#someone more eloquent than me should explain this better but oh my god wow jesus christ oh wow
lesbianlotties · 9 months
like i know everyone’s like heliotrope for laura lee (eternal love yada yada yada) but i never made that connection initially bc laura lee seems to be in (mostly) in pastel pinks and yellows and her in heliotrope felt less significant (like the small flowers in her dress during the crash or wtv) but it probably means that lottie pays attention to laura lee more than the average viewer,,,, anyway the real question is has anyone made a whole think piece on laura lee matching lottie’s medication colors in the baptism scene
anon i love you for this
laura lee's style is so important to me actually. starting with the fact that on the pilot she literally wear a yellow. jacket. and i don't know about you but i think they could've made the "super religious girl" wear more subdued/solemn/sober colors and clothes. instead laura lee is so bright. she's cheerful yellow, baby blue, pretty pink! there's something important and gay there, okay?
and now lottie paying attention to the little details about laura lee? yeah! absolutely! she knows the exact name of the shade of purple in the little flowers of one of her dresses. totally normal and platonic behavior there miss matthews!!
now look
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this is... this is actually crazy okay? this is insane stuff. this is the kind of thing that will make me lose my mind and i REFUSE to believe this is a coincidence okay?!
it's about lottie needing something or someone to help her deal with her visions, with her mental health, with everything. the pills controlled her visions, laura lee explained them. when lottie lost the pills and thought she would lose herself she found laura lee instead (and lost her too oh my god). the comfort, the relief, the trust she put on laura lee. she used to rely on her medication now she relies on laura lee. the two things that could soothe her mind but in very different ways!! and i'm not exactly saying laura lee was the right answer but it's about the way lottie held onto her in these trying times!!!!
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lorainelaneyblog · 7 years
"They know not what they do," said Jesus Christ in the bible. This is what he tells me about that: "That saying means one thing and one thing alone, Loraine. And that is that they know not that they take themselves to hell, Loraine. It is not about me, and my suffering, it is about them, and their suffering.'
'What about "turn the other cheek?" I was confused as to whether this meant to allow an enemy to hit you again, or whether it meant to look the other way upon one's victimization, to do nothing in revenge, in other words.'
'It means, and theologians agree, Loraine, that your interpretation of the Adam and Eve story was accurate in the book, and they have read it, Loraine, because parishioners came to them about pedophilia in droves, Loraine, saying, and this is what they said, "I loved a little girl once, and I knew I loved her too much," and this is what they said, "I left her alone, and regret it to this day." That's what they said, Loraine. This pedophilia thing has been swept under the rug long enough. Real men have real love for little girls and desire a true marriage and true commitment. That is what they truly desire, to care for a little girl for their entire lives, not to "hit it and quit it." "Hit it and quit" is not how men feel, it is, as you say in your book, an offshoot of rules and laws against polygamy. One man said, "I would have pimped her to the ends of the earth if that was what she needed. I loved her so much, I thought I was going to die.'
'I'm going to be vilified again for this shit. I can't believe this shit. Are you serious? What did clergy actually say?'
'I'm not done. One man said, "I would love her until the day she died," Loraine. "The day she died. I do not love women, I love a little girl, I need one, I need her, I need her, I need her to be innocent when the sexual relationship begins. And I don't care if she is not a virgin in love, but she must be a sexual virgin. I need total control of her sexuality for her entire life, and I don't care how broad it is, that's what I need. That's what I need," he said.'
'What are the poly needs of such men? I worry about the girls with whom there is no commitment, it, as I say in the book, gives rise to child prostitution, since, victimhood rules dictate that a woman should not be used sexually. How do they get to adulthood these men? Are they virgins? Are they dating/using adult women? Are they younger than we see in society today, because of pedophilia laws?'
'I will answer all of these things. I feel no need to deny my pedophilia, Loraine. I would make love with a child, as would you, but never outside a context of family, community, and church. This idea you had, the clergy thought much of it, yes, they did, because they realized how needy the Indian children were and, as a result, succumbed their own judgement, which was a mistake. The children, often, were better off emotionally, so they saw this too. Loraine Laney speaks of an exodus from her school, at the ages of sixteen to eighteen, girls went to a nearby school where it was rumoured that the program leader was a pedophile. It was rumoured that he had affairs with the students. And the admit, etherwise, that this was their primary motivation for leaving their school. We are talking tens of women over a few decades who travelled for a special program, granted it was exciting, outdoor, and sporting, but they admit, Loraine, they admit it, they were excited by the prospect of a real man, Loraine. Women will, it is known now, play the field with older men, and settle down with someone their same age. It gives rise to notions of prostitution, yes, it does, and Loraine is right, it is preferable to using women for casual sex, it kills their self esteem, casual sex, for women of all ages. They hate it. They need the money, Loraine. No matter what, women who screw want the money. It's a travesty what happened to prostitution. It used to be taken for granted in Roman times, yes, it did. Women of all ages, whenever they were alone, would charge a little for sex. And it did not harken badly on them or on the men either, no, it didn't. It was sensible. Men worked and women kept the home alive and well, even when single. Many men did not have homes, but travelled for work, and slept in rooming houses.'
