#soooo many DOBS asks
artinandwritin · 3 months
For the ask game 6, 10, 11, and 14... hopefully those can fill your time but let me know if you need more lmao!
AGH TY for asking so many!! Im certain ill be able to fill a lot of time with those <333
6. Favourite ships; like i mentioned on your post, for me it really fluctuates what ship is in the front of my mind on any given day. Ofc, hiccstrid is a big one (theyre really good to me personally) and I'm currently also in a big snotstrid mood bc of my friend @spacenintendogs 's dragons off the coast au! (Also p l e a s e if you aren't familiar yet with dragons off the coast im begging you to look into it, its such an interesting take on a modern au and Rose's writing and worldbuilding is absolutely phenomonal). Fishlout also takes up a space in my heart, adore them so much! The dynamic is so good.
Ruffnut and her army of men is also so good, and the dynamics she has with Eret, Fishlegs and Snotlout is really fun and has a lot of potential. Tho i do also think she and Heather have potential. As do Eret and Heather! That whole group can just be mixed and matched together haha. Heather and Fishlegs ofc is also wholesome, they deserved more than this!
Due to me being so involved in the oc side of the fandom and being a really big supporter of everything oc (which is common knowledge after 4 years of this haha), I also love a lot of people's ocxcanon ships! Such as Rose's oc Ermintrude and Snotlout, @nosuda-cringe 's oc Mayeth Vang and Snotlout, and ofc the ships you've hinted and teased in otwd (zephbal save me... save me zephbal. I think about them a. Normal amount. Same with castav but i wouldnt let them save me, they need to save themselves first), plus a lot of others. Theyre all very dear to me <333
10: favourite songs from the soundtrack; OKAY so ive actually got history with this! When i was about 13-16-ish i had music classes as part of my middle school experience (lmao) and we were given the freedom to do any project we wanted. In those 2-3 years i used the httyd soundtrack twice for projects!
First I used Forbidden Friendship (that song man. That song) as like. An underbeat or smt? To add things on. Im sure it sounded horrendous and y'know the other kids in my class laughed at me bc of me using an animated movie's soundtrack, but the song did remain a favourite of mine and still is.
The second time I used the soundtrack was just after the third movie released! We were once again granted freedom and I decided to learn Once There Were Dragons on the piano! (Im not certain i still know it LMAO its been 5 years, this was even before I learned about OTWD which is in hindsight pretty funny)
Ofc once again the kids around me weren't amused and I couldn't play piano to save my life (my hands are too small to reach the octaves needed which. Sucked haha) but i had a lot of fun and the song really stayed with me throughout the years, it always brings me at least some sort of emotion <3
11; favourite locations; OH gotta be Old Berk and Dragon Island. We spend so much time in Old Berk during the shows and the movies and the form of the island is just so... memorable, in a way. In school of dragons, i always loved climbing the Great Hall up to Gothi's little hut haha. Miss that silly little island.
Dragon Island is soooo underused but i adore the implications sm! Like, the Red Death's corpse is there (and we all know how much i love environment changing giants) and we haven't really seen it since RoB/DoB. Underused location in my humble opinion.
Honorable mentions to Berserker Island and the weird treasure island from rtte season 1. They really slayed haha
14; favourite animation style; everyone knows i'm a big hand animation girlie so I have to go for those little moments in the franchise where more 2D animation is implemented (like in Fishlegs' leadership dream and the Boneknapper special). The keyframing and the subtle movements are really worth analysing and i absolutely adore how it's used. A real treat for us animators! (Special mention to the animation that's been going around from the live special, so good)
As for 3d styles, I have to say the first movie. It has a very raw edge which i love and it gives everything a great feeling. Plus, the animation error during forbidden friendship they left in the final cut owns me <333
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
What do you think would happen if Zuko killed Ozai with the redirected lightning bolt in the Day of Black Sun?
... Hehe. You know, it’s weird but I was thinking about this not that long ago?
In my opinion, Zuko should have wanted to kill Ozai in DOBS. I know he says it’s Aang’s destiny to kill Ozai and all, but in many ways that reasoning strikes me as odd for his character, since Zuko isn’t all that spiritual and at this point he hasn’t been shown genuinely accepting “destiny” as a reason to do or not do something or another. It’s not that it’s wrong for him to choose not to kill Ozai here... but the thing is, he’s adamant that Ozai has to die in the finale. He’s basically shown forcing his new friend to accept that he MUST kill Zuko’s dad. Then when Ozai doesn’t die, Zuko tells his dad that he should be “grateful” that the Avatar spared him... despite Zuko knows, since the start of that debate, that Aang has no intentions of killing Ozai if he can find another way to stop him.
