luxarcum · 11 months
He was a thief. He had always been. At least of the food in the Caelum-family's kitchen. The guards had stopped trying to chase him a long time ago. Lux was too highly regarded anyway, ever since he had made himself known as the princes' friend. Though there were special treats, that were harder to come by. One of them being the grapes of the latest harvest. Ripe and full of sweetness. The bowl was brought to Lux by Somnus himself, who smirked and simply placed it on the archer's chest, as he found Lux sleeping in the sun. "I heard complaints about me not feeding you properly - I had not realized that was my duty so far. For that I am terribly sorry."
The archer shielded his eyes from the sun as he peered up at his dream become reality. How Somnus had so elegantly floated from his mind to the soft grass, Lux did not know, but he did know the prince had alluded to food being present. With a smile, he reached up to brush a hand over Somnus's cheek. "You feed my heart to bursting, so I forgive you." That being said, he dipped his fingers into the bowl and found...
the grapes! The one bounty the servants had so expertly hidden from him! Excited, he almost tipped the bowl over while sitting up. Not that he was above eating off the ground. "Have I told you lately that I love you?" Of course. But he loved him even more now that he was going to make himself sick off the sugary fruit.
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meldaciomartyr · 11 months
❝  don’t be sorry. be better.  ❞
God of War 2018:
That hunt down by the Vesperpool had been eye-openin' an' Dave knew he had so much more t'learn about huntin'. He'd been too slow an' his mama had managed to protect him, but now she was laid up in Lestallum's clinic with her arm all bandaged up.
"M'sorry ... I-"
"don't be sorry. be better."
The tone wasn't unkind, but Somnus didn't soften his voice neither as he exited the small clinic in Lestallum. The teenager nodded, swallowin' on the lump of nervousness an' guilt in his chest.
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"Yes sir, I'll be better."
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luciancityguard · 1 year
“What are you doing here?”
Assassin's Creed starters:
The city loomed and filled him with a dread that surprised him. It had been years since he left this place. He had been injured, limping with a bullet in his thigh, and if not for Pelna he would have never made it to a haven, let alone known where to seek aid.
Insomnia had haunted some of his nightmares since the, and never been too far from his mind. He had been born in the city, raised there, grown-up and fostered friendships and relationships. A career, a life. And it had been reduced to nothing in a single day. His parents killed, his comrades and friends slaughtered, and the illusion of safety shattered.
And now Insomnia lay her remains around him, dark, broken and infested by daemons. What a tragic state for the fine city. But this was a return trip with one goal in mind; clear the route. More hunters and glaives clambered down from the trucks, boots on the ground and the same moment of hesitation mixed with shock at the state of Insomnia.
'what are you doing here?'
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The voice materialised out of nowhere and Petra blinked when he recognised it, turning to face the once-king. They were here for the endgame.
"To clear a path or keep the daemons at bay as long as possible. The King is sailing from Angelgard."
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lenoirexv · 2 years
:Song https://youtu.be/yL7IRngzIdk
:Coloring kindon18xTutorials
:Program Used: Sony Vegas Pro 14
:Fandoms Final Fantasy VII, + Final Fantasy XV,
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. Made for non-profit reasons. I only own the editing
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ezma-auburnbrie · 2 years
@somnus-lucis-caelum​ from here.
“You came.” The words were out before she could even think of what to say; more surprise in her tone than she intended.
She was surprised though. Surprised she had prayed like that, or that he had even heard her. But she didn’t know what else to do. She had vague memories o’ her mama tellin’ her to turn to the gods when she needed help ... ain’t no one ever mentioned Lucii.
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“I didn’t know who else to ask for help.” Because she didn’t know how t’ask others for help, but this was the most vulnerable she’d every felt. The outpost was silent outside, the little baby fast asleep in his bassinet and the hunters scrambled over what t’do. Ezma’s eyes darted t’the bassinet when the little’un stirred and she crossed the room to gently rock him back to sleep.
“I know ya don’t like meddlin’ in lives, Somus, but m’scared.”
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ff15fan · 4 years
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Somnus&Ardyn renders
on 1st pic Ardyn is with blue eyes
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niflheimxheir · 4 years
@somnus-lucis-caelum​ started following you:
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‘ so, where’re you from? lucian, nifen or altissian? ’
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ofblademaster · 3 years
"Good influence", wow... as... as if he needs that!
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Gil tilts his head at the man. Though he loves him as a younger brother, maybe even a son, or more, he tried to be honest with how he felt, and knew there were things needed work on. “Are you saying I am wrong My Majesty?”
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noblehcart · 4 years
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     “W-What’s going on ? “  Fingers pressed into the cool marble as she looked up to the figure standing above taking her in. Her head still spun and nausea lingered in her throat as she tried to make sense of what had happened. Voices, she remembered vaguely. None of them familiar. Neither was he. Darkness blurred her memories before waking up on the floor with the sound of roaring in her ears and petite frame aching like she had been pulled apart. The sound of footsteps made her roll off her stomach to sit up then take in the figure standing a few feet away. Dark hair and clothes- strange clothes so far out of place than what she wore or knew others to wear.
Thinking of it she glanced around where they were and realized none of this was familiar either. There weren’t any places like this. None that she knew. Her world was that of iron, steel; not this pristine white stone and elegant pillars lining the room. 
Shrinking back she pushed herself further away from him as the sound of her blood pounding in her ears echoed louder. “W-where am I? Who are you?”
