#sorry I know its not my usual art still working on the hallow piece
crescendo-art · 1 year
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designed a sonic sona for my friend 🍬
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rvspberry · 3 years
Idk if I’m gonna end up posting this on AO3 because it’s very different from what I usually write.
But below the cut is some Johnny Lawrence sexuality crisis angst with a happy ending if you feel like it. (Heavy Christian themes and Lawrusso ending ahead.)
He was righteous, on high, the Almighty personified. Forgiving, and gracious in victory, and good through and through. Set his mind to something and he could make the whole world come alive.
That’s how Johnny felt at the Tournament, at least, when the entire crowd swarmed the floor and lifted LaRusso onto their shoulders, and Johnny snagged the first place trophy. Handed it up like an offering, a sacrificial lamb — all that Johnny had at stake, all that he’d lost, given freely and openly to this holy being.
The crowd grew louder. Johnny called out, “You’re alright, LaRusso. Good match.”
Got a pained, “Thanks,” in return.
He’d touched someone holy and lived to tell the tale.
Once Johnny is at Bobby’s house that night, since Sid and Laura flew to Miami for the week before Christmas, he asks Bobby to pray with him.
“You okay, Johnny?”
Johnny glances up to find worried blue eyes looking over at him, sizing him up — no, not quite. Measuring him, trying to gauge Johnny for what no one could see. Bobby’s eyes are such a different blue than Johnny's, clear and crisp but never cold. Johnny wonders if Bobby sees anything, if Johnny shows anything.
“I just…” Johnny rasps, gripping the glass of water in hand again and taking a hesitant sip. They told him at the hospital that he’d have to rest. Asked if he wanted to press charges, but Johnny just shook his head. “I need some guidance.”
“No better place to look to than to Jesus,” Bobby agrees, reaching out to take Johnny’s hands. He closes his eyes, and Johnny pauses for a brief moment, body going stiff, before he follows suit. Takes a deep breath as Bobby begins. “Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name.”
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” Bobby continues.
Johnny squeezes his eyes tighter and tries not to let his grip tighten, too.
“Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
Please forgive me. Please. Daniel. I’m sorry.
“And lead us not into temptation—”
Daniel’s eyes. His grin, his mouth, his lips. Daniel’s body. The confident smirk when he gets up into Johnny’s face.
“—but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,” Bobby finishes, squeezing Johnny’s hands. Johnny blinks his eyes open, jaw clenched, to see Bobby giving him a small smile. “Forever and ever. Amen.”
“Amen,” Johnny repeats weakly, clenching his teeth against the urge to cry. To sob.
To throw himself onto the floor and mourn the loss of a life he’d had for years now, the life he’d fought so hard for. The life of a champion, of a winner, the life of a kid from Encino Hills. The life of someone normal, a leader, head dog even though he came into this life late, no rules established, flying blind and feeling his way into his place.
“You’re sure you’re okay, man?”
“I’m not,” Johnny chokes out. Hangs his head.
There are too many thoughts in his head, too much guilt and shame, and he can’t focus on one without the other flaring up to take his attention. Back and forth, back and forth, between Kreese almost killing him and Daniel’s sensei saving him and Daniel winning the match, to needlessly tormenting Daniel all semester and making a bigger ass of himself each and every time. Over and over, like it was on a loop.
“Do you want to pray again?” Bobby asks, voice dropping lower. “Sometimes it helps. The… repetition. Try to focus on the words this time. Focus on God. Let the spirit take you.”
Take me where? Johnny thinks, but he just tightens his hands around Bobby’s and nods.
“Our Father, who art in heaven…”
When Bobby leaves at the end of the summer to go to college in Oregon, a special school for religious studies, he leaves Johnny with his new number and a prayer book.
“If things get hard, turn to God,” he reminds Johnny. Pats Johnny’s back while they hug tightly. Johnny hasn’t been apart from Bobby since they became best friends at thirteen, both newly enrolled in Cobra Kai. “God has a plan for all of us, and you can find all your answers in the Lord, man. You just have to be open to hearing them even when they’re not the answers you want.”
Johnny keeps the prayer book. Says a prayer every night. Calls Bobby once a week, like clockwork, and stops drinking. He gets kicked out of Sid’s house when he turns 18 in July, gets a job as a handyman, then starts apprenticing for a carpenter, then starts working construction. It’s hard work but it’s honest work.
Every time his eyes turn to one of his coworkers, when they catch on the sweat and grime smeared over their muscles, or the curve of their ass, or the line of their jaw, Johnny recites one of those prayers in his head.
Dear Lord, please give me strength when I am weak, courage when I am afraid, love when I feel forsaken, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.
Every time he gets asked out for drinks by his well-meaning colleagues, he politely declines and spends ten minutes praying in his car after his shift is over, hands blistered, muscles aching.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among sinners and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Every night, Johnny lays in bed and freestyles his prayers. God needs to know, he probably already knows, but he needs to know that Johnny doesn’t want to be like this. He wants to change. He wants answers. He wants to be open to them, just like Bobby told him.
“Go out tonight,” Bobby laughs when Johnny calls him on a Saturday at his usual time. “Just get out and have some fun. Go to a movie. Buy yourself dinner, whatever. Go meet someone. You’re just working and sleeping. You need to live a little, Johnny.”
