#sometimes first impressions don't matter as much as the fact that you're secretly a human 😔
damnation-if · 2 years
TBH the way Malkorath behaves so far is more like the personality I expected from Heluur based on the descriptions.
well you have to understand, when malkorath first saw the mc they assumed mc was. a demon. now that they know mc is really a human it's a bit of a different ballgame XD also there's quite a bit of variation in how malkorath behaves in that scene based on your choices and how it affects malkorath's first impression of your mc... from the asks i've been getting it seems like most people deliberately chose the Most Favourable options (which makes sense, honestly)
once mc actually meets heluur and gets to see malkorath again in Hell it should be very clear how different they are :)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello hello!! How are you? I hope you are doing amazing rn. ♪
I just read your HoT request and it was literally so well written I literally had my eyes bawling out 😭 . I barely find any writers that actually played or know anything about hi3 so I hope you wouldn't mind me requesting smt hehe.
Maybe a Herrscher of human or Miss pink elf (Elysia) reader with Blade and kazuha ? (I hope you don't mind writing about 2 fandoms. Tho if you do, just pick one that is a lot more easier to write) I hope it's not too much of a trouble.
Anyways please stay hydrated and look out after yourself. (I apologize for any grammar mistakes English is not my mother tongue)
A/N: I absolutely understand what you mean, Anon! Before hsr came out, I was genuinely STARVING for hi3 content and in fact still am, as there is literally still not much on it, which is quite the shame. So I decided to finally take matters into my own hands lmao. And I don't mind writing for multiple fandoms in one post, especially not not Kazuha is involved, so thank you for the request and I hope you'll like this!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, tiny bit of angst?, mentions of battle, Elysia-like Reader, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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You and Blade are quite the polar opposites and yet somehow work just fine together. It confuses him sometimes how he was able to get you as his s/o, especially with how he was personality wise. But you always stuck by his side no matter what he did and that was enough for him to just accept his fate.
He secretly likes how kind and cheerful you are all the time, since you often keep him sane in even his worst moments. He never admits how much he appreciates you for being there for him, but he shows it by protecting and spoiling you.
Blade is a little sceptical, when it comes to your Herrscher form. He didn't understand why humanity was so important to you, especially when he was so indifferent to it himself. Why would you care about anyone but him anyways? What's the point, when the world was so cruel?
He pushes those thoughts away, once he sees you actually using your abilities however. He's so in awe and impressed by them, that he practically forgets to fight himself. He may never understand your motivations as a Herrscher, but he can still agree that you're breathtaking.
》Kaedehara Kazuha
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Kazuha loves how cheerful and elegant you always are. You always listen to his poems about you and spend endless time watching the skies with him. He truly can't think of a single flaw, when it comes to you and that just proves how much he loves you. You're just so perfect.
He's always thinking about new poems to write for you and never runs out of ideas either. It doesn't matter, how much time passes with you, there is always something new he can appreciate and worship about you.
Once you reveal yourself as a Herrscher to him, he somehow becomes even more enamoured with you, especially after hearing your motives as one. It just makes sense to him, that someone as kind and gentle as you would want to protect humanity at all cause. It also gives him more things to write about for you.
He's in complete awe, when he watches you use your abilities for the first time in battle and he can't help but realise, that no poem or word could describe the beauty he is seeing infront of him. He'll give you endless praise once it's over and thank you endlessly for being his s/o.
A/N: I hope this was okay! And I thank you again for the request!
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valentine-writes · 2 years
Could it be possible to get some romantic Monty please? 🥺
monty x reader assorted hcs !
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↳ ft. montgomery gator
「 gn! reader, romantic relationship <3 」
author's note: ( つ᷄.̯σ̣̥᷅ ) <3 o i luv monty sm of course anon!!!! im super excited 2 write these up 4 u- gramatical errors and spelling mistakes might b here tho, apologies in advance ! :(
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▸ he's definitely not shy about liking you and he makes that very clear. well, he definitely tries to- he really wants to play it cool around you
▸ on the days where you're at the pizzaplex and it's near closing time, he'd find you just to chat you up
▸ one time he tried to use a pick up line on you. the delivery was so confident, as if he imagined you swooning into his arms after you heard it- but it was so cheesy and cliche that instead of having a reaction he was hoping for, you paused, blinked several times-
▸ ...and then burst out into a fit of giggles. he was a little frustrated at first that it didn't work and thought you weren't just taking him seriously- but the way you were laughing was so innocent and sweet that he realized you weren't laughing at him. you just thought that he was joking around
▸ now he drops pick up lines 24/7 that are just as corny as the first one. swooning or laughing are both acceptable reactions he'll take from you- he just wants to let you know he likes you without having to let down his whole tough guy act
▸ he's taken off or lowered his sunglasses just to wink at you. monty pulls this trick multiple times, and no matter if it gets old to you or not, he thinks it works absolutely great
▸ sometimes, he'll bring you into his green room to let you listen to him play his bass, hoping to impress you.
