#sonic constantly asks him to play the sonic x theme
sally-mun · 5 years
Why the Sonic movie is so great (SPOILERIFFIC)
AT LAST, I SHALL NOW LIST MY FAVORITE THINGS (and just a couple critiques) ABOUT THE SONIC MOVIE!! Do NOT proceed if you don’t want spoilers!!!
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and those echidnas are clearly from the Knuckles clan (or are at least designed as an homage to them)
using rings as warp rings a la Archie
Sonic playing with an inflatable guitar a la SatAM (even though there he can actually play one)
Sonic eventually getting a car bed a la Archie
Sonic yelling “GOTTA GO FAST” when abruptly waking up
Sonic getting to experience ACTUAL EMOTIONS in spite of all the Sega mandates (granted he didn’t cry, which I know they’re anal about, but still he has such a RANGE in this)
Sonic struggling to do yoga while copying Maddie
Sonic utilizing chaos energy basically the way Knuckles is known to (even though it isn’t specifically identified as chaos) (yet)
and they even took the time to have one of the GHZ arches crumble!
also on that note, Green Hill Zone’s theme song turning up, even if it was only for like 30 seconds
getting to hear that oh-so-familiar chime when Sonic drops his rings at the end
Sonic not being able to hit the dart board with the darts a la the cowboy episode of AoStH
Sonic confirming he ate a chili dog, even if it’s not shown (EDIT: Now that I’ve gotten to see the movie a second time I realized that we DID see him eat it; in fact, he ate like 10. I just didn’t remember that detail after the first time!)
the fact that Sonic not doing what he’s told is specifically characterized as him having poor impulse control instead of just being a jerk
and, on that note, that he’s shown TRYING really hard to control himself (even if he still fails)
Sonic’s mismatched shoes until he gets the iconic ones
Jim Carry’s take on Robotnik containing individual elements of various other portrayals while still being his own version
being proven ABSOLUTELY RIGHT when I said years ago that this scene in X-Men Apocalypse is “what Sonic would be like if he were human” since the Sonic movie has scenes EXACTLY LIKE THIS
Sonic using a backpack a la SatAM
oh my gOD the elevator scene AND THE AMAZING DIALOGUE that shit was bananas
Sonic having moments of vulnerability! I hate it when he’s depicted as just completely confident ALL THE TIME
that said, Sonic still has his charming level of arrogance a la SatAM, ie referring to himself as “an incredibly handsome hedgehog”
the chase at the end referencing MULTIPLE game environments and scenes, especially the City Escape chase from SA2
and, on that note, that they DO canonically go to San Francisco to kind of back up that reference from the game??
Robotnik having controls for his robots built straight into his gloves, that shit is tight
Robotnik actually explaining WHY he prefers robots over people for once
establishing from the beginning that Sonic gives people nicknames, which easily sets up for calling Robotnik “Eggman” and, presumably, Tails’ nickname if/when we get a sequel (and who knows, maybe even “Knuckles” will turn out to be a nickname too!)
on that note, the reason why the nickname “Eggman” was eventually introduced (I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming)
Tom suckerpunching Eggman not once, but TWICE
Maddie just kind of rolling with it when Tom asks her to examine Sonic
Sonic unintentionally traumatizing a turtle
SONIC FACEPLANTING (and the fact that I called it way before the movie was even finished)
the fact that Tom and Sonic actually had good chemistry!! it would’ve been really easy for the movie to have Tom constantly irritated by Sonic to try to play up the humor of the mismatch, but I appreciate SO much that instead Tom really is kind of charmed by him and also just rolls with it
Sonic’s soul-crushingly intense loneliness acting as a tangible motivation to protect the friends he finally makes!! I mean yeah, we always admire that Sonic places a lot of value on his friendships, but making that the culmination of his character arc instead of the starting point is just SO SATISFYING
the SHEER JOY Sonic gets from being able to give a high-five for the first time
when Tom carries Sonic in his arms, the CG communicates that Sonic has WEIGHT (which I feel like a lot of IRL/CG interactions forget)
Sonic rolling up into a ball, and more than once
how much Sonic genuinely and deeply cares about the residents of Green Hills and kind of lives vicariously through them
Robotnik being, let’s face it, straight-up abusive and occasionally threatening to his assistant, a la SatAM, while also demonstrating that he favors him above all others (tho that’s really not saying that much because anyone that’s not a robot is still a waste of space to him)
Sonic running repeatedly in front of Tom’s radar gun to check his speed
Sonic’s innocence. It seems like in a lot of media lately he’s been the one teaching lessons or providing others with those little simple joys they’ve been deprived of. It’s really gratifying to see HIM in that position and being so grateful to finally have those experiences.
