ankhisms · 2 years
i love sonini she watches tsubasa get engaged and shes like congrats you are going to get so hurt and im making popcorn to watch
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abdullapulatov · 1 year
Nega ayollarda leykositlar miqdori oshadi va leykositoz kasalligi nima uchun xavfli?
#salomatlik , #саломатлик Nega ayollarda leykositlar miqdori oshadi va leykositoz kasalligi nima uchun xavfli?
Leykositlar — oq qon hujayralari sonini klinik qon testi yordamida aniqlanishi mumkin. Ayollarda normal ko‘rsatkich 1 litr uchun 3,98-10,4 milliardni tashkil qiladi. Bir marta tekshirish jarayonida peshob tarkibida 0-5 dona bo‘lishi kerak. Ayollarda leykotsitlar darajasining oshishi jiddiy kasalliklar rivojlanishining asosiy belgilaridan biridir, .............(Davomi)............... https://qwert.uz/2023/06/29/nega-ayollarda-leykositlar-miqdori-oshadi-va-leykositoz-kasalligi-nima-uchun-xavfli/
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cervixscratcher000 · 7 months
A tatt that says "sonini nanini" would go so hard on my collar bone rn
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lachatalovematcha · 4 years
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SoniAni Super Sonico The Animation
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knaveve · 5 years
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some more doodles!!! the lad in the middle is a newer oc! :D keriri belongs to my good pal @hhibibi !!commissions are open!!
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kibblemode · 6 years
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a bunch of art i did for my fuckign amazing friends
( @dororoexe @sgt-kerorororo @arvoze ) heh
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sokhayise · 4 years
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Spending time with father and his jazz music has become the equivalent of impepho emsamu🕯️ I've never experienced a love language like the one with iThemba Lami🙏🏽 #sonini #qamatha (at Ematimatolo, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CERKYoCHZkw/?igshid=147qgikrzz8vy
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osengwa · 4 years
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"Anyi N’aga" (We Are Going).⁠ For @bbcnews ⁠ -⁠ Credits:⁠ Photography, Art Direction and Set Design - Obinna Obioma @mr.o.o_ @mrobinnaobioma⁠ ⁠ DP - Lawrence Casseus. @lawrencecasseus⁠ ⁠ Video Edit, and Post Production - Davidson Ogujiuba @afilmbyvinci ⁠ ⁠ Model - Iman Akinkunmi. @imanakinkunmi⁠ ⁠ Make Up - Jaelene Jaquez. @jaelene_mua⁠ ⁠ Designer and wardrobe Styling - Chioma Obiegbu. @Chi0maa⁠ ⁠ Wardrobe Styling - wuraola oladapo @wuraolaoladapo⁠ ⁠ Photography and Lighting Assistant - Olusimi vijay Afun-Ogidan. @simivijay⁠ ⁠ Video Voice Over -Uche Jacquie Idigbe. @jaq__xo⁠ ⁠ Gele inspired by the amazing @nkwo_official⁠ ⁠ Song - Sonini by Sun-El Musician (feat Simmy & Lelo Kamau)⁠
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 years
Drifting straight into our all-time top ten...
Nortey Dowuona: As the drums jingle their keys, they pass a worn-down nightclub. Inside, Simmy sings softly over her half-empty Castle Beer with Sino a safe seven feet away, downing Alvaro while both of them watch the bass and synths weave in the corners. As they stand apart from each other, the cloth being woven sweeps over each of them. Sino is first to grab hold of a corner, with Simmy catching another edge while the drums set up their own sewing machine and begin to add to the cloth. The whole town, watching the cloth bloom, add more lengths to it and balloon it into a massive cloth, one big enough to cover Table Mountain, which it does, with the name Simmy emblazoned on top. [10]
Katherine St Asaph: Closing-credits music for a film set entirely amid lawns of dew and gauze. [7]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Sometime when we're all allowed to freely roam around outside again, my friends and I will listen to this song while having a picnic in a park. It'll be a sunny, crisp day without a cloud in the sky, and we'll cut an ice-cold watermelon into slices and drink pamplemousse-flavored La Croix. Dogs will pass by, and we'll play and make short, friendly chatter with their owners. We'll smell like sunscreen and sweat and spring. And we'll be together for so long that we're sick of each other again by the end of the day. [8]
Will Adams: Sun-El Musician has a way with what I call a "post-chorus burst": the music crescendos with additional vocals, a light melody, and a wash of synth pads, elevating the song to an even more euphoric place. It's there in "Akanamali," "Sonini" and now "Ngihamba Nawe." As if the arrangement weren't gorgeous enough, Simmy (with the help of labelmate Sino Msolo) is as inviting a vocalist as ever. "There are many others, but still I choose you," she sings; fitting for a song that feels like a warm embrace. [8]
Scott Mildenhall: "I choose you" -- is there something about that phrase that lends itself to such ambrosial music? Given the existence of this Pokémon song, maybe not -- credit must go to Simmy, Sino Msolo and everyone in the Sun-El universe. There are other exponents of South Africa's multitude of house-adjacent genres, but none quite hit these heights of apparent effortlessness. It's 1% perspiration and 99% expiration, with both vocalists so breathy and direct as to offer you a go at levitating on their breeze. [9]
Alex Clifton: Everything about "Ngihamba Nawe" flows so damn easily. It's like sitting by the ocean, watching the waves crash into shore, but in a dream; it's smooth and liquid and I don't want it to end. Somehow Simmy has managed to translate the act of falling in love into actual sound in a way I've never quite heard before. The music swirls around but there's an overwhelming sense of safety and security, a haven to return to whenever things get rough. It's really reassuring to have a song like this to spend time with in the midst of an extremely chaotic global event. I hope it helps you find peace on some of your hardest days. [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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featnews · 6 years
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Sun-El Musician – Sonini ft Simmy, Lelo Kamau (DJTroshkaSA Remix 2018) [mp3 juice] Sonini (DJTroshkaSA Remix 2018) mp3 download is a hit song by Sun-El Musician feat Simmy X Lelo Kamau and the lyrics are from trending single album.
