#VR escape room
kyndaris · 11 months
Puzzling Out Compatibility
Despite my reservations on dating after a string of failures and a lack of contact from hopeful suitors (both Shrek and Benoit were preoccupied with further study), I decided to stick it out for a few more months on Hinge and keep on with the search. After a few chats that went nowhere, suitor number 9 scrounged up the courage to ask me out on a date. It helped that we both had quite a few interests in common, although our weekly routines meant that it was a little hard to organise a date that suited the two of us.
Still, I accepted and we made an arrangement to meet up before his shift at work. Our meeting spot? A Japanese restaurant at one of Sydney’s major tourist traps.
Which, to be honest, was a promising start for Mr Game Master. The Japanese food, that is. Not the ‘going to to a popular bourgeois tourist trap.’ I mean, yes, the Westfield shopping centre had plenty of choices when it came to shopping and I was sorely tempted to empty out my entire savings on board games and a squishmellow Snorlax but that’s getting ahead of myself.
I arrived early at the restaurant and took a proper gander at the menu as I waited for Mr Game Master. With a job title like venue manager, I had expected something far more formal but it turned out he was in charge of a VR experience centre. Previously, he had worked in the field of escape rooms but the pandemic had seen quite a few cuts among staff and shut down actual places of work. Unfortunately, Mr Game Master was one of them.
Dressed in a polo shirt with the logo of the company on the left breast, a cosy vest and a loose slacks, I couldn’t help but feel that I was, once again, the overdressed individual. Still, I said little about it as we entered the restaurant to order.
And just like all my dates thus far, I made sure to pay for my own meal. Once we had made our order at the counter (we had both ordered rolls, although I added a side of grilled scallop that had a decent dosing of salt rather than the usual soy sauce and mayonnaise), we started to chat. Conversation was easy enough. Thankfully, Mr Game Master was also keen to let me in a few words rather than simply talk at me about the latest games or whatever else they were hyperfixated on. Which, to be honest, was a nice change of pace.
We talked generally about the rental market, and I put in a few of my observations from friends and family, the dating scene in general and a few other things that came to mind - like games or shows that were still prevalent in the pop culture zeitgeist, travel and being able to speak/ understand our mother tongue as we are both children of immigrants. I learned that he had a sister and that his parents lived in the north-west of Sydney. 
It was simple ‘getting-to-know-the-other-person’ kind of conversation. I don’t think there was any immediate attraction, per se, but I must admit I didn’t feel any kind of aversion. Which, I think, is a good sign? Goodness knows I wouldn’t know given my proclivity to supposedly judge individuals at first glance and put up barriers (we’ll get to that when it comes to Suitor Number 10). 
Once we had eaten our fill at the Japanese restaurant, we stopped for some gelato before I walked him to his place of work. It was a bit of a strange role reversal but it afforded us more time to talk and make clear our dating goals and/ or expectations. I stressed that I wasn’t someone that instantly fell for anyone and wasn’t entirely sure I’d ever had a crush on anyone, though people in my primary school had said otherwise.
But, although I didn’t tell him this, my experience overseas recently did indicate that I might feel attraction in some form or another. Which often manifests in wanting to be in the vicinity of another and enjoying their company. Unfortunately, this only seems to happen to people that are unavailable for me to actually date and might really just be an indication that I let my guard down more when I know that there’s no real risk of actual heartbreak.
Vulnerability is hard, let me tell you!
In any case, we had a few good chats about our experiences on the dating apps, although it seemed that Mr Game Master might have actually been in a proper relationship for a good long while before it fell apart because he couldn’t quite reciprocate the level of affection his then-girlfriend had and had felt guilty that he wasn’t investing as much into the relationship. 
Which, good for him to acknowledge, but does make it hard when both him and me don’t feel any deep sense of attachment on first glance. But maybe time will tell if it goes any further. More meet-ups, more chats, more getting to know each other and liking that company could possibly lead to something more.
For now, I think it might be best to consider us decent acquaintances or friends. At time of writing, we’ve set up a tenuous second date so, it’ll be interesting to see if it goes further. After all, how can one fall in love with someone they don’t know?
And in instances like these, absence does not make the heart grow fonder. Especially as we’re all technically strangers, hoping to find a connection. But relationships are something that need a strong foundation to build from. Right now, Mr Game Master isn’t so important in my life that I’d miss out on the release of Final Fantasy XVI. And while that is no fault of his own, it takes time to build a tight bond. At least for me. And it’s not like I can have someone’s entire life story dumped into my lap, which I can read.
