intestato · 7 years
☏. ♚. ☤.
Munday Questions ; [ x ] still accepting !!
☏ What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?
I’d like to say that the most challenging aspect of playing this muse, relates to being a “happy virus.” I struggle with being on the more happy side of the spectrum, even as a mun, and find it difficult to constantly be as upbeat as I can for this particular muse. hence the lack of activity at times. But I have to admit that my inability to be mentally flexible, puts a wall before me.
♚ Do you and your muse get along?
I feel that my muse and I may not get along so well as I am the stubborn individual as I may be, I have a slight difficulty in trying to get along with him in my head. I feel that Blood and I are too much a like and probably the reason why we get along together. But Hatter is a different story; he’s too emotional, too excitable and too openly curious. I am not. I am the complete opposite almost to the extent where one could compare my existence to that of a domestic cat. Independently curious but amazed by the extraordinary.
☤ What do you have in common with your muse?
What I'd like to say is that I love tea, I love drinking it,t he smells, the taste. We have a great tea place where I used to work and I was there all the time and perhaps lead to one of the inspirations behind Tea for Thee! Admittedly, I also think between the three of us, we are all the same heartless individual who finds ourselves attracted to those who are weak (minded/hearted) and gravitate towards these individuals. Not to mention Hatta and I have obnoxious sweet tooths. Blood and I will eat anything that’s placed in front of us. Aha.
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vxtiosus · 7 years
See how different the Mun and Muse are! [ ❃ ]  | status ; accepting
…🥞 - What nicknames do you have for each other?
I call Hyunshik, as I call all of my muses (which I have too many) with grossly sweet things like ‘baby’ or ‘muffin’ because he is my son. He can be evil to the core yet I will forever want to keep him in my pocket and feed him marshmallows.  Occasionally I call him ‘loser’ or something else like that, but mostly just the overly sweet stuff. I am so lame I know.
As for Hyunshik, he would probably consider me a ‘leech’ or something as lovely as that. Because let’s be honest, I am slightly obsessed with him. He isn’t really one for nicknames in general, minus the cliché ones like ‘dear’.
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heshidden · 7 years
❝let’s keep this between the two of us.
angsty/suggestive sentence starters.
His eyes are fixed on hers, as usual. They seem to have something that could simply catch all of the poet’s attention, he couldn’t stop looking right into them, as if he could see her soul through them. Truly beautiful, like her herself.
Her voice is soft music to his ears, and the way she smiles at him is enough to take him out of his sane state for a moment --- only for a brief moment. Soon he in landing on Earth again, instead of in a world that belongs to the two of them only.
“Of course,” he nods, barely moving his lips and not daring himself to take his eyes from her features, completely mesmerized by her beauty. Or should we say, obsessed?
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“This is our secret, my lady. Nobody else will know about it, only you and I.”
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spoiledsovls · 7 years
send me a symbol and i will write a drabble about my muse from the point of view of… ( x )
✂ - … Someone who dislikes my muse 
incompetent fool. look at her, with her head held high. she thinks she can run anything she wants to her way. she speaks with such confidence but deep down-- there’s something. i can’t quite figure it out, obviously, nor will i ever be able to because i won’t talk to her. not ever again, at least. is it weird to say that i’ve been observing her? it’s odd. there’s no real reason as to why i dislike her.. maybe it’s because my spot for being the smartest has been taken over by some.. what? delinquent? not on my watch. did she cheat her way through school? it just seems odd for her to suddenly place top student when she was at the bottom? doesn’t. make. sense. especially when i’m the one who helped her. 
for fucks sakes.. our teacher likes her. our teacher. every person.. or well at least my close friend.. know that i like him. it seems wrong-- super. for a student and teacher to have a relationship but-- i’ve been here for years. she can’t come in and steal the spotlight! not only does he keep an eye on her, but there’s some kind of connection between the two! the other day, they rode bikes together. since when did she have a bicycle?! slight pause as the girl pulls at her hair in frustration god. i truly hate her. she may seem fine on the surface but she’s just cruel, unable to adapt to social situations and always wanting to say sorry to me but turn the other cheek when people say sorry to her.
what is it with her? 
her tears well up, thinking about it. dumb. i’m crying over a girl i don’t-- i shouldn’t care about. she pulls out her laptop, dragging photos she took of the teacher and hyejung onto her desktop. a cruel smile is painted on her lips, pulling up the school’s forum for gossip. i’ll show her who’s boss. i’ll gain my title back. i’m prettier, smarter, richer. what does she deserve? i shouldn’t have befriended her if i knew this was going to happen. here she comes-- look away. she looks away, pulling her laptop closer so that people wouldn’t see what she was up to. once the article is written, she smiles to herself. 
and... publish.
