#something is ~bad and unhealthy~ so we shouldn't even dignify it by talking about it
theghostofashton · 2 years
#i've seen a lot of 'i used to ship x relationship and then i realized it was toxic' or 'i like x relationship but they're soooo toxic'#and it's just...... kind of weird to me?#like if you enjoy something and the only reason you're trying to convince yourself you don't or shouldn't is bc of toxicity it's like#why does that matter#the characters are fictional the relationship is fictional#and if you're aware it's toxic clearly you're also aware that you shouldn't idolize that kind of dynamic#so what exactly is the issue#why deprive yourself of something you genuinely enjoy out of fear of liking a 'toxic' ship#also believe me i have so many issues w the label toxic as a whole lmfao#i think people often use that as a way to write things off and not have the difficult conversations#something is ~bad and unhealthy~ so we shouldn't even dignify it by talking about it#which is....... not really how anything works?#staunchly refusing to have the conversation doesn't make the behavior cease to exist#and imo it's way more productive to unpack ~toxic~ behavior to see where it comes from and why it exists#that's the best way to avoid replicating it tbh#like use fiction use these larger than life portrayals of humanity to understand the world and understand people around you#instead of running from anything deemed ~toxic~ and believe me there's another convo to be had about how toxic is a catch all#and ignores so much nuance#idk just some thoughts bc i keep seeing toxic used to shut down conversations and shame your own enjoyment of things and it's#weird lmfao
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I'm a sucker for some vamp!lock... Pun intended!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Johnlock.
Stranger: [vampire/unilock; John and Sherlock used to be good friends for a while in secondary school; there's been a lot of rumours going around about Sherlock is practising Satanism and drinking blood and killing animals and stuff like that; Mycroft who's a vampire as well decided it would be best to fake his dead to put an end to it and not risk that their secret would be unconvered, he made up a story about Sherlock having had a car accident and told the school he was being in a coma, asking everyone to refrain from visiting and after a month announced that Sherlock had died; it's set two years after that; John spotted Sherlock (who's calling himself William Scott now) at his university and keeps trying to prove that it's Sherlock]
Did you seriously try to lure the secretary into giving you my file? Stop spying on me. For god's sake! WS
You: [Reading, bear with]
You: No, you don't get to turn this back on me. Do you think I'm an idiot? JW
Stranger: I don't know anything about you! I just know that you tried to charm the secretary to get my fail. You might be charming, but I have her loyality. She's sort of a distant relative. WS
Stranger: *file
You: You know everything about me, and I know enough about you to know that this isn't you. How far do I have to go to get you to stop fucking hiding from the real world? JW
Stranger: I'm not hiding. WS
You: You're hiding. People started spreading rumours, the atmosphere got bad. I understand that. I was there, I saw you, I saw what it did to you when they spoke about you like that. I believed him, for a while. Mycroft, I mean. I really thought you were dead. I thought they'd bullied you to an early grave, do you know that? I thought you got so depressed from being so sorely bullied that you just went and offed yourself, and there was nothing I could do to save you. Did you know that? JW
Stranger: The official explanation was a car accident, not a suicide. WS
Stranger: I mean.. that's what I've heard. WS
You: Please, everyone assumed the worst, no matter how they might have spun it. JW
You: I deserve at least the truth, Sherlock Holmes. At least. JW
Stranger: (delayed) You should know that I wouldn't just "off myself". SH
You: How could I know? You were a mystery to me. We hung out, sure. You showed me some incredible things. But you didn't show me any of yourself. JW
You: I'm sorry that I didn't see how bad things had gotten. I should have helped sooner. JW
Stranger: Oh Christ. It had nothing to do with you or the rumours. At least not in a way that it affected my mood or anything. SH
You: I don't understand. What else could it have been? JW
Stranger: Precautions. SH
You: Precautions... For what? Did they get physical with you? JW
Stranger: No. But they did get too close to the truth. SH
You: What truth? Did you do something? JW
Stranger: You remember the things they said about me drinking blood? SH
You: Of course I do. Nonsense stuff, though, just because you're a bit pale and your hair is dark. Teenagers being shitty teenagers. JW
Stranger: Teenagers being on the right track there. SH
You: Are you talking about those weird experiments you'd do? Because I never told anybody about those, I swear. JW
You: I thought they were interesting. I liked seeing them. JW
Stranger: It's not about my experiments. I am drinking blood. SH
You: Let's humour this for a moment: Why? JW
Stranger: I'm a vampire. SH
You: Oh my God... What's happened to you, Sherlock? Did they really drive you so crazy? JW
You: I'm so sorry. I should have looked harder. JW
Stranger: And this is why I didn't tell you about me faking my death. SH
You: Because you knew I'd want to get you some professional help? It's called being a friend. I'm still here. I still want to be that. Please let me be that for you. JW