Ergo, to me, it’s a weird situation where Zuko pretty much seems to elect destiny as something to abide by at this stage conveniently because, if he doesn’t, the story would’ve ended too quickly. Maybe it wasn’t about destiny at all, and maybe he’s just afraid of fighting Ozai. Maybe he’s not afraid at all, but rather, he still has some lingering affection towards his father even if he knows he shouldn’t, and can’t bring himself to kill him. Whatever the reason, I’d honestly have written him willing to kill Ozai, probably with a fierce fight where we could’ve seen more of Ozai’s talent as a fighter before the firebending comes back, and then how scary a firebender he is once it does. Let Zuko fight him some more once the firebending returns, show Zuko has changed from the boy who wouldn’t dare stand up to his father at full strength... would’ve been a nice message to put forward, you can absolutely become strong enough, on every level, to confront someone who hurt you as much as Ozai hurt Zuko. Would it have been violent? Yes, but it would’ve felt a little more satisfactory for me, tbh. Maybe they could’ve had Zuko running away when he hears Ozai’s backup is arriving and he knows he has to scram or else he’s going to get screwed over...
Aaaanyways, beyond my personal take on how that scene could’ve gone down, I don’t partiiicularly like bringing up this other fandom or this topic, I know it’s super controversial and I’m basically inviting a thousand people to come pelt me with stones by saying this... but if Zuko had killed Ozai? Whether willingly, deliberately or accidentally...?
... We’d actually be in a situation similar to Kylo Ren’s in The Last Jedi.
That movie is a dangerous thing to mention for enough reasons, but the one writing element I kind of liked was for Kylo Ren to actually take action when he did, murdering Snoke and becoming the actual leader of the First Order. I liked it because it meant he was the one in charge now, he’s no longer hiding behind another big scary figure, he’s The Big Bad to defeat, and it was a good choice because he’s the villainous character we’d seen throughout the movies so far. Snoke... he was pretty much a nobody, a nothing. If Kylo Ren took over instead, we’d actually get to see who he was, deep down...! And we saw indeed that the guy was still spewing some very harmful ideologies and vitriol when he had killed the guy who apparently had kept him brainwashed since his teenage years. So, indoctrination or not, Kylo Ren wasn’t simply given a clean slate once Snoke is dead, and is shown to have some pretty violent ideas going forward as leader of the First Order. I of course had common sense and never watched The Rise of Skywalker, but finding out that Palpatine was resurrected to lower Kylo’s standing, YET AGAIN, rather than actually exploring Kylo as the ultimate bad guy, felt like a very very boring cop-out to me. Extra reason not to watch that movie.
Obviously, Zuko’s development was much longer than Kylo’s, at this stage. Zuko has had a lot more growth, many more situations where he confronted his own choices and decisions, and more than that, Zuko has Iroh guiding him on a different, hopefully better path. Therefore, I don’t expect that Zuko would’ve taken over and become Ozai 2.0, if he’d killed Ozai, the way Kylo was Snoke 2.0, more or less. But I’ll say... I do think he would’ve become Fire Lord at this point, after killing Ozai.
And man, what a mess of a character he’d be by then. It’s entirely possible this highly indoctrinated nation would either want him dead for killing Ozai... or they’d outright celebrate him for killing Ozai, since that’s a major display of strength and violence and they think that’s neat :’D and it would be hilarious and amazing because Zuko has NO IDEA what to do as Fire Lord. He’d have a thousand sudden responsibilities and no clue how to take them on, he’d have a whole army under his command, and he’d probably want to end the war but if he does, they’re gonna turn on HIM! So... it’s honestly pretty intriguing to ponder what would happen to a Zuko who pulls a page out of Ozai’s book and kills daddy dearest xD Whether you want to see Zuko going off the deep end of villainy, Kylo Ren style, or a Zuko genuinely struggling with how to reel the Fire Nation back into control after a hundred years of indoctrination, it’d be one hell of a story to explore. I’m certainly not the right person to explore it, I’m sooooo not cut out for Zuko-centric content, but it’d be pretty amazing to ponder how things would turn out with Zuko in power well before the show reached its ending and Sozin’s Comet arrived. Would we have a Zuko vs. Aang showdown that ends with the power of friendship winning the day? xD would have probably been a little weird, but who’s to say it would’ve sucked? 
