#sometimes twitter is a goldmine
delta-piscium · 1 year
i need to say all my thoughts online so i can later dig them up and send screenshots whenever something relevant comes up, just “look at this post i made years ago, reminded me of this conversation haha” letting past me say things so present me doesn’t need to figure out how to communicate
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just saw someone say “my won and only” about jungwon and that’s so cute im crying and stealing that help 😭😭😭😭
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
maybe this is a 'hot take' for which i apologize but. i feel like fanart is a big aspect of this too- how different even is it to make 'rpf' of gerards stage characters as opposed to fanart of it. it's essentially only a different medium. keeping it separate from gerard (Person In Reality Who Has A Life) outside of (character he made up to have fun with) can also easily be an invitation for fans to have fun with it too. which is why a healthy relationship with it can and does bring good things. in theory i mean. ive never seen an mcr fanfic i really liked but :p
yeah i see what you mean, it's one of the reasons that the step from tumblr (or twitter) fandom to the ao3 tag feels like. quite an arbitrary place to draw the line? as if the same thoughts and behaviours are fine right up into they're intentionally put to prose - but images or even comics are okay, textposts discussing their emotions and states of mind as extrapolated from live shows or song lyrics, putting research into constructing timelines of their lives or compiling facts about them as people - even writing (sometimes quite detailed) sexually explicit posts/tags about them is common around here. i do a lot of these things too - i'm not saying they're inherently wrong or bad - but i genuinely don't see how they're any less prone to being disrespectful or invasive or comically removed from reality than a writer putting them in a situation lol. they all involve some level of assumption, scrutiny, and interpretation.
there are definitely valid arguments to make against engaging with rpf in a fandom sense! i totally respect that, and it's something i felt kind of ashamed/guilty about when i first got into mcr, so i understand the reservations. it's just that...the way i see it, i truly think those arguments just as reasonably apply to so much of what happens in any fandom involving real people. behaviours that are extremely common and far from unique to the online fan spaces of today, to the point where avoiding them is a more conscious decision than engaging in them. i respect if people do make that choice, but...that isn't any of us who are running mcr fanblogs yk? haha.
anyway yeah. i agree with you anon, i reckon most people's definition of what does and doesn't entail rpf is just a lot narrower than the reality. there's a lot of extremely beautiful, highly-skilled emotive fanart out there, for which i'm so appreciative! i 100% don't mean it as an insult when i say those often a different kind of rpf. so are the emotive posts about how much this tour means to all the guys, how happy they are, how much they love each other and how they're all friends. i'm not saying these things are untrue, i'm just saying they absolutely don't paint an unbiased holistic picture of real human beings and their genuine emotional states hahaha. neither does fanfiction. and i just think it's impossible to not realise that if you're engaging with fanfic in any kind of thoughtful way, as opposed to reblogging textposts about them on tumblr that also project a lot onto them, yk?
and okay. i also think "the bible/succession/velvet goldmine etc etc is rpf too! shakespeare wrote rpf!" is equally as reductive as "rpf is when fangirls write about band members boning each other." as always, there's just so much more nuance there. what does and doesn't make rpf is a lot more about intent, and if you're parasocially attached to these people as deeply as we all are, most of us just share that same intent. and from what i've seen (though in fairness this is the first real person fandom i've been in, and i only really talk to other adults) it tends to be the people actively engaging with fanfic who are a better at accepting how much of fandom is pure projection and assumption based on very limited information. and that acceptance is a huge part of having a healthier relationship with celebrities/bands/bandom (along with the conscious acknowledgement that these people don't owe us anything at all besides the shows we bought tickets for - least of all insight into their personal lives or private thoughts.)
like genuinely? free your minds. we're all making shit up based on the little parts we see, i think it's healthier and more fun to openly accept that. who cares what's real when we can talk about things in terms of narratives and arcs and metaphors - none of which truly exist in real life, which is infinitely complex and individual and messy. or, more precisely, who cares what's real as long as you know what isn't! and keep that stuff far far away from the real human people involved in the band.
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msclaritea · 1 year
"The Church of Scientology continues to produce short videos as counter-programming to Alex Gibney’s hugely popular HBO documentary Going Clear, posting them at the website of its propaganda magazine, Freedom.
We’ve watched these videos evolve over time. In the most recent ones, which attack the credibility of Gibney and two of the stars of his movie, former Scientology executives Mike Rinder and Tom DeVocht, the vids feature short interviews with current Scientology officials.
