#sometimes it's kind of funny to think about most of my active mutuals rn were not around for the Fake Dating Shebang aka
hua-fei-hua · 4 years
(can’t remember if I’ve already sent in an ask for this but I meant to) aries cancer and leo for the zodiac writing asks!!
asfsdf forgetful adhd strikes again
aries: when have you felt the most confident in your writing? when have you felt the least confident?
hmmm i think peak confidence was like 2018 which i know sounds like a long time ago, but that was the last time i had a major wip that was getting steady attention. i felt really good about my writing then because it was a mulan au, so the basic skeleton of a story was already laid out before me, and i was pulling a lot from chinese culture, which, as a halfie living in a predominantly east asian community, is something i’m very very familiar with, so i could focus a lot more on the beauty of the writing itself. i think i wrote some truly quality stuff for that au, to the point where this has reminded me that oh my god i still have that annotated version of the fic to finish up hahaha.
as for the least confident omg so it’s a really funny story. so basically in my senior year of high school, i almost had this guy i barely knew be my fake boyfriend for a night (for revenge purposes, long story), and he was the head drum major of our school band. after finishing up the aforementioned mulan au, i wanted to work on this school band au, but the plot i had in mind meant i had to ask around for some particular details. long story short, i asked my almost-fake-boyfriend to ask the head drum major of one of our sister schools (who happened to be the girl he liked) to ask her some questions for me, and we got into an argument that ended in him saying, “who would ever want to read something you wrote” and i was destroyed for the rest of 2019. that’s basically why i had a fic/fandom hiatus for all of 2019, but that was a long time ago now.
these days i do my best to feel neutrally about my writing, because if the reception to a particular piece doesn’t go exactly the way i imagined, i’ll start getting insecure again hahaha.
cancer: how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
mmmm not necessarily! being grey-aro, i haven’t held romantic feelings for anyone since before i started taking my writing hobby seriously, so it can be a little difficult to project the newly-falling-in-love feelings onto characters. i do keep a very regular diary, but to look back on those times is also omg Deeply Cringe(tm) because watching people fall in love embarrasses me.
that being said, i do feel very strongly as i write about emotions like embarrassment, anger, hurt, and joy!!! i like to sit with an emotion when i’m writing it, kind of pick apart where it’s coming from and how i’m feeling it, and then i’ll give it to the characters.
leo: what things will show up in every book you write? do you ever feel like a one-trick pony? 
my favorite themes in writing have been “lying,” “consequences,” and “searching,” with the final one showing up in the majority of fics i plan or publish, and all three showed up in the mulan au i mentioned earlier!! the night sky, stuff like the moon and stars, show up pretty often too, although they’re not always symbols. a lot of the time i’m literally just sitting there like “you know what i LOVE? tHE MOON AND STARS”
as for feeling like a one-trick pony? not at all! i find that there are a lot of ways to explore the same idea, even by the same person especially since those themes are so broad.
hehe ty for the ask!!!!!
zodiac writer’s ask uwu
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angelichl · 5 years
hii, i hope you’re enjoying your vacation, i know you said you wouldn’t be as active atm because of that but i did want to ask if you were still interested in writing a college au and if that’s something you’d do? lots of love
I keep trying to write a college au seeing as I’m a College Student™️ rn so I feel like I could write something accurate and I have a wealth of experience to draw from, but every time I try I keep getting stuck rip.
recently I’ve had an idea that’s kind of an ode to the wattpad stories I read when I was in middle school, with the good girl boy / bad boy dynamic, so I wanna write my own take on that and also try out the “I’ll teach you how to flirt with that guy you like if you help me with this stupid math project” trope. and also they live in different buildings but their rooms are across from each other and sometimes louis forgets to close his curtains (and harry “forgets” to close his) so they See Things like louis changing into his pajamas and harry doing bicep curls while reading romance novels.