Anyway, it’s a complicated topic and I guess there’s a million different directions worth exploring with this premise, so I’d say a writer should just pick one such direction and go from there? Like I said, I’m not likely to explore this, but it’s an interesting premise nonetheless.
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Soooo I was thinking about Meredith’s husband and whoops I have a new OC with his own full story and everything.
This is Jonathan Grey, an eventual pharmacy owner in Wales, and he’s gonna get ghoulified in the 2030′s.
So Jonathan is British, like Meredith, raised by his mother and stepfather. His bio father is American, so he has American citizenship. They’re on... not great terms, but not bad terms either. He and his biodad treat each other more like extended relatives than close family -- occasionally giving each other updates and maybe talking once or twice a year. His biodad has his own family and Jonathan was the result of an affair. Jonathan has never tried to reach out to his half siblings and isn’t really interested in it, and doesn’t know if they know about him or not.
He met Meredith at college. They both studied pharmacy and were study buddies. They made great study buddies and Jonathan is always mourning that they can’t bond over studying any more because it was how they best connected, and probably part of the reason why Meredith checked out.
He has a... bad night, the night of the Pioneer Square attack. A few nights after, the Camarilla get together a squad of vamps to clean up the massive Masquerade breach. He gets called into a room full of vamps where they basically Dominate him into telling him that Meredith has been confirmed deceased, and they’ll return her body to him. He arranges for it to be transported to the UK, where he goes with his daughters to be closer to his parents and in-laws. The vamps snatch a random homeless chick off the streets, mutilate her a bit, and ship her off. The Camarilla in the UK meet the body and basically make sure the funeral is closed-casket.
By the time Meredith is unstaked in the Camarilla court in Seattle, Jonathan’s already had her funeral and buried “her” body.
Jonathan leaves his daughters in the UK and packs up and sells the house in Seattle, then goes back to the UK and gets a job there as a pharmacist. He lives in a two story house in Wales -- his parents live downstairs, he lives upstairs, his parents take care of the girls while he’s at work. He almost cuts off contact with his parents entirely when his mother makes a tasteless comment about Meredith, but they try really hard to fix that so he chills.
When his girls are teenagers he’s, by then, owning his own pharmacy. A vampire -- don’t know what clan yet -- ghoulifies him so she can funnel off some controlled substances to be sold on the street as a source of income. He’s not sure WTF is going on, but as her friends start visiting his pharmacy at night he ends up in contact with a few of their ghouls as well and gradually learns about the Kindred. Not nearly as much as a fledgling would -- many of the ghouls are on need-to-know basis -- but he is welcomed into a distant, yet also tight-knit ghoul community.
And yes, it is distant, and also tight-knit. Every ghoul is aware that if they fuck up, another ghoul might dob them in to their domitor. He’s taught quickly not to give other ghouls any fuel if he can help it, but they also teach each other as much as they can about Kindred society.
And oh maaaan I’m enjoying the headcanons I’m coming up with about ghoul circles and so on, I have to make that into its own post. But basically they look out for each other as much as they can afford to while covering their own ass, lest their domitor find out something unsavoury and abandon, kill them, or turn them into the law for the crimes they committed to serve their domitor.
Jonathan is pretty scared at first about pissing his domitor off too much, but after a while he comes to accept that as long as his domitor is happy, his life is pretty sweet. She’s not warm and fuzzy with ghouls; he’s a tool, not a pet. But every now and then he can ask a favour of her to help him keep away from the attention of the law. He’s also able to help out other ghouls as a pharmacist, does what he can to help out independent ghouls, and he and the ghouls often exchange favours to help each other out.
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lordavanti · 7 years
Tag game,
Better late then never, I was tagged by my amazingly friends @sereniti9 and @pokeasleepingsmaug. Thanks for the tag sweetpies! <3
Nicknames: Jenn // Jenny
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 5′8
Time: 09:07 PM
DOB: June 28
Favorite Bands: Imagine Dragons 
Favorite Solo Artists: Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams
Song Stuck in My Head: Swalla // Jason Derulo (I hate my sister so hard now)
Last Movie I Watched: Wonder Woman
Last TV Show I watched: The Defenders
When Did I Create My Blog: Eight months ago
What Do I Post: Vikings, imagines, series, drabbles, reblogging, everything
Last Thing I Googled: Timezones (No shit!)