Is that what God wants me to do? Johnny thought to himself. To go out and find a woman to settle down with? Is that God’s plan?
It’s what Johnny’s supposed to do, right?
“Okay, okay,” Johnny groans into the phone, ready to slam it back onto the receiver when Bobby whoops in elated triumph. “Some good, clean fun. Fitting for the best friend of a pastor’s son.”
Johnny goes to the movies. The new sequel to Alien, aptly titled ‘Aliens,’ looks halfway decent. Definitely not a good clean movie, but Johnny can live a little. It’s on its last leg, only playing the earlier showings, so Johnny snags the ticket since he figures he can be mostly alone that way. He loiters in the lobby trying to decide between popcorn or an overpriced box of candy to go with his soda. The bored teen behind the counter pops her gum and rolls her eyes as she waits for him to make up his mind.
He doesn’t fidget as he looks in the glass case, even as much as he wants to. It’s been conditioned out of him.
“Back straight, shoulders down, chin up, Mr. Lawrence.”
“Hey, can I get a large popcorn please?” comes a voice from beside him.
Johnny glances over, shaggy hair whipping around his face, and spots the one person he thought he’d never see again. Daniel LaRusso looks the same as he did before — a little taller, maybe, his long limbs filled out a little more, but still the shrimpy kid who kicked his ass.
Same eyes, same voice, same body.
Same mouth.
Dear Lord, please give me strength—
“Johnny? Johnny Lawrence?!” Daniel’s words cut through his prayer.
Johnny inhales sharply. He has to control himself. Give me the strength when I am weak, courage when I—
“Holy shit, man, look at you,” Daniel laughs, tapping Johnny’s bicep tellingly. A year-plus in construction had done wonders for his body, and his arms in particular. “Like a brick shithouse. Are you on steroids?”
“No, I work construction.” Johnny doesn’t know why his voice sounds so rough. He clears his throat and tries again. “Hi, LaRusso. Small world meeting you here, I guess.”
“Yeah, man! You here with anyone?” Daniel glances around, as if trying to pin someone else in the lobby to Johnny, but there was no one to match him up with. No one to match up Daniel with, either.
“No. You?”
“Flying solo today,” Daniel croons, running his hands down his chest. Johnny blushes and looks up at the ceiling.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee—
“What movie are you seeing?” Daniel asks, taking the tub of popcorn from the teen and passing a bill over the counter. He snagged a handful and popped a few butter-soaked pieces into his mouth.
“Uh…” Johnny glances down at his ticket. “Aliens.”
“No way! Me too!” Daniel says around chewing the popcorn. He pauses and looks at Johnny with his head cocked curiously. “You wanna watch it together?”
O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You. I detest all my sins because of your just punishments, but most of all because they offend you, My God, who are all good and worthy of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.
The movie theater is empty. There’s butter on Daniel’s bottom lip, shining in the dimly lit room. Johnny licks it off in the black silence of the end credits.
Kissing Daniel feels like coming home. It feels like touching something divine, and Johnny’s stained gold in all the places they touch.
Is this God’s plan? Johnny asks himself. Daniel’s fingers tug at his hair, nails scraping gently over his scalp. Johnny pulls Daniel across the seat and into his lap as he swallows Daniel’s moan.
Below Johnny’s hands, Daniel feels like an answer.
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imaginefeawakening · 7 years
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Thank you @tcongdraws so so so so much for drawing such a lovely cover art!!! It inspired me to give some love for the Hoshidan Princes and for our endearing Prince Chrom! Please check this post throughout Halloween for additions~ You may request prompts here or at @imaginefefates
Takumi: He spent hours being too self-conscious to even put his costume on. With a lot of puffing him up, she’d got him to shed his shyness and try it on. “Hey,” he turned around as he examined himself in the mirror. “Not bad.”
“See?” she puffed out her cheek and hugged him from behind. “You gave me a headache for no reason.”
“I’m a prince. I can’t go out looking like a fool.”
“Hasn’t stopped you before,” she grumbled under her breath. 
He pouted. “I heard that.” Thankfully, he was easily placated with a few kisses. “Well...shall we get going?”
“Yeah...hey, you didn’t tell me what you think of my outfit.” This time, Corrin was the one to pout. Takumi grinned and rest his hands on her shoulders. “You’re not so  bad yourself.”
“That’s all? Come on Takumi, we’ve been married this long, stop getting shy.”
“Fine,” his ears pinked. “You look really, really….hot.” She was expecting pretty, or cute. This was indeed out of left field.
“Takumi…” her ears were redder than his.
“What? We’ve been married this long, stop getting shy.” He had a shit-eating grin that tempted her to mess with his face. They continued ribbing and teasing each other until they’d arrived at the ‘haunted’ manor. It loomed tall and menacing, and it looked entirely too pointy, in his opinion. There was also a suspicious amount of fog around it for what was otherwise a clear night. Was he the only one that felt the intense sense of dread? Takumi gulped and looked at Corrin with unease. “Hey….I don’t think they’ve got candy here…”
“It’s Old Hallows Eve, Takumi. Don’t you want a little excitement? A spooky atmosphere would be perfect.”