And while what they have to say is mostly forgettable, their appearances have been invaluable for us. They provide us sharp, current images of dozens of important figures in Scientology, and stills taken from video are practically the definition of “Fair Use” so we can use the images as often as we like. (Hey, Dave, did you really think this through?)
The church has produced several films about Rinder, and the newest one consists of about a dozen Scientology executives remarking on what a terrible person he is and what a bummer it was to work with him. One of them claims that Rinder was demoted so much, at the end he was the guy grabbing coffee for the others. Actually, as Rinder explains in Going Clear, after he had been brought out of “The Hole,” where he’d been a prisoner for about a year and looked gaunt, his final assignment was to work as a spokesman for the church who “handled” BBC journalist John Sweeney. Those images in the movie are pretty hard to deny, and we don’t expect that many people who have seen Gibney’s film will find this video a very effective blow.
We asked Rinder about the people in the video, and he pointed out that none of them were actually people he worked with much.
“None of the people I actually worked with are in there. I mean, I know all of those people and I had interactions with them. But it’s strange that for 30 years I was the international spokesman and now they’re saying I did nothing, and only brought coffee for people,” he said. “They’re scared to show the people I really worked with, because it would remind people that they all disappeared.” He’s referring to people like Church of Scientology president Heber Jentzsch, who was also imprisoned in “The Hole.”
If the video is weak sauce as far as counter-programming is concerned, it is a bit of a goldmine for us. Because it includes so many images of people we hear about but rarely get to see.
And one of the most interesting of them is Claire Edwards. She shows up very briefly, uttering this line about Rinder: “Never interested. Never asked me how I was doing. Never anything. It was just a very, very cold person.”
It’s a pretty forgettable part of the video, but we were stunned because we know who she is — she’s the sister of Neil Gaiman, the world famous fantasy and sci-fi author.
We’ve written pretty extensively about Gaiman and his background in Scientology. Neil’s father David Gaiman was a very important figure in the history of the church, serving as the face of Scientology in the UK for decades. He was also a top member of Scientology’s notorious “Guardian’s Office,” was named an unindicted co-conspirator for his role in the Snow White Program’s 1970s infiltration of the US federal government, and he also played a part in Scientology’s intimidation and harassment of author Paulette Cooper. (Which is why he plays an interesting part in our book, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, which comes out in only 9 more days! Sorry, couldn’t help ourselves.)
Neil himself (which also happens to be his Twitter handle, @neilhimself) grew up in Scientology, provided a fascinating interview to the BBC at only 7 years old, became a Class VIII auditor, and even ran the Birmingham “org” as its ED, executive director. Sometime in the 1980s, however, he walked away from Scientology, though he doesn’t talk about it much.
But that’s understandable, because the rest of his family are about as rabid about Scientology as it gets. His mother has given huge amounts to help fund Scientology’s initiatives in the UK, his sister Lizzy Calcioli has gone on television to defend the church, his nephew (Lizzy’s son) Alessandro Calcioli became famous for winning the right to get married in a Scientology org in England, and Neil’s other sister, Claire, is a Sea Org worker in Los Angeles.
But we had rarely seen or heard anything about her — until now, with her appearance in the video about Mike Rinder.
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OK, Neil, we know you don’t want to talk about the beliefs or odd rituals of Scientology because you don’t want to cause problems with your family. But how about standing up on your two hind legs and saying something about Gibney’s film? Surely you’ve seen it? No?
Anyway, we’ll continue to wait for Neil to say something about the abuses and deprivations of Scientology, which as a former staffer he knows all too well, and we’ll move on to another really interesting person who showed up very briefly in one of the new videos put out by the church.
Norman Starkey was once captain of the yacht Apollo, flagship of L. Ron Hubbard’s mini-navy when Hubbard ran Scientology from sea. Starkey also ended up in The Hole, and when we were compiling a list of its prisoners, here’s what Amy Scobee told us about him: “Trustee ASI [Author Services, Inc., Hubbard’s literary agency]. His rank was Captain Right Arm as he was actually a captain of one of the Sea Org vessels in the early days and worked with LRH. He became a shadow of a man. He was on the Anderson Cooper week-long series on violence in Scientology, claiming Miscavige never laid a hand on anyone. He once got his ears boxed so bad that he had ruptured his eardrum. He once was made to wear only diapers by Miscavige. He was part of the group of people who were made to sleep out on the grounds and only take a shower with a hose and poop in a little bucket while chipping rock all day. I saw him hauling wheelbarrows in a blue boiler suit several times after he would be in trouble. He’s originally from South Africa and his wife is Maria Starkey — Miscavige’s typist or secretary (and person who handles his dogs). Norman also held the AVC Aide post for a while.”