So, here’s to a few more opportunities with Mr Game Master to see where it goes. Unless, of course, it all fizzles out in no time flat and nothing happens. Which, of course, is what has continued to happen throughout my, admittedly, not-spicy romance life.
Or maybe I’ll win the lotto and be so satisfied with my life that I’ll no longer feel the need for companionship. I mean, I’m not opposed to the idea...so you know what? Here’s putting out the wish that I want to win the Powerball lottery and be set for life that I can retire and maybe self-publish a trash fantasy novel.
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fiftytwotwentyfour · 5 months
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Puzzle 4:
I Expect You To Die
Created by Schell Games
Puzzle Classification: Digital Escape Room; VR Escape Room
Price: $24.99 (I purchased the "I Expect You To Die Bundle, 3 Games, making each individual game ~ $20.83 before tax)
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I discovered this game via a late night scrolling search through the Meta Quest App Library - obviously the catchy title lured me in.
Based off a one time viewing of a game trailer and reading NO reviews, I took a gamble and purchased not only I Expect You To Die, but I also purchased the 2nd and 3rd counterparts/follow ups - Yep- I spent over $60 on three puzzle games.
And, Boy-Howdy, It was well worth it.
I loved this experience.
It's James Bond meets a comical version of Edge of Tomorrow (or a comical (less gory) version of Happy Death Day).
I also admired the unique concept of the "escape room" where your (constant) failures helped you progress through "the room".
I thought the stages were the right amount of challenging, but not too hard where the scenarios sparked aggravation.
If you do plan to play this game - I highly suggest playing this game utilizing your own wits and merit - this game is a few years old so it could be very tempting to find a forum or thread with guidance and walkthroughs , but trust me, if you just sit (or just blow yourself up enough times) solutions will come to you and the gratification of escaping with no assistance will be pure exhilaration.
And as I said earlier, your failures are a good thing as they help you progress throughout the game - but - they also provide a unique bit of humor as well.
I may still be in the honeymoon phase of this game - I found the format of I Expect You To Die infiltrating my dreams, no joke.
I cannot find a single gripe about the game. After completing all the stages - I even found myself going back and revisiting all the missions so I could complete/collect each achievement/souvenir - and - upon revisiting I also discovered there are sooooo many different ways to go about completing a mission - sure, there is the same end goal, but there's definitely more than one way to skin a Zoraxis Henchman.
If I did have any negative statement... I wish there was more... and this is just me being greedy.
I think if you buy just the first installment of this game series - even at full price - you will definitely get the bang for your buck.
I am currently holding off playing I Expect You To Die 2 and I Expect You To Die 3 so I can drag out the enjoyment of the game... I don't want to... uh... blow my wad too soon... lordy, there's gotta be a more eloquent way to say that.
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*photos/screenshots courtesy of Schell Games/I Expect You To Die*
Completion Time: 5hr17min42sec53ms
Hints/Clues Used: Zero
Items Not Included / Needed:
Nothing Once Downloaded
Personal Rating: 9/10
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2024 Puzzle Record: 4/4
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hauntnseek · 1 month
thanks to the 10 people that downloaded the very first keyboard & mouse demo. consider this as a free digital memento of the project... it was a fun little environment tech demo experience. Now the K&M ppl will have a tiny taste of what VR players have gone through for the past 6-8 months lol... Evolution is real... Anyways... In this K&M update players can officially run around the giant open world map the VR players have been getting to experience this whole time. Next up. Connecting the escape room experience for Keyboard & Mouse players. & Prologue... but one thing at a time lol. I'm still trying to fix the foot steps in the snow, leaving a path/trail so you know where you came from etc.etc. But here we are... run around my snowy universe, run from zombies, explore a taste of what "Haunt N Seek: Silent Siren" is going to be.
https://hauntnseek.com/ direct download https://lnkd.in/gpTCEaR7
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radioromantic-moved · 2 years
For both Beffica and Floofty! Do you ever have difficulty sharing your time with Quiver? How do you all enjoy spending time together?
