#someone needs to teach me how to speak old-timesy
hogwartsmysteryho · 3 years
Hot Chocolate with Cinnamon
an adaption of the side plot of this episode of H2O: Just Add Water because i thought it kind of fit with these kids. repeat, this is not an original plot line, it is 100% based off of that episode. Ethel belongs to the wonderful @the-al-chemist and Selene belongs to the extraordinary @lifeofkaze, both of whom are the best thing since ice cream (which is a much better invention than sliced bread). actually, i just did a quick google search and it turns out that ice cream is way older than sliced bread, but u get the point. anyways, i hope u enjoy this story and hopefully i got ur girls ok, but lmk if they’re a little off.
Two best friends emerged from the Quidditch changing room after an especially grueling day of practice. Ethel Hexley was massaging her arms after several passing and shooting drills, whilst Selene Fraser flexed her fingers, as if still practicing catching the Golden Snitch.
“Gryffindor shall be in top condition upon the beginning of our season,” Selene said to her friend.
“The other houses certainly have reason to worry,” Ethel agreed. “Especially when Gryffindor has the two of us rostered.”
The girls giggled together for a few seconds before they were approached by a boy with red robes and a smile stretching ear to ear. “Brilliant practice! I can hardly wait for Gryffindor to dominate the other teams this year!”
“Thank you, Vinny,” Ethel replied. “Did you watch the whole practice?”
“Of course! You know I always love to watch your practices when I can,” the boy, Vinny Raymond, said happily as the three began walking back towards the school together. “I don’t know very much about Quidditch strategy or training, but your practice definitely looked quite impressive.”
Vinny had barely gotten the sentence out before a tan Ravenclaw boy walking the opposite direction nearly ran him over.
“Walk much?” the Ravenclaw sneered as he plowed past the curly-haired boy.
Ethel and Selene both prepared to retort back at the Ravenclaw but Vinny was calling a “sorry, Nolan” over his shoulder before either had the chance.
Something caught Vinny’s attention in the distance and he hastily said to the girls, “My apologies, but I have to go right now. Great practice, both of you,” and scampered off. Knowing Vinny, he had probably spotted a butterfly or somebody’s pet cat and was now chasing after it.
“I simply cannot believe that he actually apologized for being rammed into,” Selene said, perplexed, after Vinny had departed.
Ethel shrugged at her friend. “It takes more than being trampled to make Vinny mad, I suppose.”
“I don’t think that anything can make Vinny mad,” Selene responded. “I haven’t seen him anything short of exceedingly happy once since our education at Hogwarts began.”
“Everyone gets mad sometimes,” Ethel reasoned. “I’m confident I could push his buttons enough to accomplish that deed.”
Selene snorted. “Even you couldn’t get a rise out of him.”
“Challenge accepted.”
It wasn’t long before the three Gryffindors sat together in the Great Hall. When Vinny was busy looking down at his copy of The Daily Prophet, Ethel winked at Selene and dropped her silverware on the ground next to him.
“Oh dear, clumsy me,” Ethel feigned. “Vinny, would you be a dear and pick my fork up for me?”
Vinny smiled and nodded before bending down to retrieve the fork. Meanwhile, Ethel grabbed an ice cube from her water and slipped it down the back of Vinny’s robes. Vinny immediately shot up in surprise, and his face began to grow red. Ethel smirked, satisfied. However, it was not anger that exploded from Vinny, but laughter. Selene immediately joined in, though she was amused more by Ethel’s failure than the prank itself. Eventually, Ethel had to laugh too. Her mission, however, was not forgotten.
Later that day, in the Gryffindor common room, Vinny was just finishing off his Potions essay, due as homework for class the next day. Ethel was sitting next to him, scheming.
“Vinny, dear,” Ethel said innocently. “Can I borrow your—whoops!”
Ethel slid her hand over and knocked the ink pot Vinny had been using over, spilling ink all over his essay.
“Oh dear,” said Ethel, dramatically. “Is it going to be okay?”
Vinny grinned up at her. “It’ll be fine,” he said as he tapped his wand on the parchment. Ink immediately started to clear up, making Vinny’s work readable once more. Vinny’s expression then changed from his usual excited-smile into a more reassuring-smile. “However, are you feeling okay? You’ve been a bit clumsier lately, are you perhaps overexerting yourself in Quidditch? I was reading an article in The Daily Prophet that said sometimes players’ nerves can get the best of them at the start of a new season.”
Ethel could hear the sound of poorly muffled laughter from an armchair containing one Selene Fraser. Ethel, however, would not give up so easily. “Actually, I have been feeling a little overwhelmed. I just have so much homework to do tomorrow, I’m not certain I’ll be able to do it all and wash my Quidditch robes before practice.”
“Well that’s it then!” Vinny beamed up at her. “I’ll wash your robes for you whilst you complete your homework.”
“Really?” said Ethel with mock surprise. “You would do that for me?”
“I sure would! I wonder how bad your robes will smell. I cannot wait to see!”
Of course he couldn’t wait.
“I cannot believe you’ve made him wash your Quidditch robes!” Selene said to Ethel as the two approached the training grounds.
Ethel bit her lip. “I need to kick my provocations up a level to get him mad.”
The girls had made it to Vinny, who was laying the freshly washed robes across a blanket (a Gryffindor blanket, of course). “Hello, Selene! Hello Ethel! I’ve just finished washing your robes, they ought to be dry before your practice.”
“Oh dear,” Ethel tutted, looking down at the washing tub Vinny had used. “Vinny, it seems you’ve completely botched the ratio of soap to water. There has to be at least another half part of soap in the mixture. You’ll have to redo it.”
“Alright, Ethel,” Selene interrupted. “This is going too far. It’s fine how it’s been washed now. It must’ve taken Vinny an hour to wash it.”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” Vinny said, his smile never wavering. “I’ll rewash it. I want to see if I can beat my time from last time!”
Selene sighed and Ethel gaped.
After another day of failed attempts, it was time for a Hogsmeade visit for the students of Hogwarts. Vinny and Selene grabbed a table at the Three Broomsticks while Ethel went to get some hot chocolates for the friends. It didn’t take too long for their drinks to be ready, and soon Ethel and Selene were happily sipping their delicious cocoa. Vinny, however, frowned at his mug.
“Ethel,” he started, his face growing angrier as he went on. “This, this has cinnamon in it! I-I… cinnamon? I hate cinnamon with hot chocolate! How many times have I- ugh! Go get a new one!”
Ethel was taken aback. “Vinny, are you okay?”
“Just- just get a new one right now!” Vinny was fuming now.
Ethel grabbed his mug and grinned at Selene. “Alright, Vinny, I’m sorry. No need to get so… mad.” She hurried away to get a new drink, a smug look on her face.
Vinny’s anger immediately melted back into his huge smile. “Was that alright?” he asked Selene eagerly.
“Perfect,” Selene replied. “I swear, she’s been driving me mad with her attempts. Thank you for acting for me.”
“I found it quite thrilling and fun actually!” Vinny paused for a moment, and then looked lopsided at Selene’s hot chocolate. “I suppose this means I can never have cinnamon with my hot chocolate ever again.”
Selene hesitated a moment, and then burst into laughter, Vinny soon echoing her.
“What?” Ethel said as she returned to the table, a new, cinnamon-less cocoa in her hand. “What’s so funny?”
“Just having a good time, with good friends,” Vinny said. And the three drank their hot chocolate, laughed, and had a good time.
i rly hope u liked it! i’m very sorry if i didn’t do ur girls justice, i just thought that the three of them might fit this plot line well, and i think they did! :)
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