Sonic saying his legs “feel like spaghetti” due to Tom shooting him with a tranq dart (and the fact that this actually makes him physically vulnerable, which is so damn rare)
Sonic using level 100 smarm to demonstrate to Tom that he doesn’t know how to get to San Francisco by himself
Sonic’s map containing even more game references, including (if I remember correctly) the Blue Sphere ‘planet’
And just a couple things I wish were changed:
In the bar, when the server asks if Sonic is “a kid in a mask” and Tom tells her he’s “43 and has a condition” that makes him look like that, why 43?! He should’ve said 28!! SONIC IS CURRENTLY 28 IT’D HAVE BEEN PERFECT~
The fact that Robotnik only really starts looking like Robotnik as we know him in the couple minutes of the epilogue. I wish his appearance had changed -- or at least started to change -- in time for the final showdown. Like, maybe there could’ve been an explosion that burned off some of his hair (which would explain WHY he decides to shave his head, since the hair’s half-gone anyway) and bushed up his mustache, and then the impact of the chaos-charged spin dash is still when the mustache got all orange
The movie makes a point a few times about how Sonic’s just kind of throwing whatever he can find on his feet, and just before act 3 Maddie even comments on “his poor feet” while examining him. The movie even specifically shows that his shoes and socks have holes in them because of how much stress he puts on them (and it’s not like he can just go get new ones when he needs them). Since he spends most of the movie with inadequate footwear, and the health of his feet is kind of majorly important to his character, I wish Sonic had intermittently complained about them hurting to corroborate that. Or maybe even never verbally complaining about them, maybe just now and then when they have a moment to pause he could be seen rubbing or squeezing them.
I really, really wish Tom’s dog’s name was Muttski! (But hey, given that Sonic is prone to assigning nicknames, maybe that could be a nickname for the dog in a later movie!)
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
Closing thoughts on Sonic Unleashed’s character presentation and development
The year is coming to a close, and so it means my year-long adventure with Sonic World Adventure has come to an end aswell. Since April of this year I started taking notes on some of the underlying themes going on in the game, and it seems I struck a vein of interest in the fandom by doing so, so I kept digging and documenting each optional dialog from Amy till we reached this point, and now I would like to offer some closing words.
Edit: Buckle up, folks, turns out it’s a long post below.
Sonic Unleashed did a lot of things well with its characters, but I can’t shake off the feeling that it also was the first symptom of something that is a real issue nowadays: Tails gets the short end of the stick constantly in this game, not only because of Chip -the “sidekick of the week” if you like-, but also because of Professor Pickle. The way he flew away from Dark Gaia’s monsters at the start of the game gave me war flashbacks of Forces!Tails (not to the same extreme, of course), and after reaching Spagonia he just vanishes from the plot in favor of Pickle taking the helm as Sonic’s guide to each Gaia Temple. By the end of the game, Tails served only as a mean to Sonic and Chip’s end (fly them to each country), and he gets wiped from the climax of the game in an unceremoniously way, as he is shot down while flying over Eggmanland by what I believe was the Egg Dragoon. Only at the very end the game remembers “Oh, hey! Tails was always supposed to be Sonic’s best friend!” and gives him that closing moment when he finds Sonic in Apotos and they both blast away as credits roll.
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Then there’s Chip. As a disclaimer, I want to say that I don’t think Chip is a bad character, but he didn’t grow on me like it happened for other fans. 
My biggest gripe with Chip is that, since he doesn’t remember anything about his real self until the Adabat temple is restored, he’s just a clean slate for 4/5 of the game, and the game itself does a weird thing with this: on one hand, it relegates all Sonic and Chip’s bonding moments to optional stuff (you have to feed Chip things he likes to raise the hidden friendship meter and get some of his more heartfelt lines and questions, or even those sweet CG clips), something that I did experience (since that’s how I like to play RPGs in general, get the sidequests first then the main one) but many others won’t bother; and on the other hand, the game puts all focus during the main campaign on what little we know of Chip and how he reacts to each location he visits with Sonic as they look for the Gaia Temples. 
This mess ended up leaving me with two feelings: a good one, since I can sit back and enjoy the world adventure at my own pace and without having to constantly follow a potentially convoluted plot (I can lose myself for 20 minutes in a night stage and have fun); and a bad one, since I was going through the game with this lingering feeling on the back of my head that Chip was just an egotistical prick that only cared about his journey through the world, and not at all about Sonic and that monster form he’s getting used to at least until the second half, or what the rest of his friends are doing (which is, by the way, the main reason why I play a Sonic game in the first place, my order of priorities goes as follows: Sonic -> Eggman -> Amy -> Tails & Knux -> Team Dark -> everyone else). 
