#sorry Anakin but he has never done taxes before and now he has to understand the law??? he doesn't have time for you
obiwanobi · 2 years
I just spent my entire afternoon going through you SSK AU and i was very confused when i realized i was all caught up and there wasn't any other post to read...
Also SSK!Anakin would be so offended that canon!Obi Wan who was switched with his Obi Wan isn't giving him all of his attention. Meanwhile Canon! Anakin is trying so hard not to die because his master is being so affectionate ?? And he's complimenting him ?? And he gets this very hungry look when he calls him Master now ?? He's not sure if he wants it to stop because he's one (1) compliment away from self combustion but also Obi Wan is calling him 'My Dear' and brushing his hand against his and also petting his hair AND THERE'S THIS ONE TIME HE GENTLY STROKE HIS CHEEK
Strangely, I got a notification from two years ago yesterday about an SSK post for absolutely no reason and that reminded me that I never finished cleaning the SSK draft to post it on ao3 😶 Maybe 2023 will be the year!
but yes, the combined SSK AU and canon is so goooood, canon Anakin would end up eating out of the palm of SSK's hand in less than two days, SSK would only have to say "my darling, would you like to join the dark side with me?" and Anakin's brain would make very loud static noise after 'darling' and dreamily reply "of course Master" and that would be it, SSK would win with a little pat on his shoulder and a "come along, then."
Meanwhile SSK!Anakin is absolutely desperate for any kind of attention, basically lying down on Obi-Wan's desk and pushing all the things on it, like "what do you mean you can't divert me because you have a job and responsibilities? you've never cared for anything but ME before!"
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding XVIII
Part I - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part XV - - - - Part XVI - - - - Part XVII
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
All Conversation stopped when Obi-Wan opened the door.
The air crackled with energy as the assembled Jedi Masters (and Anakin) paused their obviously fierce debate. After a beat, their was the utterly distinct sensation of several Masters releasing their mixed emotions to the force in an overheated wave, leaving behind only serenity (mostly). Obi-Wan’s heart keened. Of course, at the time, the tendency of council meetings to devolve into petty squabbles had been a constant source of frustration but after three years where his only source of debate was haggling over stolen goods...well.
Obi-Wan smiled, aching softly at the sight of the friends and colleagues, miraculously alive and whole.
The Nautolan Healer- the person in the room with whom he was least familiar- cleared their throat and began speaking. “Master Kenobi, welcome. I want to start off by saying you are under no obligation to-”
Yoda cut them off, “A Jedi, Master Kenobi is, Obligated he is-”
“My patient, he is, Grandmaster,” they bit back. “I know soul healing might have been looked down on when you were in training, but I would have thought-”
Master Koth interrupted, disapproval permeating the room, “And we would have thought you would have more respect when addressing your senior Jedi.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Master Mundi blustered.
Chattering rang out as everyone in the room began talking at once.
“Master, are you alright?” Anakin asked urgently.
The conversation shut down again as the group turned to look at the man in question. Who was biting down on this fist and shaking slightly.
“I told you-” Adi Galia began. Argument erupted once more and Obi-Wan doubled over with laughter.
“Something funny, you found?” Yoda asked as Obi-Wan tried to stop laughing. “Share, you can.”
Obi-Wan inhaled sharply, wiping at the corner of his eyes and forcibly pulling himself out of his explosively giddiness, “My apologies grandmaster, i’m afraid it’s not actually that funny- I simply missed the unique tones of a high council meeting.”
“All council meetings are like this?“ Bant asked, sounding unimpressed.
“Some more than others,” Master Koon acknowledged, rubbing a hand to his forehead.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat, “Master Aerdo, I appreciate your support and while I am now doubt in need of the services of a Soul Healer- it is for rather different reasons than...outward appearances have let you to believe. Now shall we all have a seat?”
Koth frowned “All of us? I thought this was a council matter, not a personal one.” Bant and Anakin stiffened.
“It’s both.” Obi-Wan responded calmly. “But beyond that, I assure you, we will be needing the skills of everyone in this room. Master Nu, Master Che- I don’t wish to impose if you need to return to running your own domains, but I would very much appreciate your presence if your willing. I think you will find it worth your time.”
“I wasn’t planning on leaving even if you asked, so I’m pleased to accept your invitation.” Master Nu replied, cheerfully taking a seat. The rest followed and Obi-Wan joined them at the head of the holo table, eyes lingering over the assembled group. He took a breath.
“The first thing you need to know is that I have detailed knowledge of one potential future. A future I intend to prevent. A future I lived through...”
- - - - -
It is necessary to note that everyone in that room had led, in one way or another, a rather remarkable life. This was the main reason none of them could claim that the next two and half hours were the most shocking they had ever experienced. It is more than likely it was the most shocking meeting any had attended.