💜 TBH, yeah, it was a little hard to adapt my schedule to make time for two partners at first. But honestly, they're both such introverts that spending a nice day with them is as simple as buying a bunch of snacks and finding a movie we all like. I will make them enjoy romcoms if it's the last thing I do. OMG, yeah, and I like getting them to take self-care days!‏‏‎ ‎Floofty protests wayyy more than Quiver does, but I've at least gotten them to trim their claws, so that's a win. Quiver actually loves getting the full spa treatment, LOL. It's kind of cute. Mani-pedis, bubble baths, sometimes a face mask if the sensory stimulation is right. 💜
🔬I resent the subtle taunt inserted at me in the above, but the sentiment is one I agree with. I'm not quite used to taking the feelings of others into equal account when making my decisions, and it's taken some adjustment to let them into my life after I've become so accustomed to solitude. In terms of entertainment medium, I prefer books, as does Quiver, but movies are a solid compromise we all enjoy. And on the occasion we venture out together, it's nice to visit a museum, botanical garden, or something similar. I may be coerced into a day at a shopping mall, if it has stores that are interesting enough. 🔬
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vanquishedvaliant · 1 year
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tfw you spend the better part of 6 hours on a fucking bus waiting for puzzles and boss fights and everyone around you is a single misplaced sentence away from flying into a wild orgy
until the alarm goes off and everyone drops the horny instantly to go see what the fuck showed up this time
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Experience the Magic of Escape Simulator and Supporter DLC
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Escape Simulator VR and Supporter DLC for the escape room game launches with support for Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the Pine Studio team for keeping the magic alive. Available now on Steam. Escape Simulator is a puzzle escape adventure just added VR and a Supporter DLC. Over 2 million players have already been hooked on the original title, and now, Pine Studio has completely rebuilt it for VR. Diving into those puzzles like you're there. Since this new VR does not seem to support Linux, just Windows. You are free to try it for yourself if you own the title. Now, let's talk about what's in store. All 29 rooms are up for grabs, including the tutorial room, the four original themes, the Versus rooms, and those extra special ones like Leonardo’s Workshop. And, there's more! All the original Escape Simulator DLCs – Steampunk, Wild West, Magic – they're also getting VR too. And yeah, this includes the free Portal Escape Chamber and Among Us DLCs. Already own them? If you own a VR headset, you can also test it out and leave a comment below if it works. This title also lets you play solo or team up with up to 8 players. Optimal fun is around 2-3 players, but hey, the more, the merrier, right?
Escape Simulator VR Update Released
For the creators out there, big news! Most of the 4,000 community-made rooms are playable via VR or without. That's a whole universe of content to explore with your crew. If you're feeling extra supportive, check out the Supporter DLC. Since it's packed with exclusives like an in-game skin, a golden token badge, a digital art book, and even the first playable prototype of the title. And guess what? Pine Studio's not slowing down – they're teasing more Escape Simulator DLCs coming later this year, and they're all VR-ready.
Including exclusive content such as:
Digital art book
Unique in-game outfits
Golden token badge
ES wallpapers
The first playable ES prototype version
So, what's the deal with Escape Simulator VR itself? It's a puzzle bonanza set in quirky locations like the Labyrinth of Egypt or the Steampunk Airship. Teaming up online? Absolutely. Bring your friends and take on the puzzles together. The Room Editor also lets you build your dream escape room. Plus, with over 4000 custom rooms made by other creators, there's no end. And the style? You can sport silly hats and outfits themed for each puzzle setting. Feeling mischievous? Go ahead, make a mess – smash vases, melt locks, toss furniture around. Therefore, if you can pick it up, you can use it to cause some harmless chaos. This update is a total blast, and it's waiting for you to dive in. So, if you own Escape Simulator, grab your VR headset and let the escape adventures begin. Also, leave a comment if it works on Linux. Even still, you can playon Steam and Windows PC without VR. The Supporter DLC is available on Steam, priced at $5.09 USD / £4.07 / 4,66€ with the 15% discount. While the base game is available priced at $10.49 USD / £9.09 / 10,49€ on Steam and regular price on Humble Store.
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Thrill Seekers Unite: Mysteries and Lasers' VR & Laser Tag Gaming Zone in Bangalore
In the bustling cityscape of Bangalore, Mysteries and Lasers emerges as the go-to destination for thrill-seekers, offering a dynamic blend of state-of-the-art laser tag adventures and a heart-pounding VR gaming zone in Bangalore.
VR Gaming Bangalore: Beyond Imagination
A thrilling virtual reality gaming area that pushes the limits of reality is located at the center of Mysteries and Lasers. This popular spot in Bangalore invites gaming fans to go on a virtual journey where fantastical worlds and futuristic combat come to life. Because every aspect of the VR gaming experience has been carefully considered, every moment is guaranteed to surpass expectations. The VR gaming area at Mysteries and Lasers transports players beyond the limits of reality through obstacle courses and challenging puzzles.
