#something small I wrote a good while ago inspired by my amazing RP <3
queerlecter · 2 years
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(484 words) by queerlecter
A reimagined version of the Dolce kiss between Hannibal and Bedelia. Now with 100% more implied Hannigram.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Bedelia Du Maurier & Hannibal Lecter Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Bedelia Du Maurier Additional Tags: A Hannibal/Bedelia kiss but it isn't a relationship-kiss, guess who this dude is thinking about, Pining, Hannibal Lecter Loves Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter is a Softie, Hannibal Lecter is a Mess
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fatebreaking-a · 4 years
In an effort to not spam the dash. I wrote all these at 4 am so they may not make sense. Go find your section underneath:
( @sacredtempest , @sparrowofthesands , @hacion , @tidal-wanderer , @fxlgurkinesis , @hugefy-me / @darkseraphscorner​ )
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You’re a nerd, ilu. Your support of me over the years has been a blessing and the fact that even though we RP less ( kind of? D&D hype-! ) we’re still chums is... well, it’s nice. Even though your dreams of Fieram being a real boy scare me. :T But your creative mind and your unique aesthetic taste is something that shines through, as is your sass.
Listen, the octagonal house still doesn’t make sense, okay. It doesn’t.
Not a lot I can say to someone I spend 3 hours with a week and sometimes talk to late into the night as well. You’ve seen my lows and my highs, and we’re still riding this ride. Thumbs up. You’re pretty hella. 
dang dude that’s a lotta hearts. So listen, even though we don’t RP a ton together, you’re someone I see as consistently decent. And so while I appreciate your support of me ( a whole bunch, seeing you be like ‘tall sona is good sona’ is delightful ), I also really appreciate that I can kind of count on you to just be a decent person. Not a perfect person, not a saint-like person, but a decent human being. Someone who tries to help others, cheers them on, etc etc- I’m always hoping for the continued success of your charity streams. The ‘outward looking’ attitude you have is really nice. You’re good people, trying to do what you can in the way that you can. It’s cool stuff. Also being the ‘beach episode’ to your ‘zombie apocalypse’ was pretty fun, honestly. I still cackle at it. ( Also your other blogs are pretty cool too )
me, having flashbacks to the 5 part saga of our characters and their friendship, cool dancing moment ( still an all time favorite for moments with a lot of depth ), betrayal. Also your strong inspiration for my own portrayal of ‘Lista... I weep. So good. You were my benchmark.
Listen I think you’re pretty great. I’ve known you since you were a little sproutling, but having reconnected with you now? It’s been so good to hear about you spreading your wings ( or branches, for the sake of the analogy ). and to see you grow as a person. A couple years ago, I had the distinct feeling that you were someone that I ought to just... hope for the best for. That you were really on your way, and all on your own, you’d end up being amazing - I just had to do my duty as your older friend and watch ( and give a thumbs up whenever you looked my way ). Maybe that was arrogant or condescending of me. I dunno. But!
You did. You’re pretty amazing. You’re doing great things, but you’ve also grown a lot. You seem... not only more mature, but more confident in yourself, but you haven’t lost sight of yourself and the things that are important to you. You still seem as genuine as ever. I can’t put my finger on it but, talking to you now...
I’m just happy for you. It feels like watching the neighborhood kids grow up. I always have your back if you need it, you know I’m in your corner if you ever need anything. Oh and ofc, thank you for your kind words and I’m glad you approve of my various portrayals :^)
Also we should talk about my revamped OC except superhero because someone needs to bug Helen.
First of all, obviously, thank you. Second of all, Peachieeeeeeeeeeee...
Aaaaah. Really, thank you. For you to approve of my So/na means a heck of a lot ( I still remember the So/na server w/ you & Tea and a bunch of other people tbh ). 
Third of all, let me just say that I adore your interpretation of Nemnems. You mix a curiosity into poise that works delightfully well, and it’s a treat to just keep an eye on. Also, since I have a moment to say it - I’m glad you’re finding new comfort zones and setting boundaries more. Seeing you stick up for yourself more- It’s just good. It’s good to see that because it also feels like, ‘wow ok I’m not the only one, I’m not being a petty complainer’. Anyway all of this is meant to really mean ‘I appreciate you’, because I think you’re pretty delightful. I hope we can stay cool mutuals / peeps in the future and if you ever need someone to wave a flag of support, I gotchu. Anyway, bottom line: Dang, you’re neat, and thank you. 
fxlgurkinesis :
You are so fucking nice I almost can’t believe it, what the heck.
