#someone suggested slipping logan sleeping pills
fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
Pretty lebiansss idm asking questions I am just horrible at ideas-but if you need plot please go ahead :) )
Thats fair logan, and sorry if I went too far :)
uh-remy, do you want to-check your phone? Or turn it on silent, if thats better-it just seems to be annoying you a bit, I noticed
Also, this game could go both ways, you could ask me or any of the watchers questions, maybe perhaps
Now, Remus's-have you everr...gone somewhere purely as an excuse to see someone?
(proofread this while my sleeping pill was kicking in just fyi)
Logan shook his head "Not at all. If you had asked something I geniunely did not want to answer I would have expressed that"
Patty poked at his foot and smiled "Yeah he could have just used a safedword and gotten out of the game!"
"Deary please" He lightly smiled back.
It took a few seconds of Remy slowly blinking at you before what you'd said actually connected to their brain. They suddenly sat up and put on a relaxed smile.
"You're like tots right girlie! I'm gonna go for a quick cig break and like check my phone. Yeah"
Remy got up from the couch and nearly immediately fell over. It was unclear if it was because of the chronic pain or the alcohol. Both Remus and Janus were already half up from the couch when they got waved off.
"I'm okay! Just stood up too quickly!" Remy assured. They forced themself back up and stumbled out of the apartment.
All of them looked at the closed door for a few seconds before returning to the game. Remus excitedly clapped his hands at your suggestion.
"Great idea!! And great question. Hmmmmm lemme think. It takes a bit before the rats running around in my brain unionises enough to remember things and stuff!"
He filled his glass with slightly rotten milk while thinking before letting out a loud "A-HAH! ARGH AHAHAH!" and taking the shot. His sister wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"Whenever I go on walks- Not to exercise don't worry!!! I'm still good ol Remus!! when I go on walks looking for road kill or bugs for Jannie's snake or bugs for me or cool trash cans or-"
"We get the point of your walks" Janus slipped in.
"Oh right. So whenever I do that and I happen to pass by a coffee shop I peak my head in just in case Remy is there! But ehhh usually they're not. But I still try!"
Patty tilted her head "awww. That's so cuute"
Remus dramatically put his hand over his heart and gripped onto Janus' shoulder "My dear bitchboy!! I have a confession to make!"
"Glad to know I'm at least a dear kind of bitch" Janus replied sarcastically.
"I do not actually come to your library that often because I love literature!!! I also love you- Your friendship!!!!"
"Darling you never actually take any books home. You just check them out and sit down and read them right in the library. And you also have the reading speed of a confused fish so it takes you many many days just to finish a single book in the library. I figured out quite quickly that you weren't only coming for the books"
"Yeah if i was purely coming for the books I would be eating them!"
"Excuse me?" Logan said, nearly exclaimed, as if he was a book that had been eaten recently.
"Nothing" Remus sent big puppy eyes to Janus "You don't mind me being there a bunch? I can concentrate better there as well. It helps having breaks to talk to someone- You- It helps to talk with you or else the words just become all jumbled after a while. I feel a bit silly when I can't like read because it's all too jumbled and I have to ask you to like help me parse it out-"
"Do I? A librarian mind? Mind having a consistent reader? Mind getting to search for incredibly specific books to quench that readers hyperfixation thirst? Mind having an inconspicuous to spend work time speaking to my dear friend? Mind also helping that dear friend? Yes Dukey, all of that sounds terribly exhausting and horrible actually and I mind it so incredibly much every second of my life. I think it has taken 40 years off of my lifespan already"
"It is very engaging when a kid comes in wishing for information on their niche special interest. I enjoy very much searching all over for them" Logan agreed "Reminds me of my young self"
"Have you also helped the tiny girl who wants every single book about squirrels?" Janus gushed a bit.
"I have. She told me there are 289 types of squirrels. Which is approximately 200 more than I had expected"
Remus let out a sigh of relief and slumped against Janus like a deflated balloon "Goodie. I was a bit nervous maybe I was annoying you when I asked you to find books on torture methods through the middle ages"
"That book was actually a total mood" Janus snarked.
Logan somehow pulled out a mini notebook and pen from his pocket "The watchers asked for questions right? I have quite a few. I shall start with basic biology-"
"Dear it's still for the game. Save it for later kay?" Patty butted in.