Laser Tag Games in Bangalore: Strategy Meets Excitement
Mysteries and Lasers introduces an adrenaline-fueled dimension to gaming with its spectacular laser tag arena in the heart of Bangalore. Here, the arena transforms into a strategic battleground where every move is crucial, and victory demands a blend of skill and cunning. Navigate through the darkened battleground, strategically plan your moves, and experience the pulse-pounding thrill of laser tag. It's not just about lasers and tag; it's about camaraderie, competition, and creating memories that linger long after the game concludes.
Mysteries and Lasers: Where VR and Laser Tag Converge
Mysteries and Lasers is the epicenter where VR gaming dreams materialize, and laser tag battles become legendary. This premier destination in Bangalore seamlessly merges the virtual and tangible, offering an unmatched gaming experience. Whether diving into the virtual unknown or engaging in laser tag warfare, Mysteries and Lasers invites thrill-seekers to unite for unforgettable adventures. It's a place where the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds blur, creating an immersive escape that captivates the senses.
As a premier destination for laser tag and VR games Bangalore, Mysteries and Lasers continues to push boundaries, creating a haven for those who seek the perfect blend of technology, strategy, and pure, unbridled fun. Embark on a journey where mysteries unfold, lasers blaze, and the thrill of the game knows no bounds at Mysteries and Lasers' VR & Laser Tag Gaming Zone in Bangalore. For more information, Visit: https://www.mysteriesandlasers.com/
Original Source: https://bityl.co/NgpQ
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gamingalaxybanglaore · 6 months
VR & Laser Tag Gaming in Bangalore at GaminGalaxy: Beyond Reality & Expectations
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Welcome to GaminGalaxy, where the realms of virtual reality gaming and laser tag converge to redefine entertainment in Bangalore! Step into a world where reality meets the extraordinary, where every game is an adventure beyond imagination.
Exploring VR Gaming in Bangalore: Enter a New Dimension
Virtual reality gaming is a unique and immersive experience that you can have right in the heart of Bangalore at GaminGalaxy. For those who want to experience something beyond reality, our virtual reality gaming area is a sanctuary. Experience the rush of adrenaline as you take part in exhilarating quests and explore magical worlds in our state-of-the-art VR gaming hub located in Bangalore.
Dive into Virtual Reality Gaming Zones
At GaminGalaxy, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse and captivating range of virtual reality experiences. Our gaming zone is meticulously crafted to cater to every gaming aficionado's desires. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, battling space invaders, or solving mind-bending puzzles, our VR gaming zone in Bangalore guarantees an unforgettable journey.
The Ultimate Laser Tag Arena in Bangalore
Step into our laser tag arena, an arena pulsating with excitement and strategy. GaminGalaxy's laser tag arena in Bangalore is where the action takes center stage. Play exciting games, plan with your group, and feel the rush of adrenaline as you avoid obstacles and aim for the goal of winning. Come to GaminGalaxy and experience the exhilarating action of laser tag. With a combination of tactical maneuvering and fast-paced gameplay, our Bangalore arena provides an unmatched experience. Experience the thrill as you make your way through our carefully planned arena, dodging laser beams and striving for victory in a thrilling environment.
GaminGalaxy: Beyond Reality, Beyond Expectations
At GaminGalaxy, we're committed to delivering an experience that exceeds expectations. Our laser tag arena and VR gaming zone in Bangalore are meticulously designed to provide thrills, foster camaraderie, and create moments that linger long after the game ends. Indulge your senses, challenge your skills, and immerse yourself in an unparalleled world of entertainment at GaminGalaxy. Whether you're delving into the depths of virtual reality or engaging in heart-racing laser tag battles, our space is dedicated to crafting experiences that transcend reality itself.
Join Us at GaminGalaxy
Set out on an adventure that exceeds limitations and anticipations. See firsthand how virtual reality and laser tag combine to create an endlessly fascinating gaming scene in Bangalore by visiting GaminGalaxy.
For more information, visit: https://gamingalaxy.in/  Original Source: https://bit.ly/46JiEkU
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optimusgamingperth · 1 year
Virtual Reality Game Near Me - Optimus Gaming Perth
Virtual reality (VR) games are becoming increasingly popular in Perth, Western Australia. VR games provide players with a unique and immersive gaming experience that cannot be replicated in the real world. In this article, we will explore VR games near you in Perth and where to find them.
