wherespacepooh · 8 years
Hope & Legacy, traces, etc. (空色羊 @sorairohituji)
The awesome @sorairohituji has kindly allowed me to translate her wonderfully detailed review of Hope & Legacy, Yuzuru's FS program this season, from her blog.
Pay attention to 1) the traces for each part of the program, 2) how it all fits with the music, 3) "...there is a spot where Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it. In that scene, Yuzuru finds himself looking into the mirror." What is Shae-lynn talking about?
Original post is here in Japanese. Translated by gladiolusc .
After I was done, I realized I should have done the traces from 4CC instead of GPF, given the many fan cams from different angles available. I did GPF’s because I thought that the original layout was better, but the tracks going into 3A-lo-3S was almost the same as the ones going into the emergency 4T2T… *sweatdrop*
There may be many parts that are a little displaced, the curves might want to be expanded, or not, etc, but please pardon me. Since I am an amateur who has never skated before, please let me know if there are any mistakes in in the steps & turns.
I thought the theme was nature, but according to Shae-lynn’s interview at WFS EX, it was Hope & Legacy (quite a break). I got a little heartbroken thinking of the number of remaining competition left...
I wrote a post earlier on H&L’s StSq assuming the former (nature). It is yet different from Hanyu-kun's interview on Ice Jewel. Both are pretty abstract. Perhaps this program is open to various interpretations? I might just enjoy the program by itself without thinking too deeply about it...
The program opens with View of Silence/ Joe Hisaishi
In Shae-lynn's interview, "After the circular sequence of footwork, there is a spot where Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it. In that scene, Yuzuru finds himself looking into the mirror."
← (GIF / AutumClassic) After 4 Lo, Yuzuru traces a circle, but that’s probably not the spot that Shae-lynn was referring to? 
The track of the 4S, unlike in last season, begins with a wide, circular curve that covers a good part of the rink (like the 4L’s) before straightening out into a more linear path. Including the second half, there are a lot of variations. Hopefully 4S-san will be stable!
Flying Camel, ☆Camel Upright, ☆Camel Sideways, Change of foot (RBO→LBI), ☆Sit Sideways, ☆Upright Biellmann 
After the change of foot, Asian Dream Song/ Joe Hisaishi comes on.
Note: In both Autumn Classic and 4CC, the Biellmann is replaced by the A-spin (Upright Forward).
The uninterrupted flow from combination spin ~ step sequence ~ 3F is one of the highlights of the program. Switching songs mid-spin at the change of foot also enhances the feeling of continuity.
After drawing a semicircle to a decisive halt in the first half of the StSq, he skates diagonally across the rink in a relatively linear path, in keeping with the soaring melody as if he finds a new exit from which water would flow. A smooth progression of the left footwork cluster (in sky blue) there, and a hop that felt as if he were closing the distance (trans. to the exit?). The tempo here is slightly faster than indicated in the musical score. It returns to the original speed when he gets to the corner (after the second backward hop).
For more on StSq → Article on 2016 GPF FS StSq (Hope and Legacy)
Light blue: Cluster of steps and turns
Where does the StSq end? Perhaps at the second backward hop? Otherwise, the leftward (CWW) rotation wouldn’t be sufficient to satisfy the level feature of “rotations in either direction (left and right) with full body rotation covering at least 1/3 of the pattern in total for each rotational direction.” Even if he makes one CW rotation (LFI mohawk ~ RFO) after the last cluster of steps and turns on the left foot, the CWW rotation wouldn’t be full...
But whether or not it ends there, it transitions seamlessly into the 3F. SEIMEI, on the other hand, is divided along the StSq ~ 4T3T with a clear song change. After the SEIMEI StSq, he skated a full circular trajectory for a bit before going into the jump.
←(GIF / 4CC) "Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it” (SLB) Candidate #1:
Where he comes to a stop after the first cluster of steps and turns. But I’m not sure if this constitutes “after the circular sequence.” The arm movements fit the description but his expression looks calm?
A couple spots have been changed since the brush-up.
←(GIF / Autumn Classic) From LBO, a frontward turn, spreading both arms, RFI Mohawk, RBO, LFO, (enters forward crossover).
← (GIF / NHK) From LBO, RFO, brings both arms to the front, LFO three turn, RBO, LFO, (enters forward crossover).
This is “Yuzuru brings his hands forward…” Candidate #2:
It comes after the circular footwork, but it’s only been changed to this choreography from NHK onwards.
As the music swells note by note, a certain "floatiness” is emphasized in the 3F by playing to those bottom chords (trans. rather than the melody on top)… I’m not too sure what I’m trying to say.
Haru (@GOEplus5agetyau)’s wonderful take on that “floatiness", reposted here:
The 3F from when the toe pick hits the ice→the jump up→the landing is perfectly synced with the Auftakt (4th beat, toe pick hits) ascending to the first beat (pa!). This beautifully highlights a “sense of phrasing with a strong dip followed by the leap (in music)”, I think, and the “floatiness” might be related to that.