He let out a sigh and put the pen back "The figurative autopsy must wait for another time then"
Remus put his hand in the air "ME! Me! I have a super good question. Watchers would you ever....Kill a human!? Can you!? Is it against like ghost rules???? Demon rules???"
"Could you posses one of us? Like in the movies" Janus added.
Patty shook her hand around "Could you posses a plushie to hug us?!"
Rowan's eyes lit up "Could you posses a sword! Could I have a sword fight against an actual ghost demon????!"
Logan pulled down his glasses a little "Are you aware if you have a biological heart and if so could I see it and maybe take it apart?" Patty mouthed something which made him add "Pretty please?"
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intruality-overlord · 4 years
Why Are We (Best) Friends?
Warnings: excessive swearing, alcoholism, mentions of drugs, drug use, suggestive humor, implied sexual content (no smut), some gore descriptions. Generally, Remus stuff.
Taglist: @blogging-time @veraisnotfine @littlestr @jessibbb @broken-pens @hi-its-tutty @idkanameatall @moxiety--sanders101 @theyluna-womoon
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist! Last update Wednesday/Thursday. Second to last chapter! Damn nearly over already.
Chapter Seven: Fuck Me
The Present.
Patton flug Remus’s door open so fast there was briefly a void where it bluntly cut through and the air was too slow to refill the space.
And he caught the doorknob quickly before it knocked a hole in the wall because he wasn’t actually going to trash his friend’s place. That would be a dick move.
Patton made a beeline for Remus’s bed. Pulling out the mini fridge tucked underneath, not yet pausing to properly acknowledge Remus.
“What happened?”
“What do you think.”
Patton tipped his head back and—
Remus snatched it from Patton’s hands and promptly poured the unholy liquid on his carpet. What? Do you really think he cares more about a stain on his stupid carpet than his best friends mental breakdown? Shame. Shame on you.
Patton mournfully watched it sink into the carpet. There was a look in his eyes Remus knew meant he was mentally debating. “If you lick that off the floor I will disown you,” he snapped him out of it.
Coming to settle beside Patton, he rested a hand on his shoulder. “Tell me what happened, Puppy,” Remus carefully told him. He applied a warm, gentle pressure with his palm to Patton’s shoulder, who subconsciously leaned into the touch, knowing it helped ground him. The poor touch starved soul. Patton was ravanis for touch.
“Don’t call me Puppy. I’m not in the mood,” Patton quipped.
“Stop avoiding the question.”
“I got rid of my fake friends, happy?”
“You— you w-what?” Remus stammered, his grip briefly wavering, yet Patton collapsed further into him. Remus quickly braced him with his other hand as well. The faintest of smiles grace Patton as his eyes fluttered closed for a second. “So what? I’ve got you.”
“But why even are we friends, Patton?” Remus said, desperately confused. “They’re not wrong, you’ve said so yourself. I’m a bad influence on you.”
“You say that as if I’m any better of an influence on you,” Patton chided, slurring slightly, but he suddenly felt incredibly, painfully sober. The hopeless hurt in Remus’s voice felt like an ice cube sliding down his back.
“Seriously, Patton!”
Patton bit his tongue to repress a comment about Remus being a very un-serious person, or a, “Logan, is that you?” Instead he tried deflecting with a half/mostly-truth.
“It doesn’t matter. It never has, we just are what we are and I’m happy with us, aren’t you?” He said earnestly.
“It does matter if you’re going to give up your life as a light side for me— ditching all your friends— for me! Me, of all people,” Remus said, feeling like he was talking to a brick wall. “W-wha— what—” his hysterics muddled his words, “What kind of nutter does that?!”
“A nutter who has thought it’s tea time for the past couple years I suppose…” Patton dropped his eyes to his knotted fingers, a dead chuckle on his lips. Patton tripped into thinking of what he’s really just done.
(Patton didn’t have nearly as strict of a moral code as he used to. It’s only natural: Morals are completely subjective and change all the time. Currently, his moral code had been stripped down to two rules. Very lenient rules at that. One, as long as you’re not hurting others, it’s okay. This rule used to include “or yourself” but that part of the rule had been overwritten by his second rule. Don’t be a hypocrite.