“We would have seen if the Sith had risen to such power!”
“Oh? Just as we would have seen if the Sith had survived at all? I remember having a similar conversation to this one 10 years ago-”
“We would have noticed- for force sake he’s visited the temple, we’ve all shaken his hand-
“Arrogant, the council has become. Seen this I have. Arrogant, I have become.”
“Skywalker may have a point about mind control, tactically-”
- - - - -
“If what you’re saying is true, though I still think perhaps some more time with Masters Aerdo and Che wouldn’t be unwarranted-”
“Oh, enough all ready Ki. We’re not going to get anywhere if you keep this up.”
“Wait- I actually have something that might help convince you that I do have overly detailed knowledge of the future- we- actually can I get some flimsi? Thank you, Anakin- a few months from now Master Mundi and I ended up trapped behind enemy lines for an extended period of time. It’s hard not to learn a few things about one another when that happens. Here you are-”
". . .”
“I told you that?”
“You, uh, didn’t really have much of a choice.”
“Oh gods.”
“Now, do you believe me?”
“Well...I suppose- I can’t really imagine how else you could possibly know considering you can’t possibly have spoken to-”
“Of course not! Honestly, how would I have been able, even if I wanted to?”
“I have never wanted to steal a message this badly in my life”
“Yes, read the flimsi, we all want to. Welcome to, clearly we are NOT.”
Master Koth who had begun to lean suspiciously far back in his chair, fell forward with a clatter, rapidly releasing guilt into the force.
“Yes, well...hm...The force has obviously given you...an unusually wide window of insight. It would be...remiss of us to ignore it.”
“Kriff, we’re never going to know what that note said, are we?”
- - - - -
“That’s utterly impossible- I’m sorry Obi-Wan but you’ve obviously been tricked.”
“I’m sorry Plo. Believe me, I know. I- I don’t think they were themselves.”
“If it happened suddenly enough...when we were all in the field, isolated-”
“Being surrounded by our troops is not the same thing as being isolated!”
“Agreed. Explain what you mean by ‘not themselves’”
“Well, I had just defeated General Grievous.”
“Oh, hey! Nice!”
“Thank you, Anakin. I was rejoining the troops after defeating the General- My Commander handed me back my lightsaber, which I don’t think he would have done if he was planning on- well. I began- .”
“Hold on a moment. Do you mean to say you defeated Grievous without your lightsaber.”
“I’d rather not get into the distasteful specifics-”
“Ha! That means he used a blaster.”
“Keep a better grip on your saber, you should.”
“Enough interruptions- please allow him to get to the point.”
“...Master Koon, perhaps you should take a moment to release your emotions.”
“I will do so in a moment, continue Obi-Wan.”
“Yes, Cody seemed completely normal when I spoke to him. I began riding Boga up the cliff face to meet up with a rendezvous when the force started getting...dark. Darker than it had been. I heard- distant screaming. Death. It-”
“Wait, Boga? Whoargh”
- - - - -
“...My apologies Knight Skywalker. I have had an...abnormally mentally taxing morning. My control is somewhat damaged...”
“No worries, happens to everyone, right?”
“...Let’s return to the room and discuss this later.”
- - - - -
“To breach the temple, need a force user familiar with our protections, they would...My padawan...dead at this time, he was, yes?
“Yes, Master, Yoda. It- Anakin had technically defeated him four days prior.”
“You- I’m sure you did defeat him- I was unconscious at the time but I’m certain of that much at least- but it was a trap. We were on a rescue mission and- I think Sidious wanted him eliminated at that point, so he could assume full control over both sides.”
“...He really has arranged things to win no matter, hasn’t he?”
"Obi-Wan, the temple purge- how-”
“I- I wasn’t on the planet at the time...”
“Well, do you have any idea what he might have done to control the clones?”
“Yes, I do have one theory actually-  I didn’t witness any of these events first hand, but several months before the purge, one of the troopers killed Master Tiplar in a fit of madness- claimed not to clearly remember doing so and was sent to Kamino to be examined. Later, another clone- Fives- attempted to assassinate the Chancellor, accused him of working with the separatists as part of a conspiracy. The Chancellor’s medics claimed he had a tumor from a parasite on Ringo Vinda but in light of what happened after...well.
“...Why would we not investigate that.”
“Shaak Ti did, but her report was...vague. I only saw her two more times in person between now and the end. Her force presence was- shadowed. Not fallen, but...tired.”
“And you didn’t follow-up? None of us did?”
“...I can not even begin to express how much was happening at the time.”
“Nevertheless, Master Kenobi-”
“To be absolutely blunt I didn’t even remember the report until I was several months into hiding, with little else to do but meditate on the past. It just- fell into the cracks. Like a lot of things.”
