#soravis otp
void-botanist · 1 year
Avis & Sorian OTP questions 5/6
From this question list.
There are 60 questions, so I’m doing this in 10-question chunks. #soravis otp will give you all of the parts.
Enjoys these two dumbasses having a toxicomic romance taglist: @vacantgodling
Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering? Realistically, Sorian is putting his jacket over Avis while she sidesteps the fact that she's cold (she was determined to wear this dress and she's going to wear it god damn it) but I love the image of them walking and Avis stopping and being like, "put your shoulders down here so I can put this jacket on you and you can stop chattering your fucking teeth".
What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.) Nothing beats the sun or moon breaking out of the clouds while they're out on the water, nothing but the horizon on all sides. But despite the fact that she has the equivalent of a ragweed allergy, Avis also loves laying in meadows and watching the clouds while listening to the bees buzzing around and Sorian talking about nothing.
Who would give their life for the other without a second thought? Avis would have a second thought but she'd do it anyway while saying some dumbass thing like "remember me for the vine". Sorian would do it, no questions asked, and it would be noble and tragic and toxic because he hasn't shaken the feeling that maybe he'd be more useful to her as a sacrifice than a partner.
Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway? They both would. Sorian would try to join in and Avis would be like "what the hell are you doing here" because she didn't really realize what she was doing. In the reverse situation, Avis would watch from the doorway with a little smile on her face until he notices her and they kinda just grin at each other until she waves him on to continue being cute.
Can they fall asleep without the other? Easily. But as much as Avis refuses to admit it, she likes sleeping next to Sorian much more than sleeping alone.
Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves? Normally, no, but if the movie hits that sweet spot of being a little too hot and heavy, a little too suggestive in the wrong way, Avis will gladly draw Sorian into her distraction.
Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship? Now? No. The big secret already tore them apart.
Who's the better driver? On land, Sorian. On sea, Avis. In space, also Avis.
Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other? Yeah, although it's more obvious with Sorian, a little because people assume that he's sad to be apart from Avis. They spent so many years in such close proximity because they wanted to, and that feeling hasn't really gone away.
Who's more likely to do something out of spite? Yeah, it's the obvious answer, Avis. She does most things out of spite, to be honest. It's just not always clear who she's spiting.
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void-botanist · 1 year
Avis & Sorian OTP questions 3/6
From this question list.
There are 60 questions, so I’m doing this in 10-question chunks. #soravis otp will give you all of the parts.
Enjoys these two dumbasses hurting my poor heart taglist: @vacantgodling
Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds? The only person who would get wounded in a fight to defend the other's honor is Avis, because she's the only one who came to throw hands. Sorian would like to know where she got that knife and also if she could only get in fights near Leon and Edith's house please? He has no trouble carrying her to somewhere but he is distressed about the fact that she got in a knife fight on his behalf and would like someone else to be there.
What reminds each of their partner? Avis always thinks of Sorian when she's sitting out on the deck of her current houseboat eating breakfast or dinner and watching the sky. They spent around twelve years living on a houseboat together on the unnamed planet Sid's dad led the charge to, a houseboat that they built themselves. The wood they used for that boat doesn't exist on Rade, but Sorian still thinks of Avis when he's working in a wood that has a similar color or grain pattern. He also thinks of her every time he steps into a bookstore, because they kept a cozy library on the boat.
Who's more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning? Who's more likely to try? Avis, but Sorian has work. Who's more likely to succeed? Sorian. He's not trying though. He's just dead asleep and looks cute and Avis decides she would rather stay in bed after all.
Who's more likely to give the other a massage? Sorian, because Avis's shoulders are all knots. Maybe she should get this done professionally.
Do they have any hobbies they share? Inasmuch as sailing and carpentry are hobbies for them, when Avis used to sail as part of her job and might again, and Sorian is a professional magicarpenter, they share those. But they're also known to hike for the view and once upon a time they used to be very into racquet sports.
What are their vices? Most of them should be self-evident by now: their communication is dysfunctional as hell, Avis is unreasonably snarky, Sorian takes the strategy "wait and see" to extremes even now that Avis is back.
Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party? They'll both drink too much at parties, but while Sorian will just have a long string of drinks as the night wears on, Avis has a habit of chugging things and sometimes attempting to out-chug someone else. So she's the one who usually needs taken care of. Sorian has a headache, a stomachache, and he's not too light on his feet, but Avis is barfing behind the bushes and laying down on the sidewalk and telling him to just leave her there, she'll find her way home in the morning. (She wakes up in bed where Sorian put her.)
What are their thoughts on pet names? Do they have any? They did, once. They don't speak of that anymore.
Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out? Neither of them is likely to do it on purpose, though I can imagine Sorian doing it solely to make the elevator pause and prank Avis.
Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing? Avis remembers an outfit she's seen Sorian wear only once, for an honor society dinner or something of that nature. It's a deep azure suit over a pale shirt and a green and blue sweater vest. She doesn't know if he still owns it. She still thinks about it. Once upon a time she owned a pale pink vest top with thin brown stripes that matched her favorite pair of stained brown shorts. Sorian doesn't know why he remembers that specifically, but it was nice.
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void-botanist · 1 year
Avis & Sorian OTP questions 2/6
From this question list.
There are 60 questions, so I’m doing this in 10-question chunks. #soravis otp will give you all of the parts.
Enjoys these two dumbasses being the best and worst for each other taglist: @vacantgodling
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? Yes and sometimes. In the before times they were much more open with each other, but now both of them are a lot more guarded, and it's going to take time to work that out. Avis won't try to hide her emotions if she's just pissed off. But if she actually feels hurt, she doesn't want to talk about it, even though he's going to want her to if he notices. Sorian tends to shut his hurt in too, but not because he's afraid of vulnerability - he's just worried, based on multiple previous experiences, that the second he shows that vulnerability Avis is going to rip him to shreds. He also doesn't want to seem upset with her in general because he doesn't feel like he's allowed to be, or she doesn't think he's allowed to be, which at the end of the day are the same thing. But Avis would rather he be upset with her because she knows what to do with that.
Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over? In the before times, they actually didn't really. They definitely argued, but it rarely got heated. Now they're both so on edge it's almost inevitable. They smooth it over first by not talking about it. Then one of them will either be bothered enough to break the ice, or it'll come back up when they've both had a drink and can attempt to approach it like rational adults.
Who’s the bigger tease? Sorian, just because he's more direct and obvious about it.
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash? It's easy to see that they clash because Avis is mean and Sorian is a wet noodle of a person. But it's more complicated than that. They both know each other really well - they were married for almost sixteen years before they separated - and are good at knowing what the other needs or wants. They're both meticulous up to a certain point, a point which almost always comes earlier for Avis because she gets tired of being careful and says to hell with it (I'm thinking about carpentry but this applies to everything basically).
Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving? Hoo boy not with those words. That's what they mean, but they usually sound more like "okay, bye, dumbass" or "I'm going now" or "come back with orange juice or don't come back at all".
Can they stay up all night just talking? They believe they can. They'll be asleep by 1.
Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately? If it's the waist, it's Sorian. Avis generally leverages some higher body part first to bring Sorian closer to her level (she's 5' 3", he's 6' 2").
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? Not very. Sorian doesn't super care about having pets, and Avis is allergic to cats. If they ever got a pet it would probably be a hermit crab.
How do they feel about PDA? Avis would like to be the kind of person who doesn't give a shit, but really you'd be hard-pressed to get her to do more than hold hands or maybe rest her face on his shoulder. Historically she was a little more touchy-feely, and Sorian definitely was, but that was in the before before times when they still lived on Imni (an island on Rade). Sorian will still be a little more touchy even now.
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. Hold The Line by TOTO lol. And not just re: Sorian waiting forever.
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void-botanist · 1 year
Avis & Sorian OTP questions 1/6
I'm finishing out Cady & Declan's version soon but the Sorian and Avis version grabbed me like a vise and the answers basically wrote themselves so I'm gonna queue those up. Here's the first installment.
From this question list.
There are 60 questions, so I’m doing this in 10-question chunks. #soravis otp will give you all of the parts.
Enjoys these two dumbasses pining when they literally don't have to taglist: @vacantgodling Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ? The real question is who has been pressed further in this argument. Sorian is thinking it but he doesn't want to say it because it sounds like a weak retort, so he's saving it as a last resort. Avis is not thinking it but it's true, so with sufficient frustration or a complete lack of other responses, it'll slip out.
