#sonic ivory fangame
fantasiac · 5 months
gonna make a pitch for my Ivory Fangame
its gonna be on youtube, it will explain my ideas and show some more concept art, will probably take weeks to make so don't expect it soon, but I'm super pumped for this project :D
it will show nearly all the ideas I made in that massive post, but you guys would actually be able to read it lol, there was way too many words in that post, don't worry, this one will have pictures :D
this is also the reason i started to make that model, bc I want to make some crappy animations to show my stuff easier
(there was a joke here, but i removed it bc it wasn't really funny)
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fantasiac · 5 months
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Im redoing the Ivory AU, it isn't going to use the Skyline Designs anymore, so I'm redesigning a bunch of characters
Sonic and Knuckles kinda solo the story (Amy and Tails are playable after you beat the game (I'm designing it as a game idk), but they are just sonic and knuckles reskins)
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fantasiac · 5 months
Hundreds of Ideas I want in a 2D Sonic Game, based around Sonic and Knuckles as the only two playable characters. - !! Warning !! There is ALOT of reading in this, and minor Story Spoilers for my Ivory AU, if you can find them
This is a complete mess, but if you manage to get through it all, feel absolutely free to use any of these, I wrote most of these in Notepad at 3AM, and then sent it into my project discord, I just use discord as milanote sometimes, it isn't a public server... yet ;)
these ideas can still change for the actual game project
(also don't poke fun at my grammar, I was tired and rushing all of these ideas down to not forget them)
some patchups (you'll understand when reading the parts Im talking about) == - when talking about adaptive music, after I say "seamless" I meant to say "Charge", but it auto-corrected to "Change" and it changes the whole context of what I was talking about
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hope you find good use for these, bc they probably wont ever see the light of day in my project, I am still going to eventually tell the story in comics, but don't get your hopes up lol
also the designs for sonic and knuckles are on a separate post a little further down on my profile
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fantasiac · 10 months
Wow first Ivory post omg, also this was made pre-transition so my name is incorrect :D
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Sonic Ivory Comic - Issue 1 Cover Concept
So I made this version of Sonic Skyline by @drawloverlala with an alternate story, it was originally for a Fangame, but I can't code to save my life, so I'm turning it into a comic series, this is a concept for the cover, bc I will probably change it anyway :P
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Here's a version with no text.
and no, Sonic is not trying to steal the master emerald in this picture
This post will not be appearing in the comics blog, bc i could make it better anyway and dont want it to be my first one on there lol
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