#soooo ... apparently this show (and this character) has dragged me out of my motivational hole for video editing after more than a year
charlie-rulerofhell · 5 months
so uhm ... i did a thing ... 👀
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araniaart · 7 years
Comicpalooza 2017 Recap
Just got back from Comicpalooza 2017 in Houston, TX and it was a con with a lot of ups and downs.
I am going to link to a lengthy run down of the bad.  Those higher ups with the con security were absolutely abyssmal to people dealing with mental disabilities - not believing them when they said they needed help and being outright threatening.  A high-up manager at the convention was absolutely unaccomodating, refused to believe that the incident occurred, and refused to apologize that it happened.  
HERE IS A LINK TO THIS FULL STORY  because it really does need to be heard, but I want to keep it separate from the good things that did happen.
So- Hiiiighlights!
Anyway, most of Friday was spent in the hotel room after getting in and getting the two things done that were a bit time sensitive.  
We holed up until that evening beacause one of the things I was /really/ excited to try my hand at after nearly chickening out a few times, and then not sure if I was in the mood to - was a Crossplay Drag Show - not just the costume contest but everyone doing a full on lip synch presentation.  But even after the incident, my wife really encouraged me and bolstered me - wanting to push through and watch me.  We'd been talking since I heard about the event since I read about it on Thursday before the con, and she suggested THE BEST SONG to perform to: a male vocal of "You Don't Own Me" from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.  
I've never done anything like this before - I'm usually Awkward Penguin whenever I do anything in front of crowds and have been trying to build my confidence in that regards.  I usually feel very uncoordinated and awkward when it comes to choreographed movements, but this sounded - SO FUN - and fortunately, the person organizing the event, Bex - was suuuuper nice and encouraging.  
My wife got a faboo recording of my performance and I posted it here: My Winter Soldier DRAG SHOW
And holy cow you guys... I won!  I won the "Mr. Comicpalooza" title, complete with sash for the Drag King competition.   As it turns out, I wasn't the only drag show newbie - a fantastic DragQueen cosplaying Black Cat and I talked for a while, bolstered each other up.  She's also just
been dipping her toe into drag - through Halloween and parties and this was her first public foray.  And as it turned out she also ROCKED it and won Mrs. Comicpalooza .
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Awesome photo is from her instagram, Bobbie. Dollie 
Saturday things were turning up.
We got to meet up with our good friend @defilerwyrm who recently moved away and spent some time with him and met some of his awesome family, meander the dealer's room together and went to an AWESOME shadowcasting of Rocky Horror done by the After Midnight crew who was most excellent.  It has been probably 10 or 15 years since I saw a shadowcast of the show, and man it brought back good memories.  All of the company were super nice, really enthused to be performing, and man, I forgot how cathartic a bawdry, vulgur production of Rocky can be. 
"Janet" was shadowcast by this awesome woman whose costumes were Gaga inspired (and damn she looked like her too), and they had a genderbend Rocky who was a short blonde who was a delght to see pick up their Frankenfurter.  And really, everyone was high-energy and into the production :) 
And wyrm's sister who we sat next to knew soooo many of the callbacks that I have mostly forgotten so it was great being able to hear them all so well and really get into the interactivity!  
Saturday we also got to do photos with the amazing Mike Colter and Anthony Mackie!
You could tell that Anthony Mackie is in Marvel shape right now for Infinit Wars - not only is he bringing the guns with those arms of his like usual, but man, you could count his abs through his knit henley.  But he was soooo engaging and friendly even for the SUPER FAST photo shoot.  All con photo shoots are very in and out quick - and that's really all I was expecting, but he said hi, Welcomed us, and instead of just assuming a standard pose asked what we wanted to do.  And he grinned when he saw our cosplay and called me "Buckette" (which is awesome, still grinning about that).  I had an idea in mind and was thrilled when he was up for it:  
I had to play up the fantastic sibling-rivalry chemistry with Bucky & Falcon since my wife and I were cosplaying, so we went for this "Cap Family Photo"  - I asked to kind of do a play fight pose with me with me in a choke hold - and when he was up for it but asking for kind of his expression/motivation my wife, @shipperhipster said "Can you move your seat up?" And it was on X3  
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Mike Colter... man, I have also kind of been nursing a crush on this amazing human being.  He was fantastic in Luke Cage - such a genuine character ,earnest and /good/ person - and still... unf... He has such a beautiful face with kind eyes, and, well, he is soooo toll and thicccccc..  SO I have been saying for a while I really would like to meet him and bet he gives the most amazing hugs (Spoiler: he does!)  So I was still in costume when we met him and not only did he call me gorgeous and gave a great hug, but elaborated a bit more again when we got his autograph a little later - said that the stubble make up was really good - and I made a beautiful man and wondered what I looked like underneath - my wife helpfully showed him a photo and he smiled and said in a very complimentary that I looked a bit like Tina Fey.  We chatted for a bit - he said that filming Defenders was a lot of fun, and that he's excited for the faster plot-paced 8-ep season and that his story arc and chemistry with Danny in the series is good .  
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So I was just a bit aflutter.  And so mabe I also had to go back Saturday for a second meeting out of costume.  He recognized me, said of couse he remmebered me from the day before, and got a swoon-worthy photo with him dancing/dipping me *___*  
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We also briefly met Jessica Henwick - who is the actress who plays Colleen Wing in Iron Fist (and soon to be Defenders).  She was awesome!  Seemed really enthused to be there, and we talked about really loving seeing strong female characters in the MCU and Colleen is a great character - seeing her running her own dojo and kicking ass.  She personalized the autograph "Power to badass women!" So yes -  even though I wasn't a big fan of the casting choice of Danny Rand ( though Finn Jones granted seemed very nice) Colleen was kickass!  
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We also got to meet Pom Klementieff, who played Mantis in GotG2 - and seems just as sweet in real life.  This was apparently her first con and we had been in line early to see her.  She wasn't up for special poses for photos (I had hoped to get a pose of her touching my wife's arm and pointing at me when we were in Steve & Bucky costumes a la the Starlord/Gamora scene, but she was nice about it).  
We also went by Jon Bernthal's table (Have I mentioned there were a ton of marvel actors at this con?  Definitely the reason we went! ) - and glad we did.  We'd seen him before at other cons but were getting something signed for a friend this time, and he was very friendly and open.  We congratulated him on getting his own headliner Punisher series and said we were excited to see it/that Punisher stole the show in Daredevil season 2 - and he said he hoped we liked it and that he was so nervous!  I was just... oh my goodness it is so endearing and refreshing when someone who plays a role like that to still get butterflies about doing a good job on a show lead and portrayal of a character.  He also runs a pit bull rescue, and that is amazing and wonderful and we expressed that to him.  
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