#someone pointed out that phoenixman is not dead yet and I ran with it
theomnicode · 2 years
OPM chapter 167 prediction vr2
I've actually done a bazillion different theories by now, but imma post my latest revision of prediction again.
Saitama will overpower Garou's punch with his own easily and Garou's hand will shatter from the power and the force travels through Garou's body and nearly breaks him and it's only through regeneration and deflecting the Serious punch with a copy that he's even still alive. He internally wonders what kind of monster is this guy.
Saitama stops his assault when Garou can't seem to move anymore and Saitama looks around with dead eyes.
“Is this what you wanted? Becoming Absolute Evil? I thought you were just playing monster before, but now I’m not so sure. You wanted to have witnesses to see how evil you’ve become, but…who are you showing off for?”
"Everyone around you is dead, Garou."
Manako catches all of their attention by dragging around Tareo's corpse and Garou notices her and crawls towards Tareo, calls his name in confusion and then yells at him to wake up. But Tareo doesn't wake up.
The realisation that he truly killed all the people around him and Tareo breaks an eye-hole in his monsterisation and he kneels in realisation and shock. Saitama watches from afar with dull, dead expression and slowly walks to Genos' corpse.
Saitama approaches Genos body, gently turns it around and there's only half of the head left and a gooey mess of brain and Saitama slowly inserts the core of Genos back and holds his hand there.
Saitama starts talking about all of Genos good qualities such as how amazing Genos was and how brave and other things, then Saitama breaks down and starts weeping, tears dripping down on the core.
"I'm sorry Genos-kun, I'm a shitty teacher."
Garou meanwhile, cries tears made out of stars and human tears, but he doesn't get much time to dwell on this when tiny monster phoenixman chick suddenly jumps at him from below ground and startles him.
Garou reacts with "what the fuck" and "who the fuck are you" and Phoenixman is gonna be really irritated that Garou doesnt even recognice him and Garou is like wait you're that monster who took him to monster association and wonders how this tiny monster didn't actually die to all these heroes and Phoenixman retorts that he would just revive himself anyway but thats why he's in this tiny chick form.
Garou locks onto that comment about revival and demands phoenixman show it to him and phoenixman is like ok calm down dude. OR straight up just murders him to test this theory because Phoenixman is a monster and rly annoying one and he has a beef with him and Phoenixman actually rebirths from an egg and yells at him what's the big deal.
Garou realises then that he finally has a chance to change the world if he makes a choice.
Meanwhile, Saitama and Blast are checking on rest of the heroes and Saitama still has tears on his face/red eyes when he also says goodbye to King and Blast looks pained when he looks at Tatsumaki and the heroes he couldn't save and the nuclear fallout. But then they notice Garou walking up to them.
Saitama retorts "Haven't you done enough? Just leave..."
Garou insists that he will then fix everything. He concentrates, refines the power copied from phoenixman and directs the flow of energy outwards. He would use the power granted to him for something far better. He refused to be used like a puppet and he would use his own power to change everything.
The ground burst into flames when Garou slams his hands to the ground and burns everything in large vicinity in ethereal flames, Saitama and Blast yelping but the flames don't actually burn them but then he can see that all the heroes like magic, are being healed of their wounds and both Blast and Saitama watch in awe.
Genos suddenly jolts awake and the emergency power supply and barrier protection for his brain from his earrings activates with a glow and he remembers actually dying, but now he's confused.
Saitama then looks behind him and he sees Genos, actually alive and moving and Saitama sprints to him and Genos calls out "Sens-" but gets interrupted by Saitama tackle hugging him. Genos is going to be confused even further because Saitama is crying again and hugging him, but Saitama just says he's so glad Genos is alive.
Garou finishes all life rejuvenation fist, looks around his handiwork and looks down at Tareo's alive form and Bang starting to get back up again and makes peace with himself and finally breaks the monsterised form of his and has to sit down because he's exhausted.
Saitama walks up to him and says "Nice work, kid. I knew you had some good hero instincts. You should consider a career change."
Garou is going to get irritated and tells Saitama off with "Fuck off baldy, don't tell me what do do."
Saitama is going to grab Garou by the front of his costume and looks really threathening and says "Don't make me punch you again, punk. You're barely off the hook, don't test your luck."
Garou has nervous sweat and thinks 'Fuck this guy is really scary'
Saitama then notices something behind Garou and asks if that thing is the one who gave Garou power and points behind Garou.
Garou gets confused, turns behind him and sees God's feet. In all it's magnificent and menacing glory, as tall as a skyscraper and his eyes widen in recognition.
"Yea, that's definitely him..."
Everyone else is starting to wake up properly and Garou decides that he's just gonna bail, he's not interested in staying and explaining himself to all these heroes and runs. Saitama let's him.
Saitama cracks his knuckles and mutters darkly about how it's time to destress and walks pointedly towards God. Blast notices and asks where he is going.
Saitama points at God and tells Blast "I'm gonna go punch that thing over there, he's the reason for this."
Blast sputters and exclaims "Wait, you can see God? HOW!?" and Saitama's going to answer "The what now?"
Blast offers some tidbits of information and that his team is trying to handle keeping god from advancing to their dimensional plane but its not going so well because God has already breached the plane and they dont have the means to dislodge him.
Saitama starts to saunter towards God and tells Blast to leave it to him and Blast gets a whiplash.
Saitama runs full speed towards god while Blast tells him to wait and Sai rears up a Serious punch and punches. God's foot breaks and it immediately closes the portal on his foot to prevent further destruction.
Blast is completely awed that Saitama can actually see God somehow and destroyed one of his feet already and maybe they can succeed.
But Blast watches longer and he sees Saitama flail his arms around ineffectively, hit empty spaces, yelling at the sky that God should come down and fight him properly and God is a chicken and sweatdrops.
'Oh, maybe he can't see God after all...'
Blast yells at Saitama that he can portal him to God's location and he only needs to punch straight ahead and Saitama acknowledges this and jumps into a portal that Blast makes, comes out of the other side and punches God's other feet and god has to close that portal as well and gets repelled.
Rest of the heroes are now awake and watch bewildered why this B-class hero is punching at empty air and thunderclouds and someone remarks that it's really unsafe to be at the sea during thunderstorms.
(I am not too sure how blast will react to defeated garou) (will he attempt to get rid of god's powers from garou completely? offer him advice? try to kill garou?)
No clue about WC dialogue so I can't adapt it here.
It would be nice if Garou's rebirth skillset could actually cleanse the radiation too, because phoenixes in mythos also purify stuff.
Genos core scene is basically a funeral where Saitama gives eulogy. ;_;
Edit: I realised I want Saitama to finally use honorific Genos-kun just like he uses in cd drama for more emotional and personal scene and the want to close the gap between Genos and his own self, paralleling garou wanting to distance himself from tareo and his self. I'm calling it here.
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