#sorry I think about fandom ableism for five minutes I go insane
ursie · 3 years
No but literally Critters are literally so ableist I’ve already seen multiple ones saying Ashton isn’t “actually disabled” because they don’t act like a disabled person -_- like..they have a hole in their head..there’s heavy scarring..from the art it looks like one of their eyes are injured..like look at this and tell me this is an able bodied person 😭 like..physically disabled legend right here
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Image id : Ashton from critical role. They are a earth Genasi and are wearing red and black leathers. They have grey-green skin with gold filled scarring-and a visible fracture on their head showing a glowing gem like brain. One eye is milked over. They are standing on their war hammer. The background is grey with a critical role logo in the bottom corner : end id
Like We know they have memory issues like…why is everyone so hesitant to say wow disabled king like..being disabled isn’t a bad thing. They just are 😭 like honestly critters are so quick to praise Taliesin (and cr) for lgbt+ rep which is totally fair and good but tbh I wanna give them a shoutout for disabled rep like Ashton is important queer disabled people exist.
Cad was important he literally was a cane user the whole time like that staff? He literally used it to walk the entire campaign 😭 also Molly and Kingsley both had memory issues magical disability or not like.. disabled kings the whole lot of them. Like they’re important for being queer I get that I’m not saying otherwise-but they’re important for other reasons too. Long story short-are these characters really not disabled or does calling/seeing them as disabled make you uncomfortable? Do you just have preconceived notion of how and what disabled people look and act like? Answer quickly.
Main point is it would be nice if instead of saying don’t forget to love each other at every criticism-critters actually spent five minutes and self reflected on their own internal biases. Just saying
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Image id : pink banner that says “people who disagree with me dni” end id
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convenientalias · 6 years
Yuletide Rec List
Y’all there are 3365 fandoms in the Yuletide noms and some of them are really good so I thought I’d just make a promo post here and also rant a little bc I’m excited even tho it’s barely October just looking at this list.
So I’m gonna put the rest of this barely coherent ranting under a read more but like guys, I’m excited.
So here goes. Some fandom recs!
The Alpennia Trilogy by Heather Rose Jones
Mistress/bodyguard ship in the first book, which leads to so many possibilities! Loyalty kink! Power imbalance! All that shit!
Amazing worldbuilding and magic mixed in with religion
I’ve only read the first book but I’m totally gonna request it
Best for femslash fic tbh, but I guess you could do gen.
The Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab
Again the worldbuilding is good. But the series is overall very dark. Also, an ensemble kind of feel.
My ship is two powerful magicians who seem to be the last of their kind, both working for royal families, one of whom lives as a prince and the other of whom is enslaved.
They’re enemies most of the time but still.
But a lot of people ship other things bc ensemble cast. There is one canon m/m ship. There is a slightly OP female crossdressing thief. There’s angsty brothers. There’s lots of people basically.
Good fandom for m/m, f/m, gen, even poly. Very good fandom for dark fic or whump imo.
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
Trans Peter Pan who used to be Wendy Darling
Ship is Peter Pan/Captain Hook
Writing style is gorgeous
Captures the cruel, childlike side of Peter Pan.
Good fandom for slash mostly, but I imagine you could pull off gen too.
Nero Wolfe series by Rex Stout
Detectives in New York in some vaguely historical time period.
Narrator is Archie Goodwin, very snarky and charming, one of my favorite characters of all time.
All the mysteries are fun but you’re mostly here for the dynamics between Archie, Nero Wolfe himself, and all the other regular members in the series--the detectives sometimes brought in to help out, the house cook, the pissed-off policemen, etc etc.
Also totally fine to read out of order, I’ve never really paid much attention to the order myself. Includes both novels and novellas.
A lot of people write slash in this fandom; I don’t really ship any slash ships for it (I’m kind of a gen bitch here) but I admit the potential is there.
Queen’s Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner
Technically YA fantasy but I’d say it’s not that firmly YA except for the first book.
Land of twists and intrigue with the occasional questing adventure. Pseudo-Greek setting.
Includes one of my favorite f/m ships for which I long for more dark fic.
Surprisingly active fandom, I am nowhere near caught up on the fanfic for the last book published.
Good fandom for het, slash, occasionally poly, and very good for GEN (sorry, the MC’s name is Gen and I couldn��t resist).
