#something so sinister about how juan was afraid of not being loved by his family and they all ended up hating him and dancing on his grave
earlgodwin · 1 year
the thing about rodrigo is that he's too blinded by his own ambitions and has always been dismissive of everyone's (including his family) feelings. unfortunately for juan he became a victim of rodrigo's ambitions, he was doomed the second he decided to favor him over cesare and lucrezia. he isolated him and tasked him with a role beyond his capability which struck cesare's jealousy because he had the chance to live the life he always desired as a soldier but instead, he made him a cardinal. basically, rodrigo set juan to fail and made him envied by his brother, and pitted them against each other. juan should've never been placed in opposition to cesare when he wanted harmony with his family while cesare wanted to be the gonfaloniere. they both wanted something the other one had. cesare's desire to be a leader and fighter and his distaste for juan in that role and juan's wish to be as close to his family as cesare is, especially with vanozza and lucrezia. despite juan having his father's attention, it's cesare that rodrigo trusts and depends on. he did not seem to trust juan enough as he keeps sending cesare to search for him every time and was made to act as his brother's keeper. rodrigo made both juan and cesare feel so insecure and not good enough for him which led to juan's murder and the only way rodrigo managed to come to terms with juan's death is by declaring it a tragedy caused by his rodrigo's lust for power, which corrupted his sons. both brothers are flawed but also victims of circumstances. cesare and juan were both trapped by their father's ambitions which led to their brotherly relationship being ruined when they should have been brothers in arms, not enemies. at last, rodrigo realized how much he failed juan as a father and understood how in the end he had not been there properly for him either. the guy was tormented, suffering from a horrible illness, and not to mention the mockery by everyone, especially when he tried to change after he came back from spain. in conclusion, juan went in an undeserving way. he was discarded like a common criminal with no funeral and no one to mourn him except his father. he was so earnest, he loved his family but felt inferior to his siblings while being desperate for connection, but his father set him to fail and made him gather resentment of his siblings and it was too late to fix it.
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just to clarify; this not an anti-rodrigo post. the entire family is messy and they've hurt each other even when they meant to do good and i love them all lmao
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lbat1901 · 5 years
Eddsworld: UTFTF Chapter 4
When Worlds Collide - (Chapter 4)
As nighttime fell on the town of Spitbucket, the citizens all came together for the town’s annual anniversary celebration. This year the celebration was different since there was the regrand opening for the town’s clock tower. Afterwards, a party was held inside the saloon where the bartender was serving up free drinks while the same band that was seen earlier were performing. Meanwhile outside, Baron was seen handing over his dagger to the mayor just so he and his goons can enter. “Is that all you got Baron?” asked the mayor. “Yes it is. You have my dagger, now leave me alone” said Baron.
“Hey! Watch it with the attitude boy or else I’ll be putting you down” said the mayor. “Fine…” said Baron. After exchanging a couple of things, Baron and his goons walked by while Future Edd watches. “Hey Edd, we just wanted to say thank you helping out today” said Sheriff Thompson. “Yeah if you haven’t stopped those bandits, Matthew and I would’ve been dead” said Edward. “You don’t have to thank me. I had to do something” said Future Edd.
“Yes you had to. Speaking of which, I was thinking of bringing over both Edward and Thompson with me to England for dinner with the royal family. Would you like to join?” asked Prince Matthew. “I would love to, but I have to say no. It’s because I can’t stay here” said Future Edd. “Why not? It’s great to see a relative that bears the Gold name. We have a lot of catching up to do” said Edward. “About that, we are related, but we’re from different time periods” said Future Edd. “Different time periods?” asked Edward. “Oh, how do I put this in a way to make you understand this clearly?” asked Future Edd.
“You don’t need to, we’ll understand” said Sheriff Thompson. Future Edd takes a moment of pause before telling them everything. There was a couple of surprised looks especially from Edward. “So….you’re my descendant?” asked Edward. “And my descendant doesn’t have any eyes? I thought that having Baron taking out my eye in an epic gun fight wouldn’t transfer through DNA” said Sheriff Thompson. “My descendant considers himself beautiful? Well wait….I already do that, but not in that level” said Prince Matthew.
“What you just heard is all true. That bottle that you have right there will become a can and will be outlawed throughout an entire nation” said Future Edd. “Well that sucks!” said Edward. “Anyway, I need to head back in time” said Future Edd. “Where to? The future?” asked Sheriff Thompson. “No, just don’t worry about it” said Future Edd. “Oh….can we come with you?” asked Prince Matthew.