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finalvlog-a · 4 years
@somnus-lucis-caelum​ || continued from this
His parents had been eager to bring him along, eager to introduce him to the world. True, Alex had already been announced as the crowned prince to their people but now their allies were to meet him for the first time. He was too little to understand the implications and importance of it, but he’d been excited to travel with them. When they finally arrived, he’d been exhausted, sleepily walking beside his parents as they entered through grand doors. Alex was able to get some sleep before the banquet that evening, but the moment he could he’d run off after the other prince. These events were already too overwhelming for him. He’d rather be elsewhere. That and the foreign prince had caught his attention right away.
He was sad and no one seemed to notice it. Alex had snuck out from underneath his parents noses, but Feliks had been watching him keeping an eye on the Prince until Somnus took notice of him. From the shadows the Kings guard watched, making sure their ally would be kind to the small child, or at the least, safe.
Alex had not expected the older Prince to play along, but what Alex said seemed to have amused him at least, and some of the heartache he feels lessens. He smiles up at Somnus, nodding his head when he mentions cake. Alex holds out a hand for him to take, wiggling his fingers in the air when he doesn’t take it right away.
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“We have to be sneaky then.” He solemnly declares, sounding and acting more like an adult than the child he was. Alex gives a tug on Somnus’ arm, “What kind of cake was it?”
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foughtforthefuture · 4 years
#Ravus Luche and nearly Nyx
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‘ i’d argue that it was two men collectively; one whole and two partially. ’
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meldaciomartyr · 2 years
❝ what in the gods' names are you doing here? you shouldn’t be here. ❞  
Moon Knight:
The words came from the shadows o' the path and Dave paused, recognisin' the hushed voice. Squintin' into the gloom an' he was surprised to see Somnus standin' there. His expression was a mix of surprise an' somethin' else the new Head Hunter wasn't entirely sure of.
Gesturin' at the path ahead, he turned to face Somnus; feller looked jus' the same as he recalled from his last visit to Meldacio some years ago. Age wasn't somethin' that caught up on his mama's pal, it'd seem.
"Had some reports from locals 'bout strange sounds comin' from the Tempering Grounds; came t'make sure no foolhardy idiots done thought'a venturing in there." He was sure of his own skills too, but even Dave knew there was somethin' far more dangerous than varmints lurkin' in this timeless place. Old huntin' tales told about Gilgamesh still hauntin' the ancient site, an' he'd learned a long time ago not t'dismiss old stories like that.
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"Yain’t gotta worry, Somnus - mama done warned me off o’ this place a long time ago an’ I ain’t gonna go against her rules.”
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pelnaxkhara · 4 years
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not sorry
not even remotely.
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ezma-auburnbrie · 2 years
“ are you upset with me?  ”
3, 4, 5 word sentence starters:
He’d done told her he’d leave an’ warned her it could be anytime. It wasn’t like she hadn’t known, but the long time had still surprised Ezma. If she was honest, she wasn’t a person who had a whole lotta folks she let her guard down around, an’ he was one of those few.
It was easier t’keep focused an’ make sure she made solid decisions that way.
But she had missed talkin’ to Somnus; he was calm an’ honest. He’d seen more of the world than she would ever and Ezma found him one of the few folks she could ask for advice who’d tell her if she had made the wrong decision. Course there was the selfish part o’ her that’d missed his companionship too. 
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“Reckon I ain’t got no grounds t’be angry with y’all.” Because she didn’t. Offerin’ a melancholy smile, she sat by the flickerin’ flame of the fire and watched the shadows dance. “- so tell me about yer adventures Somnus; what new tales ya got for me?”
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heartxandxhome · 3 years
“ you sound doubtful.”
Red Dead Redemption II:
It was strange being back in Meldacio, but there was a full-circle feeling to it too that Sarah couldn't deny. She had been so scared to come back here and, even now, she knew people would be whispering about what she had done to Pelna, maybe even that she couldn't be trusted.
And she couldn't argue with them. If it was someone else in her position, she would most likely be one of those whispering people.
"It will all be over soon." Leaning against the railing of her veranda around the small house she and Kaleb shared and Sarah summoned a weak smile for Somnus; he had made a point of crossing from Ezma's house to speak to her. "That's a nice idea."
"You sound doubtful." The man's blue eyes were looking at her, she could feel the intense stare, but Sarah just kept looking out across the outpost, to the small hut that had been turned into a holding cell. She shrugged her shoulders before finally looking at Somnus. "I'm not doubtful ... if anything I think all of this has made me more realistic."
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digital-firefly-a · 4 years
It was early, early morning just as the sun had crested the the horizon.  Temperance was at the training ground, seated atop the highest point with a cup of coffee in grip, and the blade gingerly flipped into the air and caught again with her other.  She was the first there that morning having not been able to sleep much the night before.
Thankfully the booze had given her some chance for shut eye.  Enough that she was ready to tackle the day head on!  Bringing the cup to her lips, she sips lightly of the beverage.  Heterochromatic eyes searching for anyone else who might be joining for crack of dawn training.
It was quiet this morning.  She loved days like this, feeling the warm breeze and embracing the opportunity to appreciate life.  As the sun crept up, the fire red of her hair would be amplified by the morning rays, giving it the appearance of burning as a soft breeze whipped it around behind her.
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“Where o’ where have my buddies gone~”  She sings lazily, keeping tune but her voice was painfully average.  “Where o’ where could they be~”  Smirking to herself, she drums the stone beneath her with the side of her blade.  She loved being up high.  The higher, the better.  She’d go to the stars if she could!  Shame she can’t.
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