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bxrnedwords-blog · 8 years
he's not sure what makes him think of it. every single ounce of thinking ability he possesses has been thrown into trying to better his relationship (if you can even call it that, a vicious little voice at the back of his mind hisses) with ahreum, and it's almost a surprise when a different subject filters through.
it's ga in noona's birthday tomorrow.
his phone hasn't buzzed with a reply from ahreum yet, so he shuffles with as much haste as his sluggish limbs can manage to his studio closet, locking the door behind him. it's been months since he last locked himself in here, but he remembers exactly where he saved the file he needs on his mac, skinny fingers flying across the slightly battered keyboard as he pulls up a particular playlist he made a lifetime ago, it seems.
ten tracks. a journey. he made sure to save the best for last.
time melts away as he gives his gift a final listen through, ensuring each track melds and flows seamlessly from one to the next. it's perfect, or as close to it as his flawed being can reach. only the best for this particular recipient.
ripping the playlist onto a blank disc takes another ten minutes and before long he's got a completed cd; nine tracks of music he's heard, experienced - that immediately brought the woman in question to mind (smooth, smoky bar piano, bluesy jazz sounds with a touch of melancholy...she's always a touch sad around the eyes, a tragedy wrapped up in refinement, a mask of elegant grief. she never gave a deeper reason for this; he never asked - but good god it made for some truly transcendent music...)
if i could play her...i'd never listen to anything else.
the last track...track no.10, was his own composition. he'd been watching the rain hit his window with a vengeance. he'd been more than a little drunk; whiskey made him broody and he'd found respite scribbling music onto the near translucent skin of his forearm. it was...it was an exhalation of a marlboro from crushed berry lips, a well timed smirk at a terrible joke; it was the raise of a perfectly shaped eyebrow and a smooth, honeyed laugh. it was her.
he'd give it to her tomorrow, somehow. she was elusive and he was...he was busy. busy trying not to crumble...but she didn't need to know that. he'd give her his gift, and she would smile, and for a moment, all would be well in the world.
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vxtiosus · 5 years
*  :  Negative Character Trait List
Below is a list of 102 negative traits to describe your character.
Tagged by:   @thecosmicsen Tagging: @ofkngs @songavixin @bvgeyman @moonaeraa @iinsomniis
Aggressive - pursuing one’s aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so.
Aloof - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
Arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.
Belligerent - hostile and aggressive.
Big-headed - conceited or arrogant.
Bitchy - malicious or unpleasant.
Boastful - showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities.
Bone-idle - lazy.
Boring - not interesting; tedious.
Bossy - fond of giving people orders; domineering.
Callous - showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
Cantankerous - bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative.
Careless - not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.
Changeable - irregular; inconstant.
Clinging - overly dependent on someone emotionally.
Compulsive - resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, especially one that is against one’s conscious wishes.
Conservative - a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
Cowardly - lacking courage.
Crass - lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence.
Cruel - willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.
Cunning - having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion.
Cynical - believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
Deceitful - guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others.
Detached - separate or disconnected.
Dishonest - behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.
Dogmatic - inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.
Domineering - assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way.
Fastidious - very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.
Finicky - fussy about one’s needs or requirements.
Foolish - lacking good sense or judgement; unwise.
Foolhardy - recklessly bold or rash.
Fussy - fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please.
Greedy - having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power.
Grumpy - bad-tempered and irritable.
Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
Harsh - cruel or severe.
Impatient - having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.
Impolite - not having or showing good manners; rude.
Impulsive - acting or done without forethought.
Inconsiderate - thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others.
Inconsistent - not compatible or in keeping with.
Indecisive - not having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
Indiscreet - having, showing, or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain secret or private.
Inflexible - unwilling to change or compromise.