But Norman also has another really interesting role in Scientology history. In July 2013, after we broke the news that Leah Remini had defected from Scientology, and that her journey out had begun in the most fascinating way — with a row and a scene at the 2006 wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in a castle outside Rome — Mike Rinder filled in some more details of that story at his blog.
We had said that Remini, according to our sources, had become curious that Scientology leader David Miscavige, who was best man, was there without his wife, Shelly Miscavige, and appeared a little too friendly to his “communicator,” a female assistant. Leah started asking why Shelly wasn’t at the wedding, and she got a rude response from spokesman Tommy Davis. Leah, incensed, went off to write up a report about the entire night. What Rinder added was the fun detail that what had seemed to set off the night’s craziness was that Starkey imbibed, and then chatted up a particular Hollywood figure — we’ll let you see who in Mike’s version.
Gosh, isn’t this fun? Hey, Dave, keep the videos coming. We’re getting so much out of them!
Scientology in Ireland is crashing
We’ve said it in past years — thank goodness for Irish law. In that country, Scientology has to open up its books and reveal how much revenue it’s taking in. And once again, the yearly report is dismal.
Scientology in Ireland took in under 50,000 euros last year, down from the 73,000 it took in the year before — and way down from the 603,000 it received in 2006.
Pete Griffiths, we blame you!
But seriously, although there are surely local conditions which might not be repeated elsewhere, these results are consistent with what we’ve been seeing around the world — Scientology involvement is crumbling, and fast.
What would it do without its whales?
Posted by Tony Ortega on May 5, 2015 at 07:00
Scientology celebrities, from A to Z!
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nightsketching · 2 years
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Frequently Asked Questions ! This is always receiving updates as I go along in my art journey and change my setups . Feel free to send me anons and questions , and I will answer you and sometimes put your question here if it is important !
Q : What is your name ? A: My name is Gabrielle, 22 years old, and I am from Brazil. People usually just call me by my @ nickname ‘Night’ . Q : Do you take comissions ? A : YES ! To check if they are open / available, visit my blog and it will be displayed in the pinned post, alternatively , my CARRD is always up to date and it contains all the information regarding how I work. Q : How long have you been doing art for ? A : This is a tough one... I think I started really acquiring more serious skills at at around 2015 with pencils and paper, and I began trying Digital Art in 2019. So 7 years of making a concious effort to get better, and only 4 of those being focused on Digital Art practice, as of writing this in 2022. Q : Traditional Pencil and Paper or Digital Art ? A: Digital Art all the way ! I can still draw very well with pencils but I don’t enjoy it nearly as much honestly. I use watercolors to relax though. Q : What programs and device you use for digital art ? A : When starting with digital I used the free version of Autodesk's Sketchbook, Now I use Clipstudio Pro together with a Wacom Intuos S CTL4100 . Q : What sizes are your canvas ? A: I like working on big canvases, but reference sheets will depend a lot and dont have a set size. Misc stuff usually at 1000 x 1000 pixels or a variation of the other two : Portraits :  3508 x 4961 . 300 dpi ( A3 paper size ) Cinematic ( Landscape ) :  3800 x 1550 OR  5800 x 2325 . 300 dpi Q : Do you do Art Trades ? A : SOMETIMES , BUT CURRENTLY NO . I’m very busy atm . If you’d like to do an art trade with me I ask that we exchange some interactions and art examples first, feel free to chat with me though. Q : Social Medias ? A : Twitter , Tumblr , Furraffinity and Deviantart all under the @ nightsketching . twitter link - https://twitter.com/nightsketching tumblr link - https://nightsketching.tumblr.com/ DA link -  https://www.deviantart.com/nightsketching FA link - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nightsketching/ Q : Favourite Books ? A : Lord of the Rings , The Hobbit , The Chronicles of Narnia , the illustrated warrior books published by OSPREY ( they are a goldmine for good armor and weapons references ) Q : Favourite Movies ? A : Lord of the Rings ( are you surprised ? ) , Princess Mononoke , Spirited Away , My neighbor Totoro , Narnia ( only the first one tbh ) , Disney Classics .