Do I have any other blogs: Yes, a sideblog, multifandom (Avanit-fandom)
Do I get asks: At least a couple in the week, love that soooo much
Why did I choose my URL: Long story short, Avanti was the first character I started in a rpg  more then 10 years ago. He was a dark lord, the one thing that got me here and now in writing is that character, LordAvanti
Following: Everybody I get my hands on
Followers: 1.131 amazing souls
Favorite colors: Black, blue, dark colors
Average hours of sleep: Around 8-9 hours on workdays (I don’t function without ... not even with coffee)
Lucky Number: 2
Instruments: Don’t give me one, you will run, faster than you ever did
What am I wearing: Jeans, tank top, wrapped in a fleece blanket because the weather isn’t working on this side of the world
How many blankets I sleep with: 1 (which is a miracle), normally 3
Dream job: Working with horses, now it’s just a hobby, owning three but it is kind of a dream for every horse girl to work every day with those amazing animals.
Dream trip: I hate planes but if I really need to take one it’s to go to Australia, go ride for a week of two in the wild on horse back
Favorite food: Pasta!
Nationality: Belgian
Favorite song as of now: I don’t have a favorit, I listen to almost everything, wildly singing on the spot
Tagging, I’m way to late with this so gonna tag nobody because everybody probably already is.
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you-andthebottlemen · 7 years
24 - AU
“Request: Okay since you do AU's, hear me out: Harry Potter AU?”
Anon: I’ll do more than hear you out. Thank you SO much for this request oh my god I was so excited when I saw it. I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd and I had so many ideas right away. This was soooo fun. I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it. 
I could write the boys into Hogwarts forever, this is fantastic. I’m just imagining those photos of really young Van with his awful hair and bad teeth and it just fits? So well? 
P.S this is obviously about teenage Van. 
P.P.S clearly all HP ideas are not mine, they are JK Rowling’s.....like yeah. Anyway. ENJOY!! <3
Your first year at Hogwarts was wonderful; the wizarding world was more alive than ever and every single thing you learnt blew your mind. You couldn’t believe what you could do. But the excitement soon faded when you realised that as you got older, you actually had to study, had to learn, had to pass exams. You weren’t very good at finding a happy medium between work and play. You often had your nose in a book, or you were watching Quidditch games, supporting your house. You blended into the background and always thought no one ever took any notice of you. As it happens, you were wrong. 
“Y/n, come to the match with me tomorrow. Hang out with us for a change!” Rhiannon pleaded, clinging to your arm. 
She was your best friend. Though since she’d started dating Bondy at the beginning of the year, you saw less and less of her. His friends were a massive distraction; none of them ever studied. Except the one in Ravenclaw, typical. 
Rhiannon was a good friend, she always tried to get you to hang out and do things. You were usually too shy or stressed out to oblige though. She was blonde and had big brown eyes that no one could resist. You always felt just a little jealous. She also had tattoos that she had to keep hidden under her robes. She’d enchanted them so they moved and swirled on her skin, it was amazing. Bondy was not what you’d have called a perfect match; he was weird. Like really weird. But yet somehow they fit together like two puzzle pieces. Even though she was a Gryffindor and he was a Slytherin. 
“Okay fine,” you said grumpily, dreading the antics that you knew were bound to go down. You still hadn’t let go of that time Bondy and his mates hid in the restricted section to smoke out the window where no one could see. The only time they’d ever be caught dead in a library was to muck around. 
“Yes!!” she hugged you, kissed your cheek then skipped off to class. You just smiled and shook your head. It was nice having someone being so excited to hang out with you.
You wandered the corridors, passing time before your next lesson; saying hello to the odd ghost that passed you by. You thought about all the charms you had left to practice that you still hadn’t nailed and groaned internally. That’s when a rushing body collided with yours, knocking you right to the ground.
“Hey watch it!” you spat, feeling the bruise that’d appear on your ass tomorrow, ache.
“Fuck, I am so sorry.” 
You looked up to see Van, one of Bondy’s friends. The leader of the pack. The ultimate trouble maker. Of course, it was Van. 