Interfering - tending to interfere in other people’s affairs.
Intolerant - not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own.
Irresponsible - not showing a proper sense of responsibility.
Jealous - feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
Lazy - unwilling to work or use energy.
Machiavellian - cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics.
Materialistic - excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented.
Mean - one who makes no effort to understand or empathize with others.
Miserly - of or characteristic of a miser.
Moody - given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
Narrow-minded - not willing to listen to or tolerate other people’s views; prejudiced.
Nasty - behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.
Naughty - disobedient; badly behaved.
Nervous - easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung.
Obsessive - a person who is affected by an obsession.
Obstinate - stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
Overcritical - inclined to find fault too readily.
Overemotional - having feelings that are too easily excited and displayed.
Parsimonious - unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal.
Patronizing - apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending.
Perverse - showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.
Pessimistic - tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Pompous - affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important.
Possessive - demanding someone’s total attention and love.
Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Quarrelsome - given to or characterized by quarreling.
Quick-tempered - easily made angry.
Resentful - feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly.
Rude - offensively impolite or ill-mannered.
Ruthless - having or showing no pity or compassion for others.
Sarcastic - marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.
Secretive - inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information.
Selfish - lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure.
Self-centered - preoccupied with oneself and one’s affairs.
Self-indulgent - characterized by doing or tending to do exactly what one wants, especially when this involves pleasure or idleness.
Silly - having or showing a lack of common sense or judgement; absurd and foolish.
Sly - having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature.
Sneaky - furtive; sly.
Stingy - unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous.
Stubborn - having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Stupid - having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
Superficial - not having or showing any depth of character or understanding.
Tacky - showing poor taste and quality.
Tactless - having or showing a lack of adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.
Timid - showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.
Touchy - oversensitive and irritable.
Thoughtless - not showing consideration for the needs of other people.
Truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant.
Unkind - inconsiderate and harsh to others.
Unpredictable - behaving in a way that is not easily predicted.
Unreliable - not able to be relied upon.
Untidy - not inclined to keep one’s possessions or appearance neat and in order.
Untrustworthy - not able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
Vague - thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way.
Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth.
Vengeful - seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.
Vulgar - lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined,
Weak-willed - lacking the ability to resist influence or to restrain one’s own impulses; irresolute.
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lacvnc · 7 years
─ Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. when you’re done, tag up to ten people and tag the person who tagged you.
tagged by: @dahliancgra tagging: @bxsaoirse @belxxs @ofkngs @songavixin @gumihc @fluorvte @hyejvng @spellbks @chaoticer @orphanchen
A - age: 123, surprise surprise.  B - biggest fear: What is fear, exactly?  C - CURRENT TIME: 06:40AM ( KST ). D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Blood. E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: A yawn and a stiff drink.  F - FAVOURITE SONG:  말달리자 — 크라잉 넛. The type of music I like to go crazy to and just y’know... murder people.  G - GHOSTS ARE THEY REAL: Very alive and very lame.  I - IN LOVE WITH: Me, myself and I.  And of course my own reflection. 
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Pfft, more people than I care to count.  L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: I don’t know? When I was human and weak?  M - MIDDLE NAME: None.  N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Two, dead since long.  O - ONE WISH: Wish? I don’t wish. There’s no need to when you can literally just get whatever you want through char.. or you know... magic. Q - QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED: Can you let me go? Answer is always no. What are you? Standard answer: your worst nightmare. What else..? Oh right... Belus has a lot of repeated questions. But I’ll keep those to myself.  R - REASONS TO SMILE: Death and destruction? Good sex and a tasty snack? All of it? S - SONG LAST SANG: I don’t sing.  T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Don’t remember, don’t sleep much.  U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: Ain’t wearing any.  V - VACATION DESTINATION: My entire life is vacation, no need to go anywhere. I do love Europe though... W - WORST HABIT: Probably... none. Can’t have bad habits if you’re flawless.  X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: Uhm... none?  Y - YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD: Blood?  Z- ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
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viculent · 8 years
♕. ♕. ♕.
Send ♕ for a CHILDHOOD headcanon. 