so harry is the shady loner dude sulking around campus in the vintage army jacket, and everyone is intimidated by him bc of a dark backstory, even though he did nothing wrong. he may be brooding/moody/etc but he’s also the person to pick up earthworms off the sidewalk to save them from getting stepped on, so really he would never hurt a fly. he’s an english/psychology double major and he runs the eco club which is kind of funny bc no one would really expect him to be sitting at a table in the dining hall trying to get students to sign a petition for the school to transition to mostly renewable energy by 2025, but there he is. there are rumors that he gets loud and aggressive when he’s angry, so people stay away from him for the most part, but the rumors aren’t true. he works at the college’s writing center, where he has his feet propped up on the desk and some sort of obscure world lit book in his hands as he waits for the next nervous freshman to come to him and ask for help on an essay.
meanwhile louis is the quiet, shy physics and dance double major. he has approximately 2 friends but they both recently started messing around so louis is often left to either third-wheel ziam or go do something by himself. he can usually be found tucked into his favorite nook on the third floor of the library, or practicing his ballet form in the dance studio. on the weekends, he practices pottery at the craft center, where he sometimes sees harry heading into the dark room to develop his photos for his photography class. louis also has a stupidly hopeless crush on a stupid boy who works at the art center, so. they’re kind of friends but whenever the boy talks to him, louis gets all shy and timid and can’t form a sentence of more than three words at once. he’s lucky if he says anything at all and doesn’t make a fool of himself.
so, anyways, harry needs to take calc for some requirement, and while he was decent at math in high school, this class is really killing him. he’s talked to the professor about it and gone to the math center for help but all the other students are intimidated by him so they aren’t much help. so he’s frustrated and annoyed and decides to hell with it, he’s gonna go talk to that quiet little physics major he always sees rushing down the sidewalk, bundled up in warm oversized sweaters with the sleeves pulled over his hands. he’s good at calc, everyone knows he is, and he seems nice. he seems like he wouldn’t say no to harry, or try to brush him off.
so harry kind of corners him in the dining hall one day, and he starts to propose a deal: harry will literally pay louis for his time if he helps him pass this class. but then the guy louis likes comes up to them to say hi to him and louis gets all flustered and hardly says more than two words, making a fool out of himself, with harry watching it all amusedly. and realizing that it could be a mutually beneficial agreement. so harry says what he’s thinking and louis resists at first but eventually he’s persuaded, knowing he really could use some help from someone like harry—bc everyone is afraid of him, yeah, but they all respect him too, and he’s never had trouble finding someone to hook up with. people may be intimidated, but they’re also drawn to him.
so it’s awkward at first but eventually, through hours of studying together in the library trying to work out complex derivatives, and harry coaching louis through having an almost normal conversation with the guy he likes, they become sort-of friends. not that they would ever admit it to anybody. in late october, just before halloween, harry convinces louis to go to a party on saturday night to make a move on the guy he likes, or at least try to get his attention.
louis is a bit freaked out bc he doesn’t like large crowds of people, he doesn’t like to drink much, and he’d much rather stay in and watch true crime documentaries with liam and zayn, but. harry picks out what louis should wear, and they run through the plan one more time before heading across campus to the party they know louis’ crush will be at.
he’s there right when they walk in, but harry and louis decided it would never work if louis tried to start the conversation, they needed the guy to come to him first, so the plan was for louis to go dance in the crowd and hope he was watching. he was too shy to dance alone without being at least tipsy, first, but all they had wa a cheap beer and a toxic mix of alcohol in a trash can which was quite frankly disgusting, so harry rummaged through the cupboards even though he wasn’t allowed to and mixed rum and cider just for him. cue louis being wary and making harry take a sip first before shrugging and downing the cup, backing away into the crowd while making eye contact with harry the whole time.
and, like. he knows he should be thinking of the guy he likes as he’s dancing, trying to be sexy about it and probably failing, but. harry’s eyes are on him, they have been all night, and all louis can think about is how much they’ve grown to like each other these past few weeks, all the time spent in the quiet hours of the night studying calculus and trying to teach louis how to get a boy’s attention. lately it had been more than that, laughing more times than not at stupid jokes, asking each other about their days, hanging out whenever they had free time under the guise of perfecting the plan. last week they drove to mcdonald’s in the middle of the night because they were sick of studying for their exams the next day, and they ended up driving around for hours just talking about anything and everything. and when harry finally dropped louis off at his dorm just as the sun was beginning to rise, louis could’ve sworn harry wanted to kiss him.
so louis keeps dancing and the feeling of harry’s eyes on him burns under his skin and makes him want more, more, more.