“Haven't you had enough excitement for a lifetime? What with jumping down cliffs and all that…” He grumbled for a little while longer, until they’d reached the manor. “You know, I doubt it’s even open—“ His voice trailed off as she carelessly opened the door and pushed forward. The door groaned ominously, and Takumi swallowed.
“You can hold my hand if you’re scared…” Corrin grinned at him and patted his cheek.
His lips pushed into a pout, but he took her offer in the guise of holding it so she wouldn’t get scared. With that settled, they wandered further inside, to Takumi’s dismay. They strolled through the parlor and examined the dusty tomes. “Ooh these are interesting…” Corrin picked one up to show Takumi, who proceeded to begin sneezing.
“Ahh...ahh—choo!” He sneezed, and just then the fireplace came alight with life, albeit for a moment. “Wah!” He leapt and hugged Corrin with all his might. “Wh—what was that?!”
She cocked her head to the side. “What was what, Takumi?”
“The fireplace! It’s lit—huh?”
Just like that, it was dark and dusty, not even a single wisp of smoke remained. Takumi dared not look at her expression. “I swear…”
“You might be a little too spooked...let’s go somewhere else.”
He took “somewhere else” to mean somewhere outside and as freedom. He did not expect it to be even deeper into the mansion. Corrin sat down at a piano and began playing the piece on the left behind sheet music. “Ah this is a duet...can you play, Takumi?”
“‘Fraid not,” he mumbled as he looked around the room. He was poking around the room to keep his mind off how creepy it all was. Just act like it was an old part of the palace...yeah...he chuckled nervously and looked down at the ground. “Huh…” it looked different than from all the other tiles. He curiously nudged the center with his foot and was about to greatly regret doing so.
Corrin bit her lip as the piano harmonized with her. “How are the other notes playing...I think we should get out of here, Takumi.” She stood up and looked around for her husband. “Takumi? Takumi! Where are you?” She hurried around the room until she came upon a giant hole in the ground. “T—Takumi…?” He couldn’t possibly have….
“Don’t you want a little excitement?” He called out mockingly, though his voice was so wracked with terror that his sarcasm came out as weak whimper. “A spooky atmosphere would be perfect! Aha...ha…..ha…..sniffle…”
Oh dear. He’s lost it. “I’ll save you Takumi, hold on!”
“I’ll be here...in the dark...and cold…” He continued to whine as she ran around looking for some very, very long rope. She ran from one end to the manor to the other, with no such luck. Perhaps it would be better just to find where he was imprisoned and free him there. As the thought occurred to her, a white puppy with droopy ears nipped at her feet.
“Oh hello!” she knelt down to scratch behind its ear. “Do you know where I could find my husband?”
It barked in what she hoped was affirmation. With a wag of its tail, it lead her down into the basement to catacombs she didn’t think even existed. It was frightening but she had decided to trust the young canine. It was her biggest lead to finding Takumi after all.
They’d finally arrived at a row of jail cells, and sure enough, Takumi was gripping at the bars and shaking like a child. Corrin groped around in the dark for the keys, and freed him immediately. “Corrin!” he just about bawled and flung his arms around her neck. “I thought I was going to die in there.”
“I wouldn’t have let that happen..my poor dear, are you hurt?”
“My ass is completely sore…”
“You seem to be fine,” she sighed in relief. “Let’s go home now..” A faint grumbling from him signaled his assent and they went back upstairs. When they reached the landing Corrin had stopped to thank the pup, but it had vanished. She thought it better to not question it, and they made their way outside to the refreshing, crisp air.  
“Worst. Idea. Ever,” he complained as he cling to her arm.
“I’m sorry...what would you like to do instead.”
“Well...were all dressed up...you can, ahem, spoil me once we get home.” He nudged her shoulder with his, his crooked smile slowly returning.
“Hey!” he huffed. “I nearly died back there!”
She smiled and kissed his cheeks, slightly darkened by soot.
“I know. I just wondered how you’ve got such a one-track-mind, dear.”
“I told you, you look hot in that,” he insisted, and grinned as she blushed once more. He recovered back to his usual sassy self by the time they went home, and wasted no time asking for kisses and special treatment once they made it to the safety of their bedroom.
Chrom: “Oh,” he looked down at himself with great amusement. “This is less...freeing as usual.”
“Bear with having both sleeves intact for a night,” Robin said with mirth. She’s careful to not poke at his fashion sense so much, but Chrom pouts anyway.
“Be nice. What am i, again?” he rubbed at the pointy teeth you’ve saddled him with, she swatted at his hand.
“Hey, it took a while to get those on. You’re a vampire, Chrom.”
“‘’Tis a strange beast indeed. Doesn’t look frightful other than how, erm, exposing it is.” The way he covered his arms was reminiscent of a maiden guarding her chastity, and she giggled at the resemblance. His collarbone was displayed handsomely, in your opinion, and she told him just that.
“Ah. What else could I have expected from you, Robin.” He laughed, and then examined her outfit. “Whoa there.” She smiled innocently, just as he finally took in what she was wearing. He swallowed hard, and his eyes widened comically. “W-well I see you’re showing a fair amount of skin yourself….” His eyes lingered at her cleavage until a flick on his forehead brought him back to his senses.
“Chrom. Relax.”
“I’m yours, despite how deep my neckline plunges.”