Jongin was shot in his neck at the age of ten by a hunter who thought he was a wolf. The bullet was made of pure silver, so Jongin was on death row for an entire month before he finally pulled through enough to regain his own strength. Still to this day, he has two scars on the side of his neck where the bullet went clean through.
Growing up, Jongin had a very traumatizing and abusive life. Ranging from everyone believing he was an omega, he was treated like trash due to his kind and patient personality. He tried hard to fit in somewhere and each time, was cast out like a wild animal. Jongin still suffers from PTSD due to everything he’s been through.
His uncle on his mother’s side abused Jongin from the moment his family moved from Brooklyn to Seoul. From beating him senseless, starving him for days or leaving him out in the cold, his uncle has done it all to him and still does. The last time his uncle fought him was when he had voiced his opinion about wanting peace instead of conflict. Jongin holds animosity for not only the constant abuse, but because his uncle killed his first best friend in front of him. Hell, it’s speculated that one day they both might fight to the death and end the rivalry once and for all.
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luxinexitium · 9 years
#lady;roux.#bris;tols.#reg;alia.#[ I love this?! SO MUCH!? ]#[ It's Red waiting for King to call and ]#[ Kyungsoo is with his lady ]#[ And Red is quietly thankful he's there or else she'd totally lose her shit. ]#[ ALSO I already made a tag for Kyung yessss. ]#[ Regalia are the symbols/tools of monarchs. ]
bYEEE that’s exactly what i was imagining while writing the drabble!! and kyungsoo has his own tag yells a little and showers you in all the good things of the universe i am unworthy ;;;;;;;;;;;
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vxtiosus · 7 years
See how different the Mun and Muse are! [ ❃ ]  | status ; accepting
…✏️ - What do the both of you prefer when it comes to traditional entertainment?
Hyunshik definitely is eager to get to experience traditional things, entertainment of course being one of them. He is the type to spend an evening out by going to see a kabuki theater or Chinese opera. 
I, a history nerd of sorts, also like them but rarely get to experience them because I live in the middle of nowhere. I have been to an opera once, and I would loooooove to go see ballet (something super cliché like Swan lake); both of us like circus a lot too. 
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kohens · 9 years
「 Headcanon prompts → accepting 」
☾ : On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing?
This is something that definitely happens more often than not seeing as Kohen has always had problems with sleeping even when he was younger– here lately (last few months) he has started on a sort of project.. putting together all of his favorite dessert recipes (all original made by him) and compiling them into a cookbook that he plans on releasing within the next year. He gets all of his best ideas when it’s late so when he’s unable to sleep he’s usually curled up in bed with his laptop working on the book.
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viculent · 8 years
11. 33. 63.
11:Last three things you had to drink?
“Bubble tea, orange juice and vodka.”
33:What do people call you?
“Bipolar bad boy, Nini, Kai, fluffball.”
63:What were you doing at midnight last night?
“Stargazing. I like to do that when the sky is clear and the temperature is right.”
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mxrtifero · 9 years
+ @songavixin
I N Q U I S I T I V E N E S S have been the young heiress strongest emotion throughout the process but it’s only because she had presuppositions of her ability of escaping it with a mere motion of her dainty hands but her thoughts are expeditiously disposed at the baffling infirmity once her metal tightly clasped onto her wrists and ankles. Apprehension fills in the space her eagerness have left and although she attempted to not reveal her feelings, the change in her now irregular breathing is detected effortlessly; Lily’s vigour is nothing but her collection of unfathomable diabolical powers along her abilities to manipulate one’s emotions in the sexual department although there are times where her rising powers have rose to a stage where one would be madly in love with her — Can they truly be blamed though ?.
The cogency of her powers have lessened, exclusively leaving the prowess that were not restrained at will, she’d think it’s an answer to her silent pleas but being in a position where her torturer is in an omnipotent figure, it is undemanding for them to fall for her charms even with the space between her lips knit with the absence of her signature smirk and snarky remarks that at no time have dimmed. The series of events that brought up to this moment are still questionable, all memories of what may occurred a few moments ago are smoggy.
A voice identical to velvet alarms her but not a single motion indicates it, her head is held up high and there’s a small curve drawn onto her lips merely at the sound of the latter’s voice, discerning her tormentor’s voice was not what she would classify as thrilling but envisaging how alluring her name was said on the latter’s voice was enough to paint a compact curve onto thick lips. Despotic have been a collection of mystifying figures but this specific widow have captivated her privileged recognition largely.