← (GIF / NHK) From LBO, RFO, brings both arms to the front, LFO three turn, RBO, LFO, (enters forward crossover).
Photo: NHK Trophy (MAINICHI PHOTOGRAPHY). I love this photo, and how his hand covering the other eye actually punctuates the sharpness of his glare.
After the 3F, he changes course from CCW to CW (probably weight shift) and shimmies his shoulders (see first photo along the green line in the trace diagram below).
← (Choreography with Shae-lynn)
Choreographic details around this momentary pause after the 3F, but before he enters the setup for the 4S:
“It’s like a light that you see going over… what do you call it… a shooting star? When it falls out of the sky. So if you see… *models*"
← (GIF / Choreography with Shae-lynn) The emotions!
← (GIF / Autumn Classic) Backward crossover, LBO-RFI Choctaw, LF, skating on two-foot, full turn with legs spread apart ending with a stop, three-turn into LFO, RBO, Cross Behind. Probably because he was short on time, the movements felt more brief/ “lighter" compared to the above.
← (GIF / GPF): From a CW backward crossover, he shifts his weight and makes a CCW curve, three-turn with LFO exit, stop, cross behind, three-turn ending in LFO, RBO three-turn.
It’s a pity that the two-foot spin is gone, but now the movements look sharper and more filled out. The weight shift as he gracefully raises his arms and arches his back, coupled with an intensity where he shimmies his shoulders while changing the curve. So, yes, this version is good.
6.4S+REP (fall)
The melody here is Mi-so-la—Do-ti-ti-la-so-so-la-la—. And the way Yuzuru jumps at “Do", the highest note of the phrase, in the 4S feels good. To contrast, the 4S was initiated at “La” at both Autumn Classic and Skate Canada. It felt like he was going to strike the toe pick for the second jump at “Do.”
I am guessing they tweaked the timing so that it’s easier to jump. And even at 4CC, with the changed course, the timing was the same. It’s okay either way, but after the change, because he does a three turn (RBO) at “Mi-so”, it's easier for me to calculate the timing ← That doesn’t matter (^ o ^;)
After landing the jump, the music changes back to View of Silence around the cross behind or the LFO step… probably the cross behind. A 4T in the midst of that quiet stillness in between songs.
"Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it” Candidate #3:
← (GIF / SC) Skating on both feet (CCW), bringing both hands to his chest, pushing lightly with his left foot into CW, cross behind, RFI mohawk, either cross front or back cross.
← (GIF / NHK) Skating on both feet (CCW), bringing both hands to his chest, LFI mohawk, cross front while changing edge to RBO, three-turn to RFO, LBO.
Notice the way Yuzuru goes with the revolving flow from the half rotation (CCW) and 1.5 rotation (CW) by maintaining a tilt in his neck, accentuated by nods of his head. I think it fits Shae-lynn’s description especially well after the change, but this happens after all the quads. So which part is Shae-lynn talking about?
Combination jump or otherwise, is the spread eagle Yuzuru’s standard for landing now?
☆ Flying Sit, ☆ SF (Cannon Ball), Foot Change ☆ SB (Pancake) × (☆ 8 Rotation)
11. ChSq1
I wonder if he had placed the hydroblade and the layback Ina Bauer on the left side of the rink because the StSq leaned more right? Near the end of the hydroblade, he stretches his right arm out towards the sky as if trying to grasp something, mirroring the Hanyu-kun who continues to challenge himself… Such poetry!
He changed the course going into the Lutz after NHK. The jump was a little closer to the judges at Autumn Classic and Skate Canada. The program is well balanced with one more jump remaining after the ChSq. Just that it’s bad for the heart because it’s a lutz. (Trans. LOL. Poor maligned 3Lz XD)
Although I wouldn’t completely rely on my traces, when I compare it with SEIMEI's (slightly modified on 11.17), I do find the jump layout more biased (towards the corners): The 3Lo in the center is gone, and the previous arrangement of the Lutz was somewhat more balanced.
And perhaps the 4Lo and 4S are closer to the long side of the rink. I haven’t looked closely at competitions outside of GPF, but 4S, 4T, and 3A-Lo-2S look settled.
Although the jump placements may have been a bit biased in terms of spacing, but the balance in terms of order of elements is improved from shifting his last jump to after the ChSq!
I love this program.
Additional traces from 4CC recovery, etc
Green - Brown ... GPF Neon green - Orange ... 4CC
The course going into 4S was changed. Additionally, because he fell at GPF, the course post-jump was shortened.
Orange - Pink ... GPF Brown ... 4CC
The tracks are basically the same. (Trans. Although, going into 4T, the track is somewhat straighter than 3A’s would have been, and footwork has been simplified?)
Sky blue ... GPF Brown ... 4CC
← (GIF / 4CC) The recovery 3A is a good fit, and I think it adds to the tension here.
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wherespacepooh · 8 years
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