“I’m sorry, but if I were to do that it may cause some time paradox thing were the flow of time itself will be destroyed. It’s confusing and it’s a lot to take in I know” said Future Edd. “Oh, so I guess this is goodbye” said Edward. “Yes, but I’ll probably come back one day. In the meantime, I got better things to do” said Future Edd. Sheriff Thompson, Edward, and Prince Matthew watched as Future Edd walked away from them as he pressed a button on his wristwatch before seeing him vanish.
[In The Actual Right Destination]
A bright flash could been seen in the corner of an alleyway as Future Edd stood up. “I knew it! I did set the watch back way too far. Now let’s have a look at the surrounding area” said Future Edd. Future Edd takes the moment to check his surroundings and came to realize that he was in the right timeline. “Aha! I’m in the right timeline after all. Now to carry on with my mission” said Future Edd. “Yeah about that mission, what is the place that we’re currently standing in? This isn’t the saloon” said Edward. Future Edd recognizes the voice and sees that Edward, Sheriff Thompson, and Prince Matthew were standing near a dumpster.
“H-How…..where did you guys come from?” asked Future Edd. “Oh that? We followed in after you, plus we got followed from those three bandits from earlier” said Sheriff Thompson. Future Edd sees the bandits sitting on the ground. “Oh my god……” said Future Edd. “Hey depresso, why are in a digusting place like this and why are so many bright lights here?” asked Saloonatics Eduardo. “This place that we’re in is called an alleyway and these lights are just there for some random creeps just like him” said Future Edd.
The Saloonatics turned their attention onto a sinister looking guy digging through a trashcan till he noticed them. “Hi there” said the Sinister Guy. “Hola” said Marco. “Anyway, I can’t leave you six here all by yourselves especially in a strange place like this so I guess you’re coming with me” said Future Edd. “Yay, traveling” said Juan. Future Edd mumbles something under his breath as he lead the Saloonatics out of the alleyway and onto the streets.
However, instead of keeping quiet, they were looking at almost everything. “Wow, look at of these colorful lights” said Sheriff Thompson. “Hey, this store has some pretty fancy stuff. Why haven’t I gotten these?” asked Prince Matthew. “Matthew, get over here now” said Future Edd. Prince Matthew quickly comes back as continued walking down the street. “My, I never seen so many buildings in my life” said Edward.
“Welcome to the 21st century version of England” said Future Edd. “Wait…we’re in England? Cool!” said Edward. “I feel so calm and peaceful” said Saloonatics Eduardo. “Yeah I know. I feel so calm that I can speak in English without the need of being judged. I like this a lot” said Marco. “Me too!” said Juan. “That reminds me, I have to show you” said Future Edd.
“What is it?” asked Sheriff Thompson. “Follow me” said Future Edd. Future Edd takes the Saloonatics with to a pier where they were given a nice view of the city of London with all of its buildings lighting up the night sky. “Wow…….this is beautiful” said Juan. “I know. This is my most favorite spot” said Future Edd. “Oooo, what is that thing over there?” asked Edward.
“Oh that? That’s the London Eye, it’s a ferris wheel” said Future Edd. “Amazing. I can sit here and stare at this all night long” said Prince Matthew. Future Edd couldn’t help but smile to see the Saloonatics happy, but this all ended when Future Tom and Matt found them as they pointed their guns at him. “Freeze Edd” said Future Matt. “Crap!” said Future Edd. “Who are those guys? They look mean” said Juan.
“Don’t be afraid of them, I’ll take of this. Matt, Tom, what are you doing here? The better question would be, how did you know that I was here?” asked Future Edd. “Oh don’t play stupid with us, Edd. We know that you had Zhong Wei get out of your cell and helped you get ahold of your stuff since we’ve asked him” said Future Tom. “What!? Why that- grr…..look, can we not do this today?” asked Future Edd. “And let you kill past Tord? No thank you” said Future Matt. “Exactly. I hate to say this, but you’re under arrest again. Now put down that laser pistol” said Future Tom. “Never! I let you stop me the first time, but this time I’m going down without a fight” said Future Edd.
