#sometimes i remember my main oc from when i was 12 and i'm in awe at how aromantic she is
aromantic-diaries · 8 months
Do you ever look back at old OCs and think wow I created the most aromantic motherfucker in existence
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penny-nichols · 2 years
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5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Hmmmm... Right now it's my Royal AU Feychols fic, my Claydar fic, or my weird au fic where Penny is Kristoph's assistant that I don't even remember where I got the idea from. But if things still in the idea phase counts then I'd definitely have to go with the Big Long Penny Fic that I'm working on with my friend. What can I say I <3 gay people and timeloops and gay people in timeloops.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Penny, most definitely, but outside of Penny.... hm, I don't know. I feel like a lot of characters come naturally to me. Not in like a "I have a complete grasp of their character" way just in a "briefly possessed by this guy" sort of way. There's a few characters I'll struggle with (I think right now it's mostly Morgan and MVK so evil old people I guess) but honestly I think this series has just seeped into my brain so much I can't NOT write these guys. Maybe also minor characters that I HAVEN'T latched onto? Like I feel like if you asked me to write. IDK Jean Armstrong or something I couldn't do it but if me or one of my friends actively likes the character, I could definitely get words for them pretty easily.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
My first instinct is to say "guys that aren't funny" which is. I mean. It's kinda true. Some of what I write is admittedly more on the pure romance/angst end but a lot of what I write definitely involves comedy and sometimes it's hard to take a guy and make them funny. Not even in a straight man (as in comedic straight man) sense just in a "the canon gimmick this character has is bad" way or "This is just an evil old person" way. Like I said the evil old people are awful to write.
...If you had asked me this question 3 years ago I would've said Klavier simply because I used to fucking hate him and tried so hard to write him as little as possible even while actively including him in fics because "it's an Apollo trial Klavier has to be prosecution"
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
OK once again I'm dodging around the obvious answer of "big long fic with gay people in a time loop" because if I get started on that I CANNOT stop and there's SO much lore and confusing connections (Like. Penny and Kristoph are main characters. Klavier is just. not there) and it's mostly OC based and there's so much HOWEVER. I do have another WIP that I'm excited about and it's the Ace Attorney/Kirby/Untitled Goose Game fic. Basically Kirby has been accused of baby crimes and the goose has stolen the gavel. antics ensue. I'm also working on a DIFFERENT timeloop fic involving Claydar and I do enjoy the premise but I'm not that far into writing it yet so I'm unsure how excited I am about it
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Fun fact I will check the Penny Nichols AO3 page multiple times a week. Like almost every day. I have found literally no fanfic on other sites that has her (because FF.net and Wattpads fic sorting system sucks) and there's only 45 fics for her on her page and I've been involved in a THIRD of them (there's like one of two where I was co author and just removed myself as co author because I didn't ship the ship anymore) and I desperately want more content I am holding out my autistic little hands. She.
...In the Ace Attorney universe is Penny frantically checking and rechecking the AO3 page for me? The universe will never know.
Also my parents know I write fanfic because once I start rambling I cannot stop (and one time I read them my gravity falls fanfic I wrote when I was like. 12) and my dad has mentioned that I write fanfic to people like my school assigned counselor????? More people than that that's just the one incident I remember.
One time I was in a class that had like. various weekly writing prompts that you could choose from and you HAD to write something for it and some of them were images or quotes or songs but I just could NOT come up with anything for them and I talked to my teacher and told her I already write a lot and she asked what I wrote and I said "....short stories" in the most suspicious voice possible and she said "oh well you can just copy and paste a couple of paragraphs there for this" and basically I had to find a couple paragraphs of my ace attorney fic that didn't have character names because while my teacher probably wouldn't have questioned someone just named Penny I would know in my heart that I didn't fully file off all the serial numbers.
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