#something something jigsaw proxy house
gargoyl3city · 9 months
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Who up johnning they Kramer?
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squipedmew · 1 year
Hi, fellow Radiohead enjoyer! If it's not too late for an album ask, then I'm sending you 'In Rainbows', 'Ok Computer' and 'Hail to the Thief'. Btw, feel free to ask me about Radiohead too if you want, I love them so much!
Hey there! No, it’s not too late to ask, so thanks for doing so! I LOVE rambling about music and whatnot, so thanks for the excuse!
Fave song: alrighty, so In Rainbows is my favorite Radiohead album so picking a favorite is a bit difficult. I’d probably have to go with either Bodysnatchers or Jigsaw Falling Into Place, it tends to fluctuate between the two.
Favorite lyric: I’d probably have to give it to “I’m alive” in Bodysnatchers, which is boring when I write it down, but the way he screams it is just *mwah* chefs kiss. The line in Weird Fishes “why should I stay, no why should I stay” is also delivered really well
Song that makes me cry: Videotapes and Nude. I don’t feel like I have to elaborate on that.
Song that’s a bop: also Bodysnatchers, but 15 Step in particular also makes me do a little boogie.
Song I like the least: probably House of Cards? Idk, there’s not too much there to talk about, but it’s still a sweet song.
Favorite Song: Paranoid Android, not even a question. Maybe it’s the sound, maybe it’s how it describes a chaotic mind that won’t shut up that I relate to a lot, or maybe it’s my deep love for Ergo Proxy. Either way, it’s a 10,
Favorite Lyric: easily “everywhere you turn, I’ll be there, open up your skull, I’ll be there, climbing up the walls,” from Climbing Up The Walls. God, it’s such an accurate way of describing anxiety - your whole brain feels like a haunted house, and there’s something inside. Honorable mention goes to “hey man, slow down!” From The Tourist, the delivery is amazing.
Song that makes me cry: Take a fucking guess, it’s No Surprises. Genuinely one of the most heartbreaking songs I’ve ever heard. If I’m ever super emotional and need a good cry, that’s the song I turn on, specifically the acoustic cover.
Song that’s a bop: tbh I wouldn’t really describe any songs from OK Computer as a bop? I guess the closest we have is Electroneering (super underrated btw)
least favorite: ok, this is gonna get me crucified by some people, but I’ve never been the biggest fan of Karma Police. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good song, but it just kinda feels a lot more drab and boring then everything else on the album. I’ve always just kinda found it a lesser version of Paranoid Android.
Unfortunately, The King Of Limbs is the album I have not listened to the whole way through yet. So far, the songs I’ve heard out of order have been alright, but I’ll have to see how I feel about it as a whole when I finally sit down and listen to it.
anyhow, thanks for asking!
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