Goblin Market by Christina Rosetti
Idk why there’s a fandom nomination for a poem but I guess I’ll go with it, it’s a good poem.
Very ripe for femslash tho technically the MCs are sisters (but do they read like sisters? No, no they do not) so you might have to go AU for it.
Kind of dark and weird but childlike at the same time.
Movies/TV Shows/Anime/Literally Anything But Books
Kakegurui (anime/manga)
I’ve only watched the anime but I hear the manga is good.
Crazy high school obsessed with gambling gets even crazier when Yumeko the gambling freak shows up just to start drama.
Weirdly dark even tho nothing life threatening really happens. Ridiculously grotesque facial expressions on absolutely everyone.
Very good for femslash, decent for het and poly. You could probably write gen. But how.
Kado: The Right Answer (anime)
It’s sci-fi show that’s half about contact with aliens and half about the unhealthy relationship between an alien and his favorite human. And when I say half I mean “gets really dark in the last third”. But if you’re mostly interested in that part, it’s short enough that you still get there pretty quick.
I really just want dark slash fic, that’s all guys.
Two Faces of January (movie)
This is also a book by Patricia Highsmith but I nominated the movie bc it has Oscar Isaac and Viggo Mortensen.
Dark thriller vibes
Slashy vibes with weird daddy kink overtones (it can’t be helped, and this remains constant whether it’s book or movie)
Somehow I still ship it despite not really liking daddy kink.
Just trust me
Singin’ In the Rain
I’m really hoping this was nominated by someone who wants OT3 fic.
That’s all.
If you don’t already know about Gattaca are you even following me
It has Jude Law in it
Also it explores dystopian ableism and yet has an oddly ableist ending which consistently PISSES ME OFF, which is why I always request fix-it fic.
People really like slash for this movie and I get it but I don’t really ship it but a lot of people do so if you watch it, you will probably ship it too.
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
British miniseries which I somehow like despite not liking most BBC shows. (Seriously, my roommate and sister have both tried to get me into Sherlock and Dr. Who and I just can’t, good for y’all who like such things tho.)
I’m mostly here for the fae aspects and one of the MCs being traumatized and descending into insanity.
But the aesthetic is also pretty rad.
It’s about harlots. Kind of Victorian? I think? Idk time periods guys.
It portrays sex and sex workers in interesting, pretty down to earth ways.
It’s a good place for femslash but I somehow find myself craving gen.
The aesthetic is strong.
Luke Cage
I’ve still only seen the first season but it was rad
A lot of black people, guys
Also superhero-y things
Probably best for het, tbh, tho I would slash ship Luke with Cornell. Why doesn’t anyone seem to ship that?
Sakeru Gum
It’s like a five minute commercial compilation that will change your life.
I’ve probably reblogged it at some point. Otherwise, search it on Youtube.
Loooong looooong mAAaaaaan
Fandoms I’m Not Actually In But Might Join If The Prompts Look Good
There’s a couple different books nommed by Mary Renault! I’m reading the Alexander Trilogy right now (Alexander the fuckign Great, guys), which is nommed, so if things work out I might write for that. There’s also The Last of the Wine and Mask of Apollo.
Also, there are two series nominated that are by K.J. Charles. I’ve only ever read The Henchmen of Zenda by K.J. Charles but that was really good, so I may have to try one of these series out. Of course, I’d have to actually have time, and series are a bit lengthy for me this semester! But I might read a book or two if the prompts look excellent.
Someone nominated Learning Curves by Ceillie Simkiss? Which is an indie lesfic romance novella which was published only this August. I’m shocked it somehow ended up in the tagset and very curious about prompts. But I haven’t actually read this book, I’ve just heard of it.
The Caper Court series by Caro Fraser sounds interesting, too. It’s about a guy trying to become a lawyer who needs to fulfill a pupillage first, whatever the fuck that is, but apparently there’s gay people and intrigue, so I’m interested. I’ve started the first book.
Also, Zorro by Isabel Allende is nominated. I’ve never read this book but I’ve always wanted to because I love Zorro--the old TV show was one of my favorites as a kid. But I’ve never read a literary take on it.
If I can watch the Kdrama for Orange Marmalade, I’m interested in that too. I’ve only ever read the webmanga, didn’t know it was a live action now. It’s got vampires :) and high school drama.
So this rant was kind of unnecessary, but I just have a lot of feelings, guys, okay? Just...a lot of feelings...
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