#something something Adam technically saving himself by bringing Vic into his life
another-corpo-rat · 1 year
Ship ask, enjoy lmao for Vic and Adam
What was their first impression of each other?
Who felt romantic feelings first?
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
What was their first kiss like?
What are their primary love languages?
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Who’s the better cook?
oml you spoil me with so many 💕 Questions are here!
What was their first impression of each other?
Answered here!
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Victoria was the first to recognise them as romantic. She didn’t have an ‘Oh. Oh.’ moment so much as a: ‘Really? HIM?” one.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Adam’s would follow its course ‘till the end: he’d continue serving Arasaka and whoever heads it at the dictation of the contract he signed a lifetime ago. Unwilling or unable to give much serious thought about Yorinobu’s intentions without his HUD flashing with warnings about contract breaches and the potential line of treason his thoughts may be in danger of veering towards.
Victoria’s would be more heavily altered in that she’d definitely be in a more comfortable position; her life would’ve stayed on her designed course of promotions and back-stabbing, of finding her own perch that’s not too high but enough that she can comfortably watch others fall in their climb, or be the one to kick them off.
And maybe she’d have been dragged into some hare-brained scheme of one Arthur Jenkins, forced to hit the ground running in her fall from the pinnacle to the pit – returning to Arasaka only to rob it and ending up with a dead rockerboy in her head.
What was their first kiss like?
It wasn’t anything special.
It was the instance of Adam, in his Elvis Gemini, deciding to mess with his know-it-all little netrunner (who didn’t have a fucking clue who Elvis Presley was) while she was out for the night. He had been deliberate in getting her on his lap, with very obvious plans on where the night was going to go (and indeed, how it went.) So, their first kiss was a deep, passionate thing which ultimately meant nothing to either of them, just another step in getting laid that night.
What are their primary love languages?
I answered a similar question here, but in summary:
Receiving: Quality time & physical touch (Victoria), a mixed bag (Adam) Giving: Gifts (Victoria), acts of service (Adam)
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Victoria has Adam saved as ‘Tinman’ in her contacts list, and she does call him that to his face from time to time. Occasionally, she’ll call him ‘Addie’ but only when she’s wine-drunk.
Adam started calling Victoria ‘Blondie’ for the simple fact he liked the annoyed expression it got him. It’s just kinda stuck through the years. When he knows she’s in a particularly bad mood, he’ll pull out the ‘Queen Victoria’ just to make it worse.
Who’s the better cook?
As if either of these fucks know how to cook.
Even when he was human, Adam struggled to make anything more involved than an MRE or just throwing shit into an oven (and even then, I bet he forgot to pre-heat the fucking thing half the time.) Victoria is a rich bitch who has never had to lift a finger in the kitchen courtesy of always having a personal chef employed.
So, technically, I guess point to Adam.
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