#sometimes when i talk about zack i feel like that post thats like the show and its like silly and happy then the fan interptation and its
lesbianzackfair · 10 months
plagued with thoughts
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z1bells · 7 months
Since I'm one episode away from finishing Saving Hope, here's some of my thoughts (I will edit this post tomorrow)
! Warning: Long post !
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- 1st impressions:
I thought having a storyline of a doctor talking with ghosts was weird at first...
But my curiousity got the best of me and I started liking the show
- The Charapters:
• Charlie Harris (The main charpater): I love him sm, he's definitly one of my favorites, his style reminds me of Conrad Hawkins (The Resident), I loved how he tries to help the ghosts.
• Alex Reid (The 2nd main charpater): I love her sm and I feel so bad for her😭, in just 5 seasons she lost her brother, colley, mother and husband.
She might be a little annoying sometimes, but she's fine overall
• Joel Goran (The fan favorite): For some reason, he reminds me of Douxie Casperan (Tales of Arcadia), but I love him sm too, its sad that he had to die on "All the pretty horses" (Last ep from S3)
• Maggie Lin: LOVE LOVE LOVE HER SO MUCHH💗🫶🏻! I loved her smm on S3 (S3 Maggie on top>>) She might had left on S5, but hey! She's happy with her gf (Sydney)
• Sydney Katz: Sydney ily but how many times you had to left😭, but I love her sm too!
She might had left for the hundred time, but hey! At least this time she's with her gf (Maggie)
Lintz defender since 2023 :3
• Dawn Bell: I feel like this will be contervercial... But... I liked Dawn
I do admit...I didn't rlly loved her on the 1st seasons. But her charapters develoment was amazing! (Dawn pls take a break)
• Zack Miller: Another charpater that deserves better. But he's a decent charapter, I feel bad for him on "All the pretty horses" after witness Joel's death (Him and Joel were friends)
• Shahir Hamza: ONE OF MY FAVORITES!! Has a autistic person, I loved how it was well protacted and respresented during the show!
- Extras charapters:
• Wayne Sharp: He deserved more screentime. But he's a nice charapter
• Jackson: I love his humor, he didn't had alot of screentime, but during it, he was iconic
• Jeremy Bishop: Probably another fan favorite, he didn't had much screentime, but hey, him and Charlie were friends and I loved that
• Dana Kinney: MY GIRLL!! I loved her so much! She deserved so much better, her and Alex are a inseperable bond>>>
• Cassie Williams: Her charapter develoment>>>, in the last seasons she was amazing!! I loved her energy so much!
Sad to see her go, but at least she's working with her idol
• Dev Sekara: Another charpater who had a incredible develoment, him and Cassie were so cute togheter!
• Asha Mirani: She didn't had alot of screentime, but she deserved so much better, I feel so bad to her
I have nothing to say much about hed since she left during S4
• Kristine Fields (Another ghost speaker): At 1st she was fine...But after her incident she started to be a little annoying and even she went to the point to haunt Charlie during her sugery😭
Series Finale / Final thoughts:
Just finished watching "First and Last".
When I said that Jackson deserves more screentime... THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT
You might think its getting worst? It does, when they all waiting for Jackson, a huge acident happend. And just like the description of "Hope Never Dies"... "They can't safe everyone"
Finished "Hope Never Dies". I cried at the end of the episode
Charlie's gone, gone in his own series. The series started with him in a coma, ended with him brain dead.
Alex deserves so much better, I feel bad for her...
The hole episode reminds me from "The Long and Winding Road" - The Resident: S5, ep 3 (Trust me, I'm still in denial with that episode after a year ago), but a little bit more extreme...
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Overwall, I loved the show sm!! Its sad it didn't got another season but I enjoyed watching it
Let me know what you think about this!
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