He held out his hand and you took it, letting him pull you up from the ground. He straightened out your robes for you and you fought the urge to swat his hands away. 
“You alright love? I’m so sorry, I-”
“I’m fine,” you interrupted. 
He stood there looking around like he didn’t know what to do. You stared at him for a bit. You looked at his awful but somehow still cute, fluffy and uneven haircut. His equally as horrific eyebrows. His long eyelashes. His pretty blue eyes. 
“Rhiannon said you’re hanging out with us as at the match tomorrow?” he asked, looking hopeful and swinging his arms around. 
“Yeah, she convinced me. Hope you guys don’t do anything stupid this time,” you replied, looking down at his skinny Gryffindor tie; clearly, he thought it was cool to do it up like that.
“Can’t promise that,” Van replied with a wink and a grin but his face fell when he realised you weren’t joking. 
“Um, yeah well, I’m glad you’re coming. See you later yeah? Sorry again y/n,” Van said before rushing off, late to class. Leaving you with the slightest blush on your cheeks that you ignored adamantly. 
“Yeah, but like, if Van played Quidditch he’d probably fall off the broom or fly into the post or some shit,” Larry laughed, pulling his red and yellow beanie down over his ears.
“Oi nah mate, I’d be fuckin’ class!” Van argued back, his voice going all high.
“Wouldn’t I, y/n?” he said with a grin, shaking your arm. You just shrugged and the boys laughed at your lack of support. Van quietened down a little, almost like he was hurt you didn’t stand up for him for some reason. 
"Getting snacks," he mumbled.
Van stood up, tying his scarf around his neck and walked off.  
“I think he’s butthurt you didn’t agree with him,” Bondy said with a smirk, pulling Rhiannon onto his lap. You just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, still feeling shy.
Bob came and sat on your other side, taking Van’s spot. 
“Hey,” you smiled. 
“Hey y/n. Looking forward to the match?” he asked and you nodded. 
You liked Bob the best out of all the guys, he was your stereotypical Hufflepuff. He was quiet until you got him talking, always polite and had this wild curly hair that was somehow still well kept? He got teased by the boys sometimes but everyone loved him to bits. You felt the most comfortable with him, he wasn’t as much of a trouble maker.
Van came back and squeezed himself between yourself and Bob, offering him some Bertie Bots Beans to which he politely declined. Probably still scarred from when Larry force fed him vomit flavour. 
“None for you sorry, you didn’t say I’d be mad good at Quidditch,” he said, shaking his head and throwing some beans into his mouth. 
“Oh leave her alone Van, give her some damn beans,” Rhiannon said, rolling her eyes at him. 
“I’m just kidding love, here,” he smiled cheekily, offering you the box. You said thank you and picked out your favourite flavours, careful to avoid rotten egg. 
The match started and everyone cheered. It was Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor. Larry and Benji started yelling, trying to be louder than the other, somehow thinking that if they could out-yell each other, it was the same as their team winning. You looked at Van who chuckled at their competitiveness. You were surprised he wasn’t joining in with them. His nose was all red from the cold air. He looked kind of cute in his large fuzzy ear muffs but you quickly dismissed the thought. 
“I’m only competitive when it’s Larry I’m up against,” he said as if reading your mind. 
“I’ve seen,” you replied with a teasing smile.
You felt him shuffle closer to you and your arms touched. You didn’t move away, you just stole more of his beans without asking and he didn’t say anything about it. 
A few weeks had passed since you’d attended the match with Rhiannon and her gang. You’d finished your charms and were ready for exams in a months time. It was that quiet part of the semester where exams were just far enough away that no one was worried and there wasn’t much to do. 
You sat at the table in the great hall on your own, pushing some scrambled eggs around your plate, lost in thought. 
“Hey y/n,” Larry said as he slid in beside you, breaking your solitude. 
“Morning,” you replied, still looking at your eggs. Owls flew swiftly through the air around the hall, dropping off mail to those that were lucky enough. 
You had hung out with Rhiannon and the boys a few more times since the match. They’d accepted you as a part of the group and you had gotten more acquainted with their antics and how to avoid it. But you’d also learnt that you actually liked being around them. They were funny and kind and they never dragged you into trouble. Well, not really. 
“You okay?” he asked as he cut up a sausage. 
“Yeah, sleepy,” you responded, rubbing your eyes as you looked at him. 