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joanwallaceblog · 1 month
What Are the Best Strategies for Finding Deals on Wayfair?
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Wayfair is a popular online retailer known for its wide range of home goods, from furniture to décor. With frequent sales and promotions, it’s possible to score great deals if you know where to look. Here are some top strategies to help you find the best discounts on Wayfair.
1. Sign Up for Wayfair Emails
One of the easiest ways to catch a deal is to sign up for Wayfair’s email newsletter. When you subscribe, you receive notifications about special offers, upcoming sales, and exclusive discounts. For instance, during major sales events like Way Day, subscribers often get extra discounts or early access. Emails also alert you to clearance sales and promotional codes, making it easier to stay ahead of the curve.
2. Use the Wayfair App
The Wayfair app can be a valuable tool for finding deals. It often features app-only promotions and flash sales not available on the website. By downloading the app and enabling push notifications, you’ll receive instant alerts about time-sensitive offers. Many users have found that the app helps them spot deals faster and more conveniently than browsing the website alone.
3. Follow Wayfair on Social Media
Wayfair is active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Following their accounts is a great way to stay informed about sales and promotions. They frequently post about special discounts and limited-time offers. By engaging with their social media content, you may also gain access to exclusive promotions or participate in contests that offer additional savings.
4. Look for Promo Codes
Before finalizing a purchase, search for Wayfair promo codes. Websites like RetailMeNot and Honey often list current codes that can provide extra discounts. Simply enter these codes at checkout to receive savings on your order. Many shoppers have reported saving up to 20% using these codes, so it's worth taking a moment to find them.
5. Check the Clearance Section
Wayfair’s clearance section is a goldmine for discounts. This area features items that are significantly marked down, sometimes by 70% or more. The clearance section includes a variety of products, from furniture to home décor. For example, you might find a stylish lamp or a cozy rug at a fraction of its original price. Regularly visiting this section can help you find great deals on high-quality items.
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Wayfair occasionally offers a loyalty program that rewards frequent shoppers. Membership might come with benefits such as exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and special offers. If Wayfair’s loyalty program is available, consider joining to take advantage of these perks. The rewards can make a significant difference in your overall savings.
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Wayfair hosts several major sales events throughout the year. Events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and seasonal sales offer some of the best discounts. Planning your purchases around these sales can lead to significant savings. Keep an eye on Wayfair’s calendar and prepare to shop during these key sales periods to maximize your discounts.
9. Use the Wishlist Feature
Wayfair’s wishlist feature allows you to save items you’re interested in. By adding products to your wishlist, you can monitor price changes and receive notifications when an item goes on sale. This feature helps you keep track of items you like and ensures you’re notified of any price drops or special offers.
10. Set Up Price Alerts
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Wayfair offers daily deals and flash sales that feature significant discounts on selected items. These deals change frequently, so checking the "Daily Deals" section of the website can help you find temporary offers. Bookmark this page and visit it regularly to discover new deals and save on your favorite items.
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Wayfair often provides free shipping promotions, especially for orders over a certain amount. Keep an eye out for these offers, as they can add extra savings to your purchase. Free shipping helps you avoid additional costs and makes it easier to get the most value out of your shopping.
By using these strategies, you can enhance your shopping experience on Wayfair and make the most of your budget. Whether you’re searching for furniture, décor, or home essentials, these tips will help you find the best deals and save money. Start applying these techniques today and enjoy the benefits of smarter shopping on Wayfair.
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tooxta · 3 months
Celebrity Tweets That Will Make You LOL
In the ever-evolving world of social media, celebrity tweets are a goldmine of entertainment, offering us a glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous with a dose of humor. From witty one-liners to epic clapbacks, celebrities often take to Twitter to share their thoughts, jokes, and sometimes, their quirks. Here, we compile some of the funniest celebrity tweets that are guaranteed to make you…
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digitalblacksmiths · 5 months
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james003je · 8 months
How to find the number of owners of a car
In the realm of vehicle ownership, curiosity often leads us to seek information about the number of previous people behind the wheel. The quest to discover the no.of previous of owner of a car can be driven by various reasons, from a desire to connect with a fellow car enthusiast to more practical concerns. Here, we unravel the methods of how to find the number of previous owner of a car.
