emotional Maturity(TM) kotetsu and izumo were talking about during shikamaru’s match that a 6yo does definitely Not have
like i get it was war-time but still what the fuck chuunin can lead teams why would you let a 6yo lead a team of people most likely older than him im like 100% sure they wouldnt like it
also a 11yo jounin like. ok. at this point i dont even know why i ask anymore
shit soldiers get so many complications from that and you put a child through the same stuff how do you expect him to be even remotely alright
also did anyone take the time to talk with him after obito and rin’s respective deaths
like im not even talking about therapy that im pretty sure doesnt exist in this world but like. did minato know about the nightmares/hand-washing/stuff ? or did he wait until kakashi was Ready To Talk ?
wait nevermind i keep forgetting about the ANBU what the fuck minato you know the child has problems with emotions and you put him thERE ??? minato why
sure let the child who feels guilty for all his friends’ deaths into the squad that does the most danagerous missions im sure this will go well
why would he try to kill himself (or get himself killed same thing really)
nothing can go wrong with this plan
There Is No War In Ba Sing Se
also how old was he ? 13 i think ?
‘dont let the children fight the kyuubi’ yeah sure minato because there are no children getting themselves almost killed on the regular none at all
like he Tried but. i guess when you grow up in a ninja system you have trouble finding the right ideas so. another point to the fucking up of kakashi indirectly this time
who even let kakashi instruct children
who even let kakashi-the-never-child-never-adult instruct children
no i mean seriously if you dont let a child have a childhood theres no way he can grow up correctly and become an Adult(TM)
did no one tell him absorbing the personality of his dead best friend isnt a good idea
gai is the only good thing in kakashi’s life and thats. Bad. gai is a lovely man but seriously why does kakashi have no one else
oh wait theyre all dead
is kakashi sent on missions underground too sometimes or do they actually have some sense
kakashi is the main reason i believe they dont know therapy in this world
probably dont even have meds
this is stupid mentally sound soldiers are more effective than completely fucked up ones
are there even some studies on the consequences of war ? shell shock anyone ? ptsd ?
the only guys who know some stuff about the human mind are I&T guys and thats not good
this post is already too long i cant talk about Obito AU here sorry
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