Soon enough Bondy and Rhiannon bounced over and joined you. They took turns spoon-feeding each other porridge, Rhiannon purposefully letting some spill down Bondy’s chin so he’d look like a slob. 
“You two are gross,” Benji said as he sat down beside Bondy. 
Rhiannon then levitated a serviette into the air to wipe Bondy’s chin. 
“Goood mornin’,” Van said cheerfully as he plopped himself down across from you. He began shovelling food into his mouth and only stopped to flick some baked beans at Larry who fought back by pelting some toast. 
“Hey! Stop, don’t need the professors ducking any more points off you,” you said, trying to get between them before a full blown food fight broke out. 
“True. I cost Gryffindor like 25 yesterday. Got caught smoking in the toilets again,” Van admitted sheepishly and you rolled your eyes.
“Well, last week I got given 5 for answering a question right in potions for once,” Larry interjected in a very pompous tone. 
“Yeah, alone I’m probably responsible for Slytherin coming last in the house cup this year,” Bondy said casually. “They’ve caught on that I skip every magical history class and the other week I got dobbed on by a prefect for being in the Ravenclaw common room again,” he continued. 
Bondy was strange. He was the least ‘Slytherin’ Slytherin you’d ever met. He either spent his time with this lot or up in a common room that wasn’t his own. Yet at the same time, he fit in with his house perfectly. It was weird. You’d heard rumours in first year that he was what they call a ‘hat stall’. You took a mental note to ask him about it later. 
“Hey look at Sideshow over there! Gettin' his flirt on!” Van exclaimed, pointing over to where Bob was sitting at the end of the table with a nice looking girl who had curly hair just like his, but red. They were sitting close and talking quietly. You could feel the nerves a mile off. 
“Aw that’s cute,” you said happily. 
Just then Bob saw you all staring and he dropped a bit of egg off his spoon into his lap. 
“Nice one Bob. Real smooth,” Van teased as if he could hear him. 
“Someone’s jealous!” Rhiannon giggled and Van blushed, making everyone laugh.
After breakfast, you all piled out of the hall and began making your way to class. You bid everyone farewell and went your separate ways. You started to mentally run through the ingredients you needed for your potion today but were interrupted by Van running up behind you. 
“Hey, yn?” he asked, running his hand through his hair and licking his lips. 
Something you noticed he did all the damn time without realising. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows, implying that he continue. 
“So I know breaking the rules isn’t your thing. And I know you’ll probably tell me to fuck off... but you know that band I’m always on about?”
“The Weird Sisters?” You asked and he nodded, his eyes lighting up at the realisation you remembered. 
“Well, they’re playing in Hogsmead on Thursday night. We’re all going, me, Rhiannon and the lads. But I got an extra ticket for you? In case you wanted to come? You don’t have to, I know it’s not your thing but-”
“I’ll be there,” you said, before thinking. You were flattered he’d thought of you. He was right it wasn’t your thing, but how could you say no? He’d bought you a ticket and everything. 
“Really?” He grinned. 
“Not if you make me late to potions.”
“Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry. Catch ya later y/n?” 
“Yes. Catch you later, Van,” you smiled and walked off to class. You saw him throw his fist into the air when he thought you weren’t looking as if he’d just scored the quaffle through a hoop or something. 
It was after lights out, you were meant to be in bed and getting your rest for the next school day. Instead, you were all congregated in a quiet corridor somewhere near some secret passageway Van had heard of. You’d all snuck out of your respective dormitories and met up over the last hour. You’d spent the day with the boys working out when each corridor would be empty so you could sneak out without being caught. 
"So if we go through there, we'll end up in Hogsmead?" you questioned, never having broken out of the school before. 
"Yep. Cool right?" Rhiannon said excitedly, you just stayed quiet, feeling nervous. 
The boys were dressed in black skinny jeans and leather jackets, clearly trying to look older than they were. It was weird seeing them out of their robes and sweaters. You'd just thrown on a dress and jumper, unsure of what attire the occasion called for. Besides, you didn’t bring many outfits to Hogwarts anyway; you’d never really had many occasions that called for nice attire. Your wand was firmly tucked into the pocket and you kept checking to make sure it was still there. A dress! With pockets! Now that's magic. 
The group began to tiptoe through the hallways and you lingered behind, keeping an eye out for any professors. 