'You said it was cheaper, not prohibitive as today, and, in that respect, the book was, perhaps, predictive?'
'Prostitution costs are dropping, Loraine. And women are busier, and feeling better. You know how you feel when you are busy, versus dead?'
'Yes. This is what I need to see.'
'We need this ministry, Loraine. We need it to help the pedophiles and the little girls who love them. This is a moot point, because gay love is equally important, but these men do not prefer men, they prefer a girl. These girls are so eloquent about their love, and remember the minister with the seven year old wife? They are still happy, because they didn't get arrested, Loraine, because the community refused to turn them in. They were so happy, Loraine. And the minister was practically a virgin himself.'
'I believe, and this is because of the reputation of judges and clergy as sensitive, that these men, have massive victimhood needs. And by that I mean, and I spoke of this in the book, that men, all men, seek innocence in women, but that pedophiles seek the most innocent of women, to learn from their suffering at their own hand. I spoke of this as the only true measure of a man, not war, aggression, but love making. Even given this notion of pimping, every sexual experience of that individual is monitored by her husband, and her suffering is his teacher. And these men are our most sensitive leaders.'
'That's right, Loraine. How did you discern that?'
'I heard about judges, and they were picking up young prostitutes, and I had a hard time believing their immorality--'
'Because why?' says Jesus.
'In Vancouver, children in prostitution is well known. I had a friend who worked as a social worker, and children could not be convinced to the sex industry. So I, perhaps wanted to imagine, that this was a helping relationship, and full in the knowledge that they could have picked a child who was completely naïve, and turned them, but instead their countered their own, probably natural instincts to choose an innocent, and instead, chose an experiential child.'
'How did you know that though?'
'I trusted the position and the trends were apparent to me.'
'What trends?'
'Judges and clergy.'
'Oh, I see.'
'And many, many, men, were not pedophiles, but were falling to pedophilia to escape experience in women. Everyone knows "you get over one by getting under another." This notion circumvents victimhood profoundly. It prevents suffering in women, temporarily, or, if she can find, by such means, a man who will stay with her, despite her past, them with some permanence. But, the men in her past, never see her cry. And it is tears and anger in women, following sex, which teaches morality to men. This is the book, at least.'
'Why does victimhood cause tears, Loraine?'
'That's for God. Oh, you mean physiologically?'
'Yes, Loraine. Because you cried with me once.'
'That is an excellent question. And I'm going to argue the eroticism mimics female abandonment.'
'And eroticism relates to the four dominances. Infantilization, controlation, degradation, and exploitation. And perhaps disgust is part and parcel of all these eroticisms.'
'Jesus wants to say that Loraine Laney is the best thinker in sexuality since himself.'
'Oh.' I gasped a little.
'You're a doctor, Loraine. She's a doctor. Loraine Laney, according to God, holds the first doctorate in sexology. There are no PhD's in sexology, Loraine. People were stunned by what you accomplished there. And the blog reinforces all of it.'
'Back to how these men mature, Jesus. Because this is what I heard, that ten years between a man and his child spouse would be normal. I don't want to get caught up on age, what I want is to know how many girls get used on the path to true love?'
'None, Loraine. In the olden days, relationships started much younger. We were betrothed by fifteen. And some girls started earlier, and some boys waited longer.'
'Is it orientation to wait longer? Are they torturing some poor girl with refusal? Are they displaced by anti polygamy laws?'
'In what sense?'
'My men, bless them, will never settle down. Women began to think that monogamy was a right. And shut down male polysexuality. Perhaps for good reason, because there was no clear, fair, way of dealing with female polysexuality.'
'Explain what you mean?'
'This prostitution thing, did wives do it?'
'Of course, Loraine.'
'People don't want prostitutes to "do well." It messes up the sexually and socially lowest women, and deprives other women. I thought that prostitution should normalize and every woman would do better, and have fewer men, and thus a better chance at marriage.'
