#song is weirdo by rozwell kid
fake-fun · 1 year
my friend just had a baby but i just made this emo philips fancam so who really wins
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mynameischalie · 2 years
Rozwell Kid @ PhilaMoca 12/16/21
It’s been two years since Rozwell Kid last played Philadelphia but my love for them remains strong. If you’re asking yourself “Chal who the hell is Rozwell Kid?” I can tell you they are an indie punk band from West Virginia that consists of four dudes who loved Weezer so much they decided to form a band.This is my fourth time seeing this band. I started seeing them in 2016 and everytime they rolled into Philly (with the exception of the AJJ tour which I skipped) I was there. I am eagerly awaiting a new record from them and to be frank they are overdue but tonight we were treated to a solid hour set of tunes.
The night began with the opener Golden Apples. These up starts from Philly consisted of some young early 20 somethings that played lo-fi indie rock. Here’s the thing with Golden Apples, they all seem like nice people and they were very happy that people wore their masks so that made them feel safe and comfortable. The music didn’t really do anything for me but their bassist wanted audience feedback if they sounded ok and I gave them the biggest thumbs up and said you all sound clear do your thing! They got an opening slot for the Menzingers coming up which is nice to see. I  will say though they defintely went over their time slot by 10 minutes as they ended up playing a 40 minute set. They were aware of this and played their two songs anyways. Why does this matter, well it pushes the other bands times back. That’s all I’m saying. So yeah not for me, as I stood aimlessly waiting for the long set to finish.
Next up was another Philadelphia band Gladie! Gladie is the new band of the recently broken up Philly unit Cayetana. When I heard the name Gladie though I immediately thought if this name was a hint for something LGBTQ related (GLAAD) but it could very well be the action of being glad so who knows, right? Insert are you trying to assume my band name!? Regardless, Gladie reminded me of some of the others bands that are coming through the scene recently like Queen Of Jeans, Worriers, and Swearin’. I enjoyed their set and found myself swaying to their music. Also if you’re still reading this they had to cancel tonight with Rozwell Kid in New York so hopefully if we’re putting our heads together they didn’t get sick last night with the show. That would be horrible.
Rozwell Kid came out at 9:30 and shredded our faces off with their music. This band sounds EXACTLY like they do on record if not better and it really is amazing. I feel like everytime I watched them play the set flies by and tonight was no exception. One of the cool things about tonight was I shouted out “Futon” and was met with “NEVER” by their singer Jordan and then two songs later they played Futon for us which was cool! This was such an enjoyable show and I really do love these guys. 
I just have to say one thing. With Covid rising their singer Jordan went over to sell merch and before selling hand santized his hands. I was about the eight person in line and every person in front of me wanted to shake his hand which is not good in the pandemic especially for touring bands. He was so nice and had to explain to eight people that he can elbow bump them. When I went up to him I said “Hey man I’ll just take the vinyl of Good Graphics” which was 15. I gave him a 20 and said “Keep it and put it towards the gas! He said “Are you sure that’s very nice, which I assured him by saying yes you played Futon for us it’s all good.”
Please come back to Philly again
Kangaroo Pocket
Michael Keaton
Halloween 3.5
Back To The Future IV
Dylan, Don't Do It
Total Mess
Sick Jackets
Birthday Sombrero
Wish Man
Wendy's Trash Can
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melttmagazine-blog · 6 years
Ok, I’m going to be honest. This is/was a cute Fest-focused playlist, and I wrote about half of these and then got distracted by the new Just Friends album again. But I wanted to have something new up for y’all today. So Nervous Dater, Weller, Harmony Woods , and RVIVR, I will come back to these songs on Thursday, that’s a promise. 
Featuring: Just Friends  Pictures of Vernon Save Face Rozwell Kid Foxy Dads Mom Jeans. Harmony Woods Nervous Dater Weller RVIVR
“Welcome Mats” by Just Friends - You like this song?? Then BOY do I have some NEWS for you!!!!!! (Preorder it.)
“Welp, Fuck It” by Pictures of Vernon - My attitude in regards to money at/on the journey to Fest
“Bad” by Save Face - a description of my hangover (both emotional and alcoholic) after Fest
“Weirdo” by Rozwell Kid - hopefully not what everyone calls me if I don’t fit in I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS I’M VERY ANXIOUS
“Make Friends & Be Happy” by Foxy Dads - What I plan to do at Fest! :) 
“season 9 ep 2-3″ by Mom Jeans. - I’m just every excited to see Mom Jeans. again, ok? 
“Jenkintown-Wyncote” by Harmony Woods  
“Bad Spanish” by Nervous Dater
“Fair/Unfair” by Weller “LMD” by RVIVR
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mynameischalie · 5 years
Rozwell Kid with No Thank You and Amanda X @ PhilaMOCA 7/26/19
With no new record and really no reason to be on the road Rozwell Kid decided to play a handful of shows this summer and brought themselves to Philly. I really dig what these guys do and I’m glad they decided to come back. “Too Shabby” and “Precious Art” are two albums in constant rotation for me so of course I’ll jump at the opportunity to see them live.
Philadelphia’s own Amanda X opened the show to I’ll just say a very light crowd. There’s been a ton of 20 somethings that been living off 90s nostalgia indie rock and Amanda X falls into that category. This is a band that you would hear on someone’s college radio podcast. I can almost hear the host’s voice now saying “Here’s a super obscure band from Philly called Amanda X on Rutgers Radio”. They consist of three women who would be easily triggered if you dare call them a “female fronted band”. Dumb observation aside, I can easily see them touring with Screaming Females, Swearin’ or Worriers. As for their live show I mean it was ok but it didn’t hit me as anything memorable. That’s the problem these days as there’s so few openers that really grab me as a listener. But I mean they are doing their thing and are from Phily so hopefully they all have the best of success! If they blow up I’ll be able to say I saw that band open for Rozwell Kid.
Next band was Philadelphia’s indie rockers No Thank You. This three piece band I thought had a more crisper sound than the first band. I actually quite enjoyed them and was digging their tunes. I have to admit their set ended so abruptly and I kinda wanted to hear more. It just felt like their set went much quicker than Amanda X. But yeah, I would be open to seeing what else they have to offer if they don’t break up in 6 months! I feel like these bands come and go so quickly today. 
Up next Rozwell Kid who opened the show with a new song called “All Outta Ways”. This was a song they dropped a few weeks ago and put out a 7′’ for. That song sounded really good live! The band surprisingly played “Ace Ventura Pt. 3″ from their s/t released in 2011 which was a nice deep cut. Also, “Booger” and “Michael Keaton” was done solo which was a nice touch to their set. I always appreciated Rozwell Kid’s humor and stage presence as you can tell they try not to take themselves too seriously. If you ever saw Reel Big Fish it’s along the lines of their type of humor. 
Other than that, all the usual good stuff was here in the setlist (Too Shabby/Precious Art heavy) but I will say they need a new record to come out soon. It’s already been two years now since Precious Art so it’s time. Still, they are easily one of my favorite bands going right now. I’m not sure how much longer they’ll be at it but I really dig what these guys do and will see them everytime they play Philly. 
All Outta Ways
Baby's First Sideburns
Sick Jackets
Halloween 3.5
Total Mess
Ace Ventura Pt. 3
Birthday Sombrero
Michael Keaton
Wish Man
Kangaroo Pocket
Wendy's Trash Can
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