Stranger: No because I knew you wouldn't believe me. John, I didn't start to think I'm a vampire somewhere along the way. I already was. And this is certainly not the first time I've faked my death either. SH
You: Sherlock, you have to understand how this sounds. Please, I know it must be hard talking to a person from such a difficult time, but I want to help. You're not a vampire. JW
Stranger: Fine, explain to me then how I'm still alive, when I was born in 1812. Explain to me why I live of blood. SH
You: This is... Delusion, Sherlock. You don't need blood. Luckily, it's not the kind of thing to hurt if you drink it, but you need other food as well. JW
Stranger: It is something that is harmful to humans, John. Human blood contains too much iron for a human metabolism. It's poisonous in large amounts, despite that humans can't digest blood either. In larger amounts than just a few drops from a cut or something, the stomach revolts and you throw up. SH
You: You're definitely Sherlock. I'm going to fail all of my exams this term. JW
Stranger: Perhaps you should have paid more attention to your studies than trying to prove I'm alive, just to claim that I'm insane. SH
You: Not insane. Deluded. There's a very fine difference in that one comes with no control and no respect for those other than yourself, and the other just means you've been misled somewhere along the way. JW
Stranger: I was not bloody mislead! Nor delusional. You are just being a bad friend for not even trying to believe me. SH
You: You left me. JW
You: I needed you and you left me. JW
Stranger: For good reason as we see now. SH
You: Fuck you. You don't have a high horse to climb onto right now. Get over here and fucking prove it to me if you want it to be real so badly. Stop insulting me and tell me why I shouldn't be insulting you after what you did. JW
Stranger: Fine. You want proof? I've got a gun over here. Shoot me. If that wound doesn't instantly close and heal up within a couple of days, you can still consider me nuts. SH
You: I'm not going to shoot you, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: How else am I supposed to prove it to you then? SH
You: I dunno. Show me your teeth. Burn in the sun. Turn into a fucking bat, I dare you. JW
Stranger: If I show you my original birth certificate you'll think it's faked, if I'll show you old photographs you'll say they're manipulated. I have the feeling I have to be drastic here. SH
Stranger: I can't turn into a bat! This isn't a low budget movie! SH
You: Oh, sure, you being a vampire is completely sane, but turning into a bat is too far. JW
Stranger: Yes it is. Bit insulting too, it's like calling humans monkeys just because they share some of the same traits. SH
You: Find me proof from someone that isn't you, then. Show me a friend. Find me someone else you can't have faked. JW
Stranger: I also don't burn in the sun. That myth developed because most of us used to go out at night to feed because it would look a bit odd to go out in the middle of the day and bite someone. SH
Stranger: What do you mean find someone else? SH
You: Get me an opinion that wouldn't lie to me. JW
Stranger: Mycroft. SH
Stranger: No, hang on. Lying is basically his job description. SH
You: Give me a photo and a birth certificate and leave them with me for a day. JW
Stranger: How about Ms Lucas? You know that secretary you tried to charm? SH
You: Why are you so intensely set on this? Why can't you just admit to me that you're too embarrassed to tell the truth? JW
Stranger: I don't have photos from before the mid 1800's. But I have portraits, one's actually painted by my mother. And if you're going to take it anywhere, I'll come with you. SH
You: You're not going to come with me, because then you're going to manipulate the source I go to that will judge the authenticity of the date. JW
Stranger: Then you are not having it. SH
Stranger: Out of the question. No way, José. SH
You: You can come with me and wait outside. JW
Stranger: Most of my belongings are antique singletons, John. I'm not going to let some idiot calling himself an expert close to them unless I'm supervising. SH
You: Then bite me. JW
Stranger: What? SH
You: I mean it. Bite me, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: You don't even know what you're talking about. SH
You: I definitely do, and I'm ready. Hit me. Show me who you are and bite me. JW
Stranger: No you don't. You'll get high. SH
You: High? JW
Stranger: It's my saliva. It works like a drug. It's not unhealthy or anything. You just... Well, it's a bit like getting drunk, just with a shot of endorphins. SH
You: Then there's no danger in proving yourself to me. JW
Stranger: I haven't done that in ages... SH
Stranger: Quite literally. SH
You: And here's a willing volunteer, waiting right here for you. How lucky. JW
Stranger: Oh god you're really starting to annoy me. Fine. Come over then. Do you need my address or did you find that out while stalking me? SH
You: Give the address to me, if it'll make you less of a bitch about it. JW
Stranger: 221B Baker Street. SH
You: Of course you can afford to live in Central. Typical. JW
You: [If you want to move into para, would you mind starting? At least just give me a couple of details of any notable way he looks/how the flat is laid out etc]
Stranger: ((oh no, I can start it's fine.. oh and I was thinking except for the fact that he doesn't age, he doesn't look any different than normal, no hard skin, he does have a heartbeat .. I'm just tired of all the vampire cliches xD))
You: [That's okay :D I like everything so far, it's great
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