Vehicle Registration Details
The Foundation: Registration Plate Search
The first step in this journey is the vehicle registration plate search. This method, although limited in access for privacy reasons, can sometimes yield valuable information. To initiate this process, we recommend consulting local authorities or utilising online platforms dedicated to vehicle registration searches.
Online Databases: A Goldmine of Information
In the digital age, a plethora of online databases exists that compile vehicle registration information. Websites like Car Analytica in the United Kingdom or other region-specific equivalents can provide vehicle history report. We suggest exploring these databases cautiously, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
Community Engagement
Connecting Through Social Media
In today's interconnected world, social media platforms serve as powerful tools for community engagement. We recommend joining local or niche car enthusiast groups on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 
Local Investigations
Visit Local Authorities
When digital methods fall short, a visit to local authorities can provide a more direct approach. We suggest reaching out to the local traffic department or municipal offices. In many cases, they may offer assistance or guide you through the legal avenues available.
Finding the number of previous owner of a car can be a challenging task, but not an impossible one. Depending on your reason, and the information you have, you can use different methods to find the number of previous owner of a car, such as using the registration number or the VIN, asking around the neighbourhood, using social media, or hiring a private investigator.
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thedigibeenetworks · 9 months
Social Media Marketing (SMM): What It Is, How It Works, Pros and Cons?
Social media marketing is more than just a trend; it's a strong tool today. It links with global people, pushes brand visibility and sales, and changes business ways. Still, it's got big power and big responsibility. Successfully handling its tough parts, like making interesting content or taking care of an online image, is tricky.
Social media marketing (SMM) is a key part of today's marketing plans. This introduces what SMM is, how it works, and the good and bad points. As firms use social media to connect with and attract their people, knowing SMM's ins and outs is essential for winning. From small firms to big ones, SMM has special chances and hurdles important to know in the changing digital space.
What is social media marketing (SMM)?
Simply put, social media marketing, or SMM, is a type of online marketing that uses social media networks. The goal? is to publicize and establish a brand. It's not just writing posts or putting up pretty pictures. It's also videos and other interactive content to get your audience engaged. Sometimes, it involves buying ads on social media too.
The heart of SMM? Showing off products or services on sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest People use it to make their brand known, push up sales, and attract more clicks to their site. Best of all, SMM helps businesses connect with customers, old and new. It helps showcase a company's mission, culture, or the vibe it wants to put out.
But the key to SMM is all about interaction. It's talking and engaging with your consumers, not just throwing ads at them. It's about the give and take of conversation and keeping it live and active. This way, marking responds fast and stays in touch.
How does social media marketing work?
When it comes to social media marketing, it's about matching satisfying articles with your business's objectives and marketing plan. Then, you share it on different social media channels. Each post is fine-tuned to fit the specific platform it's on to draw in and engage the crowd.
Usually, it begins with a detailed plan or approach.
This can involve defining goals (maybe spotlighting your brand or driving up sales). It also includes recognizing the intended customer base and picking the right channels. The next step is shaping the content, which should connect with intended viewers and promote interaction.
An important part of SMM is observation and data analysis. Platforms like Facebook Insights and Google Analytics help measure campaign results, grasp user behavior, and guide decisions with data. It's not just about metrics that show engagement like shares, likes, and comments but also about conversion metrics like how many clicks through or purchases.
Another main segment is paid social media advertising. Facebook and Instagram offer refined targeting abilities, permitting businesses to zero in on certain demographics or areas of interest. This focused approach guarantees the content reaches the right crowd, magnifying the marketing results.
Pros of Social Media Marketing
SMM has many benefits. The first is its coverage and availability. Facebook to Instagram, LinkedIn to Twitter—billions use these applications, making them a goldmine for businesses wanting to tap into a large market. But it's not just about the large number of users; it gives you quality conversations and lets you zero in on a certain demographic.
In terms of cost, SMM is a great option. Traditional marketing can be expensive, but with SMM, even a small budget can bring huge returns. Sharing free content and managing a virtual community lets your business connect without spending a dime.
In addition, SMM gives useful details on customer likes and dislikes. Companies can utilize this data to make smart marketing choices, customize content, and boost strategies. Beyond that, social media gives a chance to chat with customers personally, helping grow a brand's community and fan base.
Cons of Social Media Marketing
But SMM isn't a walk in the park. A couple of major issues exist. One is the constant demand for fresh content and managing multiple accounts. Regularly producing engaging, unique content gobbles up resources. Managing multiple social media outlets simultaneously requires time and commitment.