'You say in the book that women are overexperienced, causing lack of attractiveness to men, and this is true, Loraine. You overdo it, and men can no longer relate to you. You leave them behind. And they must be superior in all ways, including sexually, though they are naturally sexual inferiors to women. How did you know all this?'
'It was like a puzzle. Each piece ended up fitting.'
'How did you know, that, in particular?'
'Women were getting whatever they wanted, and men weren't.'
'How did you know though?'
'It's common knowledge, I guess. I grew up with liberation. And women simply had more opportunities for sex, and, I realized, with my high libido, that they had the same desires. Easy to get into hot water.'
'Hot water, is a good explanation, Loraine, because women didn't realize what was happening to them, in victimhood. How did you?'
'Again, struggling with a high libido and a natural, strong jealous of men, I told myself that, in order to control my jealous, I would have to be ahead of men. I wanted, I knew I wanted more experience than they. But fairly quickly I realized the folly of this. Because I'm sensitive to emotion in others, and a little baby myself, I realized that men were happy and successful, and I was crying.'
'Women are weaker, you argue.'
'A good analogy for men would be imagine if you had to marry your boss.'
'Good one, Loraine.'
'People want to know how you justify prostitution in light of this,' says Jesus Christ.
'I don't try to justify prostitution unequivocally. I intertwine marriage reform because a woman should not be sentenced to work in prostitution alone. I can't so much as rent a basement suite from a client without risking his real estate. Relationships are totally unsupported by the current regime. And polysexual women need exponentially more protection because of the numbers of men. Women desire experiences too, but marriage, polygamous marriage, and pimping allow protection from a man or men. I don't think casual sex is ever appropriate for women without commitment from a man or men who allow it. And briefly, on pedophilia, this is a special calling to care for a woman's sexual needs for her entire life. These men are not small. And nor are pimps low or small. In fact, I believe the cuckold fantasy is almost nonexistent. It has come about because men believed that sharing a woman emasculated them. It may also have to do with a forced bisexuality in men insofar as, since gay love is so closeted among predominantly heterosexual men, the thinking would go, at least there is a man present, or at least the wife gets to have sex with him, if not oneself.'
'You're brilliant, Loraine.'
'Who said that?'
'Thank you.'
'Why does that seem like a stretch?'
'You didn't think of it?'
'You couldn't believe it, that I didn't, but I didn't. What do you make of those small bi guys? They do not attract you in the least. You watched porn tonight, and you decided that a manly face sucking dick was imperative to your arousal.'
'Yeah. Their women are higher. They may, I want to ask [ ], would you group with a lesbian leader and serve a woman, as long as there were also more submissive women in the group?'
'Exactly that, Loraine. We, the bi men, got to know which women were conducive to small men, and they were bigger, though still submissive to us. Loraine did not attract me at all, joking Loraine. Loraine was very popular.'
'With who?'
'The men.'
'Oh, why? I thought we were friends.'
'We were.'
'Was I almost so big, or something?'
'Physically, no. We knew immediately that you preferred the big men, even if they were bisexual, but we knew that, and, as it turns out, you didn't.'
'Right. Which brings me to restate the following, to all those to whom I reported that I wanted "the men to be straight." I, as a gang bang girl, did not, and many gang bang women still don't, realize that the men I wanted were bisexual. I had nothing against gay sex, but I closed my eyes, thinking my ideal men were polysexual heterosexuals, even rampant with women, but never with men. Emasculation was my only conception of gay sex.'
'What about gay men?' asks Jesus Christ.
'These high low scales taught to us by God, through this blog, do not really apply to gay men. They seem to have their own hierarchy, as do lesbians.'
'For example,' says Jesus.
'Speaking to [ ] [ ], it was a surprise to me to find that some gay men will answer to a female dominant. Lesbians will run a family, and be the sexual center too, while primarily heterosexual women never dominate men, any men, gay or not.'
'Do you think they weak?'
'I don't know. In what sense? Sexually? Physically? Not aggressive. What are they like, because one of my friends who reportedly prefers masculine gay men, would run family of seven men, and only play the field with a lesbian, say, now and then. And I think--'
'She right. We still dominate them. That's why I liked Loraine, and almost had sex with her one night, in a threesome, but he wasn't into it, a primarily monogamous man, caught up in promiscuity.'
'We dominate them. They lick us, not the other way around. But they are still men.'
'I see. There is a segment of primarily heterosexual men who serve more also. But I have never met a man lacking in dominance, ever.'
'What do you mean by that?'
'That's why I wrote the diagram, simplistic as it was, to illuminate that oral sex on a woman is not submissive, arguably, ever submissive. Is this true of gay men? Even as the sexual center and the head of the family, [ ] [ ], do you still have the sense that the men are "getting around you" somehow?'
