#something that isn’t notion and GoodNotes
omgeto · 8 months
eveyrone I got a new iPad so all my fellow uni students give me all ur uni productivity apps so I can become an academic weapon
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frithams · 1 year
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I posted 4,562 times in 2022
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#txt - 2,015 posts
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#studyblr - 68 posts
#grad student - 65 posts
#productivity - 63 posts
#australia - 44 posts
#study study study - 43 posts
#goodnotes - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#it’s not occurred to any americans that the rest of the world isn’t going to like their s’mores bc they use american chocolate
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Working on what I am posting for the study challenge by @tranquilstudy, feeling very yellow and green today
124 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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rainy day, hot chocolate, and a cure for everything but a broken heart
170 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
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just updating my library, last year I read a record number of books, hopefully I can break the record this year
172 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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Mermaid is a javascript based application that creates diagrams from code, like markdown, it is a quick and easy way of formatting information. It is used for so many things and is being updated at all times and is free and open source and to quote the website: 
"Mermaid is for everyone"
It is possible to create, pie charts, flow charts, gantt charts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, user journey diagram and much more in development. It is a very powerful and all round versatile thing to learn.
Mermaid in Notion
Learning and using mermaid in Notion is excellent because it is all built in to the app so there's nothing new to install or download.
When making a mermaid diagram in Notion, start by opening a code block and select in the top left hand corner to mermaid.
Tip: it is helpful to know what you want to make, of you are new to making diagrams with mermaid then I recommend drawing/planning it out first. Think about the direction, shape and colour.
The easiest one I can explain is a pie chart.
Start with the name of the type of chary you want to make and then giving it a title, add in data, the label in "speech marks" and the numerical data after the colon.
You should have something that looks like this:
pie title My Day
"time spent eating" : 12
"time spent sleeping" : 30
"time spent studying" : 25
"free time" : 10
Mermaid then does the rest itself, including working out the correct ratios. This is now live and can be easily changed and updated at any time.
See the full post
193 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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just a couple more assignments to hand in
287 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
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