#song: bikini vol zand
k3fanblog · 10 months
Best HKM song bracket!
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k3fanblog · 11 months
Best HKM song bracket!
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Best K3 song bracket!
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Best K3 song bracket!
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Best K3 song bracket! - Recap
I have a lot of data from the polls so I used it to make a full ranking of all 128 songs that made it to the bracket. For this I used two rules: songs that made it to later rounds would be ranked higher than songs eliminated earlier and within a round the songs would be ordered by the absolute number of votes they got, this felt fairer than the percentage, because almost anything got obliterated by Oya lélé, but for example Opa still managed to get 5 votes in the first round, which I think is more impressive than getting 4 votes in a poll with 20 votes in total. (Opa had a percentage of 11.4, 4 votes of 20 would be 20%), because a lower number of total votes seems to imply people cared less about both songs.
Anyway having said that, some fun facts:
3 songs only got 1 vote in total, De aarde beeft, K3 Kan Het! and Oh ja (Though Kus van de juf only got 1 vote in round 2)
Top 3 songs that did better than their original rank would have expected are: 3) Verliefd (3 biggetjes), was ranked at 103 and ended up in place 10; 2) Hokus pokus dikke dokus, was ranked at 119 and ended up in place 22, and; 1) Mr. De president, originally ranked 114th and ended in place 16
On the other hand top 3 songs that did worse than expected: 3) Whoppa! ranked 43 and ended in place 120; 2) Jij bent mijn Gigi, ranked 21 and ended in place 106, and; 1) Dans van de farao, ranked 14 and also ended up in place 106 (both got the same number of votes)
Hippie shake on the other hand performed exactly as expected, it was ranked 8th and ended up in 8th place
The highest ranking non-og songs are 10.000 luchtballonnen and Mamasé at a shared 18th place
The highest ranking hmj song is Superster at the 32nd place
Full ranking behind the cut
(I used Tumblr's enumerated list, so the shared places aren't shown. Just remember that from place 20 on most spots are pretty close together.)
Oya lélé
Alle Kleuren
Hart verloren
De 3 biggetjes
Frans liedje
Hippie shake
Verliefd (3 biggetjes)
I love you baby
Ya ya yippee
Je hebt een vriend
Mr. De president
Heyah mama
10.000 luchtballonnen
Hokus Pokus Dikke Dokus
Blub, ik ben een vis!
Loko le
Zou er iemand zijn op Mars?
Kuma hé
Eeuwig en altijd
Love boat baby
Baby come back
Luka Luna
1,2 doe met me mee
Zonder liefde
Oma's aan de top
Pina Colada
Yippee yippee
Waar zijn die engeltjes
Hallo K3
Dieper dan de zee
Laat de wind maar waaien
Bikini vol zand
Dokter dokter
Op elkaar
Jongens zijn gek!
Roller Disco
Borst vooruit
Jij bent de bom!
Jij bent mooi
Yeke yeke
Visje in het water
Wij zijn gibbertjes
Altijd blijven dromen
Zwaai als je verliefd bent
De wereld van K3
Mama's en papa's
Kus van de juf
Handjes draaien
De Weddenschapsgospel
Alice in Wonderland
Meiden van de brandweer
Leukste van het land
Koning Willem-Alexander
Ali Baba
Nooit meer oorlog
Iedereen is anders
Mango mango
De politie
De revolutie!
K3 Loves You!
Als het binnenregent
Beter als je danst
Disco Oma
Land van de regenboog
Ster aan de hemel
Hey hallo
Tjikke boem
Piramide van liefde
Een ongelooflijk idee
Keileuke zomer
Liefde is overal
En ik dans
De Gordel is er weer
Drums gaan boem
Verliefd zijn
Dans van de farao
Jij bent mijn Gigi
Eya Hoya!
Je mama ziet je graag
Liefde geeft je vleugels
Altijd van je dromen
Iedereen K3
Zeg eens AAA
Wat ik wil
Wanneer zie ik jou terug
De aarde beeft
K3 Kan Het!
Oh ja
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k3fanblog · 3 years
Wat een Zooooomer, Jij en Ik op het Strand M'n Haaart voool Droooomen, mijn Bikini vool Zand Ben toen Zooomaar in je aaaarmen beland M'n Haaart voool Droooomen, mijn Bikini vool Zand M'n Haaart voool Droooomen, mijn Bikini vool Zand
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k3fanblog · 3 years
Vooeel je Die ZOOOON VanBiiinnen? Wo-O-o-O! O-Wo-O-o-O! O-Wo-O-o-O! VanBinnen in je HART Vooeel je Die ZOOOON VanBiiinnen? Wo-O-o-O! O-Wo-O-o-o! O-Wo-O-o-O! ZO'n gevooeel aPART Vooeel je Die ZOOOON VanBiiinnen?
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k3fanblog · 4 years
Newest K3 albums rated
10.000 Luchtballonnen - I don’t really vibe with this tbh, it’s the first album that really makes me feel that the intended audience is kindergarten children, but they still have songs about being in love and I’m altogether not a big fan of the lyrics. This album also has way too many singles (6(!)) but 10.000 luchballonnen in itself is a fun song and bonus points for being a double album. 3/10
Ushuaia - Still very clearly meant for children, but I like these songs more. Bonus point for being a double cd again. 6/10
Love Cruise - No songs I dislike + I do really like Pina Colada. Strangely melancholic in the first half though. 8/10
Roller Disco - This album is just very happy and I really unexpectedly vibe with Mooier dan je denkt so: 9/10
Dromen - I really dislike the cover, but I like the first songs. Actually the entire album has slightly weird vibes, but they are good songs? A point subtracted for Heyah Mama 2.0 because I miss the sex mentions, but a point added for Zo een liedje because I think it’s cool. 8/10
Dans van de Farao - This album is so forgettable, I listened to it and immediately forgot it. Anyway, Bikini vol zand is catchy, so: 5/10
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k3fanblog · 4 years
Waarom Voel ik mij dan Zo Alleeeen in m'n BuBBel? Alleeeen in m'n BuBBel Zo Alleeeen in m'n BuBBel Ik Kijk om me heeeeen Iedereeeen in een BuBBel Alleeeeen in een BuBBel Zo Alleeeeen in een BuBBel
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