art-now-italy · 5 years
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La Donna Alveare-Beehive Woman, Sonia Marialuce Possentini
Limited Edition of 50 Fineart Prints Sonia Maria Luce Possentini Biography Sonia Maria Luce Possentini was born in Canossa (RE), and she shares her work and home life between Canossa and Pigneto sul Secchia (MO). Having graduated in Art History from the DAMS institute at Bologna University, and Bologna’s Accademia di Belle Arti, she studied under Stepan Zavrei at the Sàrmede School of Illustration and took Kveta Pakovskà’s course in illustration at Venice’s Associazione Culturale Teatrio. She has been awarded grants from the Fondazione Magnani, in Rocca di Mamiano (PR), and the Olands Grafiska Skola. A painter and illustrator, Possentini has taken part in several exhibitions, both as part of a collective and individually, and seen her work published in illustrated volumes, on book covers and in publicity material for publishing houses Fatatrac, La Margherita Edizioni, Kite Edizioni, Mine-Edition, Grimm Press, Giunti, Mondadori and Sonzogno. She has been awarded prizes and accolades in Italy and internationally, including the Silver Award in the Illustration Competition West 49 organized by the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. Her book Un bambino (Kite Edizioni, 2011) was selected by IBBY Italia and competed at the BIB – Bratislava Biennale. In 2012 she took part in the Città Invisibili project within the Biennale di Letteratura e Cultura per l’Infanzia, organised by the Regione Veneto. She teaches illustration at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics in Reggio Emilia and the Masters course in illustration for children and aesthetic education: illustrazione per l’infanzia ed educazione estetica: per una pedagogia della lettura iconica at the University in Padua.
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atlantidekids · 5 years
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#comingsoon #glizoccolidellecastagne #readredroad Sonia MariaLuce Possentini Daniela Girfatti #soniamarialucepossentini #barbaraferraro https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Qb0GyI7ny/?igshid=1cb067wy2bc32
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Bambini allo specchio Oggi allo specchio ho visto un bambino Teneva in mano uno specchio di luce E nel suo specchio un altro bambino Teneva in mano uno specchio di luce Ho attraversato di corsa gli specchi Per arrivare al bambino giù in fondo Mentre dei mondi vedevo gli spicchi Ho immaginato i bambini del mondo Dentro a quel tunnel di specchi bambini Nessun bambino aveva confini. Poesie di Luce Sabrina Giarratana Ill. Sonia Maria Luce Possentini #luce #poesia #libro #sabrinagiarratana #soniamarialucepossentini #libri #illustrator #illustrazioni #libro #specchi #bambini #mottaeditore #book #poetry #handwritings #lettering #instapoetry #instafonts #sketchbook #sketchbookpro #ink
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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Ode to Lemon- Ode al Limone, Sonia Marialuce Possentini
Limited Edition of 50 Finearts Prints Sonia Maria Luce Possentini Biography Sonia Maria Luce Possentini was born in Canossa (RE), and she shares her work and home life between Canossa and Pigneto sul Secchia (MO). Having graduated in Art History from the DAMS institute at Bologna University, and Bologna’s Accademia di Belle Arti, she studied under Stepan Zavrei at the Sàrmede School of Illustration and took Kveta Pakovskà’s course in illustration at Venice’s Associazione Culturale Teatrio. She has been awarded grants from the Fondazione Magnani, in Rocca di Mamiano (PR), and the Olands Grafiska Skola. A painter and illustrator, Possentini has taken part in several exhibitions, both as part of a collective and individually, and seen her work published in illustrated volumes, on book covers and in publicity material for publishing houses Fatatrac, La Margherita Edizioni, Kite Edizioni, Mine-Edition, Grimm Press, Giunti, Mondadori and Sonzogno. She has been awarded prizes and accolades in Italy and internationally, including the Silver Award in the Illustration Competition West 49 organized by the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. Her book Un bambino (Kite Edizioni, 2011) was selected by IBBY Italia and competed at the BIB – Bratislava Biennale. In 2012 she took part in the Città Invisibili project within the Biennale di Letteratura e Cultura per l’Infanzia, organised by the Regione Veneto. She teaches illustration at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics in Reggio Emilia and the Masters course in illustration for children and aesthetic education: illustrazione per l’infanzia ed educazione estetica: per una pedagogia della lettura iconica at the University in Padua.
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atlantidekids · 5 years
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Quanto manca a fine marzo? <3 #BarbaraFerraro #SoniaMariaLucePossentini #ReadRedRoad #Calabria #castagne #raccontiillustrati #comingsoon #glizoccolidellecastagne (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_kr8mINEd/?igshid=m8zbrv7vnree
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atlantidekids · 5 years
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https://atlantidekids.com/2019/12/10/fiori-di-neve/ 10 dicembre, -15 a #Natale Fiori di neve si apre con un accenno alla nostalgia, con un sottotitolo illustrato che racchiude in una palla di vetro ricordi di inverni passati, il freddo della neve, viaggi in mondi lontani e straordinari in cui esseri magnifici dalla testa d’uccello e le piume che sono fiori bianchi, seduti su una nuvola, contemplano. Contemplazione quieta che accompagna lo sguardo della bambina protagonista di questa storia delicata e poetica, semplice come un cristallo di neve e altrettanto preziosa, unica. #Calendariodellavvento #Adventcalendar #AKAdvent2019 #atlantidekids #letteraturaperipiccoli #BarbaraFerraro #albiillustrati #leggolefigureneilibri #art #illustration #Libriperlinfanzia #SoniaMariaLucePossentini #neve #Natale #LeRaneInterlinea "Fiori di neve" Sonia MariaLuce Possentini, Le Rane di Interlinea https://www.instagram.com/p/B548R7dIMZI/?igshid=1mmbm2oj0ru97
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art-now-italy · 5 years
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The Aviatrix- L'aviatrice, Sonia Marialuce Possentini
Limited Edition of 50 Fineart Prints Sonia Maria Luce Possentini Biography Sonia Maria Luce Possentini was born in Canossa (RE), and she shares her work and home life between Canossa and Pigneto sul Secchia (MO). Having graduated in Art History from the DAMS institute at Bologna University, and Bologna’s Accademia di Belle Arti, she studied under Stepan Zavrei at the Sàrmede School of Illustration and took Kveta Pakovskà’s course in illustration at Venice’s Associazione Culturale Teatrio. She has been awarded grants from the Fondazione Magnani, in Rocca di Mamiano (PR), and the Olands Grafiska Skola. A painter and illustrator, Possentini has taken part in several exhibitions, both as part of a collective and individually, and seen her work published in illustrated volumes, on book covers and in publicity material for publishing houses Fatatrac, La Margherita Edizioni, Kite Edizioni, Mine-Edition, Grimm Press, Giunti, Mondadori and Sonzogno. She has been awarded prizes and accolades in Italy and internationally, including the Silver Award in the Illustration Competition West 49 organized by the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. Her book Un bambino (Kite Edizioni, 2011) was selected by IBBY Italia and competed at the BIB – Bratislava Biennale. In 2012 she took part in the Città Invisibili project within the Biennale di Letteratura e Cultura per l’Infanzia, organised by the Regione Veneto. She teaches illustration at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics in Reggio Emilia and the Masters course in illustration for children and aesthetic education: illustrazione per l’infanzia ed educazione estetica: per una pedagogia della lettura iconica at the University in Padua.
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