Excluding the earlier action, agitation turned her stomach in spirals and the princess is mislaid in thoughts of her body’s durability against what nefarious weapons she’d use to inflict torment onto her now debilitated figure but the rejoinder has its quick arrival — Her lips — one of the predominantly tainted there is and it have only become battered with the restraints that banished her ability to allow her eager hands to roam over the other. It’s a heady mix that gives her emotions of both being placed under a punishment yet rewarded with even the smallest thing she could catch at such proximity. Her breathing pattern remain irregular, more out of thrill rather than her earlier collection of inclinations and although anything could be expected, her head is clouded by lust, soft moans and winces escape her lips, all previous thoughts leisurely grow dull in opposition of her heightened feelings of hunger.
Despise all the emotions fogging up her thoughts, every word that flows out of the other’s pleasure-giving lips and her statement is sorted as faultless. The demoness’ distinguished smirk arises to thick labials before she took her lower lip captive between her teeth not wishing to continue the erotic sounds inducing session that the other’s contact with the inheritor’s body have produced.The damnation duration length kept on extending and so did Lily’s sexual appetite; The lust incarnate receives what she desires effortlessly from others, it functions in higher quality with those who cannot float in the bottomless waters of ardour. Pink nails dig into the arm of her seat, attempting to get a grip on her breathing pattern that only grows to become worse with every touch from the dame but Lily is not one to be guilty of it when the latter’s touches mark out a trail of flames.
Her body have been giving all signs of her arousal let it be her continuously heating body or the erotic sounds that a bite to the lips couldn’t conceal alone and at this point, all of her need to maintain reserved have expired with a few more strokes but the urge to express her emotions remains cloaked. Looking back at it, The infanta didn’t dare to let a single word slip from between her defined jaws knowing well that words can be used against her and perhaps expose her most vulnerable layer, one that could be teared like delicate cotton. A groan flees from her throat at the contact with her most sensitive spots, not that she wasn’t enjoying herself just like the other vixen was but simply because it’s included as a spot of weakness.
&&. ——— “AS if i’m not moaning like a bitch already”
The words stand on the tip of her tongue but it remains kept as a mental dialogue with herself along with a visible roll of eyes once the blindfold slips off her eyes, onyx gems gaze back at the latter only to slightly expand in admiration of the seductress, ❝ You’re enjoying this a tad too much, don’t you think ? ❞ She asks, a single eyebrow cocked, but is ‘Too much’ honestly registered in Lily’s dictionary ? Most likely not and she does not expect the other to be distinct to that certain trait. She would add a few sassy remarks but she’s interrupted once the vixen’s palm press against her now wet and warm and there’s indecisive thoughts, her body is asking for legs to open up more widely while her mind is persistent to not react to it but her time to decide had terminated once the latter moved off her warm lap, ❝ Hm— ? ❞ She hums abruptly at Gain’s words. 
Words ? But Lily have been far too distracted to heed about such ‘nonsense’ but she does not protest knowing it is no aid to her but she clicks her tongue and display a look of displease, ❝ Lily, and i’m getting back for all this ❞ She smirks even when she’s placed in a lower position for the other to abuse but the princess doesn’t change. ❝ —Punishment ?! ❞ Just on the verge of protest but she bites her tongue and gives another click of her tongue.
&&. ——— “NOW, i get what the punishment is .. leaving me alone after all this”
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bxrnedwords-blog · 9 years
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gagi + black for @songavixin
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luxinexitium · 9 years
“In another moment, we were standing face to face, I and this fragile thing out of futurity.” – The Time Machine, H. G. Wells
Slivers of gold creep along the floorboards, long and curious fingers exploring the studio. One peers over a glass of water; another slithers into the space beneath the sofa, dancing with a collection of dust and forgotten change. A particularly ambitious ray fights past the curtain and falls over the left side of the woman’s face, illuminating the smear of vermilion across her cheek. It matches the shade of her lipstick, but Kyungsoo tries not to think about that.