Rule number two, don’t be a hypocrite, was the most important rule and it took prominence over every decision he made. It’s the rule that ultimately dissolved every other rule he’d ever made for himself and Thomas. As he kept breaking his own rules, he’d have to cross them off the list.
An identity crisis would be a polite way to describe Patton’s mental state. The subjectivity of morality, combined with his ultimately inconsequential feelings, shattered his entire selfhood. (See, his vobaculary consisted of some fucking brobdingnagian words.) But he didn’t mope about it. If his feelings didn’t matter to anyone else, why should they matter to him either?
Patton would also say that “treat others how you would like to be treated” was a rule he lived by too, but what he really means is “treat others how they treat you” which is, fundamentally, very different. It was also the rule he ended up justifying his words with (not that they needed justification. That’s not something truth requires). Patton had hurt them. He knew he did, and he knew it was wrong. Yet, he couldn’t seem to summon the energy to bother with apologies. They had treated him like shit. They talked down to and stepped all over his emotions and opinions. He had every right to do the exact same as far as he was concerned.
He was supposed to be morality, after all. He decided what was good and bad or inbetween. If the others disagreed, too bad, he was right by default.)
This is all a long way of saying fuck you. Fuck them. I’m fucking done.
(Fuck was Patton’s favourite word, if you couldn’t tell. It just felt so, well, fucking good to say. Fucking liberating. Fuck was a word he could always rely on for proper fucking emphasis, and to fill fucking awkward silences. Patton would never be speechless again, even when he’s too drunk to conceptualise language, now that he has Fuck to fill that void. Totally didn’t have anything to do with the fact Fuck rhymes with duck, something so innocent. So far away from each other while simultaneously being separated by only one letter. Patton could relate to that on a spiritual level.)
Meanwhile, as Patton slipped into spiraling thoughts that would inevitably lead him to, “Would it be better to have a flashy but painful death, say, via explosion, or a boring but less painful death like gorging himself on sleeping pills?” And so on, Remus watched on with due drop round, doe eyes. Tears wedged his eyelids wide open, sclera reddening with the strain. He knew the look on his companions face and it was never good. Under the influence of too many drinks and Remus’s room wasn’t a good combination.
Maybe if the others hadn’t hindered Patton maturing naturally, Patton might not have completely rejected his inherent childness. (Who knows, that’s just Remus’s opinion.) Doesn’t matter now. It wasn’t exactly something you could grow back like fingernails to hang on your chalkboard.
Remus presented him with a glass of water.
Patton, regardless of his mental state, looked unimpressed.
“Did you just summon that?” He said, eyeing it suspiciously.
“Just drink it,” Remus said, exasperated.
“Everything you summon tastes awful! And it’s water that’s all I’ll be able to taste,” Patton cringed, leaning back with folded arms.
Remus scoffed. “As if anything you summon is any better.”
“Excuse me, but I’d rather bitter honey over pickle juice so salty it makes your tongue feel dry,” he argued.
Glass insistently was pressed against his lips. Remus’s eyelids dropped into a deadpan stare, which Patton tried to glare into submission. Remus didn’t relent. Slowly, Patton’s resolve weakened and slipped from him in a sigh that parted his lips. Glass was simultaneously shoved past his teeth. Patiently, Remus tipped the glass, assisting the pickle-water to flow, until Patton’s timid hands had a good hold. Their touch lingered before Remus relented.
Despite the taste, the drink (let’s face it, it’s hardly water) settled the crashing waves inside his bones, sobering him somewhat.
“Just because they’ve known me longer doesn’t mean they know me better,” Patton eventually said.
“You're not the one sheltering me supposedly for my own good. You’re not the one making decisions for me, talking down to me, making me feel dumb. You’re not the one making me pick sides, putting pressure on me. You’re the one who lets me be myself. You're the one who I can spill my guts out to. I don’t have to worry about judgment, with you. You’re my real friend.
And if they won’t let me be around you, then so be it. They’re not my friends anymore.”
“I’m— I-I’m not worth it, Patton.”
“Yes! You are! Remus, you’re worth everything!”
A rabbit heart hopped in the silence.