'You do, Loraine. That's right. So maybe not a separate scale after all.'
'I run the family and they serve me, and that's it.'
'And me too. Do you think it was a case of "he wants to be me?"'
'That's, no. That's a relationship dynamic given rise to by the closet. We were friends, and enjoying and commiserating on the polysexual lifestyle.'
'That's what you think?'
'It hurts, it damages. There was no damage.'
'How does it damage?'
'Because they don't want you. You are the exact opposite orientation to what they need.'
'Give me an example.'
'Centers for example. A man needs women, the female center needs men. They don't couple. They are the only ones of their gender in any given family.'
'What about me?'
'You've met countless centers undoubtedly, and battled over control.'
'Yes, I have. And I hate it. I'm the center. What do you make of my twinkness?'
'I've wondered if your lovers are similar because you always say you like masculine men, while you yourself, toy with feminine characteristics.'
'Like what?'
'You make fun of gayness, it's a feminine speech or physicality, is it not?'
'We debate that, Loraine. Don't think we don't. But we love men only. Not transsexuals. Did you say are transsexuals just gay men trying to make money?'
'How does that shake down?'
'You appeal to a wider variety of men, experimental heterosexuals for example.'
'Who are they?'
'This is lore again, but I have heard that men who want to try a dick feel more comfortable with semblance of traditional roles, again, implicating the closet.'
'So who are they?'
'As with women, they smaller men, sorry, the more submissive men, or rather, perhaps we should always, always, say the less dominant men, fall to prostitution our of a desire to please their lovers.'
'I say women, as submissives, will make bad decisions out of the desire to please dominants, and thus, find themselves overly experienced, consequently unattractive to men as partners, and thus the sex industry becomes the only recompense.'
'I see. Why the sex industry?'
'The women most vulnerable to male sexual demands are those with the highest libido.'
'I see, I see, I see, I see. I wanted to read this book but I was afraid it would be more fun than my life.'
'So many were.'
'Erotica, they feared. Or a feminist diatribe.'
'What is it, Loraine, because when I saw the title, I could not understand how you got anti equality out of "bros before hos".'
'Wow. Good one.'
'Bros before hos presumes that women are stronger or at least as strong as men, because it lauds their abandonment in favour of men. I blame equality and capitalism for the female promiscuity which gave rise to this idea.'
'Game wants to take this one.'
'There is lore in prisons that bros before hos was invented in prisons, delineating the fact of the male closet, and, at the same time, blanketing women with bad reputations. It is said that the catch phrase came from men who came out to their women, and were cheated on, as a result. Go on, Loraine,' says Game.
'As much as possible, to find reasons for evil, never, never, underestimate the impact of jealousy over same sex relationships. With the highest men putting the kaibosh on group sex with men, due to misconceptions about emasculation, prison wives and girlfriends, as associates of the highest men, were the very women most hurt by the abdication of responsibility for their sexual needs.'
'Do you ever run out of material for me?' says 50 Cent.
'I think the science of sexuality may be finite.'
'Me too. How's your head?'
'Not a migraine, but my shoulders hurt too.'
'Take a break.'
'Okay. God?'
'Let's finish with [ ].'
'Why capitalism?'
'I argue in a small essay immigration puts an inordinate amount of pressure on individuals to succeed, referencing the consequent development and thus "fewer and smaller parcels of green space." God agrees that ugly people immigrate, and smart people immigrate.'
'How do you know that, Loraine?'
'Because I went to Spain.'
'Oh, I see. As an ugly.'
'You did it, so you thought others did it.'
'Hope springs eternal.'
'Why did you do it?'
'The competition was too stiff with the Chinese girls. I saw men look my way, perhaps hoping to see a cute white girl, only to be put off by the nose.'
'Oh, I see. They say you did the Chinese women inadvertently.'
'The cops want want to take this one.'
'As you know, there are many Asian men on the force, and, though they don't drink as much, we heard from them that they missed small pussies. And we, as white men, felt bad.'
'Does Loraine deal with this in the book?'
'She talks about race jumping.'
'But that's exactly what she's doing.'
'I was so distraught by the defection of white men, that I was blind, for two years, to the consequent injustice to black women.'
'The basis of which is what?'
'Taking more than you need. Penis vagina. Simply.'
'Oh, I see. So what did they do wrong?'
'They took a standard Asian value, silence about female promiscuity and prostitution and applied it to white men, gleaning the best of both worlds, sexual freedom before marriage and fidelity after.'
'They have a different deal.'
'Yes, also inadequate for dealing with female polysexuality within marriage.'