“Force. We’re not assigning blame, we’re just attempting to understand. The knowledge of Palpatine...well it helps us understand a bit better how we got to where we are now. But how we got from here to there...”
“Yes, of course.”
“. . .”
“Sorry- just...marshaling my memories. As I said before, the last year of the war was increasingly straining, with unrelenting pressure on the Order coming from all directions. None of us were at our best, but it in hindsight I was...still reeling...in particular. From- force I still can’t believe all that happened in six months- fuck. Sorry. Pardon my language.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about us- just keep going,”
“Krell betrayed us horrifically- I don’t think 501st or the 212th ever got over it. Immediately after that was that absolute clusterfuck of a mission- I spent a month in a Zygrian Slave Camp- I don’t even know what we were thinking dressing Ashoka like that- ”
“Wow, wow, WAIT-”
“We were trying to go undercover to rescue the Kiros colonists but obviously it blew up in our faces immediately. I was still healing from the, well, torture, when I had to go undercover as the assassin who killed myself in a Republic Jail to protect the Chancellor. I’d rather not talk about it but needless to say I was still physically and mentally not at my best when Maul returned from the dead-”
“I- Maul?”
“He wanted revenge on me for bisecting him on Naboo- turns out both sith and zabraks are very hard to kill, so that was a pleasant surprise. Didn’t really have time to meditate on that failure before we were training guerilla fighters on Onderara-”
“Wait, Naboo? You mean-'
“Yes. Anakin and Ashoka were still mad about faking my death during the ‘undercover thing’ so that made things- tense. Then Ashoka was sent to Illum for what was supposed to be a safe mission-”
“Oh gods-”
“She got kidnapped along with a number of initiates. Somehow befriended Hondo...so...that worked out fine. I guess. Then Maul and his brother. They. Well they got revenge. Satine died. They wanted to get back at me. I was still censured by the council for my actions from that incident at the time of the temple bombing-”
“You! Obi-Wan-”
“Which meant that when Ashoka was sentenced to death I could barely even speak a word in her defense, which is maybe just as well considering the blind faith we had in the senate-”
“Calm down, of course it wasn’t her, but after the sith hells she was put through she, understandably, had lost trust in the order and decided to strike out on her own. I was still trying to clean up that political mess, track her down, not to mention run multiple armies with even less help than before when I got the reports about the rogue clones. Obviously I should have done something with the information, but. Well, I didn’t.”
Obi-Wan took a deep breath, rubbing his face with both hands. When he looked up to face the room, he was faced with various shades of shock and pity. There were several long moments of silence before Master Windu reluctantly spoke.
“... Let’s start with Krell.”
“Right. Right. Well, like I said the last year of the war was...hard. A number of people fell. Krell was the first, I think. His reasons were one of the less...hard to rationalize, even intellectually.”
“Pong Krell I suppose he always was-”
“Still I thought he had gotten over such things...”
“Oh, Kriff.”
“Relax Anakin, they haven’t taken off yet.”
“Oh, remember that one time when he was an initiate- that poor little Nautolan boy, what was his name?”
“Wait, taken off? Mace... who’s leading the my troops right now?”
“Master, before you freak out, they’re still on Coruscant.”
“Master Gallia, I don’t think that’s entirely fair- you can’t judge a Master by what they did as an initiate-”
“Ok, ok. I suppose take off must have been delayed due to my- well. When are they schedule to leave?”
“We can’t judge a Jedi by if they might fall, we could only judge them by their current actions.”
“Sundown? That- force. I had the start of a plan but- that’s enough time- but if you replace him...Sith Hells. I need things to proceed normally but kriff, there’s just not enough time. I- I don’t know if I can save everyone-”
“We’ll figure it out, Obi-Wan.”
“I- we’re coming back to this Windu- That was very well said Master Koon and I’d like you to hold onto that thought. We, we can’t judge our fellow Jedi for what they might do... good people can fall into darkness, when they’re pushed hard enough.”
“Then Krell...”
“Oh kark no, Krell’s irredeemable. Uh. That is to say. I’m reasonably certain he’s already been deliberately killing his men.
“Yes, quite.”
“...Can we go back to the brain parasite?”
- - - - -
“Alright, enough.”
“Agreed. We’re going in circles about the clone’s loyalty- once we finish this meeting we’ll start brain scans at once but for now- Obi-Wan the fallen. The purge.”
“I was on Utapau- I didn’t- I wasn’t there.”
“Master Kenobi, are you stalling?”
“Of course not, I- ok the next Jedi I remember falling was Depa Bilbaba.”
“. . .”
“That’s absurd.”
“Fall, anyone’s padawan can.