What are VR games?
VR games are video games that use virtual reality technology to provide an immersive and interactive experience. Players wear a VR headset and use handheld controllers to interact with the virtual world. VR games come in a variety of genres, including first-person shooters, puzzle games, and sports games.
Benefits of VR Games
VR games offer several benefits that traditional video games cannot provide. Here are some of the main benefits of playing VR games:
1. Immersive Experience: The immersive nature of VR technology makes players feel like they are actually in the game world. This provides a level of immersion and realism that cannot be achieved with traditional video games.
2. Physical Activity: Some VR games require players to move around, providing a level of physical activity that is not possible with traditional video games.
3. Social Interaction: Many VR games allow players to interact with each other in the virtual world, providing a level of social interaction that is not possible with traditional video games.
4. Variety: There are many different types of VR games available, from first-person shooters to puzzle games. This provides players with a variety of gaming experiences to choose from.
Where to Find VR Games Near You in Perth
If you are interested in playing VR games near you in Perth, there are several options available:
1. Zero Latency: Zero Latency is a VR gaming centre located in Northbridge, Perth. They offer a range of VR games, including first-person shooters and puzzle games. Zero Latency uses cutting-edge technology to provide a highly immersive and realistic gaming experience.
2. VR-ARRIVAL: VR-ARRIVAL is a mobile VR gaming company that can bring the VR experience to your location. They offer a range of VR games, including first-person shooters and racing games.
3. The VR Hut: The VR Hut is a Perth-based VR company that provides a range of VR games and experiences. They offer a variety of games, including first-person shooters and puzzle games.
virtual reality game near mein Perth provide a unique and immersive gaming experience that cannot be replicated in the real world. Whether you are looking for a first-person shooter or a puzzle game, there are several options available in Perth. With cutting-edge technology and a variety of gaming experiences to choose from, VR games are a great way to take your gaming to the next level.
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fiftytwotwentyfour · 4 months
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Puzzle 6:
I Expect You To Die 2
The Spy And The Liar
Created by Schell Games
Puzzle Classification: Digital Escape Room; VR Escape Room
Price: $24.99 (I purchased the "I Expect You To Die Bundle, 3 Games, making each individual game ~ $20.83 before tax)
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That's Right! I am already back with the EOD and I'm cleaning up Zoraxis Scum.
And Well...
The First Installment of I Expect You To Die lives forever on a pedestal. I still gush over the game and the story. Even after beating the game - I still go back and play around to unearth little nuggets that I missed.
When it came to the sequel... I personally felt a little let down but it's still... The Game is Pizza - Yep, It's Pizza, ya know - even though it's kinda bad its still kinda good.
Things I Liked:
The Storyline. For the Main Character and the Villain
There were some very cool game mechanics. I would love to mention them but I also don't want to spoil anything.
The Art Style and Time Period/Setting
Things I Didn't Like:
This being a stationary game - not just you the player, but your in-game character is stationary as well - I thought it was difficult to see items and objects which where meant to be interacted with - they felt oddly far away. I constantly caught myself squinting inside my VR headset and saying... "Is that something?"
I also didnt care for the dark backgrounds/lighting - I understand it provides ambiance, but again made things difficult to find. Most of delays in solving were based on me literally not being able to see something.
I also felt during certain puzzles a lot of problem solving heavily relied on the narrator's directions - listening for step-by-step instructions - rather than figuring out the sequences yourself based on clues and your own logical reasoning.
Some parts got to be really long winded especially when it came to the "subcontracted" voice acting.
Some other odd things to note - I was hyper aware of how many times I died/failed a mission this go around - and truthfully - it really wasn't all that much compared to the first game - maybe 2-3 times tops per level - about 12-15 per the whole game. This sounds like a good thing, right? Actually - it took some of fun out of the game. I found myself hoping I would just die so I could discover something - I was averaging 18 mins on level completions.
Alas, even though my Cons outnumber my Pros - I just love the concept of this game and I still look forward to playing the 3rd Installment.
