leblog2roubaix · 1 year
#1069 Manuella GRITAR : association SOROPTIMIST
Manuella, 23 ans, habite sur Montpellier. Elle est actuellement en première année de master en Webmarketing et E-influence dans le but de pouvoir créer sa propre agence de communication. Elle travaille également en tant que chargée de communication dans la société Delta Concept. Manuella aide aider ceux qui sont dans le besoin ou qui ont vécu d’éventuels violences, cela lui tient particulièrement…
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umbriasud · 2 years
"Stanza tutta per sé" alla donne vittime di violenze in funzione ad Assisi
“Stanza tutta per sé” alla donne vittime di violenze in funzione ad Assisi
Si chiama “Una stanza tutta per sé” il progetto che dal 2015 Soroptimist International d’Italia haattivato in sinergia con reparti dei Tribunali, Polizia, Carabinieri dell’intero Paese per favorire ladenuncia alle forze dell’Ordine, e per tutelare donne e minori vittime di violenza e abusi. Unfenomeno drammatico, in preoccupante ascesa, che colpisce in modo trasversale ogni regioned’Italia e ogni…
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santaclaralocalnews · 9 months
For 41 years, Santa Clara Soroptimists (SISCSV) have been turning the tables on the annual Christmas consumer free-for-all by giving away merchandise at their Christmas Store instead of selling it. This tradition helps families at or below the poverty line have a happier holiday and a more comfortable new year. The Soroptimists stock the store using contributions and funds raised by the service club’s annual Classy Bag Affaire, as well as some donations from individuals. For more news visit svvoice.
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insidecroydon · 9 months
Croydon club's Visible and Vocal competition goes global
Soroptimist International Croydon’s annual Loud and Proud competition has this year gone global. SI Croydon and District marked this year’s International Humanitarian Day by staging the final of the inaugural international public speaking competition for girls aged 10 and 11 – called Visible and Vocal. “We’re proud that their little competition has gone global,” a SI Croydon spokesperson…
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lostinyv · 11 months
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The Live Your Dream Award has made a positive impact in many women's lives since it was launched in 1972. SI Yucca Valley is currently taking online applications between now and Nov. 15th. Our Dream Big Campaign represents a critical strategy in advancing our organization into the next century and helping even more women and girls live their dreams. Visit our new Dream Big Campaign website to learn more today at www.dreambig.soroptimist.org!
You can apply at https://www.soroptimist.org/our-work/live-your-dream-awards/index.html
#DreamBigSIA #Soroptimist #SIYuccaValley #WomenHelpingWomen
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nokzeit · 2 years
Menschenrechtstafel feierlich eingeweiht
(Foto: pm) Soroptimist-Club Mosbach zu Besuch im Rathaus: Mosbach. (pm) „Am 100. Tag meiner Amtszeit freut mich dieses Geschenk besonders.“ Mit diesen Worten empfing Oberbürgermeister Julian Stipp eine Gruppe des Soroptimist International Club Mosbach im Foyer des Rathauses. Soroptimist International (SI) ist ein Service-Club, der sich für Frauenrechte und Gleichberechtigung stark macht. Die…
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 months
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Through the Years → Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (503/∞) 20 April 2024 | The Grand Duchess attended the academic session of the 75th anniversary of the Soroptimist Luxembourg-Doyen club, the oldest of the 11 Soroptimist clubs in the Grand Duchy. She was welcomed by Anne Zimmer, President of the Club and by Marielle Bruck, President of the Luxembourg Union of Soroptimist International, in the presence of Ministers Yuriko Backes and Martine Deprez. (Photo by Sophie Margue/Maison du Grand-Duc)
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Pesaro: Le api come "centraline ambientali", nasce il progetto "Diamo valore al territorio"
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Pesaro: Le api come "centraline ambientali", nasce il progetto "Diamo valore al territorio". Si chiama "Diamo valore al territorio: rete di biomonitoraggio ambientale mediante le api" il progetto che coinvolge Comune di Pesaro, Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, Arpa Marche, Centro Ricerche Floristiche Marche, Soroptimist International Club di Pesaro, IIS "A. Cecchi" di Pesaro e IIS "Fermi Sacconi Ceci" di Ascoli Piceno. Realtà protagoniste della firma del Protocollo d'intesa nato per «Dare vita a un'iniziativa che - ha sottolineato Maria Rosa Conti assessora alla Sostenibilità - si avvale delle api come indicatori ambientali. L'obiettivo è creare una rete di monitoraggio composta da diverse arnie dislocate nel territorio regionale per farne delle "centraline ambientali"». Di particolare importanza sarà il ruolo del Parco Miralfiore e della sua area naturalistica "Brilli-Cattarini", progettata per favorire la conservazione della biodiversità, che "presterà" due delle arnie già presenti, per le rilevazioni che farà Arpam sostenendo, «il lavoro del Comune, da sempre in prima linea per promuovere eventi e attività di educazione ambientale, tutela della salute e protezione sociale. Linee guida che rivolgono lo sguardo all'Agenda2030 e che hanno, in Pesaro2024, una nuova spinta propulsiva» ha aggiunto Conti. Nel progetto anche la Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, coordinatrice della rete di rilevamento della qualità dell'aria e del biomonitoraggio dei principali inquinanti aerodispersi nel territorio tramite il