#sorry 2 bobby sherman had to edit him out
haunteddisco · 1 month
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look at him SERVE!!!!
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seahawkerspodcast · 7 years
3 IN, 3 OUT – Body Blow – Seahawks vs. Cardinals
by fellow 12 Clinton Bonner
OK Flock… this one might be on me. At about the 19min mark of last week's special video edition of #3i3o I implored our beloved ‘Hawks to get out of the desert with a W any way we possibly could. I failed to request to the Hawkra gods that we leave the greater Phoenix area intact… So, I'm administering a self-enforced #DoBetter and asking for a cleansing of our collective Hawkra. I needed to get that off my chest Flockers!!!
With that, this game certainly had it's INs and OUTs… and hey, we got the W, and hey… we are 6 – 3… and hey, we still have one Russell Carrington Wilson! So, all is not lost Flock, let's demand some bacon as we make lemonade outta some of these lemon, shall we?
Deion says, “If you ball, you get the call.” … I think he stole that from us TBH. Because, when we WIN we start with an IN, so let's have it!
IN – Legion of Whom?
First, let's thank Richard Sherman for all he has given to our franchise over the last 7 years. We may even take Big Perm, Big Sherm for granted as crazy as that sounds. He, along with Earl Thomas (yeah #29!!!), are 1st ballot HoF-ers. Big Sherm, you know the Flock loves you… Heal as quickly as you can and we'll see you back on the field in 2018. From every single #12, thank you #25 !!! Hey Seahawks, why don't we dedicate the rest of this year to Sherman… what do we say???
Here's the bottom line. You don't replace Richard Sherman, you learn to play your best football without him. In a Thursday Night tilt that didn't have a lot to offer in terms of enjoyment (we'll get into that in a bit), and with no Earl Thomas on the field for the 2nd straight week, others needed to step up.
This IN is a comic book meal-deal where the IN love gets spread around to a few unlikely heroes.
We all know the X-Men… but remember those a'ight off-shoots like X-Factor, X-Force, and the New Mutants? The Legion of Whom?… is bringing us some new heroes we need to recognize are ready for the primetime love.
1st, McDougald played a very, very solid game. This ‘sneaky good' signing in the offseason was one the boys from the pod talked about in the dog days of August. IMO, McDougald starts at Safety on 2/3rds of other NFL rosters. With Earl literally learning how to walk again in the off-season, McDougald has been a great signing, contributing on ST and playing solid Seahawks football as part of a banged-up LOB. Hat tip to you Bradley… Dilly, Dilly !!!
2nd – Shaq continues his ascent to stardom. If Sherman has to go all Professor X for a few months, then it's time for #26 to step into the Action Green limelight and emerge as our next LOB super hero.
3rd – Kam… OK, he's not new, but he deserves the love here because in a game where Earl was on the sidelines, Kam stood out and had his most impactful game of the year. No Cardinals reception went without a punishing hit from Kam and his presence as a 4th LB during run downs was seen over and over and over again, including his safety-inducing tackle to put our ‘Hawks up 9 – 7 in quarter 2! In a match where the LOB was more than just dinged… the Dark Knight stepped up and made sure we got out of that building with the W.
While we all can surely name multiple members of the X-Men, let's not forget that off-shoots like the New Mutants brought us brand new heroes …
… Right now some of these members might be known as the Legion of Whom? But history tells us, they are ready to step up and step into the natural evolution of the one, the only… Legion of Boom!!! Shaq, your time to shine kid!
OUT – Terrible REFerences
Sorry Flockers… I know nobody wants to read about some poor old sot bi$%h*%^ about the refs, but this goes deeper than our ‘Hawks losing a game… obviously we won.
The point here is that this game should NEVER have been close. Of course some of that is on our offense that can't run block at all, but the ONLY way the Cardinals were allowed to stay in this game was via terrible, terrible defensive penalties called against our ‘Hawks in the first half.
PIs, Hands to the Face, and other calls that simply were complete and utter #FakeNews ‘sustained' 2 Cardinals drives, kept our defense on the field for approximately 10 extra minutes in the 1st half, and ultimately lead to this game being close deep into the 3rd quarter.
Calls like this are an abomination to the sport …
Here's the pass interference penalty that extended ARI's drive on 3rd down and led to only ARI points. If this is pass interference, how are players supposed to play defense? http://pic.twitter.com/Dxmj2hNz7i
— Ben Baldwin (@guga31bb) November 10, 2017
Now you might be saying Flock… so what? We still won… Yes, we won in spite of a disgusting display by the NFL, but my anger flows downstream a bit more than just the game.
This was the type of game that should have been an absolute blowout by the mid-3rd quarter where the Cardinals, maybe, would have scratched together 3 points at that time.
The refs (combined with some offensive ineptitude) kept the Cardinals in this game. This kept our defense on the field deep, deep into the match and IMO directly lead to the batch of injuries we witnessed our defense suffer.
The mob has turned on TNF in general… I don't love these color-enhanced games by any means, but to me, it's a much greater/deeper problem for the NFL that due to terrible officiating, many games, including this one, are simply a bad product, and very, very difficult to stomach. NFL … #DoBetter !!!