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masonjar828 · 6 years
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So this is in response to an ask me thing I reblogged. Thanks @kylorenpunk for once again making me do them all 😂 but I ain’t no quitter so let’s begin shall we.
1. Selfie; as seen above
2. What would you name your future kids?; If I could have sole control of naming my kids, I’d go with Zephyr for a girl and Red Nalloh for a boy. I always liked the word zephyr and I like the palindrome name that would come from naming my son that.
3. Do I miss anyone?; I recently moved to the west coast and left a lot of close friends behind so I miss each of them every day.
4. What am I looking forward to?; I recently interviewed for a job I’m pretty excited about so I’m really looking forward to hearing new news from them!
5. Is there anyone who can make me smile?; Legit anyone who ever says or does a kind thing to me I will think about from time to time with a little grin.
6. Is it hard for me to get over someone?; I don’t have too much experience needing to do so but I feel like it takes me a normal amount of time to get back on the level after being with someone 😂😅
7. What was my life like last year?; I was a senior in college man...life was a ball of stress and sleep deprevation for months.
8. Have I ever cried from annoyance?; Not really. It honestly takes a lot to make me cry usually. BUT! Show me something with heartwarming feels and a tear or two will always come.
9. Who did I last see in person?; My aunt while we were watching a movie.
10. Am I good at hiding my feelings?; Maybe? I feel like I am but I also know my poker face is garbage so I could be suckish at hiding my feelings too haha.
11. Am I listening to music right now?; Yes! The new Greatest Showman Reimagined album and it’s utterly amazing!
12. What is something I want right now?; I want more than anything rn to hear back from some job somewhere because I’m so in need of a post-college job 😂😅
13. How to I feel right now?; Bit of a headache and fairly tired but overall pretty happy! Listening to the rain outside helps.
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged me?; About 20min ago when I said goodnight to my aunt lol.
15. Personality description; I feel the best way to describe my personality is a hyperactive ball of music and useless facts who usually does anything to help my friends, usually at the expense of my sanity at times 😂
16. Have I ever wanted to tell someone something but I didn’t?; There was a time where I desperately wanted to take a risk of telling one of my closest friends just how I truly felt about her but didn’t because I didn’t want to risk ruining the friendship that meant too much to me.
17. Opinion on insecurities; They are a thing everyone experiences and should never be judged on, but I do feel like the only way to truly become better as a person is to actively work to identify and try to work on overcoming or coming to terms with them.
18. Do I miss how things were a year ago?; The constant stress, absolutely not. The friends I got to see daily and never get to see and rarely talk to anymore, all the goddamn time.
19. Have I ever been to New York?; State, yes. City, also yes. Went this past summer to see Hamilton live and my god it was one of the best shows I’ve ever experienced! ☺️
20. Favorite song at the moment?; Hardest question in the world to ask me since I listen to and love so many so songs at once. The one currently stuck in my head is Zac Brown Bands version of From Now On from the Greatest Showman Reimagined soundtrack.
21. Age and birthday; 22 and August 28th
22. Description of crush; No crushes at the current moment but I usually like women a tad shorter than me, with amazing eyes, and a personality that is fun and nerdy so we can make stupid puns and jokes to each other.
23. Fears; Only one real one and it’ll always be snakes. Fuck those venomous and scaly bastards.
24. Height; Like 5’9”-5’10”ish I think?
25. Role model; My dad for sure. He is one of the most loving and caring people I know who can be outright terrifying if he needs to be.