Centro Ricerche Floristiche Marche (anche sede del Centro di Educazione Ambientale). La struttura di via Barsanti ospita, tra l'altro, un'area di 4500 mq con un orto botanico con arbusti ed erbe rare o in via di estinzione, «Un ambiente ideale, ricco di piante produttrici di nettare, per l'iniziativa - aggiunge Sandro di Massimo, del Centro -. Già dal 2021 collaboriamo al progetto di Soroptimist che ha collocato due arnie "alternative", prive di telai, utili al biomonitoraggio programmato dall'associazione». Il Soroptimist International Club di Pesaro, «ha infatti già dato vita al progetto di tutela della biodiversità "Oasi delle api - Saving bees" – ha spiegato Maria Vera Morichi, presidente - voluto per celebrare il centenario dell'associazione. Il progetto, consente di mettere in atto le nostre tre mission: promuovere la tutela della biodiversità; sensibilizzare e creare maggiore consapevolezza ambientale; spingere sull'enpowerment femminile coinvolgendo le donne nella ricerca e nella divulgazione dei dati. Sarà un "best practice" che potremmo ampliare a livello nazionale». Presente alla firma Rossana Cintoli, direttore generale Arpa Marche, agenzia chiamata a svolgere le attività tecnico-scientifiche per la prevenzione, controllo e vigilanza in materia di igiene, salvaguardia dell'ambiente e di verifica della salubrità degli ambienti di vita, tramite analisi di laboratorio per la ricerca di sostanze chimiche aerodisperse. Il Protocollo prevede eseguirà analisi chimico-biologiche per verificare l'eventuale presenza di residui di sostanze inquinanti (agrofarmaci, metalli pesanti, idrocarburi policiclici aromatici, radionuclidi, diossina, bifenili policlorurati, polveri sottili, ecc.) e l'analisi melissopalinologica (riconoscimento dei pollini) per identificare le specie vegetali di interesse apistico presenti. Arpam metterà poi a disposizione i dati ottenuti. «"Diamo valore al territorio" aggiungerà un tassello al monitoraggio ambientale che quotidianamente svolgiamo attraverso una metodologia nuova, che tiene conto delle api (particolarmente efficaci nell'indicare l'evoluzione) e del miele, come indicatori della qualità ambientale» precisa Cintoli. A far parte della rete siglata dal Protocollo anche due istituti scolastici della regione da sempre attivi nella tutela dell'ambiente. C'è l'IIS "A. Cecchi", immerso nel San Bartolo, che ha collocato, all'interno dell'azienda agricola dell'istituto, due alveari e che ha previsto, nell'offerta formativa scolastica, oltre alle attività didattiche e di gestione dell'azienda agricola e del verde storico, un corso di apicoltura, «Il nostro apiario è attivo e funzionante ed è molto importante per i ragazzi e i docenti far parte di quest'iniziativa - dice Chiara Fiorucci, vicepreside – che ben si inserisce nelle attività scolastiche e che permetterà agli studenti di "agire" e toccare con mano l'importanza della conoscenza, delle nozioni e delle competenze acquisite». Presente anche l'IIS "Fermi Sacconi Ceci" che nel 2021 ha avviato dal 2021 il progetto scolastico "Apiamoci" e che sta eseguendo un monitoraggio ambientale di Ascoli Piceno attraverso «un'arnia tecnologica posizionata all'esterno dell'istituto. L'iniziativa è stata finanziata dalla Regione Marche e coinvolge il dipartimento di Informatica per la gestione dei dati e il dipartimento di Chimica per le analisi sul miele e sul polline e che orienta tutte le attività legate alla divulgazione e alla gestione dell'alveare nell'ottica dell'inclusione» ha spiegato Lucia Vagnoni, dirigente scolastico.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Dame Sandra Prunella Mason, GCMG, DA, QC (born January 17, 1949) is a Barbadian politician and lawyer who is the eighth and current Governor-General of Barbados since 2018 and the president-elect of Barbados, due to take office on 30 November 2021, when the country, under the direct proposal of Prime Minister Mia Mottley, will abolish its monarchy and become a republic. She was a practicing Attorney-at-Law who has served as a High Court judge in Saint Lucia and a Court of Appeal judge in Barbados. She was the first woman admitted to the Bar in Barbados. She served as chair of the CARICOM commission to evaluate regional integration, was the first magistrate appointed as an Ambassador from Barbados, and was the first woman to serve on the Barbados Court of Appeals. She was the first Bajan appointee to the Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal. In 2017, she was appointed as the 8th Governor-General of Barbados, with a term beginning on 8 January 2018. Simultaneously with her appointment, she was awarded the Dame Grand Cross in the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. On assumption of the office of Governor-General, she became the Chancellor of the Order of National Heroes, Order of Barbados, and the Order of Freedom. After studying at St. Catherine's Primary School until age nine, she attended Queen's College, then began teaching at the Princess Margaret Secondary School. She went to work at Barclays Bank as a clerk. She enrolled at the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, where she earned a Bachelor of Law. She was one of the first graduates of the Faculty of Law from UWI, Cave Hill. She obtained a Legal Education Certificate from Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and Tobago, as the first woman attorney-at-law from Barbados to graduate from the school, and was admitted to the bar, becoming the first woman member of the Barbados Bar Association. She is a Soroptimist and Patron of SI Barbados. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhGSePrQe5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mwrieke · 2 years
making a flyer for the young soroptimists in my town and I'm reminded of how much I actually enjoy graphic design.