“…I love you…” Patton whispered. His eyes widened. He was realising for the first time. “Love love.”
“You… you what?” Remus was in shock.
“I wouldn’t spend every speck of my free time with someone I didn’t love. I wouldn’t do favours for someone I didn’t love. It took me a while but I— shit— god-fucking-damnit I fucking love you,” Patton whimpered. The realisation smacked him over the head like a mace. Him and his foolish heart knew perfectly well that Remus wasn’t interested in dating whatsoever. Why must he fall for the one person who can’t return his feelings?
“I’m so fucking sorry,” dispair warped Patton’s words, squeaking past his narrowing throat, into a beg. A beg for it to not be true? A beg for forgiveness? A beg to please not hate him?
“It doesn’t have to have a label. We’ll… figure it out as we go.”
Nervously, Remus reached out a hand to Patton’s cheek. His touch was feather light.
Lightly pressing their skin flush so his emanating warmth seeped into him, Patton held Remus’s hand to his cheek. He briefly imagined his hands slipping up into his hair and locking them in a secure grip so Remus could have his way with him in a way that made sense. Not in this gentle, and caring, and unimaginable way. Either way, Patton was more than willing— eager— to give himself. Whichever way he wanted, Patton would pour his love into him.
Patton and Remus had always shown each other their love (platonic or otherwise) in a language they could understand, and Remus wasn’t going to stop now.
“Maybe we don’t love each other in the same way, but we still love each other, right? That’s what matters.”
Then Patton chanced a glance at Remus’s eyes. A glance turned into a mesmerized stare when Remus’s hazel framed, paradoxically glimmering blackhole pupils pulled his gaze in.
Patton had never seen anything like it, but he didn’t need to to know exactly what it meant. It was unmistakable. A glimpse into the innermost depth of his being where only the most precious tenderness could reside. It didn’t leak into his body language, facial expressions, or even corrupt his words with stutters. It pooled solely in his pupils that had been pumped full of the ebbing love. What breed of love it was didn’t matter, Patton would cherish it.
Patton saw past the event horizon.
That’s when he realised he'd never seen anything like it within any of the others. Never was there any substance to their charade. He should have known, the fool he was.
Before Patton could react (which in reality was quite slow, but Patton’s mind was working at the pace of dragging your feet through mud), Remus scooped him up in his arms.
“I can still walk.”
“I know.”
Patton felt like he was pushing his luck, but he still had to ask, “Stay?”
“Of course.”
Next Chapter:
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enigmasalad · 6 years
(This fic is based off of Crystal Cat’s sanders sides horror au speedpaints on youtube. NOW WARNINGS THIS CONTAINS KNIVES, BLOOD, STABBING, ANXIETY AND DEATH. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.) Patton sighed as he washed the dishes. This past year had been hell. Patton had no clue of how it started but it hit fast and hard on everyone. Especially Virgil. Most nights Patton could hear Virgil crying in his room, alone and in the dark. He noticed Virgil had a harder time controlling himself or calming down. This in return harmed Thomas. Thomas had pushed everyone away and locked himself away In his home. Thomas had tried so hard to stabilize himself at the beginning. However…somehow he broke. He just..lays in bed all day now while Virgil’s screams echo the halls. Speaking of which Patton jolted from the sudden shrill noise. “Patton Virgi-“ “I got it Logan! Thanks.” Patton said to his fellow side with a grin. Logan looked so tired. The black “eyeshadow” was subtle in all of them. However Logan has been working hard in helping Virgil be contained and making Thomas get up to do things like eat or shower. He was the one who would make Thomas go out to buy groceries or pay bills. It was keeping Thomas alive thankfully but it hurt. And it was definitely taking a strain on him. Especially when the screams of“How everything is meaningless” and “We’re dead anyways.” “Patton how about I go with you this time? You look..tired.” Logan offered. “You do too Logan. It’s okay! I got this.” Patton said with a smile. Logan was too tired to protest. He just slumped in a nearby chair and went…blank. Patton went to the cupboard and began preparing the only thing that lets them rest now a days. Herbal tea with sleeping pills. It sedates Virgil long enough for them to regain some energy. And Virgil seemed to be thankful for it. After the drink was