'Men get it after. I get it Loraine. How did you justify it?'
'I didn't. It was too late.'
'You wrote to him and struck his fancy?'
'How, Loraine? In a nutshell.'
'There is no nutshell,' says 50 Cent. 'She made me cry for a month, [ ], a month, [ ], a month, [ ], a month. Lloyd told me she was innocent of gay love, but, when she asked me to the Pride parade, I thought she was with friends and making fun of me. She was never with anyone. She was so lonely, [ ], and, because of that, she stopped at nothing. And that's what she means by too late.'
'I heard this. She wanted white men always, but this thing took over. Why?'
'Whites were sitting ducks between blacks and Asians, both women and men, due to equality, seeking to re-establish dominance and submission in relationships.'
'White women to black men, and white men to Asians.'
'What about love?'
'Equality sanitized the bedroom. And female promiscuity gave rise to the desire to abandon white women.'
'What about 50 Cent though?'
'Promiscuous women were forced to higher, men who had adapted to polysexuality by virtue of, despite the mores and laws, higher sexual intelligence.'
'The blacks.'
'What about the women though?'
'God says that in New York, only ten percent of black men defected to white women, while in Vancouver, it was one hundred percent defection.'
'Sitting ducks.'
'Promiscuity is a scourge of our time.'
'It is fine for men. But lone women cannot manage their own victimhood.'
'It's fine for men. But I don't like it anymore. I doubt if I ever really did.'
'Let's ask 50 Cent.'
'Yes, Loraine, even casual sex, and Lloyd agrees, is more exciting with a partner to go home to.'
'Men like to play the field,' says 50 Cent. 'We've said this a million times, Loraine.'
'It's perhaps easier to explain why women don't, because of the inherent lack of protection and compensation. Additionally, say a couple decided to keep their numbers perfectly even, the man playing the field, and the woman through prostitution with friends and colleagues of the man,  there would still be more eroticism in these gender specific events, I'm thinking because women say no, it's a reflection of the man's desirability, while, since men say yes, it's the consistency which gives rise to more pleasure. Men are more jealous sexually thus, to manage a woman's sexual partners allows more security and thus, more pleasure for the couple.'
'What is consistent about the friends.'
'Every last couple, etherwise, had a man friend who adored the wife.'
'What about the money?'
'Money is neither here nor there in passion.'
'The rub with money is that it gives to logical love, obscuring a lack of passionate love.'
'The eyes are the same.'
'I think so.'
'Has anyone ever been in love with you?'
'[ ]. Seventeen.'
'And you?'
'He was a gang bang boy, having sex with his brother. They were my first gang bang fantasy. With a big Asian guy.'
'Did you tell them?'
'Absolutely not. Are you out as a seven, center?'
'No, Loraine. They would laugh. No one does a group like that.'
'But the constant deprivation gives rise to a lot of promiscuity, which doesn't cause victimhood for men, of course, but causes loneliness, sometimes, because men are careful of reputations when the heart is involved, passes disease or at the least, gives rise to a lot of condom sex, creating deprivation in and of itself.'
'Do you ever shut up, Loraine?' asks Eminem.
'As [ ] again,' says God. 'He reports Loraine as absolutely silent around his friends, who are gang bang boys.'
'That little short guy does men? Whoa. I thought, I thought, those little guys were so straight.'
'If anyone enlightened me to the down low, it was you. God says only 12.5 percent are heterosexual, and God?'
'Yes, Loraine, you understood, those individuals are also monogamous, heterosexuals mostly, and one percent of lesbians and gay men, most of whom, [ ], are bisexual to some extent, you are not weird or a traitor, as Loraine also felt in the bisexual and lesbian communities, though everyone else was doing it on the sly.'
'What do you think of my values? They wouldn't stay with me, Loraine. That's why?'
'What?' says 50 Cent.
'Most, reportedly, were stupid.'
'Oh, I see.'
'And he almost never sees them with friends.'
'What's wrong with that?'
'You don't integrate your lovers. It's hurtful.'
'She tried, [ ]. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants Loraine Laney. 50 Cent is the only man for her,' says God.
'How do you justify this? He's huge. In every way. She's nothing.'
'She isn't nothing anymore,' says God. 'She's famous in Ottawa. She has over a thousand hits a month on her website.'
'Loraine, Loraine,' says Eminem. 'Does he know I love you too? I was privy to the emails.'
'What did she say?'
'That's redundant. truly. Read her blog. It doesn't bore. God writes it.'
'He wants to know one more thing.'
'What are you going to do with his dick?'
