#someone said “could we at least get hazel or piper blonde so that we cant overcome the steriotype”
joulex · 4 months
I dont know how to say this other than this:
If you want "blonde representation" in the percy jackson series i need you to respectfully shut the fuck up. The argument that you wanted a blonde girl to play annabeth because "it was a big part of her character" tells me you didnt understand her character AT ALL. To say that it dissapointed you that annabeth wasnt blonde in the show because her being blonde proved the "dumb blonde" stereotype wrong... i hate to break it to you but...i dont think blonde people are really being oppressed by that trope, crazy i know. Its a thing that exists, yes, but being completly honest, i dont think that a person in real life will come across a blonde woman and believe shes stupid just because shes blonde. Like you didnt "lost" representation, and it ABSOLUTELY didnt damage annabeth character. Just because theres ONE stupid line of dialogue in mark of athena where annabeth say "people dont take me seriously bc im blonde" doesnt mean that thats her whole character.
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