▸ very, VERY secretly, monty is incredibly soft for you. after talking to you or seeing you, he'll return to his green room and try not to short circuit himself over the pounding of his (non literal) heart.
▸ if you gave him a compliment, no matter how little or brief- he would NEVER stop thinking about it. say his sunglasses look cool? he won't leave anywhere without them. you mentioned his bass skills are really nice? he's practicing even more than usual (despite the fact he is programmed to already know how to play it). you like his voice? he'll give you every opportunity to hear it
▸ monty isn't mean mean but he's definitely not beyond teasing you. it's all playful, but it's pretty frequent. a lot of holding things above your head, which he'll do mainly to get your attention.
▸ he won't let anyone actually be mean to you though. no way. if someone ever made fun of you or treated you badly, you'd physically have to drag him away from the person so he doesn't rip them apart. no one's gonna hurt you and get away with it on his watch.
▸ if his teasing ever makes you upset or goes too far though, he'll literally feel terrible about it and immediately try to apologize after realizing. it's awkward and kind of painful to hear how stiff and unnatural his apology sounds- but it's way too sincere to be something he's just saying so you won't be sad anymore. he really doesn't want to hurt you or scare you off.
▸ your name could legally be "shortstack" by the amount of times he's called you that. you don't even have to be short by human standards, you're shorter than him and that's all that matters
▸ speaking of nicknames- you've got a bunch from him. literally inescapable. but that makes him using your real name all the more personal. the way he says it sounds so caring, like he's trying to show how much he loves you just by saying it
▸ loves when you cling to his arm. he prefers it over hand holding and thinks its the most endearing thing in the world. having you so close to him makes him feel so, so incredibly happy
▸ when you two are closer to each other, and there's a comfortable silence between you two- he'll wrap his arms around you from behind and rest his head on your shoulder sometimes. after a few seconds of being completely stiff- he squeezes you a little tighter and pulls you in a little closer.
▸ though he puts up a tough front most of the time, it goes down when you impress him. it could be anything- having a hobby, being skilled at something, handling spicy food, not being scared of horror movies- if he deems it impressive, he'll boast about it endlessly. it's his way of noticing the little things that make you, you. and he adores you :]
▸ you tried on his sunglasses one time, wondering what it would look like on you. you thought he'd get mad- nope. he nearly melted on the spot. he won't say it, but he was absolutely flustered with how cute they were on you.
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ryujinzs · 5 years
thunder crush | thor odinson
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prologue: her (Solaris) powers are basically absorbed from solar energy, and well... and he is the god of thunder.
warning: just angst
words: 2.1K
"That was the worst mission of my life. It was torture!" Sam exclaims, catching Tony's attention.
"What did I miss?" Tony asks.
"Fortunately, nothing. The sweetest God of Thunder and Y/N discussed the whole mission, they just keep fighting, they look like two kids."
At the same instant Solaris enters the room with her arms crossed while Thor says something probably imitating her.
 "What is there with you two?" Banner asks.
"Do not ever send me on a mission with that idiot again, he's five years old!" Y/N exclaims irritably.
 "Look, the arrogant lady, full of herself."
"Excuse me?" she widens her eyes, offended.
"Hey, hey, miss sunshine and weather boy, let's take it easy..." Y/N moves away and rolls her eyes, Thor does the same. "What happened?"
 "He ruined everything, as usual!"
 "I ruined it? Who was the human who thought she would deal with what she does not know? Oh right, it was not me."
"I'm not the one with the diva complex here! Thor is like that, like a diva, he needs audience and applause to live!"
 "At least I know what I am doing." Thor says with acid in his voice.
 Y/N’s brows drew together, and her eyes began to glow with intense gold, she was losing control.
"That's enough, you sweetheart will rest, the day was full. And you, Point Break, how about a snack?"
 "Okay, okay, no nicknames."
