#sorry . manditory multi paragraph sappy post abt my streamer coming out & living in a homophobic family is over now
genderqueeradrien · 2 years
idk when i was around 9 my first exposure to trans people was a video my dad was watching on why trans women shouldn't be allowed in the women's bathroom. when i was 10 my mom gave me a christian book about puberty and it had a chapter dedicated to how being gay is wrong. when i was 12 gay marriage was legalized and my mom went on a rant about how this was a slippery slope that would lead to all sorts of horrible things becoming legal. i remember being 13 and realizing i liked women on christmas eve and sobbing and feeling so alone and i'd seen two queer characters in anything i'd watched or read in my life, and both were gay men who were never shown being affectionate with other men, and both hated themselves for it.
when my sister was 5 i mentioned to her that some people identified as both girls and boys and she thought that was cool. there was a gay character in a criminal minds episode we watched when she was 7 and she didn't flinch. she's seen jaidenanimation's coming out video and heard illymation being a demigirl. today she mentioned she and the rest of her class saying her pronouns during a class introduction and nobody thinking twice of it. a couple days ago my favourite twitch streamer, who has 4.4 million subs, came out as nonbinary. he came out as gay a couple months ago. she's 9 years younger than me but it feels like she's growing up in a different world than i did and im so so thankful she is
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