“I...ahem, I see. And what exactly are you?”
“A devil.”
He mumbles something under his breath that probably earned a smack or two on the head. But she let it pass. “Now, shall we go, my vampire?”
“Yes, my little devil,” he said, his eyes back to her chest.
“Perhaps you’re the devil here,” she rolled her eyes, but allowed him to keep an arm around her waist.
“Maybe I’ll show you later.”
After a few hours of trick-or-treating with little Lucina (who was a little ladybug, courtesy of Frederick’s tailoring skills), her parents had dropped her back home to sleep so they could have a little more fun of their own.
“So...I’ve always been curious about these. But Frederick would never let me do this...he’d pull back me and Lissa by the ear and lecture us about the consequences of kidnapping.”
“I expect that his purse wouldn’t be able to afford your ransom. A test of courage, huh? I don’t recall ever doing one. This’ll be a first for the two of us.”
“Brave enough?”
“For the both of us,” said Robin airily as they went hand in hand to the spooky woods on the outskirts of Ylisse. It was eerie, and a very small shrine sat at the entrance. Chrom pointed to it with a hopeful look. It was then, that Robin realized, that he actually looked nervous.
“A shrine...that’s a good sign, yes?” He smiled confidently, but there was no hiding the sweat drops that dripped down his neck.
“Chrom, I doubt there’s any ghosts actually here.” She pulled him into the forest with no fear, his clammy hand wrapped tightly in hers. The first ‘test’ was a hollow pumpkin wrapped in white scraps of fabric and paper that swung around in circles by propulsion of the wind. Robin had to admit that she was startled, but Chrom, ever reliable, jumped in front of her and swung out his sword,  slicing the pumpkin in two. “I think that was one of the decorations…” Robin coughed, her hand on her heart still.
Chrom turned to look at her slowly, as he sheathed his sword. The now skewered pumpkin rolled around pathetically at their feet. They shared a nod and scuried forward before someone discovered that their hard work is now mush on the ground. Bits of pumpkin guts squelched beneath Chrom’s boots, and his nose wrinkled with distaste. Just as he opened his mouth to complain, something hit the back of his head. “What the?!” He turned on his heel to look for his assailant, but all he saw was darkness, and now a thing fog, for miles ahead. He looked up at the trees, and spotted no one either. Nonetheless, he tightened his hold on Robin, his jaw set and his feet rooted in a defensive stance.
“What is it Chrom?” Robin tilted her head to the side.
“Something just hit my head…” He picked up a pumpkin slice and showed it to her.
“Someone’s really mad at us huh...Maybe we should go ba--” Before she could finish her sentence, a large gust of wind blew over them, The crickets stopped chirping and a wolf howled in the distance.
“M-maybe just some elwind magic..?” Chrom offered hopefully.
“This is no work of a tome,” said an ominous voice from above.
“Ch-Chrom...was that you…” Robin clung to his side and looked upwards. She needn’t look at him to see the frightful shake of his head.
“There’s...no such thing. This is a prank. There’s no such thing, there’s no such--”
“What do you want, a new pumpkin? We’ll wrap it nicely for you if you leave us alone.” Another gust passed and they screamed. Chrom and Robin clung to each other for dear life, though he had taken out his sword again.
“You will do no harm to my wife! We’ve defeated a dragon, and we can take you on. That said--” He scooped up Robin rather dashingly, and ran at an inhumanely fast speed. “We’ll be taking our leave--”
“Just run, Chrom, run!”
They tried to run back to where they started, but a few more swinging pumpkins blocked their path and they had to backtrack. They returned to following the arrows to go out the other way but after a while of running they had realized they had passed the same moss covered rock about six times.
“It’s hopeless, Chrom. We should sit down and think of a plan…” She hopped down from his arms and kissed him gently to thank him for carrying her around the whole time.  
“Y-you want to stay here longer?!” His eyes darted nervously as though they were to be attacked at any moment.
“Well...we haven’t made much progress just running aimlessly….Let’s go find that stone again...perhaps we’ll find a way north out of here.” She took Chrom’s hand and they wandered aimlessly until they found their goal. Common sense was on their side finally, and they began seeing the light outside the forest.
“Finally, a way out of this hellish pls—AAARGH—“ Chrom scooped up Robin once more and least backwards, though he brandished with Falchion with a determined finesse. “H-Halt!” he said to a silhouette that was marching towards them.
Robin took out a pocket tome of thunder, and aimed it towards the spooky figure. “We’re not afraid to use this!” She spoke with a shaky bravado, and they heard an all too familiar sigh.
“Milady. Milord. It would do good not to dismember your knight.” It was a very, very weary Frederick who held Gaius and Henry by the ear. “I believe these two scoundrels have been harassing you?”
“You!!” Robin glared daggers at Gaius. “You’re the reason I lost years of my life? And what say you, Henry?”
“All the kiddies went home, so I couldn’t scare ‘me anymore.”
“And they stopped giving out candy...I got chased out with a rolling pin. So we got bored. And knew you were coming here.”
Frederick was the next to offer his explanation. “I pried it out of Lissa. Milord. I told you, you might get spirited away here. And did you listen? And you’ve endangered your wife too. You should be good examples for Lucina.”