The apartment is quiet, supplied with nothing more than an empty fridge, a tiny table with tiny chairs to match, and an old mattress in the far corner. A cell phone sits at the center of the table, an ancient thing with actual buttons and a one-by-two screen, and to its right is the untouched glass of water, glowing with stolen kisses from the sun. Kyungsoo stands by the window, occasionally peeking outside out of habit, and the woman remains seated at one of the chairs by the table, eyes trained on the cell phone, waiting for a call. She hadn’t said a word all night, hasn’t tried to wash her face or change into anything that isn’t sullied with red, red, red. Her body is still, rigid, reminiscent of the meticulously carved statues in the gardens Kyungsoo sometimes visits, but part of him is worried that she’ll crumble like sand if he so much as breathes in her direction.
He’s never seen the woman behave this way, has never seen any side of her that wasn’t confident and certain, elegantly stoic in a way that drew him in with barely-concealed curiosity. She had seen something back there, in the now cordoned off warehouse full of sprawled bodies and pools of crimson. Kyungsoo was just the errand boy, told to stand guard outside while business was tended to, but the responsibility of escorting the lady to the safe house had been thrust upon him without warning, a command piercing and clear despite the clamour of bullets and explosions inside the building. He didn’t ask questions, and even now he remains silent, knowing better than to stick his nose where it is not wanted. But it’s more than that, he thinks. It’s more than breaking protocol. This is a face that he is afraid to watch, reluctant to learn. It’s far too personal, far too raw, like watching a neighbour undress through a crack in the drapes or a hole in the wall. His fingers fidget restlessly, pulling at a loose thread on his shirt, and his feet follow suit, shifting his weight and begging to walk away from the sight. It’s too much for him.
But he keeps his post at the window, dutifully keeping watch for anyone who may have followed them here. The woman is strong and intelligent, capable and beautiful in ways that sometimes have Kyungsoo wondering if she had descended directly from the sun, far too brilliant for mere humans to comprehend. But now.. For now, she needs her space. Silence. Just time.
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vxtiosus · 7 years
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                      VXTIOSUS’ FOLLOW FOREVER
THIS blog has been up and running since april 2017, and surprisingly it did not take ages for it to reach 100 followers. to celebrate this milestone, i want to give a small shoutout to few people. like usually, this does not mean I only appreciate them, but I truly am forever thankful for everyone who has interacted with hyunshik ( and will in the future ). my askbox and im are always open for everyone.
                      precious ones; 
@pristinvs // “will you slip away with him?“
this post shouldn’t even exist without your name first one the list.  thank you for sticking with me and my huge pile of lame muses; and most of all, thank you for providing hyunshik such a great friend as noah is. they are so different from each other, yet the work so well together -- and the fact that they share a history ( and that noah has basically seen him grow up ) is such a great thing. you truly are stuck with me forever, my golden garbage. i love you a lots. never forget that. ♥
@gumihc & @ofsigma // “don't you worry, dr. you will always be cooked to perfection”
i know we always start threads and they die pretty much... rightaway. mostly because of me. but that doesn’t mean i don’t love interacting with you, no matter what muses we have. your children are exactly what hyunshik needs to have fun (i know right, hyun and fun dont belong to a same sentence ). i love you bunski, i am glad we became friends. (also a huge credit for the edit of this post) ♥
@ofkngs // “this is my becoming” 
well, well, what should i say here? first of all, i am more than flattered that hyunshik became part of despotic, and that you had your eyes on him even before i applied. through your muse, i have found more sides to hyunshik; the way jun pushes his limits, which people rarely dare to do. it brings delicious challenge for me too, as a typist. and i loooove seeing you on my dash. thank you for so many things. ♥
@canuspulchra // “you came all this way and didn't get to kill anybody”
 when you first introduced your dorian to me, i was sold. he feels like a puzzle piece that fits hyunshik, and even if there has not been too many interactions yet, i can already see their world & relationship with such strong colours.  it is easy to write with you and i think our minds think alike in many things? i am glad you came back to tumblr. ♥
                      gorgeous people that make my heart flutter
@oculvus @eterneli @divbulus @pthologicxl
                      and once more, some whom i admire 
@orphanchen @consilian @calier @jongdangel @shadowraiths @songavixin  @exitasis  @artificvr@pullstrings @cchilyoja  @astraeignis  @hyejvng  
with love, mun
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