#something something poor tax and cascades and the denial of PREVENTION
mommalosthermind · 6 months
screaming into the void about insurance because Adulthood Is Evil and Capitalism is Fucking Violence and also so I don’t go set something on fire
Orthodontist: your middle kid needs braces, like. A lot. They’ve got a fuckton of spacing, the front teeth protrude, here’s a bunch of specific terms and shit meaning not getting braces is Probably A Bad Idea, the spacing between his teeth should guarantee him braces don’t worry about it
Welfare insurance: lol no he don’t. We’ve decided that he’s a 16 out of the 22 points you need to get braces. Sucks to be you.
Orthodontist: ….literally lie to them, tell them he’s being bullied, anything, this kid needs braces. Also hey if they tell you no we’ll take a whole thousand off the nearly ten grand we quoted that you have to pay in two years. Yeah, that’s gonna be like 4-500/month. For two years. Cant be helped. Oooh you have a third kid who probably also will need braces? You can’t afford this? Dunno what to tell you. Hope his teeth don’t twist and fall out.
Welfare insurance appeal exam: done by a man so old he looks like he’s already dead. Hands shake so bad he can’t open the package for the tongue depressor thing. Can’t fucking see despite glasses the thickness of a tree trunk. Is literally squinting. Claims that the kid’s spacing is an entire three! Millimeters! Smaller than the orthodontic office found! HAD TO ASK WHAT 8+7 WOULD ADD UP TO for the bullshit point system so I DEFINITELY fucking trust what he’s doing holy FUCK
Welfare insurance corpse: yeah no the kids definitely 100% needs braces, he absolutely requires braces, but just because he needs them doesn’t mean we’re gonna pay for them. We only do that if its so bad it count as a PHYSICAL DISABILITY because you are possibly MALNOURISHED due to how bad your teeth are. But like. He does totally need them.
Welfare insurance rep: so our guy says no. Your argument is?
Me: I dunno that fact that if I could afford this shit out of pocket I wouldn’t qualify for poor bitch insurance? The fact you literally just agreed that he needs them pretty badly? wtf am I supposed to do with this? Both specialists say he needs them??
Welfare corpse-puppet: try begging the church you belong to (??????what the fuck?????) for help. Otherwise, try again when his mouth is worse. Have a nice day.
Anyway I’m gonna dismantle this entire country with my bare fucking hands
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