By the end those thoughts kinda dissapeared so I can safely say I don’t hate Chip at all, it’s just that the game gave me a wrong message about him. Though the best thing I can extract from his relation with Sonic is the following quote, perfectly summarizing what Sonic is all about.
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Finally, there’s Amy. I’ve talked a lot about her in my other two posts, but I still have some things to say. First of all, just like @skull001​ pointed out a while ago, she’s the only one that does not lose hope on Sonic when Perfect Dark Gaia is fully unleashed, as everyone else thought the world was doomed, even Professor Pickle himself. This is because of two reasons: 1) she’s Amy, so she’s always the optimistic one (duh); 2) Amy knows Sonic better than everyone else, and also she was there for him all along, checking on his progress and encouraging him to keep going (even lamenting she couldn’t go adventuring with him). Amy does understand how dire the situation actually is, but she knows Sonic always has a plan, y’all just need to have some goddamn faith (+1 for that RDR2 reference, amirite?). She even looks at the sky as the cutscene jumps back to Sonic’s perspective, like when two characters are telepathically communicating (something this series isn’t a stranger to, I remember reading a post here on Tumblr about Sonic X doing that stuff some time ago)
Sidenote: Also, another funny thing I just realized is that, if you as Sonic refuse to go on a date in the final optional dialog just before Eggmanland, Amy will exclaim: “Give a gal a little hope here, Sonic!” She’s willing to put all her hopes that Sonic will end up saving the world (insert the obvious “If I have to choose between the world and Sonic, I’d choose Sonic!” ‘06 line), how hard could it be for Sonic to give her just a little hope? It’s kinda interesting when making the comparison, Amy just asks for the smallest hint and she’ll keep going strong, pretty much like every shipper out there lol.
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(Back on topic.) The beautiful part is that Amy actually gets her “I told you so!” moment with Professor Pickle in the very end of the game, and just as he’s being exposed, the old prick goes on a tangent about how darkness and light are part of the world’s balance, and that the cycle of Dark Gaia vs Light Gaia will keep repeating itself. What does Amy think about this?
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Yeah, fuck off, Pickle. This is low-key one of my favorite Amy moments ever. She doesn’t care about the balance of the world or any of that philosophical bullshit Pickle was saying, she knew Sonic was there saving the world’s ass, she knew he was the one that made all the difference down there in the Earth’s core, and that is all it matters in the end. Now let’s go and wait till Sonic’s return so we can have a welcoming party and chill since this plot is over. Perfect ending.
So, that’s Sonic Unleashed for ya. Certainly one of the most interesting cases for me to talk about all year, and top 3 favorite 3D Sonic games for sure. There are lots of flaws and scary things that later would become actual issues with the Sonic franchise present in this game, but it also did so many things right I can’t help but applaud Sonic Team for the effort they put. For all intents and purposes, I’ll be thinking on this game a lot when it comes to character presentation and development in future Sonic games, now fully knowing what’s on display, and what lies beyond, deep in optional stuff. I hope you enjoyed reading or even taking part in the discussions I’ve had along this path, and I hope that, just like me, you might have learned something interesting.
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argocitycosplay · 5 years
Depending on where you live, what shops you have nearby, everyone does something diffrent for Free Comic Book Day. Some shops just hand you a few extra books with your purchase. Others, like the late and lamented York comics, leverage it as a charity event – giving away the gold books but throwing in extra silver books for a canned food donation. And here in Cleveland, at Carol and Johns, they throw a party.
The party is actually on Friday night, the day before FCBD, leading up to the midnight release of the books. The shop is open late with sales and deals. At 10:00pm the annex opens with a pop up bar serving complementary soda and comic themed beer. People who tip get an extra free comic. Down on the other side of the strip, another room opens, housing a comic themed art show (it’s also where you go to get your free comics at midnight), where artist in attendance do free sketches and sell their wares. In recent years, other businesses in the same strip complex have gotten in on the act, with the local toy collectors club setting up in the Working Class Brewery, and the ice cream shop offering up an Inifinity Gauntlet themed dish.