OK, swing to the positive… we need it!
  IN – K to the J
If we are the X-Men, then KJ Wright is Iceman … and no, not Val Kilmer's “You can be my wingman” Iceman… let's keep our pop-culture references tight Flock!!! Mind you this is no knock to KJ, but on a team with Wagz, Kam, Bennett, Avril, Sherm, Earl and others… hey, we all can't be Wolverine.
KJ Wright was a monster on this day. I didn't embed this tweet above to celebrate Kam's 2-point tackle because I wanted to save it for K to the J!!! KJ blew up this play, clearing a huge lane for Bam Bam Kam to fill… and then watch KJ stick with the play until we were all assured that AP was going nowhere but backwards on this futile attempt to escape his own End Zone.
#Seahawks defense = brick wall
That's a SAFETY, and the second in two weeks for the @Seahawks!#TNF #SEAvsAZ http://pic.twitter.com/2j2l7dGpsn
— NFL (@NFL) November 10, 2017
This wasn't KJ'S only highlight by a long stretch.
AP averaged 1.4 yards per carry… 1.4 !!!
KJ ended up with 9 tackles on the day, with big tackles for a loss or right at the line on repeat! He may be our Iceman of the group, but dang KJ is a huge part of why we win… The IN to you KJ !!!
  OUT – Downright Offensive
This OUT will be short and sour. Germain Ifedi isn't cutting it. About a quarter of the way through the season our pass-blocking was starting to gel. Joeckel got dinged, we moved some pieces around and it's been a mixed-bag since. It's almost as if when Duane Brown took Ifedi's #76, he took Ifedi's abilities with him. Call it a reverse Spinal Tap if you will as 76 – 65 = 11… only this time, ‘going to 11' has resulted in Ifedi forgetting how to play football.
At one point both Ifedi and Rawls combined for 1/2 a terrible chip block, resulting in another Red Birds sack of RCW.
  Ifedi + Rawls = half a chip block???
— Clinton Bonner (@clintonbon) November 10, 2017
And let's not discuss our run blocking … because it just doesn't exist. Like I said: short and sour.
IN – The RedZone Barron
Somewhat despised, certainly kicked around by many a 12… not me.
Look now… Jimmy is tied for TDs by TEs in 2017. He's ahead of Gronk, he's ahead of Kelce.
In our last 5 rumbles Jimmy has:
24 receptions
6 TDs
And perhaps most importantly … Russell Carrington Wilson is learning to hit Jimmy from within 10 yards and routes that aren't low-probability fade routes!!!
  No tenía oportunidad de parar a Jimmy Graham (Lleva 5 TD's en sus últimos 5 juegos)http://pic.twitter.com/qud2GurWt0
— Cobertura NFL (@CoberturaNFL) November 10, 2017
  As our schedule turns up down the stretch, we'll need Jimmy to be this big if we're going to turn out!
We hear you Jimmy!!!
  OUT – Just Beat It
Ooooof toofie Flock … 2 separate members of our O-Line ending up on the wrong side of the ledger in the same week against a bad football team… Que lastima!
But, the truth shall set us free… right?
Pocic has gotten a bit of a pass this season and I think it's been fair. He's a rookie who has been asked to play and practice at every position on the O-Line and when he's been plugged in, he's done OK enough to not be signaled out.
Well… Thursday night wasn't a good showing for the young Padawan. When Brown went down, I expected Tobin to get pushed around (boy did he)… but I didn't expect Pocic to be routinely beat on running downs… yet here we are.
Pocic is in year 1 and has been asked to do a ton… we recognize that. But Thursday he was mostly bad… let's clean that up and get prepped to take on the Dirty Birds at the CLink next Monday night !!!
  From the Flock!
Our fave section because it's all about the Little Flockers getting their opinions heard, word! Let's see what members of the Flock waxed poetic this Thursday night!
Ross Bell brought the VERY late night, UK snark to us all on TNF – a-thank-you Ross!
  The one plus to #skycam is watching AP repeatedly running in to his own blockers and/or Bobby Wagner #3I3O #in (I think)
— Ross Bell (@RossBell1984) November 10, 2017
  Well done Young Choi…
  DCH = Always Wise !!!
  The Pod and Ash combined to remind us all that apparently a catch, 3 steps and a fumble… is… an incomplete pass??? Once again NFL #DoBetter !!!
#3i3o. Apparently 3 steps after catching the ball is out.
— Ash (@ashthecuz) November 10, 2017
  1,2,3… What's Next!???
Dirty, dirty birds come to our house on Monday night!
Mamma Cleo likes our chances.
Mamma Cleo likes Dwight Freeney to get to Matty Ice and surpass his sack total all of last year with ‘dem dirty birds.
Mamma Cleo likes a more aggressive LB core to cause more pressure with Big Perm, Big Sherm sidelined.
Mamma Cleo likes Russ to carry the night in primetime.
Get the W and stay healthy boys… Go ‘Hawks!!!
  All Seahawks fans if you are not listening to and subscribing to THE best Seahawks podcast out there, you need to #DoBetter – Enjoy the Sea Hawkers Podcast today!!! 
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