26. Idols; I’m not really the type to idolize anyone tbh 😅 I feel like idolization can be a tad unhealthy.
27. Things I hate; The thing I hate most in the world (apart from snakes, fuck snakes) would have to be the sound of silence (not the song I love the song). Silence weirds me the hell out and I’m not about it.
28. I’ll love you if...; I’ll basically love you if you just show you genuinely care for me and have my best interest at heart. If you do that I’ll basically fight for you til the very end.
29. Favorite films; Star Wars for a series, Airplane! for a individual movie.
30. Favorite tv shows; Brooklynn 99 is my current binge. Others tend to be Star Trek: Next Generation, Cosmos (think this is considered tv), Friends, Avatar, The Last Airbender, etc lol.
31. 3 random facts; About me I’m guessing? I can solve a Rubik’s cube in about 30sec. I can sing the lyrics to literally each and every track from the Hamilton soundtrack. And I can bake recipe for cookies I’ve had friends literally fight over blindfolded if I have the ingredients all lined out first.
32. Are my friends mainly girls or guys?; Girls mostly. Guys tend to annoy the hell out of me most of the time. Even my best friend in the world can annoy the shit out of me fairly easily 😂😅
33. Something I want to learn; How to play literally any instrument. At all. I have wanted to learn for ages but I am just not good with instruments at all.
34. Most embarrassing moment; I tend to repress my embarrassing moments a lot so the first one that comes to mind is when I was talking shit about a professors godawful and stupid teaching method after being given a test he taught us like 30% of and turning around to see him 10ft away and definitely hearing what I said 😐
35. Favorite subject; Any math or chemistry really. #chemicalengineeringlife
36. 3 dreams I want to fulfill; Fairly easy I think. Find success in an area near my family so I can stay close with them after years of being unable to. Find a partner who I can be happy with the rest of my life. And be financially stable to never need to stress about living day to day.
37. Favorite actor/actress; Actor I think Chris Pratt. Actress Anna Kendrick.
38. Favorite comedian; John Mulaney without hesitation.
39. Favorite sport; Tennis. Can’t play it for years and not love it.
40. Favorite memory; Ooh hard one. I think it would have to be the time my family went camping to a place in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada when I was younger and I was able to see each and every star in the sky like I had never been able to before. It made me start to love space and science as a whole looking into that beautiful endless abyss.
41. Favorite book; Hate this because I love reading so so much and it’s like having to choose a favorite child. I think the one I most often reread would have to be The Hobbit though.
42. Favorite song ever; Bohemian Rhapsody I would guess counts the most since it’s the one I will always go back to and enjoy. (Also if you haven’t seen Bohemian Rhapsody the movie yet it’s insanely entertaining and I recommend it hard)
43. Age I get mistaken for; With the beard grown out some age definitely mid-20s, without the beard I’ve been called 18 or younger multiple occasions.
44. How I found out about my idol; See idol question above.
45. What my last text message says; “Goodnight”, sent to a friend I was talking to as they were very close to passing out.
46. Turn ons; If you’re able to engage with me on an intellectual level and be able to just be fun and goofy with me.
47. Turn offs; Trump supporters, Naxi sympathizers, and people who refuse to accept scientific evidence for things like vaccines and climate change.
48. Where I want to be right now; In bed, which luckily I am! 😝
49. Favorite picture of my idol; See idol question above.
50. Starsign; Virgo I believe.
51. Something I’m talented at; Random useless fact storage to be used at bar trivia nights.
52. 5 things that make me happy; Being with family, listening to good music, reading a good book, baking something delicious, and long drives with deep talks with friends.
53. Something worrying me at the moment; Not getting the nice job I interviewed for after the interview going as awesome as it did.