 Later in the training room Y/N looked like she would explode with such anger. She didn't hate Thor, but lately he has annoyed her more than usual. And yes, he seemed to be acting like a stupid brat child and that was unacceptable, at least while they were on an important mission. The girl fired a bolt of energy at a target so hard it ended up causing it to catch fire. She had to run to put out the fire before the fire alarm did not start ringing.
"He really pissed you off, didn't he?" Y/N turned to the side and saw Natasha standing on the doorframe.
"He always does that. Ever."
"Men..." She came over and took a knife from the table. "Have you ever thought that maybe he did it on purpose?" And she threw the knife, hitting the middle of the target.
"Of course, he probably hates me. Or thinks he's better than me." she shrugs and Natasha smiles.
"Not in that way" She throws another knife, hitting another target.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't you remember how Thor looked at you when Stark gave the New Year's party? Champagne, intense glares, I think he even became jealous when you danced with Bruce, he even said that Thor was angry with him for a few days." She laughed. "It seems to me that the God of Thunder has a crush on you."
"What?" Y/N laughed, choking on her own laughter. "This is ridiculous."
"Perhaps." Nat shrugs and approaches Y/N, who is still in shock with the information she didn’t know. "But try to pay attention to how much he tries to impress you."
"But is not he like that? Ever wanting to show everyone how powerful he is?"
"Usually yes, but it's different with you."
"I find this almost improbable; Thor is like the Tinker Bell, he needs attention to survive."
"Well, that's true."
Later in the complex, everyone was busy with their own stuff while Y/N was in the kitchen looking for something in the refrigerator to eat. She found a box of strawberries and sat down on one of the benches. As soon as she bit the first strawberry, no one but Thor walked into the kitchen. He stared at her for a second before opening the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. Y/N looked away and continued eating her strawberries.
"Did you miss something here?" she asked without even looking at him.
In fact, Thor was only admiring her. He was delighted as a woman like her could be extremely gracious even doing a simple thing like eating strawberries. But he would not let go of his deepest thoughts, meanwhile, they were still in this game of cat and mouse.
"Thank God, no."
"Then stop staring at me."
"I am not staring at you, I am-"
Thor grunts, annoyed and slammed his fist into the refrigerator, leaving the mark of his fingers.
"What is your problem?" Y/N rises, irritated again.
"What is my problem? What is your problem lady?"
"You're my problem!"
"Then I think you should just get out of here!"
She felt her body bubble with anger. Her gaze focused on the beer bottle in Thor's hands and her mind began to work. When he realized, the liquid inside the bottle was bubbling hot and when he felt the glass was about to explode, Thor threw it into the sink.
"Are you crazy?"
"I can't stand you, I can't even look at you! Why don't you go back to your home, to your world where you can brag about how powerful you feel, huh? Don't you ever tire of ruining everything?"
Thor paused for a second. She went too far. When she realized, maybe it was too late. Lightning and thunder glowed outside the window. And there she realized that she had touched a wound of Thor that she should never have touched.
The day passed and no one dared to leave the complex. It was a monstrous storm outside, so everyone was forced to spend the rest of the day indoors. Y/N knew what was happening and who was the reason for the apocalyptic storm outside. And to make matters worse, the sun was gone, the source of her power was hidden behind clouds and more clouds loaded with rain. And if she had to defend himself against anything, it would be useless.
"Has anyone seen Thor?" Y/N asked Natasha, Tony, and Steve who were in the command room.
"No... But should we?" Natasha asked.
"He disappeared. We fought and-" Tony automatically placed his hands over his face, completely irritated. "I know, I'm sorry... I'm looking for him to apologize."
"Bucky saw him leave about half an hour ago." Steve said confused. "Where would he go?"
"I have no idea, but I'll go look for it." She lifted the zipper of her coat and turned to go after Thor.
"Is it a storm out there, and what if you need your powers?"
"Then hope I don't."
Then she picked up one of the available cars and drove in various places in search of a completely annoying demigod wandering the streets. Then she was prowling one of the streets near a park she saw him. A strong man sitting alone on a small wooden bench while the rain drenched his face and his body. Y/N parked and ran toward Thor. The rain was cold and strong, the heavy drops falling under her head and body.
"Thor? She called, but he didn't move. "What are you doing here alone?"
"Go away."
"I-I'm sorry for what you said earlier."
"You do not. And maybe you are right, I always mess up. I lost my brother, my father, almost everything I loved, I lost. And it is my fault."
She caught her breath and her lips parted to say something, but all she felt was the rain sweeping her face. Thor lifted his face, seeing her there in front of him, completely soaked and static.