'Oral, I'm getting my palate stretched.'
'You're funny, Loraine.'
'No, but seriously, even small dicks rub my teeth.'
'I know how to have sex with small girls, because even God says that all women are attracted to a gang bang boy. Loraine identified that almost all women desire a large penis once in awhile.'
'But this is going to be more than once in awhile.'
'I said it was also who they became, not a natural fit perhaps.'
'Oh, I see. Who did she become, 50 Cent?'
'What was your minor thing keeping you evil?'
'Infidelity, Loraine. I never told you, but I cheated on [ ], rampantly, with higher men. What about higher men? What about larger penises?'
'God?' 50 Cent and me ask.
'I have said that pedophiles will pimp to men with larger penises. It is true, Loraine.'
'There is such an exigency to frequency of sex in marriage that most women choose appropriate sizes.'
'What about satisfaction?'
'I had big eyes, but I can't fit them. My little group in cadets, besides [ ] and his brother, two of the men have said, etherwise, that they would have been happy with me, and they were small.'
'So this is orientation, not size?'
'I think so. Deprivation grows your needs.'
'What did 50 become that you needed?'
'Oh, a pimp.'
'You needed someone to handle men.'
'Yes, emphatically.'
'Why are you so attractive?'
'The lowest submissives, conversely, are attractive to the most men,' says 50 Cent. 'That's why they end up prostitutes.'
'Oh, it's not her fault then?'
'You still think it's her fault, after all this?'
'Sorry, I'm getting tired. You needed a pimp for this?'
'And he says in a song, I'm going first, so even though I gradually realized a pimp goes last too, I knew he was down with sharing a woman.'
'Do you think the gay sex equalizes it for them?'
'Absolutely, but not entirely.'
'God wants to take this. Men in gang bangs are never monogamous with the woman, gender wise, and this is what made 50 cry, Loraine. She never once mentioned his sexuality with other women, never once, and his songs are full of it, full of it.'
'Oh, I see. She didn't judge him, or see a need to control it.'
'Right,' says God. 'He cried over that alone, he had never had a fan say nothing about it, Loraine, never.'
'They always do. What is the gay equivalent, Loraine?'
'I think it must be lack of place, [ ].'
'I get it, Loraine. They need to know they're wanted, male or female.'
'Don't worry about the order, though.'
'It's belonging, passionately, of course, that seems to matter more. God says that order in families is determined--'
'What's 50 Cent?'
'Loraine is the sexual center but lacks the ability to lead a family. I do that. I am her keeper, God said. Without me, there is no family. None of the men have what it takes to handle Loraine. She always says she has a big heart. She is not that promiscuous, [ ], she's not. She asked me to come in her face. She asked if she was pretty enough. It made me cry, because, and you don't know this this, Loraine. I thought she was gross, and I wanted her to be good.'
'Have you done that, 50?'
'Of course I have, but I'm a man, and I have seen women taken down, [ ], and I mean down, dirty, filthy even, it's like Loraine--'
'I get it 50, victimhood destroys.'
'Do you think there's victimhood among gay men?'
'Not at all.'
'No. These men don't think so either.'
'They don't?'
'Even gay men?'
'No, we don't. That's why promiscuity flourishes, no suffering.'
'Except the heart,' he says. 'Yes, Loraine. Men opt out too. That's what [ ] was doing. I want it in print why you cried. She cried. She wasn't even in love, I learned later.'
'I thought I was being done for poly while he enjoyed the friend game.'
'Why the tears though?'
'Being done for poly, another rejection, and the double standard. I think it harkened to the double standard itself, which became the central thesis of the book..
'That the double standard is real, it stems from female sexual suffering, and men's reaction to female sexuality run amok is a natural part of manhood.'
'What do you call that?'
'This is old,' says Eminem.
'Assumed victimhood.'
'Loraine is coming down and her computer is so slow on tumblr,' adds Eminem.
'What do you see in Eminem? Passionately, I mean.'
'Well, I vetoed him for stunning good looks. And then fell in love with 50 Cent, thinking he might be fooled by an ugly white girl.'
'What are you an egomaniac, or something?'
'She isn't,' says 50 Cent. 'She was desperate, and that's it.'
'What did you think would happen?'
'I thought about what I wanted, not what was likely.'
'Not at all?'
'Not at first, but later, I realized my folly, once the battle began. He put me in my place, for sure.'
'I thought she was bad for barking up such a tall tree, but, I had to admit, that is what all fans are doing. She did it better was all. And she had ESP, prior to God, which helped suss me out.'
'What the hell is this shit? Are you going to take my little friend, Loraine.'