Okay let me rewind that. First. Thanks! Writing with you is an absolute blast, you’re real neat to talk to, and the angst we pour into everything is pretty A+. Also tearing out your heart with cosmic Ori content heheheheh. I’m glad you like our interactions and also that So/na is neato to you.
Okay now it’s compliment time again. So I repeat, what the heck. So, before your hiatus, I did kinda skulk around and cheer from afar and sometimes send you nice asks but... I mean, we didn’t know each other. Ofc. The strange thing was that everyone seemed to be absolutely thrilled with you. ‘Oh but that’s just because I’m popular for some reason?’ No no no no. Nope. I mean everyone was thrilled by you. I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about you ever to the point where I went “ok so is this person a literal angel or what?”
Turns out you’re a literal angel.
It is so unbelievably rare to, unprompted, hear someone say nice things about another person. It just is. While people love to talk to each other and talk about various things going on, it’s rare for someone to mention an outside party and take the time to just praise them for no reason. It doesn’t really happen... Except when you’re involved, apparently. No joke. I can mention it without revealing who said nice things about you but- Really, that’s a sign that you’re spectacular.
And I agree. You’re super easy to talk to but I can also trust that you’re genuine and I hope you don’t ever feel pushed around by me! That and you just taking the time to talk to me even though we didn’t know each other much when I was struggling, your constant support.
Heck. You’re great and you should know it. 
Listen. Well, first of all: Hey thank you. That you like me writing is pretty darn rad.
Okay now listen. Listen, listen, listen- There’s such a small space to exist in that is simultaneously serious and silly without toppling so far in either direction that it becomes impossible to recenter. Too much silly and you won’t be taken seriously, and vice versa.
Somehow, somehow, you’ve managed the astounding feat of writing Lu/lu ( bless her heart ) as both of these things and still maintained a balance somehow. She can be both serious and silly and people don’t double take or misread her. And you’ve done that while also setting up ‘sunday traps’. 
Huh? It’s genius, right? It really is some kind of incomprehensible genius that puts your Lu/lu in such a unique position.So, let me also say that I so appreciate your portrayal. Not only for this weird balance, but for the refreshing cheer it brings to my dash - it really just seems like you’re having fun, and that’s so nice to see. You’re a delightful presence on the dash and also sorry for getting tired / running out of time and dropping small interaction threads with you literally constantly.
haha I’m pretty cool aren’t I. nice job, me. 
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theothercourse · 6 years
40 QUESTIONS — MEME FOR FIC WRITERS - 7, 8, 9,10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 35, 38. Again, a lot, I'm sorry, but I love when you tell us more about your writing! And happy new year, sweetie!! Hope it's full of love, peace and wonderful things for you and your loved ones! Love you! .Maizie
I love that you asked, and I certainly don’t mind answering many.
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is from The Best Intentions, the RP romance between Ansgar Martinsson and Joline Lindberg. I wrote for Joline and loved this part:
Joline hiked up on her booted toes to erase the last bit of distance between them, wanting for be consumed by the torrential heat blazing off of him. The tangle of tongues sent the sweetest torture of sensation straight to her core, her body heavy with need. One of his hands dug into her hair to hold her captive against his mouth, the other pressed into the small of her back, tipping her hips against his. Dull fingernails scraped along his scalp when she took hold of his curls.
Lust played an undeniable force around them like gravity held them to the Earth’s surface. Slaves to it, but masters of it within their sphere of two. Their friendly jogger, his sights on Ansgar, now making his fifth lap past them, cut his losses and kept going to beat off his own arousal at the picture the two made, a smash of leather, denim and desire.
Ansgar was the one to end the meld of lips and teeth and tongues, regrettably. He knew that if they went on as they were he’d tear her clothes from her body and take her right on the spot, the wandering curious gazes be damned.
Joline herself felt ready to jump into her arms, coil her long legs around him and search out the closest surface to fuck against. He tasted of coffee, sex, danger and she already felt the addictive streams pouring through her body, her pores itching for his fingers and mouth as a balm.
His breath panted against her lips, swollen and pink from the pressure of their passionate kiss and the burn of his goatee. But—Fuck! She was a vision! His influence on her for all to see, he was almost… enchanted by it. He dragged his thumb across her lip, “You’re delicious. I simply cannot wait to taste what other flavors you’re hiding.”
Joline kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the bursts of heated breath spreading over her abused lips and the vibrations from his lips to hers. “God-fucking-damn it, Martinsson!” Only her voice had dropped to a seductive purr instead of the angry tones from moments ago.