"You're not to blame for any of these things, things happen for some reason, at least I believe it, and I know you've gone to great lengths to protect all people."
"It was not enough. It will never be."
"Why don't you leave? You are wasting your time here. I could even hurt you too."
"Because I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for being so childish and stupid sometimes, and look I'm sorry, but you have to admit that you are too. We're always fighting for no reason and I don't understand why. But I know you're capable of a lot, you've always done good things here on Earth..." She takes a deep breath, folding her arms in the cold. "Plus, you made a pretty storm here and I'm literally without my powers, so I'd appreciate it if you just did not kill me." Y/N let out a shy smile, secretly worried that Thor would really lose control and make matters worse.
But anyway, he stood up, his hair damp and dripping down his nose. The height difference was considerably large, Y/N had to raise her face slightly to see him. Thor stared softly at her, with a solid look, the deep blue and bright. The icy wind hit Y/N’S face and it made her lips tighten in discomfort.
"I would never hurt you, love."
Her eyes widened, trying to understand what he had said. Thor as soon as he realized, he coughed to disguise the embarrassment, meanwhile, she laughed at everything.
"What did you just call me?"
"What? Anything."
"I heard it... Huh?" She teased him, laughing at his embarrassment.
"Is it over now?" She apologized, stopping laughing "Great."
Thor moved closer to her, making her feel cold, which was a rarity. No one had ever made her feel what Thor was doing now.
It was a bittersweet mixture, a cold in her belly laden with floating butterflies and such a positive energy carried in her body that she thought it would explode. Thor touched Y/N’s face, making her feel his callous and smooth touch on her face. The rain didn't stop, it was a chaotic scene all around them, but for a moment everything seemed to disappear.
"What are you doing?" 
But Thor did not answer. He wrapped his hands around her face and pulled her closer. She became aware of the situation when he kissed her. It was a sloppy kiss, wet and full of desire. She for a second thought "what the hell is he doing?" But it was good. Thor's hand came down and involuntarily tightened the flesh around Y/N’s waist. She sank into the arms of the God of Thunder. And he, it felt as if all that electricity was accelerating his chest and his heart could explode. She pulled Thor's short hair as she kissed him, only to have him closer to her despite how tall he was. The tight muscles in Thor's arms involved Y/N’s in an almost awkward hug, but there she felt something unique: comfort. 
When they parted the kiss, the stares were confused. Y/N could not help it for a long time and smiled, almost openly at Thor, who still expected a reaction from the woman in front of him.
"Even when you kiss me, you have to make a dramatic scenario, don’t you?" She laughed, mentioning the rain and lightning that still fell on the whole city. Thor laughed and pulled back to kiss her, this time more willingly. This time he really made it all more dramatic, because the kiss was with such desire and precision that it made her run out of breath. Her hands touched his abdomen over the wet jacket Thor was wearing, fingering it until she reached the top of his pants.
"Could you-" Y/N broke off the kiss and jerked her head toward the sky.
"Oh, sure, I forgot."
He held her in his arms as he almost magically made the rain cease and slowly the sky took on its natural color, a warm blue, covered by only a few clouds.
"Now everything is perfect."
"Of course this is, after all, you are the one kissing me."
Y/N rolled her eyes and pushed him lightly, even though she knew he would not move an inch as it was literally a wall of pure muscle.
"Can we go back now?" She looked up, watching Thor's expression change.
"I think it's better."
"Can I ask you something before we go back to the compound?"
"Of course, my love. Whatever you want."
"Can we leave it a secret? The guys were going to mock on us forever for that."
"I think it is better this way, I enjoy secrets." Thor stepped closer, sealing his lips with Y/N’s.
"Oh, my God... I just kissed Tinkerbell!"
They returned to the car, Thor visibly confused without understanding what she was talking about. 
"I do not know who this Tinker is... Tinkerbell guy? But I bet it must be someone powerful... Right?"
"Oh yeah, you're so right..."
She laughed as she watched Thor get into the car. They both arrived at the compound with a bit of fear because they didn’t want anyone to find out what had happened. But the moment they stepped into the room, Tony and Natasha paused, staring at the two of them, completely drenched and suspicious.
"Look, Ken and Barbie are back! How was the reconciliation?"
"Tony..." Y/N rolled her eyes and walked toward the hall, but Thor was followed, completely bewildered.
"Y/N, who is this Barbie and Ken people? Why is Stark calling us these names? Y/N!"
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