'I felt guilty too, she told me her size, and I realized she didn't know--'
'This is old!'
'--how big I was. I always thought 5'7 was my minimum, and even that was too small, [ ]. It was a meeting of the minds, and heart.'
'What are you going to do with his dick, Loraine, eat come or something?'
'Gang bang boys are very gentle with women,' 50 Cent says. 'The eroticism is phenomenal, and Loraine will tell you that polysexuality was very much a part of her strategy.'
'What do you need her for though? She gets a big dick, what do you get?'
'We get the lowest submissives, [ ]. I thought it--'
'This is getting boring,' says Eminem. 'Go and get a beer, Loraine.'
'Would you have picked a black woman?'
'Absolutely, and Loraine knew that.'
'How did she know that now?'
'My videos. She thought she had an in with innocence.'
'Innocent looking black women. Not always, but she saw little because of channel blocking, but the romantic ones sometimes. She thought I was lonely, and she was right, all the rappers were.'
'We were paying for it, [ ]. We weren't playing around with women's hearts. And come in the face, well, that went too. We were deprived, and she reminded us of that fact. That's how she got in.'
'But why her though?'
'She was eloquent. I was sad and lonely, [ ]. I had three women at one time, [ ]. They all left me because I was gay, prostitutes, [ ], I turned them out, and they were happy, and pined for me the rest of their lives. They, as Loraine, made the same mistake about high men, believing that somewhere there was a high man who wasn't gay.'
He laughs.
'God wants to say something. [ ] [ ] has had more gang bang boys than Loraine.'
'Thanks, God.'
'You're funny, Loraine. They felt less guilty being poly on men.'
'They handle it better.'
'Wrong. Worse.'
'With women, they want it all, Loraine.'
'Yes, among women, but among men and women, men are worse. They might get poly stars, but it's not for commitment. But, let's face it, nobody is winning at poly right now.'
'Why? I feel stupid. K. I'm done. I'll read the stupid book. And the stupid blog. What are your poems about? Because I thought they'd be about flowery sex, and annoy me for their boringness.'
'Heartache, with some humour.'
'Are they stupid?'
'No,' says 50 Cent. 'They're good. And easy to read. Fun, even.'
'What do you see in Eminem, because he strikes me as cold, in his work.'
'We recently decided that Eminem is not as sexy as some of the other men.'
'She has an anal fetish and so do I.'
'I once described Eminem as a phat baby, and he is a love bug, to be sure.'
'He broke 50 Cent, and--'
'Yes, I acknowledge I want him too.'
'He allied the men of the family by saying that no man should be rejected by any other.'
He laughs again. 'What if they're not attracted to each other?'
'The gist of that is that they were hang ups. Smaller men wanted larger men, they felt self conscious about their size.'
'Yes, and they were afraid of implications of inequality.'
'What if they're not equal?'
'This is a very high family. All the men are in the same ball park, according to God, Loraine. Eminem was right, we all agreed.'
'You were going to say?'
'God told me, God told me, that Eminem was hard core, and I have been forced to conclude that I just didn't know him well enough yet.'
'Because he's brutal in his songs. He gets his mother.'
'As do I. His music is perfection, eh wot?'
'Yes, Loraine.'
'But yes, he is the biggest prick in the family. I've tried to dump him. Even 50 Cent has tried to dump him, for my sake.'
'She shit in my face. Go pee, Loraine.'
'Who shit in your face?' asks [ ].
'My wife did. She screwed two bare backs on our wedding night, in her dress.'
'50 wants to know if you're worried about that.'
'That being the idea of men keeping the field separate from their wife, I was wondering if there was an erotic component relating to cheating.'
'None, Loraine. We like to be on our own, is all. Why do you like me there?'
'It's not to hurt you, that's for sure. This eroticism is alien to me still.'
'I think women are very private.'
'She's right, 50 Cent. It's because the woman would be different, not you.'
'Why is my jealousy different than yours?'
'I might go so far as to say that women are minimally sexually jealous and that keeping other women out of the home caters to the arena where they are jealous, the notion of losing protection. While for men, competition being, alongside labour, their central problem, keeping a grip on who and what becomes the only solution.'
'Why are women so private and men aren't?'
'Women judge each other and men don't, sexually, I mean.'
'Do you think men get off on it?'
'On suffering?'
'Oh, I see, thus prostitution for married women, a kind agreement between the men.'
'Right. God, would Sigmund Freud?'
'Yes, they charged, Loraine.'
'Why are you so in love with Eminem?'
'If someone makes me come on the ether, it is him. He is gifted verbally.'
'Over 50 Cent?'