Another concern is the prospect of a negative public response, or PR dilemma. Given the transparency of social platforms, bad comments or ratings can snowball rapidly, potentially tarnishing a brand’s image. Businesses must stay alert and prompt in their social media handling.
A further constraint is the challenge ofin evaluating ROI. Although engagement figures are clear-cut, transforming social media activities into actual sales isn't straightforward. This poses a problem for businesses attempting to understand the direct influence of their SMM initiatives on their bottom line.
The role of analytics in SMM
Social media marketing craves analytics. It's the way to track your work's influence. Think about engagement figures, growing followers, and the number of clicks. These stats show if your campaigns work. We have Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and social media platforms' own tools for this. They show how folks engage with your posts.
Numbers like these hone your approach, unveil what your audience likes, and polish up future posts. They even show ROI by noting sales and sign-ups from your SM boosts. That supports your speaking choices in SMM.
Emerging Trends in SMM
In the realm of social media marketing services change is constant. One big direction we're seeing is the growth of influencer marketing. Here, companies partner up with social media influencers stars to tap into a wider audience. There's also been a huge surge in video content, specifically short clips seen on platforms like Instagram Reels.
What's more, being real and clear as a brand is getting more important. People prefer real connections over old-school ads. Plus, the growth of social commerce is worth noting. This lets users shop straight from social media sites, increasing social interaction with online shopping.
Think of social media marketing . Marketing like a playground for today's digital marketers. Its supe­rpower? Connecting with tons of people, sparking conversations, and uncovering heaps of helpful data. But it's not as easy as it sounds. It needs a solid game plan, a truckload of fresh content, and top-notch management skills to conquer its hurdles.
The world of digital is always changing. Keeping up with what's new and using data to your advantage is the secret sauce for winning SMM strategies. When you do it right, SMM becomes a mighty tool. It can amplify your brand, create bonds with your customers, and propel your business toward victory.
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charcha-equity · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Discovering New Music Online
Are you tired of listening to the same old songs on repeat? Do you want to broaden your musical horizons and discover new tunes that resonate with your soul? Well, you're in luck! In this ultimate guide, we'll walk you through some fantastic ways to explore and find fresh music online. Say goodbye to musical monotony and hello to a world of auditory adventures.
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1. Streaming Platforms: Your Musical Playground
Let's start with the basics - streaming platforms. These services have revolutionized the way we consume music. Platforms like Spotify, and Amazon Music offer an immense library of songs, ready to be explored. Their recommendation algorithms are on point, helping you discover new tracks based on your listening history.
Also Read: 6 Must-Have Music Apps for Every Music Lover
2. Playlists for Every Mood
If you're short on time and want a quick musical fix, explore the vast world of playlists. Platforms like Spotify are brimming with user-generated playlists for every mood, genre, and occasion. Whether you're feeling nostalgic, want to pump up your workout, or simply relax, there's a playlist for you.
3. Music Blogs and Review Sites
Music blogs and review sites can be a goldmine for discovering fresh talent. Websites like Pitchfork, NME, and Consequence of Sound provide in-depth reviews and recommendations for new artists and albums. Explore their archives, and you might stumble upon your next favorite band.
Also Read: Stay Updated On Latest Music Trends
4. Social Media Communities
Social media platforms, particularly Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit, are bustling with music enthusiasts. Join music-related subreddits or follow your favorite artists and music journalists on social media. You'll get real-time updates on new releases, trends, and hidden gems.
5. YouTube: More Than Just Cat Videos
YouTube isn't just for cute cat videos; it's a hub for emerging musicians and music enthusiasts. Many artists launch their careers on YouTube, so it's an excellent place to discover fresh sounds. Explore channels like COLORS, Tiny Desk Concerts, and NPR Music for unique live performances.
6. Music Discovery Apps
Several apps are designed explicitly for music discovery. Shazam and SoundHound, for example, can identify songs playing around you. They're handy when you hear a track you like but don't know the name. Also, apps like Musixmatch provide real-time lyrics for songs, enhancing your connection with the music.
7. Collaborative Playlists
Don't underestimate the power of collaborative playlists. Create one with your friends or join existing ones on Spotify and other platforms. It's a great way to share and discover music that resonates with different tastes.
8. Online Radio Stations
Internet radio stations are a fantastic resource for discovering new music. Platforms like Pandora, Last.fm, and even Spotify offer personalized radio stations based on your preferences. Just tune in and let the music come to you.