“Never mind that...yet,” Chrom added hurriedly under the intensity of Frederick’s stare. “How did you find them..while we were running for our lives.”
“No one messes with Frederick,” Gaius said, still looking like a dog who’d gotten caught marking his territory on the furniture.
Robin glared at him again, with a look that said that he would regret messing with her. “Let’s...let’s just go home.”
“Agreed.” Chrom mumbled, holding his wife close to him. As the others nodded along, a strong gust of wind passed over them. The pair glanced at Henry who looked as perplexed as he did. “Cut it out with the elwin’s…”
“Nya ha! Elwind? I’m just the pumpkin decorating guy.”
Gaius claimed innocence as well.
“Wait then...the voice in the forest…”
A horrifying realization came to them, and it was then that they only had one option.
Ryoma: After a long night out and about, the royal couple had just returned to their quarters. Ryoma, dressed as a Tengu, had begun to change out of his robes and discard his wings. But Corrin stopped him just as he’s exposed his torso.
“Wait...I like you like this.” She smiled and hugged his waist, and rest her cheek against his sculpted chest. “Stay dressed up a little longer?”
“Ah my cute witch...how can I deny such a request.” With warm eyes, he gazed at her. He slowly bent down to meet her height, and just as he cupped her chin for a kiss…
Bang! Went a noise outside their door.
“E—eek!” Corrin hid inside his robes. “Wh—what was that?”
“Let’s find out...ah, you’ll need to…” He gently pried her face away so he could tie his robes back. “Will you wait here?” She shook her head and held his hand. “Then we go together.” He squeezed it reassuringly as they slid open their bedroom door and ventured outside, each taking a weapon in hand on their way out.
On the floor was a grimly red splotch of red. “Blood…” Corrin whispered, her eyes wide.
“Mm...perhaps we’ve an assailant in our midst? Stay close to me, love.” He switched from holding her hand to keeping a protective arm around her, as they crept through the hallway.
“Do you think anyone’s…” She glanced back at the stain with worried eyes. Ryoma gave a quick squeeze of her shoulder to reassure her.
“It’s too light to have been anything too serious. don’t worry, everyone here is far too capable to be cut down.” He gently pecked her head and smiled st her, though she didn’t miss the slight strain in his eyes.
Another band came from just a little down the hallway, and the two broke into a sprint. Following that was some yelling and thumping noises that sank their stomachs.
There was another bang, and they discovered that these noises were resounding from Kana and Shiro’s room. They wasted no time and charged in, their swords ready to decapitate anyone who dared harm their children.
Instead they found Kana and Shiro shrieking and hugging each other, both staring into the ends of their parents swords. “Uncle, uncle!” Shiro shouts, pushing Kana behind him.
Ryoma and Corrin immediately lowered their swords and exhaled in relief, before proceeding to regard their children with stern stares. “Just what are the two of you up to? Do you know how scared we were? And why are you unprepared, should a real assassin have come you would be skewered in a matter of moments, is that any way to—“
“Easy,” Corrin put a hand on Ryoma’s chest to stop his tirade. “Children...do you have an explanation? What are those red stains, are you hurt?”
Kana bashfully showed a tray half full of raspberry tarts, some broken into crumbly pieces. “Sorry Mama...the firecrackers kept going off on our way here.”
“And we dropped our goods a few times,” Shiro pointed at their candy stashes.
“Well...all’s well that ends well...oh unfurrow that crease, Ryoma, it’s halloween.” Corrin stood on her tiptoe to smooth out the wrinkles on his brow. “And weren’t we going to have some fun, too?”
“Like what, mama?” piped up Kana and Shiro covered his ears, as the dutiful older brother he is.
“Never you mind. Now...good night then,” Shiro coughed awkwardly and kept holding on to Kana’s ears, Kana who wriggled around to free himself.
Ryoma and Corrin sighed in relief once more and returned to their room. They’d barely set foot in the room before Corrin returned to where they’d left off. “You should dress up like this more often, it suits you.”
“Would you prefer a tengu or a prince as your husband?”
“Why can’t I have both?” she smiled at him sweetly and slowly covered his jaw and neck with kisses. “This is my treat, for tonight.”
Fred: Frederick was adorably disgruntled. His brows furrowed together like usual, but this time with confusion rather than irritation. “Is this not a mere class change? Although you’ve...emphasized the sinister aspects.”
“Don’t you look dashing?” She messed with his pointy hood so it shadowed his face even more, and drew some whiskers on his face as a personal touch.
“I look like an evil sorcerer about to kidnap your first born and toss him into a cauldron. Boil, boil, toil and trouble,” he added in a deadpan.
“Then I’ll be sure to keep Morgan away from you, my scary husband.” Morgan was currently attending a small halloween party hosted by Lissa, who was in charge for taking care of everyone’s sprouts for the night.
“Do you think he’ll be fine? Should we go check on him?” Frederick’s worried ramblings began again, and she quickly hushed him with a soft kiss.
“Let him have his fun. He grew up well in one timeline already, no?” She smiled at him assuredly and kissed him once more. “Now then, shall we have a nice night in?”
They left out a bowl of candy to let the children help themselves to (little did they know that Gaius made off with the bowl when he stopped by their house). The lights were dark, and the only lighting that emanated windows were some well done jack-o-lanterns, carved courtesy of Frederick.