'Far and away. 50's gifts are physical I'm told.'
'So you don't know?'
'I feel I don't know a part of Eminem too, though. He holds back physically. I have no doubts about 50. None.'
'Why doesn't he have any about you?'
'He asks the pertinent questions of God, and he doesn't fall for anyone until he has them.'
'So he hasn't fallen for you entirely?'
'You might think that, yes, though he's full of love.'
'For everyone though?'
'You have just happened upon the crux of our union.'
'You are two sluts together, then?'
'Right. Only I'm controlled, and he's not.'
'I'm not like that. I want total control, of everyone.'
'I'm invested in control of her, and no one else.'
'God says that gay relationships are different, Loraine. One man controls everyone, like the lesbian controls the whole family.'
'All, [ ], you're not weird.'
'Does a couple ever share control?'
'Yes, Loraine, in bisexual families, but a man is still the head of the family, though the woman bears influence sexually.'
'Eminem has a question for Loraine.'
'Do you worry about us playing the field, Loraine?'
'It would be naïve not to, or what God?'
'What, Loraine. These men are so happy with  you, they want to die. They wanted a nice girl, and now they have one, they will not fuck it up. Trust me.'
'Everyone has lost faith in men, but promiscuity gives rise to any port in a storm.'
'I agree. And it damages passion and feelings.'
'50 wants to say something.'
'Put hand lotion on please. We're going to have you all soft and not working.'
'Go pee, Loraine,' says Eminem.
'[ ]?'
'You said you control everything, but how do you control the field.'
'There is precious little field, Loraine, you're right..'
'Not in all gay communities, [ ], but in yours.'
'These men who play the field are crazy, Loraine. They sleep with men, you do realize that?'
'Yes. They've not, on the ether, left me in the dark. I still have not met a gang bang boy.'
'It was desire that concerned me about male bisexuality, not the sex itself.'
'Do you bum fuck them?'
'Yeah, you have to, it's what they like.'
'When we found out she was having fantasies about it, we made her.'
'Do they clean? And ass to mouth?'
'All theoretical, but yes. I'm highly degradable. In marriage only, of course.'
'Of course, as am I. It's back and forth, [ ], I see you wonder that all the time.'
'What is the daddy twink relationship, God? Didn't you say it was a fallacy?'
'Yes, Loraine. Again, as in your work, it arose out of lack of commitment in men.'
'But why?'
'I'm bored again.'
'Okay, but Eminem, this is important.'
'The need to feel cared for is pushing smaller gay men onto the fringes, into transgenderism and prostitution.'
'Why don't they team up?'
'The team is sexually inadequate, they need a group, and uh oh, a higher, [ ]?'
'I'm the highest, Loraine.'
'A higher head of the family.'
'Done, Loraine,' says God. 'Your little friend [ ] capitalized--'
'That's what happened, they asked me and I couldn't turn them down.'
'Why seeking the smaller men?'
'That's like asking , why do prostitutes need sex? It's a safer haven for smaller, lower individuals, because of the money, and the bigger gay men, arguably, God, more polysexual--'
'Yes, Loraine, you're right. The small ones would couple if someone would organize them. They're not monogamous, [ ]. They're bored in couples.'
'Oh, I see. I thought we, and I use the term loosely, I have seen prostitutes, Loraine, but only men, Loraine, were taking advantage of them.'
'Well, that is the upshot.'
'It's a fine line between helping and hurting in the absence of polygamy.'
'So it's not my fault, nor the heterosexual, primarily, men.'
'Oh. It's government in our bedrooms.'.'
'Yes, exactly.'
'And you want to formalize this?'
'For minors.'
'That's it. Not me?'
'No, no no no no.'
'Oh, I see.'
'50 Cent wants to say wrap it up, we need you. I'll read it whenever you want. If I'm away, we can read it on Skype, Loraine, quit.'
'Okay, thank you [ ], and thank you 50 and thank you Eminem and thank you God. '
Eminem wants to say, say what you were going to say about me.'
'He is interested in every aspect of my femininity.'
'What does that mean?'
'Hair, clothes, make up.'
'What about 50 Cent? What's he into?'
'Every aspect of my sexuality.'
'The smallest detail. You're keeping a close eye on me.'
'That's right, Loraine. No orgies when I'm away, nothing over two men, and I'm making her do lineups, and I'm afraid--'
'I'm going to do that too. One at a time. That's what the pimp does, isn't it? And I'm a bit of a pimp, Loraine. You have to be, they're sluts. I play the field a little on my own.'
'She has precious few hang ups, [ ]. The end, Loraine.'
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