set up Patton grabbed something else that would come in handy. He slipped this item in his pocket and began his journey to Virgil’s room. As he passed doors he saw Roman sitting against a wall. He was slumped over and had the same blank look Logan did. The poor guy had long since used his powers in to trying to get Thomas to go out or even talk to his friends and family. He was now in periods of active behavior and being dead to the world. “Roman? Buddy?” Patton gently asked as he crouched down before the prince. Roman was unresponsive. Patton lifted the side’s head and sighed sorrowfully. The poor Prince had the eyeshadow more intensely than himself or Logan. And he just looked so exhausted. It made Patton want to cry. His family was suffering. “It’s okay Ro. I’m gonna help Virgil and I’ll come back for you okay? Hang tight.” With those last words Patton got back up and carefully set the prince against the wall. After he was certain Roman would be comfortable he continued his task. The halls were filled with shadows that had even kept Deceit away. Patton had to smile a bit. The snake-like side had come to them begging to make Virgil stop screaming quite a few times. Now the poor snake was in his own room cowering in a corner. Patton brought him food but Deceit didn’t dare speak. He just ate in silence and covered his ears. “Oh. Im here already?” Patton smiled the best he could as he entered the one he considered his son’s room. Virgil was standing on shaky legs. His hoodie sleeves were rolled up to reveal scratches. His eyeshadow was practically covering his upper face. “Hey kiddo! I got your sleepy tea! You want it?” Patton said as he made his way to the poor side. Virgil jolted in surprise and fell to the ground. However realizing it was merely Patton, he hugged his knees and looked at the father figure. “I know it hurts buddy. Ill help you drink it okay? Here, crawl into my lap.” Patton said as he got to the anxious side’s level. Virgil shakily crawled over to Patton. His arms almost collapsed but he forced himself up. Within a minute he was settled in Patton’s lap. Patton gently put the mug to Virgil’s lips and helped him drink the sedating tea. The powers of this room gripped on Patton but he forced himself to stay strong. For his son, for Logan and Roman and all the other sides, and for Thomas. Especially for Thomas. “There we go. Good wasn’t it? Im glad.” Patton saidPatton started humming softly and held Virgil in a loving embrace. He rocked back and forth as Virgil’s tired eyes slid closed. “Dad….” “Shh. Sleep kiddo. You need it.” Virgil sighed and allowed himself to be swept away into a deep sleep. Patton now knew this was the time. He gently placed Virgil on the ground, which was unfortunate. If he was strong enough he would have tucked him into bed but he couldn’t. He pulled the item out of his pocket and held it shakily. “H-Hey kiddo? I got something that will help you feel better even more. Now it will hurt a bit but I’m doing this because I love you, and Lo, and Ro and Thomas. So please don’t hate me.” Patton took a deep shuddering breath and moved quickly. There were wet, squishy sounds and sobbing grunts echoing the room. Patton moved faster and faster with this special object. Virgil’s eyes remained closed the whole time. “T-There we g-go! Doesn’t that feel b-better Virgil?” The bloodied knife fell to the ground in a clatter. Patton could feel the effects of the anxious side slip away. The shadows faded and Patton felt himself grow stronger. He could sense Logan snapped out of his daze. He could feel Roman lift his head and stand up for the first time in weeks. Patton cried but continued to smile blood on his face, clothes and hands. “Im gonna put you to bed now okay? Im sorry if I made everything messy. But this is for Thomas right?” Patton took a moment to look at Virgil. Virgil’s eyes were still closed. One could assume he was sleeping, but the blood splattered on his face and soaking his shirt and hoodie would suggest otherwise. He..looked at peace. Patton gently brushed away Virgil’s bangs a bit and kissed his forehead. “I hope you aren’t hurting kiddo. Im...sorry.”  Just then Patton heard someone come into Virgil’s room. “Patton is Virgil okay? Is he better?” a voice asked. It was Roman. He had rushed to see if his dear friend had managed to pass this hell. Patton sniffled and stood up. He turned around to Roman and smiled. Roman’s face looked confused for a moment before it was twisted into one of sheer horror. He stumbled back against the door and covered his mouth. “W-What did you d-“ “Virgil’s okay now Roman. And Thomas is too. We’re all okay.”
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