The lineup starts well before ten though. When I arrived around five, the line had already started. As the night went on, Two podcasts set up shop along the line. An artist set up his easel at the corner. People mingled and played board games in line. Costumes began to pop up and take photos. A large Millennium Falcon interior was available for photos, as well as the wanted poster from the X-Men story “Days of Future Past”. Stormtroopers and Jedi marched in the streets. It’s the party we wait all year for.
There’s always prep for FCBD. I decided this was the year I finally execute the idea I’d been playing with for a couple years. I wanted to do Freddy Kruger as a Yellow Lantern (Sinestro Corps). I’d worn out my old Freddy makeup a few years ago, but that’s fine. The point is to do a makeup (Build it from scratch) that takes several hours while I wait in line, and Sinestro Corps is cool because there are glowing lights on the costume – and this is DEFINITELY the event you want to have a glowing costume at. The night atmosphere really brings it out. In anticipation, I had fashioned a new glove with clear yellow blades that glow, and pulled out the old Sinestro suit from the closet. In addition, my buddy Ryan had put a call out, informing me that he had taken a bungee cord to the eye and was stuck wearing an eyepatch for the next week or so which pretty much ruined his costume plans. “Can you help me pull together a Nick Fury?”.  I pulled my leather trench coat, my Winter Soldier Cap shirt and stuck a shield sticker over the buckle of my utility belt, then told Ryan to wear navy pants and we’d dress him on site.
I’d packed the Batmobile accessories as well. It wasn’t a sure thing- the day had been rainy but I figured that if the rains let up and I could find a visible parking space near the line that It would be fun to build up the Batmobile. When I arrived I scored a spot just one store away from the end of the line, by the grocery store. It was good enough and I built up the car, then set up my nest in line. After I’d been working on makeup for an hour and a half I’d only gotten the basic structure of the chin done. It was around this time that the car in the space directly in front of my nest  in line pulled out. I grabbed my friend Marcus and begged him to hold the parking space for thirty seconds. I sprinted over to my car, yellow latex chin dangling from my face as he stood in the empty space, arms spread. The Batmobile raced over and took up a spot right up front, directly across from my nest.  Four hours into the night I’d gotten my Freddy makeup mostly done while  chatting with friends from Pop and Panels and the Scoobies. One of the guys from The Panel Scanners Podcast had been eyeing my progress from a distance and now came u to me and asked if I could head over to thier booth so they could interview me. I promised I’d walk down as soon as I suited up and started grabbing costume pieces from my car to pull over my latex and greaspaint stained clothes. I hit the button on my belt to make sure the lights worked.
They didn’t. Crap.
I turned over the battery pack to make sure the AAs were in tight and spotted the problem. The wire that feeds into the socket connector  where the battery pack connects in had pulled out. I whipped out my swiss army knife (I always keep it in my car) and my buddy Rocky held the belt still, looking on in disbelief as I rewired the belt, bypassing the juncture and splicing the wires directly into the battery pack, then insulating the wires with duck tape.
As we were watching my belt finally light up, Mayday swung by and asked if I had any tape. His belt was giving him problems too. We emptied the roll of duck tape and got him fixed up. I could see it was a bad night for belts when Vito stopped me later on to ask if I could help him fix his Batman belt…..
Inside the shop, Winston discovered he had a suspicious visitor. The cat eyed the strange dog in the spider-man costume warily. FCBD is always a little rough on the comic shop’s feline mascot. The crowds inside were packed shoulder to shoulder, debating the virtues of the Wolverine Canadian Ale vs the Cyclops Weak Summer Pilsner. I was certain that Endgame was all anyone would be talking about. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t. The conversations around me were constantly “What do you think of the new Child’s Play movie coming out?” or speculation on the new Sonic the Hedghog film.
Back at the nest, Jen and her kids descended on us and my friend Vanessa pulled up a chair after her place in line had gotten ursurped by a bunch of guys noisily playing marvel monopoly practically on top of her seat (We’re happy to take in refugees). Rocky and Mayday grabbed thier hammer and lightsaber respectively asking if the trolls needed eviction. She shook her head laughing.
Every single year I’m amazed at how fast six or seven hours in line pass. But then, it’s not really a queue – it really wouldn’t be worth this kind of wait, just for ten free comics (eleven if you could the graphic novel they throw in for the first 200). No, this is a party that lasts all night. I’d be back in the morning for another run through. The day event is a little more subdued and I usually hit Comics are Go as well, but the evening party is the one we always spend the most time at. It’s one of the benefits of having one of the best comic shops in the country local, and no one else does FCBD like this.
    Free Comic Book Day 2019 Depending on where you live, what shops you have nearby, everyone does something diffrent for Free Comic Book Day.
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