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samycaree · 16 days
How to Find Group Support in Canberra
Support groups bring together people facing similar challenges to share experiences and advice. They shouldn’t replace medical care, but can make you feel less isolated.
Across reviews, peer support has been found to improve outcomes related to personal recovery, but not clinical symptoms. Find group support Canberra that suits your needs.
Groups for Carers
Being a caregiver can be overwhelming, especially without the right support system. Caregiver support groups are a great way to find strength and encouragement from others who can relate to your situation. They can help reduce feelings of isolation, and they also provide valuable tips on managing your loved one’s condition.
Caregivers can choose from general caregiver support groups or those that are specific to the person they are caring for. For example, there are groups for caregivers of people with body image issues or eating disorders and those who have family members who have Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Age-specific caregiver support groups help people who are caring for individuals of a particular age group, like children, adults or seniors. These groups offer a safe space to share advice, experiences and emotional support with others who have similar caregiving challenges. This can help to avoid caregiver burnout, which is a state of physical and mental exhaustion that results from chronic stress over time.
Groups for Mental Health
A support group is made up of people who share a common experience or situation, such as mental health problems. They often meet in person, on the telephone or online and may be led by a lay person (such as a friend, family member or neighbour), or a professional facilitator such as a nurse, social worker or psychologist.
Typically, members of a support group listen to each other's stories and share their own experiences. Hearing from others who are facing similar challenges can help reduce feelings of isolation, provide inspiration and hope and give people ideas for coping with their problems.
There are many community services and support groups available in Canberra. OneLink is an information and connection service which can help with finding a group. You can also contact Lifeline on 131 114, Beyond Blue on 1800 18 SANE (1800 22 74 63) or QLife on 1800 003 333. You can also try checking your local library or community centre message boards for flyers on community groups.
Groups for Lung Disease
Many people who have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) struggle to get out and about. Their symptoms can be difficult to understand and they find themselves isolated in a community that often is unsupportive.
According to Lung Foundation Australia, around one in 13 Australians over 40 have mild to moderate COPD that is already impacting their daily lives and half are not even aware of it. This is because the damage to our lungs happens slowly over time and can only be diagnosed with a chest X-ray at a hospital, once a person’s lung function has deteriorated.
Fortunately, there are groups that help people with COPD to connect and to share information and support. The Canberra Lung Life Group, for example, has been running for 29 years. The group organises monthly social catch ups and a newsletter. It also provides the Lungs in Action program which is a community based maintenance exercise class for people with COPD. Local government funding pays for the hiring of community halls and some contribution towards the cost of an instructor.
Groups for Women
Women’s empowerment groups focus on providing resources and support to help women achieve their goals. They are often volunteer-run and are a good option for those who want to connect with other women in their community. Some of these groups also host events, fundraisers and community outreach programs to raise awareness.
For example, Soroptimist is a global organization that empowers women to reach their educational goals. Their Live Your Dream Award program gives women financial support to offset the costs of higher education. In addition, Lean In Circles brings together women to provide peer mentorship and career advice.
Grow runs a number of support groups in Canberra for individuals with mental health issues. These groups are confidential, free and meet in three locations. They also offer teletherapy options. They also offer systemic advocacy, self-advocacy and disability awareness training to people with disabilities. You can check out their website for more information. You can also call them to see if they have a group near you.
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lokaleblickecom · 20 days
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hopetribune · 3 months
Soroptimist International of Sparks Announces New Community-Focused Initiatives
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In 2011, Soroptimist International Santa Clara Silicon Valley (SISCSV) put on its first-ever Classy Bag Luncheon and Auction. It was such a hit the group has been doing it ever since. Every year it draws more guests who say it’s among Santa Clara’s most entertaining charity events. And it’s not just a ladies’ luncheon anymore. Read more at svvoice.com
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newsheadlinesnow · 3 months
Soroptimist International of Sparks Announces New Community-Focused Initiatives
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lostinyv · 11 days
Hey you STRONG WOMAN! YES, you working to care for your family and get ahead! This scholarship generously provided by our local @soroptimist_yuccavalley
Apply now to #LiveYourDream this scholarship is in your reach. Do it! By Nov 15. $$$$
It is here, the Live Your Dream Awards application is now open! Since 1972, Soroptimists have distributed more than $45 million in education grants through the Live Your Dream Awards and helped over 44,000 women make a better life for themselves and their families. Check out our website for information on eligibility and how to apply! https://www.soroptimist.org/lyda-apply
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