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*photos/screenshots courtesy of Schell Games/I Expect You To Die*
Completion Time: 4hr59min01sec42ms
Hints/Clues Used: Zero
Items Not Included / Needed:
Nothing Once Downloaded
Personal Rating: 7/10
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2024 Puzzle Record: 6/6
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thegamingalaxy · 1 year
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Gamingalaxy offers the best laser tag experience in Bangalore, with a state-of-the-art arena and top-of-the-line equipment. Our laser tag games are designed to offer players an immersive and adrenaline-pumping experience, with challenging game modes and realistic sound effects.
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Looking for a new way to have fun?
Check out our selection of the best VR games that are available to play. With so many different games to choose from, there's sure to be something for everyone. Experience the thrill of virtual reality and create lasting memories with your friends and family.
Visit https://www.metavurxvr.com/ and book your session today!
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fox-guardian · 1 month
personally 👀 if u would like to elaborate on the saw au 👀 i am listening 👀
hi <3 this ask is months old <3 but i am answering it now teehee
SO. TMA SAW AU (disclaimer: i have only seen the first two movies so idk if these are very like. film accurate style traps)
basically it's just. what if a saw movie happened to the archive gang. they're all in one big space that's like a big trap in the sense that they all have the same time limit but they all get their own little traps also <3 the breakdown is this:
Jon is gagged with a camera in his mouth that he cannot remove without a key, it's strapped to his face with horrible rusted metal, y'know. Once time runs out, the battery powering the camera will leak down his throat killing him so so painfully <3 He cannot speak and must find other ways to communicate with the others.
Sasha has what is essentially a VR headset strapped to her head and she can't remove that without a key either. The headset is showing her the live feed from Jon's camera, so she essentially has to see through his eyes the entire time. When time runs out, two big ol' spikes will stab her in the eyes and give her a good ol' fashioned impromptu lobotomy <3
Tim's trap is a bit different from the others'. Instead of a contraption, he was injected with a paralytic prior to the gang waking up, and is paralyzed from the waist down. He needs a key to obtain the antidote for the paralytic. Rather than having a specific time when he suddenly dies, he's essentially either relying on the others to help him move/get the key/antidote for him, or he needs to move himself despite his paralysis in order to live. So when time runs out, it's either find a way to move anyway or wait for the paralytic to travel further through his body and kill him slowly after experiencing many terribly side effects (hypotension, bronchospams, and renal failure)
Martin is even more different. His trap is less about his death and more about saving the others. He's placed in a big freezer where he basically needs to find the others' keys in blocks of ice (joshua gillespie core) and if he doesn't, they'll definitely die. He also has the option of finding the key to unlocking his own door and simply escaping without saving the others. He also also has the option of only taking some keys, but not all. He will know which will save who, and gets to choose. The trap itself isn't that difficult, but there's A Lot Of Ice, and it's Really Cold and he's Already Been There A While so there's a chance of dying of hypothermia if he can't find the keys fast enough (or if he spends the time finding the others' keys after he's found his own).
Jon, Tim, and Sasha all wake up in the same room together. Jon wakes up first and is able to watch a video tape explaining what's going on, but it can't be watched more than once, so he has to explain what's happening to the others without being able to speak. He can't speak, only play charades and listen.
Sasha isn't able to see except through Jon's eyes, so he has to rely on the two of them to make sure she's not walking into more danger. She also is unable to understand any of Jon's explanations since a lot of it is through body language and She Can't See That, so they have to work together so she can watch Tim translate. She can't see through her own eyes and is forced to watch through someone else's.
Tim either has to trust that the others will come back for him (and that they won't die somewhere in this building) or get them to carry him around, slowing them down but giving him more of a chance at survival. He either has to take action, or simply wait and trust.
Martin has to make a choice between risking what's left of his life for other people (some of which who don't care about him), or saving himself. Even if the others find the room he's in, it's locked from the inside so it is entirely on Martin to save both himself and everyone else. Not only do the others have to rely on each other, but they all have to rely on Martin. The door will lock behind him when he leaves, so if he doesn't get everyone's keys, then whoever is left without one will die.
idk if these traps are entirely fitting for all their character's and flaws and whatnot, but for the research trio i thought it'd be fun to do an audio/vigilo/opperior with them and then martin gets to play god suddenly lol.
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gamingalaxybanglaore · 6 months
GaminGalaxy Escape Rooms in Bangalore: A Gem for Adventure Seekers
Welcome to the fascinating universe of GaminGalaxy Escape Rooms in Bangalore! If you're craving an adventure that transports you beyond the ordinary, you're in for an exhilarating experience. Our escape rooms are meticulously designed to enthrall and engage, catering to a spectrum of occasions, be it corporate team-building activities, celebratory birthday parties, or simply an unparalleled outing seeking thrills.