Robin and Frederick spend the evening huddled together under blankets, exchanging spooky tales. Some she’d heard from others, some Frederick had picked up over the years, and some that they spent a while crafting together. But the spookiest were most certainly Frederick’s. Before Chrom had seen any battles, Frederick quietly dealt with the horrors that had gone on in people’s lives. Scary occurrences with no explanation, ruthless monsters that murdered and tortured for fun. Just as Frederick finished his most frightening tale yet, it was time to go collect their little pumpkin from his patch. He stood up abruptly, as if on clockwork, and a high pitched yelp escaped Robin.
“S-sorry...I suppose I’m a bit jumpy…” She held a hand out so Frederick could help her on to her feet, though she still clung to his arm for balance.
“Good heavens,” he cupped her cheeks in his hands. “You look ghastly. I’m sorry...I didn’t think I would frighten you so much.” He stroked her hair gently, and carded through it until some color returned to her cheeks. Not wanting to appear childish, she smiled like her usual self, though it still wobbled a little bit when she remembered the more terrifying bits from his stories. “Perhaps I should get Morgan mysel--”
“No!” she yelled hard enough to make him flinch. “I--I mean, he’s expecting both of us, right? She clung to his arm and smiled nervously. “Can’t let him down.” Though it was apparent that she was frightened to be on her own, Frederick mercifully did not tease her one bit, and they strolled together in the dark. The children had mostly gone home, and there was a certain eeriness in the air, when surrounded by wooden goblins  and trolls. She was fidgety, despite how much Frederick rubbed her arm in reassuring circles. Mentally, he made the resolution to never scare her again, no matter how much she asked.
“Robin...are you…” Frederick had tried asking, when they heard a rustle.
She let out the loudest shriek when a cloaked figure moved in the bushes beside them. Frederick not missing a beat to protect his wife, clobbered the poor bastard who had chosen that unfortunate location to eat his goods. “H-hey ow! What the hell do you think you’re--?” Of course it was none other than Gaius, Gaius who still had the gall to hold the very bowl of candy he had snatched from their residence.
“Gaius! Why are you there?! And is that ours?”
“Candy break. And, nuh uh,” he said, quickly thrusting the bowl under his cloak.
“I carved our names into it. Hand it over.” He snatched back the wooden bowl that had become sticky from Gaius’s gorging. “Now go home, or I’ll have your wife hear about your mischief.” He gulped in response to that and quickly took his leave. Frederick’s shoulders slumped as he sighed, and rest his hand on Robin’s head. “Nothing scary. Just this idiot thief. Better now?”
She nodded and leant up for a kiss, and fisted her hand into Frederick’s pointy and ‘sinister’ collar. “Thank you, my brave wizard, for protecting me, What would I do without you?”
“Be an utter mess. But, my dear, I would be too. Let’s keep each other safe and collect the little one?”
“I’m at your side...happy halloween, Frederick.”
“And a Happy Halloween to you too...let’s ease up on the scary tales next year,” he suggested and cleared his throat. “As adorable as you were, clinging to my arm all night.” Though bashful and embarrassed, Robin agreed.
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ACCA 2 | Nanbaka 16 | SGRS 16 | Marginal #4 2 | Classicaloid 15 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 2 - 3 | D Gray Man Hallow 1 | ReLIFE 2 - 6
The idea for D Gray Man Hallow from now on: Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ACCA 2)
What in Dante’s Inferno? I’m properly listening to the OP as it was intended in the anime…and it doesn’t quite look like what I expected.
I don’t like tomatoes, so no bread for me.
This is a cute…albeit unconventional way to introduce the series’ core concepts. Also, acorn berets.
Kabocha = pumpkin, while murasaki = purple. That’s made from purple lettuce, so I don’t blame ‘em for calling it that.
Mushroomhead = Rail.
I thought ACCA paid really high if he got cigarettes for free.
Oh no, is Nino going to go against Jean?
Bihinshitsu = equipment room.
2m 22 cm is over 6 foot…wow.
Walnut-topped cake filled with nuts.
The systems managers seem really incompetent…I suspect something’s up.
The guys all deilberately seem to have the same face.
A-hah. As I thought. (Dang you, title spoiler.)
If this ED were to evolve, it would be even better than Yuri on Ice’s OP. (That’s saying something.) Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening…
Doesn’t seem like there’ll be any title spoilers next time either.
(Nanbaka 16)
I’m less likely to skip Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! than some of the other Ops when I’m watching. That does make it slightly unwieldy as a rewatching show, though.
“Wow, he’s trash.” – Dat me.
Samon has a brother?
In a world full of filial piety, the worst one can do is to insult someone else’s family.
I’m not very good with “kept secret” stories, which is why I’m trying to do “Next to Me” well enough…at least to my standards, anyway. My standards are very high, you know.
They must’ve done something to the snacks…
(Showa Genroku: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 3)
The fireworks are so lifelike in this ep!
Daiku Shirabe…I found out about the story from an ANN article, so I should’ve seen its appearance coming…“Tamaya” is something you yell during fireworks displays. Apparently it was the name of a fireworks company somewhere along the line.
The flattening refers to how Yota had to bow for forgiveness, but I think I kinda explained that already.