54. Tumblr friends; I have a few friends who have tumblrs like @kylorenpunk, @thepunmaster3000, and @be-inspirational-to-others. Though any mutuals I have I would love to become more friendly with so please feel free to send me a message sometime 😂😋
55. Favorite food; Probably chicken Alfredo I think.
56. Favorite animasl; Dolphins and tortoises 🐬🐢
57. Description of best friend; Tall dude with a short trimmed beard. Musically talented in basically any instrument I can think of. Movie lover to the point of almost insanity. Funny dude who also calls me out on my extremely dumb jokes and puns all the goddamn time.
58. Why I joined tumblr; I was told about it by a friend when I needed to vent a lot and she had me make one. Vented very rarely but enjoyed the weirdness of the site.
59. Ask me anything you want (I’m guessing for who asked me this); @kylorenpunk, why the hell do you make me always do all of these? 😂😅 I don’t mind but lord does it take forever to type all this junk out.
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nakamotens · 7 years
mutuals appreciation! write heart-felt messages to some of your favorite mutuals (or even ones you haven't talked to yet!) and tag them, BUT don't tell them which message is theirs, let them guess! after you're done, send this to 1 mutual you want to get a message from!
why hello there friends (this is just sam since gen’s asleep)
@nakasyuta @hanwooz @taeyounq @doyoukki @haecha @babyjungwoo @dovounq
a. if i had to summarize you in the past few months it would literally be: doyoung doyoung doyoung youngmin doyoung doyoung woojin doyoung doyoung doyoung youngmin doyoung LOL i always say this but i honestly think its amazing how we always end up stanning the same groups 
i hope college is going well!!! i still remember you giving lots me of advice back when i was applying to uni back in like 2015 LOL and i’m still super grateful about it (wow now that i think abt it we’ve known each other for a while)
b. my favourite jaehyun stan!!! also supposed nemesis (?) i’m really glad that we managed to reconnect through nct!!! throwback to when we sent each other messages through inbox LOL since dms didnt exist back then… also this is embarrassing but ever since u followed me back in like 2015 i thought u were cool and wanted to be friends with u! ily
ps. stop saying that i type loudlypps. the y in ily stands for yuta
c. my fellow nct p101 stan alsdkjfasd i really enjoyed talking about p101 with you!!!! its kind of funny how i can recognize your gifs when they’re in a different fandom LOL i remember seeing w1 gifs and i recognised the font/colouring?? and it turns out it was ur blog!!! amazing :^)
anyways let’s catch up soon omg!! i hope work is going well and thank you for always being such a supportive friend ;;;
d. mark lee who??? a true rap god right here 😩👌👏 u DIDNT TAG ME IN UR HEARTFELT MESSAGE THING I FEEL BETRAYED but its ok alksjdf ik u said you’d tag people that u dont normally talk with!! anyways thanks for being by my side (most of the time)… also ik u always say you’re shy but please don’t be since you’re one of the genuinely nicest people i know??? everybody would be happy to have you as a friend and i’m really glad that we started talking ♡ and because you’re a nice person i’ll let u off in thinking that ur cool just this once
+ possible new content for ur about page??
e. my apprentice my grasshopper my padawan u have been blessed with my presence which automatically guarantees u a good college life. honestly u said u wanted to meet me irl but idk if i rlly wanna do that bc you’ll just make fun of my height. also watch out i took taekwando so i could probably fight u and win. 
anyways i’m glad we’re friends! we’re kind of in the similar situations rn so it’s really nice that we can relate over the same things LOL anyways im rlly looking forward to u screeching chewing gum w/ lots of alcohol in ur system :^))))
f. we just started talking recently omg but i think we get along really well!! idk omg sometimes we feel like nakamotens is hard to approach alskdj and you’re actually one of the few people who has actively started a convo w/us so we’re really grateful ;;;;;; 
good luck with the rest of your internship!!!! hopefully it doesn’t get too busy and that it’ll continue to be a good experience~ let us know how university applications go as well! and i’m so jealous at how multilingual u are honestly like teach me ur language learning skills 😭 
g. please stop stalking us this is a PSA
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