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kibblemode · 6 years
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some recent things ft @dororoexe and @arvoze 
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arvoze · 6 years
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happy pride month on an unrelated note i drew sififi and sonini in their canon clothing!
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demlive · 6 years
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No better gift I could have asked for. Thank you @sunelmusician for this special delivery and may God continue to shower you with blessings Jobe.#Sonini#Ntabezikude#Africatotheworld🔥💯
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rehabmusik · 6 years
Sun-EL Musician - Sonini ft. Simmy & Lelo Kamau
Sun-EL Musician – Sonini ft. Simmy & Lelo Kamau
Sun-EL Musician Sonini ft. Simmy & Lelo Kamau :Sun-EL Musician officially drops “Sonini” as his new single taken off his well received debut album “Africa To The World”. (more…)
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investitsiya-blog · 6 years
Investitsiya haqida ma’lumot
Investitsiya - bu pullarni ko'paytirish san'ati. Investitsiya haqida to'liq malumot berish uchun bir dona maqolani o'zi kamlik qiladi. Lekin shundayam bunga harakat qilib ko'ramiz. Nega biz investitsiyani san'at deb atayapmiz? Chunki investitsiyani aniq o'rganib bo'lmaydi yoki kitobga qarab hisob - kitob qilish mumkin emas. Siz hech qachon ikta bir xil fikrlaydigan yoki bir xil investitsiya qiladigan odamni uchratmaysiz. Buning sababi esa oddiy - hamma investitsiyani xar hil ko'radi va o'ziga mos yo'lni tanlaydi.
Investitsiyani o'zi nimaligini sizga oddiy misol bilan tushuntiradigan bo'lsam. Tasavvur qiling sizd bir dona tuxum beruvchi tovuq bor. Agar siz har kuni bir dona tuxumdan sotib pulini jamlab ikkinchi tovuq olasiz. Shundan so'ng yana uchinchi, to'rtinchi va hokazo. Tovuqlaringiz sonini ko'paytirasiz. Natijada sizda har kuni tuxum beradigan juda ko'plab tovuqlar bo'ladi. Bu yerda tovuqlar aktiv sarmoyalar, tuxumlar esa aktiv (tovuqlar) hisobidan kelayotgan daromad. Bularning bari sizning kapitalingiz hisoblanadi va yana yangi aktivlar (tovuqlar) sotib olishingiz natijasida ko'payib boraveradi. To'g'ri investitsiya qilishning natijasi - moliyaviy erkinlikka olib keladi!
Fan tili bilan aytganda esa, Investitsiya - bu daromad olish maqsadida tikilgan pul. Daromad olish investitsiyaning asosiy maqsadi hisoblanadi. Investitsiyani ikki muhim jihati mavjud: tavakkal va daromad. Bu ikki jihat bir biriga bog'liq bo'ladi. Ya'ni investitsiyaning daromadi qancha ko'p bo'lsa tavakkaligi shuncha yuqori bo'ladi. Shu bilan birga investitsiyadan daromad olish uchun o'ylangan tavakalliklarga borishga to'g'ri keladi.
Investitsiya haqida yana bir necha firklar:
Investitsiya qilayotgan inson asosan uzoq yillar hisobini olishi kerak. Investitsiya jarayoni bu uzoq yildan so'ng foyda olinadigan yoki juda uzoq muddat davomida ozginadan foyda olib borialdigan jarayon.
Investitsiya haqiqiy aktivlar (ko'chmas mulk, mualliflik huquqi, biznes turlari) va moliyaviy aktivlar (aksiya, obligatsiya) ga bo'linadi.
Investitsiya jarayonida siz kuchingiz yoki vaqtingizga qaraganda ko'proq pulingizni ishlatasiz.
Aksiyaga uzoq muddatga investitsiya qilish zarardan ko'ra ko'proq daromad beradi.
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osengwa · 4 years
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"Anyi N’aga" (We Are Going).⁠ For @bbcnews ⁠ -⁠ Credits :⁠ Photography, Art Direction and Set Design - Obinna Obioma @mr.o.o_ @mrobinnaobioma⁠ ⁠ DP - Lawrence Casseus. @lawrencecasseus⁠ ⁠ Video Edit, and Post Production - Davidson Ogujiuba @afilmbyvinci ⁠ ⁠ Model - Iman Akinkunmi. @imanakinkunmi⁠ ⁠ Make Up - Jaelene Jaquez. @jaelene_mua⁠ ⁠ Designer and wardrobe Styling - Chioma Obiegbu. @Chi0maa⁠ ⁠ Wardrobe Styling - wuraola oladapo @wuraolaoladapo⁠ ⁠ Photography and Lighting Assistant - Olusimi vijay Afun-Ogidan. @simivijay⁠ ⁠ Video Voice Over -Uche Jacquie Idigbe. @jaq__xo⁠ ⁠ Gele inspired by the amazing @nkwo_official⁠ ⁠ Song - Sonini by Sun-El Musician (feat Simmy & Lelo Kamau)
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