“Shinuchissei”…Yota seems to slur the end of his sentences.
I actually went “WHAT?!” at Yota not being fazed by the big daddy boss.
Note for later: The baby (I heard his name was Shinnosuke) was born November 23rd.
The jazz soundtrack really sells this show.
...so this is the rant from Daiku Shirabe. It’s fast (compared to even the usual), but it has lots of heart. Plus the showcasing of the tattoo really did its significance justice.
I think the bridge is called Matsubashi (Pine Bridge).
Yota could’ve fabricated the shaking of his hands.…wow. Yota has such yaoi hands. Just what you’d expect from a former BL artist.
I thought Yakumo was more of a cat person. Whose dog is Hanako?
Aw. I felt sorry for Matsuda, even if I have a suspicion he feigned those tears. Well, regardless, now I know Matsuda has grandkids anyway…so win win.
I knew he was either summoning the master Sukeroku II pissed off or Sukeroku himself.
“Tou-chan” was an unexpected nickname I didn’t think Konatsu would use.
Update: I thought about it, and even Shinnosuke’s name takes after the legacy. Remember? Sukeroku used to be called Shin! 
(Marginal #4 2)
One of the things that makes this show stand out is the space-styled episode titles.
Ooh. Pretty cherry blossoms.
Pan shots. Of course.
I know this isn’t the sort of show that gets too much coverage, and I even think it looks a bit ugly at times (not to mention a bit weird) but when you’re not caught up on most of the other big idol shows, this is the best you can do.
I think game boy (orange twin…er, aka R)’s trying too hard with his terms.
Now that Atom is talking about heart, it really does look like he’s a Toshiki Masuda character through and through, although he doesn’t look very angry when he sounds angry. I’ll chalk that up to the art department.
“Don’t think, feel” seems to be attributed to lots of places, so I don’t know the original source. However, since game boy (um, aka R) cites a movie star, it’s apparently Bruce Lee (if my Google-fu serves me right).
L makes stuff sound deeeeep.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Rui wasn’t surprised by the juice.
Atom is such a Ryuu sometimes...
…okay, enough with the underwear jokes…The twin jokes are a bit weird. Plus the ships can be smelt from a mile away…but that’s not enough to save a show.
“Ore-sama”? I only just realised Atom uses such a term.
Enough about the lucky underwear! *flips table*
Oh, I saw Ayanokouji in the background at one point.
I’m with Rui most times, including the need for deduction.
I’m still questioning the sanity of someone who wrote an entire episode plot about lucky underwear.
Alright, since I feel brain dead after that, I’m going to drop it, meaning ACCA is the show that forges ahead. Well, I’m lucky I was hoping to watch FLCL to fill in the gap once I’m done with my 3 remaining rewatches at this point in time (ReLIFE, D Gray Man, Morose Mononokean). The latter two will have, from ep 7, fresh impressions, so hopefully you can look forward to them.  
(Classicaloid 15)
Selfies: a worldwide phenomenon…I never got into that stuff, but if I were to analyse ‘em, I’d say they tap into the human need to be self centred.
There’s something sad about seeing someone rejected, eve if that someone is a piece of trash like Sousuke…
The game the Classicaloids are playing appears to be a game of Life.
Unfortunately, Kanae’s right…again. Sad life for you, Sousuke.
Motz literally became a flippin’ Akoya, right down to wearing a dress. Plus, the Amazon brigade came back.
Aw, I really felt for the glasses guy, even if briefly.
“Basics of Programming”? Don’t need that for Garage Band, Sousuke.
Hanted house and cosplay café...
…eh? Tchaiko still calls herself a former member of Cla:Kla?
Oh. I never realised until now, but Hamamatsu + festival (matsuri) = Hamamatsuri.
With that song (Sousuke’s song), it’s a sad blooper reel.
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga ep 2)
I got a wallpaper of Shima trying not to laugh (it was from the official Blue Exorcist anime page, but only for a period around Shima’s b’day). So this ep is where it comes from.
“Bon” means “young master” anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
“…a herbal tea antidote…”
Kyoto is meant to be the imperial capital…at least around the 1700s, it was the imperial capital.
Mamushi means “pit viper”. She’s not one to mess with.
He’s got some reflexes, that Ryuji.
Uwabami is also a type of snake…I forgot which one though.
Wait, Uwabami’s the man?! Uwabami was a woman in Oumagadoki Zoo…
Seriously, are they all getting drunk on juice…? Oh, okay. So that’s what happened.
(ep 3)
Rin’s shirt says “Sankyu” in goroawase and English, LOL.
Even if you love weeds, please don’t smoke ‘em, kids.
I thought Rin was going to pull a Shaft head tilt out of nowhere when he looked back at Konekomaru.
Update: For efficiency, the tag for this one is “Chesarka watches AoEx”. However, I don’t normally refer to it as such. I’d probably refer to it as “Ao Eku” if I wee speaking (due to the season 1 DVD extras), but “Blue Exorcist” is the shortest mode of the name I’d use in typing format.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 1)
I am familiar with this source material, so do be aware of that. However, I didn’t finish the anime the first time around, so do be aware of that too.
Sometimes the art style for this anime can be a little off. The noses can be a little too pointy and too close to the eyes, so on and so forth.Allen doesn’t even look like he’s blushing with this art style too…that’s a bit of a disappointment.