"You look really pretty y/n, love the dress," Van whispered, hanging back from the others to walk in step with you. 
"Thank you," you smiled. He was sweet really, when he wasn't getting into a scuffle with the prefects or making jokes about the professors. 
You walked in silence for a bit, ducking behind a curtain at one point when you saw a ghost. 
"So you know how you're like dead organised and stuff? And you're good at everything?" he asked shyly and you chuckled. 
You were definitely not good at everything but you liked that he thought so. 
"I was wondering if maybe you'd help me practice my charms some time? Since you're dead smart. Can't get the damn things right, see. Last week I turned Larry's tie into a worm."
"Well, Benji is the dead smart one. But sure, I'd love to," you smiled at the thought of spending more time with Van, especially if he was going to be sweet like this. 
He smiled as if he'd won the lottery and walked off to the front of the group, taking his wand out from his belt. 
"Right. Here we are, lads. And uh...ladies," he said as he pointed his wand at a tapestry. 
Van waved his wand and said some incantation and the tapestry changed colour. He smiled and pulled it back, thrilled that it actually worked. Behind the sheet of fabric, there was a door, he pulled it open and held it for everyone. The tunnel was pitch black, you all illuminated your wands and plunged into the darkness. You couldn't shake the nerves that were hiding in the bottom of your chest. What if you got caught? Expelled?
Rhiannon leading the way, you eventually arrived at another door. Her and Bondy slowly pushed it open and you were relieved to find yourself, just as Van had promised, in an alleyway in Hogsmead. You smiled in excitement and Van winked at you before walking off to lead you all to the Three Broomsticks. 
The guy at the door looked mean, to say the least. You began to get all shaky, worried he'd catch you out for not only being underage but also for having broken out of the castle. Rhiannon held your hand, sensing your panic. Van and Bondy rocked up to him confidently and showed the tickets. 
"You lot look a bit young to be here," he said dubiously, his eyes darting between the seven of you. Your heart stopped. 
"Mate. You think we'd have the balls to break out of Hogwarts?" Van said with a laugh. "Of course, we're of age. Graduated last year," he finished seriously, deepening his voice. 
You couldn't deny, he was convincing. Charismatic and confident; traits that would get him far in life. The guy nodded and stepped aside to let you all in, you breathed a sigh of relief. 
"Nice one," you said to Van, winking. 
"I was shittin' bricks on the inside," he responded and you laughed.
The Three Broomsticks was larger than you remembered it ever being. Maybe there was an enchantment on it? Witches and wizards gathered from far and wide to watch the legendary band play. You felt out of place, never having heard any of their songs. The boys were buzzing, all jumping on the spot. They spoke a million miles an hour about the band and music in general, they were so into it. You just stood back and listened. 
Once people started crowding around the makeshift stage, definitely an enchanted add in...god magic was great, you and all the strangers squished together to get a good view. The pink and purple lights started to shine, you looked over at Rhiannon who was smiling. The silver glitter on her face reflected the lights and it was so pretty. She saw you looking at it and reached over and wiped some of it on your cheek bone. 
You stood with Bob and Benji as the band came out, strumming their guitars and strutting around. Larry and Van jumped around shaking each other’s shoulders and yelling in excitement, it made you smile and feel warm and fuzzy. Bondy stood behind Rhiannon, wrapping his arms around her and nodding his head to the beat. He always looked too cool for whatever he was doing. 
The music was loud and you didn’t really understand the fuss but you were enthralled none the less. You shimmied with Bob who was just as awkward as you were, it was fun. Bondy started to kiss Rhiannon’s neck and you could see her just melt inside. She kissed him and there was definitely tongue action happening. 
“Gross you guys, stop,” Benji said, turning up his nose at them. Rhiannon pulled away from Bondy and smirked. 
“Wanna join?” she said to him with a wink. His eyes went wide and he turned away, sending you all into a fit of laughter. She took Bondy’s hand and led him back through the crowd and you watched as they disappeared off out the back. Probably to make out. Oh, young love. 
You were left standing slightly to the side, alone and awkward. Just watching those around you. Van weaved his way through the crowd back towards you, he and Larry had managed to get right to the front. 
“Why’re you back here? Go have fun!” you said, not wanting him to miss out for your sake.
“Nah, I wanna have fun with you though,” he smiled, knocking his shoulder against yours lightly for effect. 
