nando161mando · 11 months
Leaf Dog - Some People Say
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tommygunnsixx · 5 years
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My Spotify served me up some bbbbbbbangers! yesterday. @razakelmusic @immortalofficial/ @abbath_official @thetruemayhem @cradleoffilth @chillsclips/ @dylan_is_chillin_yt @therealleafdog #MurderRap #HipHop #BlackMetal #GoreRap #Midian #MidianAlbum #LordAbortion #CradleOfFilth #Razakel #SonsOfNorthernDarkness #Muerta #MuertaRazakel #BeyondTheNorthWaves #DeMysteriisDomSathanas #FreezingMoon #Chills #SomePeopleSay #FromAScarecrowsPerspective (at Glenelg, South Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Ymj8WlTKU/?igshid=qntx5wqsa1ae
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jfastereft · 5 years
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"KIDNAPPED IN MEXICO"  a poem  September 15, 2019 [SUN?  DAY]
 Imagine you're in (say) MEXICO; you're sitting in a house;
You don't know where you really are; youAre    (kinda)     like a mouse?
Children outside are playing; you do not speak their tongue;
YOU DO NOT KNOW WHY YOU ARE THERE, or why you are among,
THESE STRANGERS, but you're inAcompound, it SEEMS that you are free,
ButYouHave  no means of transport      You haveNO  carAkey.
There are no men just women and children here with you;
You want to returnHOME         but you don't know what to do.
You have no food, but you're not hungry.  ThisISyour SCE  NAR  io,
AndHereYouARE   isThis(some)FREEDOM?     YouARE       in MEX  i CO.
There is no escaping     You have no one to call.
You could SCREAM or RUN, but what good would that do?
THIS, good friends, IT IS LIFE HERE     on thisEarth whichIS    soBlue.
DO YOU THINK   thisISfreedom?   Do you think this is OK?
AND THIS FRIENDS   is our life HERE, every single day.
You are not being torTured (it seems)  (maybe)   YOU'RE ONLY BEING HELD;
IsIT   Heaven or H - L L?     in Mexico, pray telled?
The children and the women    are OB LIVIOUS   TO THEIR PLIGHT;
They're simply your companions; they play all day       ANDatNIGHT,
They go TO BED, withSugarplums dancing in their head,
[And, after a few decades, they go to Heaven, it's said.]
In time, you learn the language; you become (as they say) a PA-TRON;     You amass some wealth & fortune, spending most of your time on the 'phone.     And time goes by, OR NO TIME PASSESinAflash]   You STILL don't know who youareorwhereyouare, but WHO CARES, you have someCASH,  AND SOMEsay: "You are someone," andTHUS, thisISlife as we know       YouMIGHT as well be lost in the mountains, in a heavy SNOW.    AND somePEOPLEsay: "Oh, VOYAGER, THATthere are manyLivesToCome,   IN India or France, and you just sit on your bum,    LOOKING at The Scenery, basking in the sun,    Dying in a war, perhaps    until this nextLife's done.   NEVER really dying  or living or being free,]  'Cause, whoKNOWSwhat is freedom, and there is you and me.
MORAL: BE happy in your work, it is endless and sublime, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cq_Vz4bsC0     And, about the best you can do is:
say, just say, say: "I'm,   (pause)
STABLE AND CONTENT, AND Ihave A POINT OF VIEW, that keeps me from screamingBLOODY MURDER." Yup!  That's about the best you can do.  ♥  Screw around a little bit and start a  fa-mi-ly,   AND write some poems and sing some songs, in 4-part har-mo-ny.   AND AT THE SETTING SUN, EACH DAY, CHECK YOUR CELL PHONE TO[O],     DETERMINE IF ANYONE CALLED       "Your Lord" (pause)
fin  ♥   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP6QFUcDZXU
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thenewsoundwave · 9 years
Smoking hot track! New release.
*No copyright infringement intended
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nando161mando · 9 months
Leaf Dog - Some People Say
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sheozone-blog · 10 years
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Vol. 1 of "Some People Say" series by sheozone
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sidodoberkoar-blog · 12 years
“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.”
Maya Angelou
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sidodoberkoar-blog · 12 years
Kami menggoyangkan langit, menggempakan darat, dan menggelorakan samudera agar tidak jadi bangsa yang hidup hanya dari 2 ½ sen sehari. Bangsa yang kerja keras, bukan bangsa tempe, bukan bangsa kuli. Bangsa yang rela menderita demi pembelian cita-cita
Sukarno (1901-1970)
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sidodoberkoar-blog · 12 years
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep. I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
Alexander the Great (356 - 323 BC)
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sidodoberkoar-blog · 12 years
Courage is grace under pressure.
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)
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