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Escape Rooms in Bangalore: An Adventurous Place
Our escape rooms redefine what entertainment is all about, and they're tucked away in the energetic center of Bangalore. Whether you're an experienced player looking for a fresh challenge or a beginner excited to explore new areas, our immersive experiences are sure to give you a rush. Our escape rooms in Bangalore are designed with every detail to provide a captivating experience through challenging obstacles, mysterious mysteries, and complex puzzles.
Corporate Team Building in Bangalore with Escape Rooms
Are you looking for a unique but efficient way to promote cooperation and teamwork? The escape rooms at GaminGalaxy offer the ideal team-building games for corporates. Put your group through exciting scenarios where cooperation, communication, and problem-solving are crucial. Observe as relationships deepen, friendships blossom, and hidden leadership abilities surface among your team members.
Birthday Party with Escape Rooms in Bangalore: Unforgettable Celebrations
Take the celebration of your upcoming birthday to new heights! Our escape rooms offer the ideal backdrop for an unconventional birthday celebration. Enjoy an exciting and immersive journey with friends as you work together to solve puzzles and solve mysteries. It's an occasion that will undoubtedly resound in tales and recollections for many years to come!
Best Escape Room Centre in Bangalore: Creating Memorable Experiences
At GaminGalaxy, we take immense pride in our cutting-edge escape room center in Bangalore. We guarantee an adventure to suit every taste in each of our carefully created rooms, which all feature intriguing and varied themes. All of the rooms promise a unique and remarkable experience, whether you're exploring ancient ruins, escaping a futuristic space station, or solving a compelling mystery.
Immerse Yourself in the Adventure: Beyond Traditional Gaming
Escape rooms are an invitation to lose yourself in a story that goes beyond the limits of traditional gaming. Enter a world where you play a crucial role in an exciting narrative rather than just being a player. It's more than just a game; it's an intellectually stimulating experience that encourages cooperation and leaves you with lasting memories long after the journey is over.
Visit GaminGalaxy: Where Adventures Await
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For more information, visit: https://gamingalaxy.in/  Original Source: https://bit.ly/46Ngil8
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jaxangel · 8 months
Why caine does not want people venturing out into the void! And the history of the circus
What we know:
The void is a mysterious place, a vast expanse surrounding the circus with no known "purpose" all we know is that its considered dangerous
In the pilot, we see Caine talk about the void briefly. Telling Pomni:
"Not even I know whats out there"
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Kind of warning Pomni to not attempt to venture into the void. When she tries to ask about the exit door he completely shuts her down, not even wanting to talk about it. Which might be for a darker reason than we might think
Eventually coming across the exit doors again, she actually ignores his warning and goes through the exit doors anyways, eventually finding her way into the void.
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Caine obviously doesnt like it, and scrambles to get Pomni back to the tent where he can keep an eye on her, but this may also be a way to actually protect her along with the others
Later he admits to lying about the exit doors, that they do exist but claiming that he didn't know what to put on the other end and never finished it. Which makes the doors lead to the void instead. They all kind of accept this as fact and go about their day while Caine neve brings it back up. However this was also a lie, to protect them.
Other evidence:
During the exit doors sequence, we see in one of the rooms a Logo with the initials:
(Filter put over the screenshot to brighten the logo and make it more clear)
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I theorize that the initials stand for two names
Caine & Abel
We already see how there are some references to the Bible in the pilot, one example being the feat at the end symbolizing the last supper. So it would make sense that caine was a refrence to the bible Cain and the other initial would most likely be Abel
Now there could be multiple things that could of happened, some similar to the Bible story and some different. I'm mainly gonna talk about one that strays from the original Bible story.
The Actual Theory:
I theorize that Caine and Abel both ran the digital circus. Whether they were both trapped there or were never apart of the real world to begin with, they were both in charge of everything.
The amazing digital circus was a fun website/ vr game for people of all ages to have "adventures" but then eventually leave. Caine and Abel both made NPC's and stuff for the players to do.
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Eventually the players started to get "trapped" and were unable to leave. This became a big problem for Caine and Abel, they both now had the responsibility of helping this players try to "escape" and to help keep them mostly sane. However eventually they would abstract, and there is nothing they could do to help them.