Even the golems have it in for each other…LOL.
Johnny has apparently been stealing the spotlight for quite some time, but I haven’t noticed it all that much. Probably because I read volumes 21 – 24 in one go…
I think.Cross Marian looks more like Grelle (Black Butler) than ever in colour.
Why does Lenalee have such a short skirt?
When even the masked guy has a sweatdrop, you know there’s trouble.
(ReLIFE ep 2)
Unfortunately for Kariu, I understand there is no “next time”…
I’ve found out even at 18, people don’t judge two people of different gender sitting together eating lunch…of course, cultural standards notwithstanding.
Stud earrings are fine if you play sports, I think.
According to Google-sensei, it’s only about $11, my country’s money. It’s not that much if you work…but knowing Japanese standards (which say you should focus on getting into uni before getting a job), it does seem a bit much for someone who doesn’t work and doesn’t get any allowance. So in a weird way, it does make sense to me.
...but you took Kariu’s hand when she offered you the rubber, Arata?
Hey, that joke was in Erased too.
Kazu-kun = Karamatsu…kinda. LOL.
I always seemed to understand Hishiron, and yet also understand Arata to some extent too. Maybe I’m the perfect in-between for these two. Probably because I tend to break off friendships as soon as the year ends, and yet prior friendships are a core part to my social strategy.
Unfortuately, the downside to “minimalistic” is that it’s obvious when it goes off model.
LINE sticker…LOL. LINE’s very popular in Japan.
(ep 3)
I’ve wondered whether Yayoi Sou is a lady or not. Considering the circumstances, it probably is that Sensei is a female.
Hideyo is the dude on the 1000 note, obviously.
Ah…fitness tests. The bane of youth. No one says “stupid loud” though.
Oh. Tamarai’s there around the time of Asaji’s throw.
Lookit that rabbit on Usa-sensei’s shirt. No one says “crazy athletic” either…you outdated subbers.
Akira (Inukai) is kinda like Yurio, come to think of it, eh?
Didn’t you just say it yourself (about you being old) though, Arata?
Yoake literally had a blank face there, LOL.
There appears to be a Sato GP on the way to Aoba. Huh.
Ah…a show’s a real classic if it makes you laugh every time…
(ep 4)
Where’s the guy who does sad interpretations of OPs and EDs? (This guy.)
I know your feels, Kariu. (see the Tumblr debacle for an instance of this)
There appears to be something about whales near the fishtank.
The cityscapes in this are so nice.
There’s a map of Japan on one wall of Kaizaki’s place.
Go forth, young Kariu! Pick up your fallen balls! (teehee)
CGI balls, LOL.
It’s creepy (but also dramatic) when the lights of the eyes are the last to move.
(ep 5)
Sumire! Her name means “violet” (the flower).
There are some nuances lost in translation, like yappari and the levels of formality…but those are typically lost.
This “lecture” is probably the highest point you can get in the show (so far). It’s times like this you can really see an author’s strengths in storytelling.
The piano really sells the Hishiro/Kaizaki meeting.
What a strange angle that “lean to the left” shot is.
I’ve found out swear words have a lot of leeway when it comes to levels of “oh no”. These swar words include yabai and temee. Due to the context of Wan! and the fact it was Chuuya who kept using them, I went with the nastier variants [in my scanlating days] but sometimes a non-swearing variant is enough. However, kirai (to dislike) is pretty nasty if you use it in Japanese.
Kaizaki’s delivery of these lines really sells their comedic effect. The electronic keyboard makes it sound like night, but also makes it sound 1) like night and 2) creepy, for some reason.
Freeter is almost as bad as NEET, Kaizaki.
There appears to be a 100 man (10 thousand) coin bank behind Yoake, which makes that...1000000 yen. (chorus in back: One million yen?!)
(ep 6)
Apparently someone tried to type the same Japanese words into Google and didn’t get the same results, LOL.
Hishiron uses a Mac, LOL.
“Thanks for having us” probably isn’t the right words for it. Ojamashimasu means “sorry for intruding”, but it sounds heavily formal when translated, so I can see why the subbers did what they did though.
*laughs* MDs (minidiscs)? I know what they are, even though they’re meant to be completely dead by now. Apparently they’re a product of the 90s that never caught on..although I admit I’ve never used an MD in my life, let alone held one. It does kinda look like a floppy disc, though. (chorus in back: You poke through old stuff too much, don’t you?)
Those fadeout cups are so cool! I want one.
Ah, maths. The sad thing about my life is that up until a certain point I was good at maths. Then the hard stuff came up and I started to fail.
I thought it was Third Street Oga was talking about, but it’s 3rd chome, sort of like a suburb.
Knowing An, she may have deliberately put Oga out of the way for her own purposes…if you know what I mean.
CGI car just ruined the suspenseful mood, dangit.
Sometimes I just turn off my volume and turn on some music on Spotify. That way, you can make your own soundtrack.
Why did Arata have such a dumb face in the thought bubble?
Wow, she’s a real fujoshi, that one [An].
“Dude”? I cringe so much at her use of it, despite the fact I use it myself. 
You liar, Onoya. Knowing who subject 1 was means that I know they couldn’t have even thought about that part…
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