Also Read: Create Personalized Playlists With These Music Apps
9. Explore Music Genres
Sometimes, you're in the mood for a specific genre. Take this opportunity to explore different genres you haven't delved into before. From jazz to reggae, there's a whole world of music waiting for you.
10. Music Magazines and Zines
Music magazines aren't just paper publications; many have digital versions that feature in-depth interviews, artist profiles, and reviews. Rolling Stone, Spin, and many others are available online, providing a wealth of music-related content.
With these strategies at your fingertips, you can embark on an exciting musical journey. Say goodbye to the same old tunes, and hello to a world of musical exploration. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring, and let the music take you to places you've never been before.
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bigbooksbygeorge · 10 months
Drawing Dreams: The Aspiring Illustrator's Guide to Children's Books
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Hey there, aspiring children's book illustrator. Ever been captivated by the whimsical worlds that only exist between the pages of children's books? From talking animals and far-off galaxies to lessons about sharing and friendship, illustrating children's books is no less than an enchanting journey. 
If you've ever flipped through preschool big books and thought, "Hey, I want to create that magic," then you've clicked on the right blog post. Today, we're diving into the dreamy realm of illustrating books for little munchkins. Let’s jump right in, shall we?
Start Building Your Portfolio: The Golden Ticket
If you ever wanted a Willy Wonka-esque golden ticket into the world of children's book illustrating, your portfolio is it. Seriously, your portfolio is like your artist's resume. Think of it as a magical garden where each illustration is a blooming flower showing off your skills and style.
Your portfolio should be a living, breathing entity. That means keep updating it! Finished a new piece? Awesome, add it in. Don’t forget to take out older work that doesn't showcase your best self. Keeping your portfolio fresh and current is key.
Are you stuck for inspiration? Here's a fun idea: check out those classic preschool big books and observe how the pros do it. From color palettes to character designs, there's a ton you can learn. 
Make a list of what you love and start experimenting. You can even re-imagine classic tales with your artistic flair. What would Cinderella look like in a futuristic world? How about setting Jack and the Beanstalk in the desert? The sky's the limit, so let your imagination soar.
Networking: Not Just Schmoozing, But a Magic Spell
I get it, the word "networking" can sometimes sound as exciting as watching paint dry. But trust me, in this industry, it’s the magic spell you didn’t know you needed. Ever heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know?" There's a bit of truth there.
Start by attending industry-specific events. Book fairs, art exhibitions, and literary festivals are teeming with like-minded folks. Strike up a conversation with people whose work you admire. Ask them how they got started or if they have any advice for an up-and-comer like you. You'll be amazed at what a simple conversation can lead to.
But wait, we're in the digital age, aren’t we? Yes, indeed. Social media platforms can be a goldmine for networking. 
Connect with authors, publishers, and fellow illustrators on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Share your work, comment on theirs, and never underestimate the power of a well-timed direct message (DM). Just one message could open up opportunities you’d never dreamt of. And hey, who knows, you might just find your next project sliding into your DMs.
Say Yes to Small Projects First: Baby Steps to Stardom
No one goes from doodling in a sketchbook to illustrating a bestseller overnight. It’s like learning to walk: you start with baby steps. That’s why saying yes to small projects when you're starting can be an incredibly smart move.
Don’t overlook the local scene. Community projects, school events, or small businesses often need artwork for flyers, posters, or even their social media posts. These might not be glamorous jobs, but they give you real-world experience. Plus, you can always add these projects to that ever-important portfolio.
The beauty of smaller projects is that they're often less stressful and have shorter deadlines. That gives you a fantastic opportunity to play around with styles, techniques, and themes. You can take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them, all while getting a taste of what working in the industry is actually like. 
Before you know it, these baby steps add up, and you'll find yourself ready to take that giant leap into the world of children’s book illustrating.
Learn the Business Side of Magic: Become the Wizard Behind the Curtain
Art and business: they're like peanut butter and jelly. Wait, really? I know it might sound odd, but they blend together more smoothly than you'd think. Embracing the business side can be just as exciting as creating those magical illustrations.
Firstly, understanding contracts isn't as terrifying as facing a dragon in a fairy tale. Imagine contracts as friendly guidelines, outlining your journey ahead with a client. By understanding the details, you ensure your work is protected and valued. So, the next time you're handed a contract, don't just skim it. Read every line, and if you're unsure, ask for advice or hire someone to help. Think of it as weaving a protective spell around your artwork.
