#someone please buy me a snorlax squishmellow
kyndaris · 1 year
Puzzling Out Compatibility
Despite my reservations on dating after a string of failures and a lack of contact from hopeful suitors (both Shrek and Benoit were preoccupied with further study), I decided to stick it out for a few more months on Hinge and keep on with the search. After a few chats that went nowhere, suitor number 9 scrounged up the courage to ask me out on a date. It helped that we both had quite a few interests in common, although our weekly routines meant that it was a little hard to organise a date that suited the two of us.
Still, I accepted and we made an arrangement to meet up before his shift at work. Our meeting spot? A Japanese restaurant at one of Sydney’s major tourist traps.
Which, to be honest, was a promising start for Mr Game Master. The Japanese food, that is. Not the ‘going to to a popular bourgeois tourist trap.’ I mean, yes, the Westfield shopping centre had plenty of choices when it came to shopping and I was sorely tempted to empty out my entire savings on board games and a squishmellow Snorlax but that’s getting ahead of myself.
I arrived early at the restaurant and took a proper gander at the menu as I waited for Mr Game Master. With a job title like venue manager, I had expected something far more formal but it turned out he was in charge of a VR experience centre. Previously, he had worked in the field of escape rooms but the pandemic had seen quite a few cuts among staff and shut down actual places of work. Unfortunately, Mr Game Master was one of them.
Dressed in a polo shirt with the logo of the company on the left breast, a cosy vest and a loose slacks, I couldn’t help but feel that I was, once again, the overdressed individual. Still, I said little about it as we entered the restaurant to order.
And just like all my dates thus far, I made sure to pay for my own meal. Once we had made our order at the counter (we had both ordered rolls, although I added a side of grilled scallop that had a decent dosing of salt rather than the usual soy sauce and mayonnaise), we started to chat. Conversation was easy enough. Thankfully, Mr Game Master was also keen to let me in a few words rather than simply talk at me about the latest games or whatever else they were hyperfixated on. Which, to be honest, was a nice change of pace.
We talked generally about the rental market, and I put in a few of my observations from friends and family, the dating scene in general and a few other things that came to mind - like games or shows that were still prevalent in the pop culture zeitgeist, travel and being able to speak/ understand our mother tongue as we are both children of immigrants. I learned that he had a sister and that his parents lived in the north-west of Sydney. 
It was simple ‘getting-to-know-the-other-person’ kind of conversation. I don’t think there was any immediate attraction, per se, but I must admit I didn’t feel any kind of aversion. Which, I think, is a good sign? Goodness knows I wouldn’t know given my proclivity to supposedly judge individuals at first glance and put up barriers (we’ll get to that when it comes to Suitor Number 10). 
Once we had eaten our fill at the Japanese restaurant, we stopped for some gelato before I walked him to his place of work. It was a bit of a strange role reversal but it afforded us more time to talk and make clear our dating goals and/ or expectations. I stressed that I wasn’t someone that instantly fell for anyone and wasn’t entirely sure I’d ever had a crush on anyone, though people in my primary school had said otherwise.
But, although I didn’t tell him this, my experience overseas recently did indicate that I might feel attraction in some form or another. Which often manifests in wanting to be in the vicinity of another and enjoying their company. Unfortunately, this only seems to happen to people that are unavailable for me to actually date and might really just be an indication that I let my guard down more when I know that there’s no real risk of actual heartbreak.
Vulnerability is hard, let me tell you!
In any case, we had a few good chats about our experiences on the dating apps, although it seemed that Mr Game Master might have actually been in a proper relationship for a good long while before it fell apart because he couldn’t quite reciprocate the level of affection his then-girlfriend had and had felt guilty that he wasn’t investing as much into the relationship. 
Which, good for him to acknowledge, but does make it hard when both him and me don’t feel any deep sense of attachment on first glance. But maybe time will tell if it goes any further. More meet-ups, more chats, more getting to know each other and liking that company could possibly lead to something more.
For now, I think it might be best to consider us decent acquaintances or friends. At time of writing, we’ve set up a tenuous second date so, it’ll be interesting to see if it goes further. After all, how can one fall in love with someone they don’t know?
And in instances like these, absence does not make the heart grow fonder. Especially as we’re all technically strangers, hoping to find a connection. But relationships are something that need a strong foundation to build from. Right now, Mr Game Master isn’t so important in my life that I’d miss out on the release of Final Fantasy XVI. And while that is no fault of his own, it takes time to build a tight bond. At least for me. And it’s not like I can have someone’s entire life story dumped into my lap, which I can read.
So, here’s to a few more opportunities with Mr Game Master to see where it goes. Unless, of course, it all fizzles out in no time flat and nothing happens. Which, of course, is what has continued to happen throughout my, admittedly, not-spicy romance life.
Or maybe I’ll win the lotto and be so satisfied with my life that I’ll no longer feel the need for companionship. I mean, I’m not opposed to the idea...so you know what? Here’s putting out the wish that I want to win the Powerball lottery and be set for life that I can retire and maybe self-publish a trash fantasy novel.
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