“Yes, but Depa-”
“It was a mission to Harun Kul- should I go into the details?”
“Damnit, Kenobi-
“She actually returned to the light, eventually.”
- - - - -
“Vos? I suppose he is a shadow...”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, boy-”
- - - - -
“I’m somewhat confused.”
“I wouldn’t say she fully joined the light but...she didn’t want to be dark anymore.”
“You don’t think it was just circumstances?”
“Well, two years after the fall of the republic I ran into her at a bar-”
“Of course you did”
“Oh shut up, like you wouldn’t drink after all that”
“Fair enough.”
“Anyway, she could have turned me in. The bounty on my head was obscenely high, but after all our history... she bought me a drink.”
“He’s definitely stalling.”
“Yes I know...”
- - - - -
“Luminara’s apprentice? She can barely stand violence, even in the hypothetical.”
“Yes...I think that was rather the point. She- she couldn’t accept the Jedi’s role in the war and she thought she didn’t have a way out...”
“Force have mercy on us all.”
- - - - -
“...Yoda...you have to understand, the darkness in the force was overwhelming at that point...you could hardly breath.”
“Master Kenobi, if you are trying to tell us that Yoda fell- I am- not going to have a mild reaction.”
“. . .”
“No, Yoda didn’t fall.”
“Can fall, any of us.”
“Deep breaths Master Koth, Deep Breaths.”
“I apologize for the confusion- I was just trying to explain that the last time I saw him, neither of us were in particularly sound state of minds-”
- - - - -
“...Things were fine. Things were- hopeful. Dooku was gone. We got word on Grevious’s location. I was assigned to go after him. Anakin wanted to come with me, to watch my back. He didn’t want to stay on Coruscant. The council- the council ordered him to spy on the Chancellor. He protested, was uncomfortable with the idea. But he agreed. We made some jokes as we were saying goodbyes. I left Coruscant. Got to Utatpau. Killed Grevious. Thought the war was over. The force got dark. I was shot off a cliff. All the Jedi were dying. My bond with Anakin got dark. My troops felt- like strangers. When I got back Yoda told me he- he was lost to the darkside. Was the new apprentice. Palpatine claimed the Jedi tried to assassinate him. I don’t- actually understood what happened, it was all just a few days... but I have to assume Palpatine...or the person who was controlling Palpatine! Please adi’ka, you know I-
“I know, Master. It’s...Kriff- I don’t- I’m sorry.”
“We shouldn’t have split up. I shouldn’t have left you.
“Obi-Wan...you can’t actually blame yourself for what I did, what I- haven’t done, technically"
“Well. That explains-”
“Explains, what Master Gallia? Explains why we shouldn’t have allowed an elderly politician unrestrained access to a child?”
“Master! Don’t say it like that-”
“That explains your stalling Master Kenobi, be at peace. We’re not going to judge Knight Skywalker for unknown actions he has yet to take.”
“Mace! are you all right?”
“Headache. Talk about it later.”
“Tell us who may fall, you did. Judge them prematurely, we shall not. Watch them carefully, we will.”
“...With all do respect I’m not sure the council is capable of meaningfully distinguishing between the two.’
“Master Kenobi! Perhaps we should revisit the ‘attachment’ discussion we had previously agreed to forestall?”
“Oh that is such-”
“Anakin, please allow me. Mundi- shut up or let us read the note.”
“Master Koon!”
“For all the distress being vented, I feel there is a notable lack of compassion in this room and quite frankly I find it unacceptable.”
- - - - -
“So...you didn’t watch the security holograms?”
“Yoda said not to. I think that’s everything- we should start brain scans now.”
“When Yoda was fighting Palpatine...”
“Master Gallia- not right now”
“Yes, Master Windu.”
“. . .”
“Force Be With Us.”
“Council Members- if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to get back to the archives. I have a few things I’d like to dig into.”
“Of course. We trust your discretion.”
“Take care of yourself, Obi-Wan”
“You as well, Master Nu. I am forever in your debt for what you brought me.”
“I’ll remember that.”
“...Now what?”
“It’s going to break our ‘contract’ with the Kamonian’s but...we’re going to have to get a clone into the healing halls for a neurological examination.”
“I...might be able to help with that. Without going very far at all actually.”
“What do you mean by that, Master Eerin?”
“Sorry, terribly sorry, I just remembered I have to take care of something-”
“This...is rather the part we were hoping for your assistance Vokara-”
“Stay, Master Che. Given everything- I think we’re past the point of needing plausible deniability.”
“You’re... most likely right. Apologies, force of habit.”
“Would either of you care to explain?”
“Well...technically the temple isn’t allowed to care for wounded clones. Doing so would violate their ‘warranty’. However...”
Part XIX
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