#sonics getting prime and colours remaster
h-worksrambles · 6 months
I just finished my first playthrough of Sonic Superstars…
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…And I really liked it. THANK. GOD.
I’d been feeling a hell of a slump with this series for a good while. The last game I wholeheartedly enjoyed from the series was Sonic Mania. And even as the series has recently released a string of well received content, I felt increasingly left behind, as if the series was going in a direction that wasn’t for me. Colors Ultimate was a weak remaster of one of my favourite Sonic games. Frontiers disappointed me and took the series in a direction that failed to resonate with me. I haven’t been able to get into the IDW comics or Prime. I can’t even call these bad. They just…made me feel left behind, watching the fandom love all this stuff that I couldn’t see the same in. The only stuff I really enjoyed was the second movie and Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. I kinda needed this to be good confirm that I still had a reason to stick around for new Sonic content and not just check out and replay all the old stuff.
Superstars delivered on that.
A Classic Sonic game that carried on Mania’s rock solid fundamentals with all new, memorable levels, new additions to the gameplay, and a vibrant, genuinely gorgeous art style that brought back to the fun and colour I’ve been craving from this series. Comfortable and familiar but still suitably fresh.
It’s definitely not a perfect game. The music is a mixed bag, some of the one off gimmicks overstay their welcome, and the endgame is a difficulty spike to rival Sonic 2. But those are east to forgive in a game that gets this much right. It’s not exactly my dream vision of Mania 2. But it’s damn close.
It was just so nice to sit down and unambiguously enjoy a Sonic game again. For the first time in 6 years (unless you count Murder) I can say without reservation that I really liked and would recommend a Sonic game. I really needed this.
Between how much I liked Murder, how fun and charming this game was and how promising Dream Team looks, I’m far more optimistic than I was this time last year.
Missed you Sonic. Welcome back.
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officialsonic06 · 3 years
i have this passive ability where i get into a dormant franchise and when im only part way through it, something new will be announced. I call it the “robWINNING” effect.
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zippityzap · 3 years
Not gonna lie I'm disappointed in the remastered game being Sonic colours. iI was somewhat hoping for one of the adventure games or even heroes. Colours is almost too recent (I know it's over 10 years old though). Also not much details about Prime or the new game so yeah overall not feeling much hype for Sonic's 30th unfortunately. What are your overall thoughts?
Nah, to be honest Sonic Central was 100% what I expected it to be: Colours HD port, promotional tie-ins, Prime news, Merch, and vague tease/hint at the next game. If anything, it kinda exceeded my expectations a little by having Rise of the Wisps and Sonic Origins.
I think it helped that the Colours port was leaked a while back so I knew it was coming. And I’m not too mad about it being the chosen game over the adventure games because I only played SA1 for the first time about 2 years ago and I still haven’t had the chance to play SA2 so I don’t have the same nostalgic connection to either of them that others might. I like Colours and I’m happy this could give more people the opportunity to play it since it appears to be releasing on more than just Nintendo consoles this time.
I’m dying to know about the new 3D game too but again, I expected only a vague teaser. Sonic’s had vague initial teasers in the past, (Forces and Unleashed come to mind) and I think we’ll see something a little more revealing later this year.
Sure, we aren’t getting much on the anniversary year itself, but in 2022 we have Prime, the second movie, and the new game to look forward to!
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