They technically would have the ability to fix their bodies, but as Caine said
"The one thing I don't have control over is your mind"
They would not be able to fix their minds, anyone who got abstracted had become compeltey insane and there was nothing they could do but keep them locked away as to not hurt the others
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Eventually all of this lead Abel to venture out to the void in search of an actual "exit" or some information that could help with the trapped people/ abstracted people's situation. Caine may or may of not agreed with this decision but Abel left anyways. Neither of them really knew what was out there, which really scared Caine. He didn't know what Abel would be dealing with out there. And Abel never came back
Caine slowly lost a bit of sanity himself waiting for Abel to come back with a solution to their problem. He would be happy if Abel came back at all. But after many years he never did.
Caine found other ways to distract himself and the others from their problems. Creating adventures. Giving them lots of activities, making digital food and allowing them their own personal space to process their thoughts and have the digital sensation of "sleeping"
For Caine himself, he created Bubble and possibly other npcs to distract himself. He would hang out and talk to Bubble like he used to with Abel. He made the moon fall in love with him as a fake scenario to help his sanity or possibly keep himself from abstracting
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And thats what Caine has done for years. At this point anyone who even knew about Abel Has already abstracted. Everyone currently still going barley knows anything about the void and the exit. (And yes I know that they said that Kinger has been there the longest, however I think they meant that he's been there the longest out of everyone who has not abstracted yet. Kinger had not been around long anough to know Abel. There have been people before Kinger that are long gone by now)
With every new person, Caine fears that they will try to go into the void and never come back. He doesn't want that, he wants to protect them from the same fate that Abel had. So they are forever stuck on a tiny island in the middle of a vast void, with no way of escaping, fixing the abstracted minds, or even preventing people from getting trapped in the first place.
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Closing thoughts:
Thank you, whoever you are, for reading all of this! I don't usually share my theories however I wanted to share this one because of how much I've thought about it! I've not seen many people talk about this, many bits and pieces based on the evidence but not a full theory!
There is not much evidence for this theory however, given how we only have one episode, so most of this is just speculation and headcanons. However I think its interesting!
Some small bits of this theory might of been talked about by others, so let me know if you see other people talking about similar things! I did briefly talk to @therearenonutsforsomeendermen about this so some ideas may of come from them
I'd also like to hear what you guys think about this so reblog or comment your thoughts, wether you agree or disagree!
I tried to keep it organized and coherent however I am typing this in the middle of the night so some parts may be confusing. Let me know if your confused about anything and I will edit this post to clarify what I mean!
Anyways please tell me your thoughts!
The amazing Digital Circus is created by @gooseworx
None of this post is meant to try to be canon, this is all this fun theories made by a fan!
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fiftytwotwentyfour · 4 months
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Puzzle 7:
I Expect You To Die 3
Cog in the Machine
Created by Schell Games
Puzzle Classification: Digital Escape Room; VR Escape Room
Price: $24.99 (I purchased the "I Expect You To Die Bundle, 3 Games, making each individual game ~ $20.83 before tax)
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First, a Quick Recap:
I Expect You To Die (Original Game)
Fun, Genius, Exhilarating... Something I've always wanted in game/escape room but never knew existed... until now. Highly recommend - Loved It!
I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy & The Liar
In my opinion... I a step down from the original. Bogged down by long winded story and art style/digital settings brought down the experience. Despite the negative comments, still worth a playthrough. Good but not great.
The Third Installment...
Was Awesome!
As I write, I am floored and still hopped-up on giddiness from the gameplay.
The Setting, The Story, The Art Production, The Surprises.... Magnificent... Vibrant.
It doubled down on everything I loved from the past 2 games, totally avoided my described pitfalls of the second installment, and just delivered.
After playing 3 different renditions of I Expect You To Die games - I died the least in this game compared to then other two (12 times total - which stinks because the deaths can be fun AND rewarding) - and - I also took the longest amount of time to complete my missions (averaging 80 minutes per mission - the long levels were a major gripe from IEYTD2), but this go-around - it was NO torture. The rooms kept me engaged.
No spoilers or anything - but everything was bigger, Badder, BOSSIER!
I got to say. This is the Best out of the three.
I highly intend to circle back and playthrough again and pick up on miss souvenirs and achievements.
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*photos/screenshots courtesy of Schell Games/I Expect You To Die*
Completion Time: 8hr01min43sec91ms
Hints/Clues Used: Zero
Items Not Included / Needed:
Nothing Once Downloaded
Personal Rating: 9.5/10
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2024 Puzzle Record: 7/7
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