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? Avis's entire strategy for this regardless of who had the nightmare is just to hold Sorian until it passes. Which means that unless he wants something else, this is Sorian's strategy too.
Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.) Sorian's too tall for Avis's clothes, so he never borrows them, but he does occasionally start to put something on and then realize that it's not his. Avis tried on his damn sweatpants one time and decided that she wanted a pair and no she doesn't want to talk about it.
Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’? Avis is by far the more offensively protective one. Once she decides that Sorian needs her protection (and she definitely used to, mostly re: Sid's nosy-ass mom), it's over for him. He will be protected. He's not complaining. But he is also protective, with the caveat that he tries to step in only when he can be useful.
Describe their cozy night in. Avis puts on her damn sweatpants and pours them a drink and they sit around half-snuggled up talking about nothing. Or possibly she yells at game shows and he pokes fun at her about it and when she gets annoyed about it she switches the channel to the Rade version of HGTV and throws the remote across the room while she lounges in his lap. He either has a great time or now he's talking back to the prerecorded carpentry experts who are killing that poor house and Avis is getting another drink and being slightly disappointed when Sorian retrieves the remote and turns off the TV.
Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other? Sorian would have the impulse to beg, but he'd hold it back and let her leave. Avis wouldn't beg exactly, but she'd get close enough. But only Avis would actually succeed at leaving for protective reasons because if Sorian tried to do that she would just doggedly go with him.
Would they build a pillow fort together just because? Absolutely not, Avis would say from inside her pillow fort. Pillow forts are only for a purpose and that purpose is I wanted one. And Sorian would appear with an iced drink that has a little umbrella in it. Is the middle of the day on a Tuesday? Yeah. Is that a cocktail? That's for Avis to know and everyone else to discover based on how much sappier she gets (it's an iced tea lol).
What happens if one of them gets sick? Avis acts like Sorian shouldn't ask too much of her, and then cares for him excellently, significantly by making him do absolutely nothing so he can recover faster. She knows that without her there, he would get back to work too soon, and she's right. (But if you want a little comedy she's totally searching "how to care for sick man" when Sorian isn't looking.) Sorian, meanwhile, doesn't make a fuss about it. He just quietly restructures his whole schedule to make sure she's taken care of and also doesn't get back to work or being obsessed about nonsense before she's actually had time to recover.
What are their thoughts on having children? Avis has always been in the No Absolutely Not category. She got a hysterectomy almost as soon as she could. She doesn't have a parental bone in her body and she knows it. (Don't talk to her about that time she helped a twentysomething abscond across the galaxy. That was different.) Sorian wanted to want kids but feels so awkward around them. He feels like he should be the kind of guy who always gets handed the baby and is good at playing with kids but the only thing he could ever seem to manage with friends' kids was just not letting them do anything bad. So the conversation around "do you want kids" was over pretty much as soon as it started.
Describe their first date. They'd been friends for a while, because Avis's walls are high and impenetrable and she wasn't going to bring up dating first, and he said something about the theatre. So she got them tickets to a play she wanted to see partly to find out if he had anything of merit to say afterward. And he did. He had things to say about themes and narrative foils that she hadn't even thought of yet. And that was when she started to fall for him and retroactively considered that their first date. Before they could have an actual first date, he had to pass her second test, which was demonstrating that he was actually interested in her by asking her on a date. Which he did, and made the opposing move of taking her to see one of his favorite movies without mentioning that it was one of his favorites. She laughed in all the right places and understood what was cool about it, and he was pretty much sold at that point.
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void-botanist · 1 year
So I usually say that my characters are neutral about potentially being in polyam relationships because they are all in danger of finding additional fulfilling relationships if I feel like it, but there is at least one person who would refuse to even consider it and that is Avis. She would tell you that one husband is exhausting enough (what she really means is that she only wants to be with him actually). Sorian would still say no, but he'd at least entertain the notion.
Also thinking about OTP answers that I haven't written yet, which include Horatio wanting not a child but an apprentice. Very evil mastermind of him tbh like "your concept of spawn disgusts me. I need only one who will train faithfully and carry out the complete takeover of my florist shop when I retire :)"
Soravis taglist: @vacantgodling
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