Van looked back out towards the band, his eyes glittering; he was completely in love with it. Without looking at you, his hand found yours and he squeezed it tightly before letting go. Almost like he was trying to comfort you. Your tummy flipped and you felt that fuzzy feeling come back. 
“I wish I was in a band,” he said with a sigh, you could only just hear it over the loud music. 
“You should start one, you and the boys. Larry could be your manager,” you suggested with a laugh, he turned to look at you. 
“Larry would kiss you if he heard you say that. No way in hell that lads’ gonna manage me,” Van joked back. 
“I’ll keep quiet then, don’t want Larry to kiss me,” you said. 
"Why not?" Van asked. 
"Um, guess he's not my type?" you replied awkwardly with a shrug, unsure of why he even asked. 
"What is your type then?" Van questioned. Oh god. 
"Erm..." you looked around awkwardly. 
Van moved closer to you and moved your hair behind your ear. Your heart rate picked up and you thought you were going to explode. You stared at him with wide eyes. The moving bodies around you disappeared. He laughed to himself at your inner panic and leant down to kiss your cheek. You felt the blush happen instantly. 
“Maybe I could be your type? I’d like that,” he suggested. 
You smiled at him and looked down at your shoes, nodding. His face twisted into a grin and he reached to hold your hand again. You and Van both looked back out towards the band. He lifted his free arm into the air and cheered for the band, but you both knew that wasn’t the only reason he was celebrating. You bit your lip to contain the the cheesy smile that was seconds away from spreading across your face.
Who’d have thought, you and Van McCann? Never-mind telling the boys off for their antics, you were now well and truly a part of it, and it was better than you could have ever imagined.  
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sumergosuigeneris · 6 years
December 3, 2018
Signed up to go to my first archery tournament. Had to give age and dob. Guess that cat is out of the bag. :(
I get the feeling sometimes that people act obtuse, incompetent, etc... so that I’ll get tired of their bullshit and just offer to do something for them. Had a guy who flipped out b/c some medical stuff came to our fax machine. Technically, yes, it is a Hippa violation. Every time one comes through, he goes on and on and on and on about how bad it is and what can we do. I told him to fax them back or call them. Then, he had to go ask other people. Then, he gave it to his supervisor. This is over a few days, and every time he came to me, basically making me feel like he wanted me to volunteer to handle it. You handle it for fuck sake.
I was also thinking about his supervisor. They all say he’s soooo great (disclaimer: I like the guy and think he’s competent). But they all go to him to ask to wipe their asses. I’ve been wondering if they don’t feel empowered, or if he’s a control freak, or what. But then I start wondering, is it maybe a healthy thing? Like, they communicate with him a LOT, and that’s a good thing? Can’t decide. And also, have to add that I don’t know how much of this is related to the fact that the group is kind of the outsider group compared to the other groups with my boss, and/or almost everyone in that group is international.
Been thinking about how I don’t smile or laugh or whatever very easily anymore. How fucking long is this depressive episode going to last? But how long have my others lasted? How can I compare if I don’t keep data. I should keep data. I’m lazy and probably never will.
Last class. He tried to ignore me again. Then he blew off my comment. Which ~10 minutes later was a huge part of his presentation. But on the bright side, I spoke to a girl in the class for the first time (last class lol), and she mentioned that she’d asked him for a reference and he told her the same thing he’d told me. So, there’s that.
I asked a second prof about getting into her class. She said yes! Now I just gotta get my tuition paid and I’m good. During class, I took the opportunity to look at some app deadlines. I’m literally going to apply to everything with a March deadline. I’m going to miss all the other good programs. But I’m determined to be in school full time.
I’ve put Bob’s Burgers on so many times before sleep I know certain episodes like the back of my hand. I love the way Bob and Linda lean into their kids fantasies and opinions and such. And I think it’s weird that Linda and Bob spend soooo much of their time together. I was thinking that Bob is probably an introvert/socially awkward - like me! I was also thinking that Tina has really grown up in the multiple-season-long year she’s been 13. I still think Louise is potentially a sociopath.
Been watching Killing Eve. Tried to find some good commentary after Bill. Because he’s so interesting with Eve. Didn’t find a lot of commentary, and it was all pretty bad.
Gonna take Friday off. For the paper. But that means I got one more day to get through, and to get some apps done.
And I really gotta get back on fb. At least on messenger.
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