#sophie hater rp
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Have Faith in Your Dreams and Someday
          ( your rainbow will come smiling through )
semi-selective | oc and crossover friendly
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tayela-blackfyre · 7 years
Blogging Roll
First time I am doing this, so I’m showing off my characters and such. I’m looking for contacts and people with which to RP. All the good stuffs. I would like friends, enemies, lovers, haters, partnerships and everything under the sun. I am open to almost all types of RP, so do not be shy, come chat with me! Annnnnd we are off!
Tayela Blackfyre: @lady-tayela-blackfyre  (Duh)
FC: Sophie Turner
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Age: 22ish                                                                                                               She is the Lady of Redcliffe and daughter of the former lord Warlund Blackfyre and Leona Reede. Recently she has started to get her feet wet again in the world of intelligence and such, having decided she could not sit along the sidelines for too long. She is a partially bi-polar individual, with a knack for sneaking around places along with assassination though she is a little easier to recognize now with her titles. I RP her in-game (found in-game as “Tayela”) and through Discord and would be happy to have her meet more people. 
Kaegan McCroy: @lordmccroy
FC: Chris Hemsworth
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Age: 30s                                                                                                                    Kaegan is the acting lord/mayor/ruler of a little town Karverhall, he has gone to Argus though he is to return shortly due to certain circumstances. He doesn’t care much for politics and rulership. He would much rather be in the wilderness and enjoy parts of life, though he does feel bound at times to help fight when the world is at risk (see him at Argus).  He is a ranger/hunter and spends most of his free time in Arathi, finding Undead/Forsaken and eliminating them. He holds a grudge. Kaegan is probably the most honorable/good guyish of my characters. I RP Kaegan in-game (found as “Kaidenn”) as well as in Discord.
Klay McCroy: (No Tumblr)
FC: Liam Hemsworth
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Age: 25                                                                                                                    Klay is, if you could not tell from the name, a relative of Kaegan... more specifically, Kaegan’s younger brother. Klay is a Scar from the Lion King type of person. Klay is jealous of his brother for getting something, which Kaegan didn’t and doesn’t really want but won’t give up. Though, like his brother... Klay has a distinct dislike for the Undead/Forsaken though he is not below employing them for his own purposes. Klay is very much the aristocrat that feels he does not have enough in his life. He is more a statesman and duelist than his brother but Klay also dabbles in some magic, though not enough to truly assist him in a fight. I only RP Klay through Discord as I do not have a character for him in game quite yet (mostly because I’ve been distracting myself from leveling another character). 
I certainly hope you liked the tidbits about my characters. If you are interested in RP’ing with any of them, please send me an inbox here, find me in-game either through whisper or mailing me or contact me via Discord at Lilsish#1493.
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