“You’re going to fight us by using……hang on, is that my ancestor?” asked Future Tom. Sheriff Thompson waves at Future Tom as he lowered his gun. Future Edd sees this as an advantage and goes over to Prince Matthew. “Why yes it is Tom. Oh and Matt, this person right here is your ancestor” said Future Edd. “You better stay away from him Edd” said Future Matt. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt him” said Future Edd.
“Oh thank goodness. For a second there, I thought you were going to scar up his face in order to make sure I look ugly” said Future Matt. Before Future Edd could say anything to counter on what Future Matt just said, a light shone over them as a helicopter came to the pier. “What the?” asked Future Matt. Soon many soldiers came and surrounded them in a circle formation as a submarine comes up from the sea. A latch opens up revealing a female soldier along with three other soldiers wearing a colored scarf. “Blueberry, Raspberry, and Banana….hmm….they seem like nice people” said Juan as he read off of their name tags.
“I don’t care what their names are, I only care about the woman. Why is she wearing pants?” asked Saloonatics Eduardo. “Commander Yamiyo, it looks we have company here on this pier” said Raspberry. “I see that. Oh, they’ve picked the wrong day to be here” said Yamiyo. “Wrong day? What do you mean? This is supposed to be a free pier for everyone” said Future Edd. “Not this pier though. This pier is used for shipping and getting supplies” said Yamiyo. “You got to be kidding me right? I literally came to this pier when I’m having a bad day and now you’re telling me that I can’t be here? Nobody takes away my happiness and I mean nobody” said Future Edd.
“Oh really? That’s a dying shame. It’s not your world you know” said Yamiyo. What happened next resulted in Future Edd taking charge at Yamiyo in a whirlwind of rage and fury, but his attempts were stopped as Banana stabbed him in the back with a dagger. Banana quickly takes the now blood covered dagger out of Future Edd as he heard him give off a scream of pain. “Ehehehe……looks like I made a perfectly good line down your back” said Banana. Future Edd growls angrily as he pointed his laser pistol at a laughing Banana. “YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!!” yelled Future Edd.
Before Future Edd could pull the trigger, he suddenly gets tased by Yamiyo before eventually collapsing to the ground. “Well that was….eventful” said Yamiyo. “Why would you do that for?” asked Future Tom. “It should be clearly obvious that he seemed like a threat and by following the official code of the Black Army, it’s best to get rid of the problem” said Yamiyo. “Black Army?” asked Future Matt. “Oh dear, it looks like we got a group of people that will spill out our secrets. What should we do with them?” asked Banana.
“Like we always do, knock them out and take them in as our prisoners” said Blueberry. “Nice try, but we’re going to be ones that will give you the knock out treatment” said Future Tom. “Figured that you would say that. Now!” said Blueberry. Future Tom’s eyes widen as he prepared himself, but he was swiftly taken down by Raspberry who managed to hack into his visor causing it to shutdown completely. “Oh you shouldn’t have let your guard down when I can hack through almost everything” said Raspberry. Future Matt who was watching all of this could only do one thing and that one thing was get down to the ground and play dead.
“Awww….looks like someone gave up” said Blueberry. “Forget about him, there’s still more. It looks like we’ve got rodeo clowns” said Yamiyo. “Clowns!? How dare you insult me like that. I’m Sheriff Thompson and you’re going to face the wrath of my gun” said Sheriff Thompson. “Yeah like he said” said Edward. Both Edward and Sheriff Thompson took out their guns and pointed them at Yamiyo. Eventually they were joined by the three bandits while Prince Matthew hide behind them.
“Wow, you guys have the coolest cosplay outfits ever” said Banana. As Prince Matthew lowered himself to the ground, he was suddenly grabbed by Raspberry. “Help! I’m being grabbed! Please, get him off!” cried Prince Matthew. “Matthew!” said Edward. “Hey you freak! Get your hands off him” said Sheriff Thompson. “Hmm…..British Royal Family…? Is this even- oh! It is real. Good news guys, I think we’re being presented by a member of the royal family” said Raspberry.
“Ah excellent. So we have an actual prince here. I love it” said Yamiyo. “He’s not going anywhere with you without a fight” said Sheriff Thompson. Yamiyo responds to this by motioning for the soldiers to point highly advanced rifles at the Saloonatics which made them surrender. “Oh I love it when people give up. It brings me so much joy. Now, let’s give these lovely intruders our hostility” said Yamiyo. Yamiyo then lets out an evil laugh as Blueberry, Raspberry, and Banana joined in.
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