Pricing can be tricky, like finding a needle in a haystack. But it's vital. Research what illustrators at your level are charging. Maybe even conduct a mini-survey.
Being too modest might make clients underestimate your worth. But go too high without the experience to back it up, and you might scare clients away. It’s all about finding that magic number that feels just right.
And hey, while we're talking business, ever thought of branding? Design a snazzy logo, get some business cards, and perhaps even create a website. Let the world see the full spectrum of your magical abilities.
Partner Up with Authors or Agents: Your Dynamic Duos & Terrific Trios
In every great story, there's a dynamic duo. Batman and Robin, Sherlock and Watson, or even peanut butter and jelly (yes, them again). So why walk the path alone when you can partner with a like-minded soul?
Teaming up with an author can be a game-changer. The two of you can brainstorm, critique each other's work, and together create a masterpiece that neither could have conjured alone. Think of it as a dance, where the rhythm of words meets the melody of illustrations.
But wait, there's more. Agents can be your fairy godparents in this story. While you focus on creating magic, they handle the not-so-magical parts like negotiations, contracts, and pitching. They've got connections, experience, and insights that can help elevate your career. And while yes, they do take a cut, think of it as an investment in your happily ever after.
Never Stop Learning: Be the Ever-Evolving Sorcerer of Your Tale
Magic never stands still. Neither should you. The realm of children's book illustration is vibrant, constantly changing, and evolving. Just when you think you've seen it all, a fresh trend or new technique pops up, ready to take the world by storm.
Subscribing to magazines, joining artist communities, or attending webinars can keep you updated. You never know when you might stumble upon a technique that becomes your new signature style.
Digital tools are like wands for the modern illustrator. Explore software like Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, or Corel Painter. Dive into the vast ocean of online courses, many of which are free, and discover new realms of creativity. For more details visit us at https://www.bbbg.org/.
Remember, in the grand tale of your illustrative journey, let every page, every chapter be about growth, evolution, and embracing the new. Magic is all around, but the true sorcery lies in never letting that spark of curiosity fade.
So there you have it, a magical map to guide you through your journey into the world of children’s book illustrating. From building a captivating portfolio and effective networking to understanding the nitty-gritty of the business, you've got your bases covered. 
Remember, every famous illustrator started with a single drawing. Your doodles today could be the highlight of children's books tomorrow. So grab your pens, brushes, or stylus and start creating your own enchanting worlds.
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coupondaku · 11 months
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randomnameless · 3 years
So I made the terribad mistake of going on a certain place, lured by someone who said someone made a post about useless things relevant to my interests in FE16, golems.
I really wanted to believe, but on the other hand, what was I expecting ? Why the fuck are people thinking something is “satanic” thus banned by the church in FE16? Hell exists as a concept, but who is “Satan” Sothis’s brother? Rhea’s first pet doggo?
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TFW Reason Magic comes from Morfis and was banned in Fodlan, when Saint Macuil himself was the saint patron of mages, devised magical theories and bragged (brags) about his magical prowesses - Saint Macuil is not a mage using white magic!
Also, despite the WTF reference to Satan in a fantastic world setting - Reason magic also use circles where Sothis’s name is written, or at least her title as the goddess. Why would this be seen as a bad thing in Fodlan if Fodlan was “extremist land 101″??
Also, if the golems were created after the embargo on Morfis was lifted, it means the Church wasn’t as isolationist as some believed? Or they put a new embargo on Morfis?
Also (bis) given how Titanuses (uh) have a special skill called Titanomachy - I suppose but this is highly speculative, mecha wars happened in Fodlan, but a long time ago, during the Sothis vs Agarthans war. If Rhea created those things and cared about their production, some wouldn’t be laying in her backyard in the sealed forest. Jusst sayin’.
I love theories, even when I don’t agree with them as long as they’re documented and serious, but this thing is full of nonsense, mixing watsonian and doylist perspectives, and includes too much projection to be taken seriously.
So I was like, let’s return to a more neutral land, the FE16 subredshit, and oh, someone pointed out how they’d like a prequel game :
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Back to my roots, I suppose, I thought I could bounce back on Serenes forest
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Where’s the shrug emoji
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lauracarmillas · 5 years
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ladies meme: [2/5] LGBT characters → Carmilla Karnstein ↳ Allow me to demonstrate how much I care with a sixteen hour nap.
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
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