He dropped his mouth to her ear, his tongue rasped at the fleshy lobe just once before her murmured, “Search out other art on your skin.”
The five ink decorated skin spots hidden beneath her clothes tingled, sending out a honing signal for him to lock in on. Joline pried her eyes open as he lifted his face to peer into hers. The brassed off woman had been somewhat tamed by temptation, he could see it in the flush of arousal and the relaxed scowl. “If this is what ‘intrigued’gets me, I’m fucked if I ever pique your interest,” she quipped in a delayed response to his comment that led to the heated argument and equally as heated kiss.
The pride and arrogance displayed on him in the forming of a Cheshire grin. “You’re fucked either way, as soon as I get you alone,” he replied confidently.
There’s just so much of their dynamic wrapped up in this part. I really loved writing for Joline, and writing with a partner. I always felt that writing with my partner made me better. My partner is infinitely talented, and I was lucky to have the opportunity to work with them twice! Really lucky. 
Joline stretched me as a writer. She was rough with harder edges than any of the other female characters I’ve created. She had to be to be a match for Ansgar. They loved each other fiercely, and fought just as much. Some of my best writing came out of doing that RP.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Here’s a small snippet of Chocolate that followed after The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth:
“Are you waiting for him, turtledove? Are you waiting for Tom? He told you not to.”
Avoiding Terry’s gaze, I zeroed in on the steam rising over the rim of the wide width of the cup, considering his question seriously, weighing up how much of my reluctance was hung up on the man that left me behind. I didn’t blame Tom in the slightest. He was chasing his dream in Los Angeles as I was in New York City. Our careers were important and set in motion before we met each other. Although we fell in love, we couldn’t be together. Noble Tom set me free to date and possibly find another love, insisting that I shouldn’t wait for him until he could come back for me.
Our six month separation became ten with one phone call. Tom and I spoke only that once since he left, only to tell me that his career path was leading him back to England, and he couldn’t come back for me or the Hiddleston family watch that he gave me. There was no true end in sight for our separation.
Blinking repeatedly, I leveled my eyes on Terry’s concerned puppy dog expression. I cleared my throat and huffed a small laugh to cove my pause, reveling in the memory of Tom and I in our one week together. “I’m trying, Terr. I’m trying to not wait for him. But my heart… my heart isn’t in dating. Tom took it with him when he left,” I said honestly, picking at the chocolate donut, the very thing Terry was sugaring me up with.
“Have you talked to him?”
“Not since the Spielberg call, seven weeks, three days and sixteen hours ago.”
Terry said, sarcastically, “Excellent! I was worried you were counting.”
With a rueful shrug, I confessed, “I can’t help that, babe. All he left me with was time and a way to measure it.”
Mainly, I love what Kristiane says. It was so fortuitous that Tom gave Kristiane his watch at the end of The Course. I had originally wanted it to be some kind of trinket that Tom found along his theatre journeys that he kept for good luck, that he would eventually give to Kristiane as a hopeful ending to the story. I then thought it would be a piece of jewlery like... a broach or necklace. I’m grateful that it was a watch and I could use that line. It’s so... sad and hopeful at the same time. It’s romantic.
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
I answered this one in the previous ask.
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
I’ll go with The Best Intentions. It was always the easiest and most inspiring to write with a partner, someone to bounce ideas off of, plot with, get ideas from, and generally to get feedback and support from. I did the most writing I’ve ever done with a partner. 
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Answered in the previous ask
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Definitely, definitely out of order. That’s exactly why Down with Love and How the Other Half Lives have been so problematic. Piecing things back together is a bitch.
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
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20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Summer day, late breeze, my balcony, sun bright, Broadway tunes, nowhere else to go... no time constraints, no distractions. A bottomless glass of ice tea and pink starbursts. My London themed notebook and my purple ink pen (Uni Ball Signo, medium, purple ink).
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
I’ve thought about it, but I don’t know if I could ever go through with it. I’m too emotionally connected to my characters to do it. I thought about it for the Best Intentions and Down with Love. I won’t reveal who or why or what it would do for the narrative and trajectory of the story.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
All of them. Seriously. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Any response to something I’ve written makes my entire day. I realize how much social anxiety and fear that goes into putting yourself out there, as a writer and as a reader. Any message or question that I get means so much to me.
Thank you, Maizie. You’ve been an amazing support for me, even while I’ve been so stuck. I appreciate it.
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