#sorry I’m very anxious because I’m looking at a particular apartment that just became available
raggedyfink · 2 months
I’m begging the Anton Chigurh girlies to watch Fargo produced by the Coen brothers has a great cast great representation of women poc and just indigenous ppl in general but most of all a lot of the shows hit men are literally fifty shades of Anton Chigurh.
Like we have:
Fruitloop Anton
Native Anton
And Non-binary Anton who has the most precious most wholesome ending with the pro tags of season 5 like fuck what the fuck
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melikeylikeyjimin · 5 years
Noir || Two
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(I don’t own this gif)
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Mafia AU! Sugar Daddy AU! Jungkook X Reader, fluff, angst.
Warnings: none
A/N: Here is the second chapter of Noir! I hope you continue to enjoy it as the story slowly builds up! If you’d like to be tagged whenever I post a new chapter of Noir, please DM me, leave a comment on this post, or send an ask and I’ll add you to the list!
Tag list: @another-star-you-fade-away @yeontanie21
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Waking up, I see the sun shining into my eyes from the balcony window. Cursing myself for not closing the blinds last night, I sit up from the couch. I grab my phone that I had left to lay on the floor and realize that it’s almost dead.
I groan and stand as I move to my room to plug it in. Scrolling through the notifications on my way, I see a few texts that I need to answer. I open the text from Dylan and read it over, ‘Good, you should go to sleep soon. It’s late.’ I smile and reply with a heart emoji before clicking out of our messages.
I open the one from Nicci next and see a long text about her ranting about her latest guy. I read through it before reading the last bit of text, ‘Anyways, enough of my boy troubles, do you work on Saturday?’ I type out the letters n and o and hit send.
Almost immediately I get a text back from her saying, ‘Good’ because we’re all going out!’ I frowned as I didn’t like going out, or at least not going out in the same way as Nicci did.
Going out in her book meant going to the club or going to some party, which was a crowd I was not particularly into. Knowing Dylan, he would agree with it just because he liked to go drinking, but Jisoo might not show up if she’s got a shoot. I plug my phone in and grab more comfortable clothing before making my way to the shower.
I put my clothes on the counter and began to undress. Letting the clothes fall to the floor, I step into the shower and feel the warm water cascade down my body. I let it cure the sleepiness I had felt and wash my hair. Once I finished I stepped out and dried off before throwing my hair up to dry in the towel.
I get dressed and step out of the room and walk over to my phone. I sit on my bed and open my messages with Dylan and text him, ‘movie night?’ Almost immediately I get a response from him with a thumbs up emoji and a heart. I smile and put my phone down to go scavenge for food.
I didn’t have much, but food is food. I grabbed the cereal from on top of the pantry and pour it into my bowl putting the milk in last because I’m not a monster. I sit down on the couch and watch whatever I left it on and shovel the cereal into my mouth.
The news suddenly flashed on and talked about how a girl was assaulted last night. I watched it carefully and saw that it was near my house and it made me feel uneasy. Like, that could have been me if I wasn’t careful. I felt bad for the poor unnamed girl as no one deserved that. I didn’t realize that my area was that dangerous. Sure, it was on the cheaper side but I made sure I wasn’t living in a seedy neighborhood where I just wasn’t safe.
I opened my phone to see another text from Dylan, ‘I’ll be there around four with dinner’. I smiled at the thought of food even though I felt the smallest bit guilty. I wondered if I should invite Nicci or Jisoo but I didn’t think they’d be available even if I asked.
Jisoo is a model and was usually away doing photo shoots for magazines. She did covers for Vogue and many other popular beauty magazines, but that was to be expected. Jisoo had an ethereal beauty to her and everyone flocked to her, men and women.
Knowing Nicci, she would probably go to a frat party or some kind of party of the sorts and find a good time. Nicci was the definition of a party animal. She was always partying, drinking, trying new things, having sex, you name it she’s probably tried it once.
We were complete opposites but our friendship just happened to work out. Despite our differences, we’ve stayed friends for the past two years and I expect many more years to come. I decided against asking Nicci and Jisoo as I figured it would bother them, but we would all be going out tomorrow anyway. Dylan was good enough.
I looked at the clock thinking about how much time I had. It was 11:30. I had plenty of time to go to the store and buy some snacks and drinks. I got up and let my hair fall out of the towel. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the brush, pushing it through my hair. I grimaced every time it would encounter a tangle and pull on my scalp.
Once I had detangled it, I towel dried it a bit more and put it up so it wouldn’t soak the back of my shirt. Grabbing my keys I slipped my shoes on and walked out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. The store wasn’t very far from my house, thankfully as I didn’t have a car.
I walked a couple of blocks and walked in. Popcorn was a movie essential so that was the very first thing I grabbed. I made sure to get some chips and a bit of candy as well. I didn’t know what to really get drink-wise, but I figured a few carbonated drinks would be good enough. I sighed as I looked at the food I was about to buy. I had enough money for it but sadly it was another one of those unnecessary purchases.
I took my basket and set it on the self-checkout and began to ring in my items. I looked at the total and felt my bank account cry as I swiped my debit card. I couldn’t understand why food was so expensive when you needed it to survive. I took my bags and walked back to my house.
I unlocked my door and set the bags of food on the counter. Something caught my eye though, the tv was off. I raised an eyebrow, why was it off? I didn’t turn it off before leaving and it doesn’t turn off by itself either.  I felt anxiety pool in my stomach but I tried to talk myself out of it. “It’s nothing y/n, you probably did turn it off and just don��t remember,” I whispered to myself. I still felt anxious, but I took a few more deep breaths to calm myself.
I grabbed a kitchen knife and decided I would keep it on me. I wasn’t about to go searching my whole apartment for someone, I would rather wait for them to come to me. I sat down on the couch making sure my back was against the wall. I would normally unpack the food and put it on the shelves, but I was too paranoid to let my back be exposed.
I grabbed my phone and decided I would text Dylan. He would understand surely and come over. ‘Hey Dylan, could you come over earlier? Like now?’
Immediately there was a flood of messages, ‘Why? Is something wrong? Call me!’
I sighed and called him and not even after one ring he picked up. “Y/n, what’s wrong?!” I heard him say.
“Not much, I’m just nervous. Some girl was assaulted in my area last night and I went to go get food for tonight and I came back and my tv was off. I didn’t turn it off before I left though. I’m sorry I could just be paranoid about nothing.” I sighed.
“No, No, it’s fine, y/n. I’ll be there in fifteen okay?”
“Okay.” I hung up and sighed. I just had to make it fifteen more minutes by myself and then I wouldn’t be alone anymore. I let myself calm down but held the knife close to me regardless.
I kept myself distracted for the time period by watching the tv. I heard the doorbell and I ran to it. I flung it open and let Dylan in. His arms wrapped around me as he looked down at me, “Are you okay?”
“I’ll go look around, okay?” I nodded and he let go of me and went to go search. I heard him opening and closing doors and with more silence, I felt relief hit me.
He walked back out, “I didn’t see anything, so I think you’re okay, okay?”
I nodded and he grabbed my hand, “You can relax now, I checked everything and now I’m here.”
“Sorry to make you come here early. You must have had something else to do.”
“No, no, I wasn’t doing anything. I was just giving you time to do your own things.”
He led me to the couch and we both sat down, “I know it’s early but we can go ahead and start our marathon and take your mind off of things.” I smiled and nodded. He finally smiled at me before grabbing the remote.
“Do you have anything, in particular, you want to watch?”
“Not really,” I replied. He hummed as he looked at all the different movie choices.
“Let’s watch something happy, so it can improve your mood.”
“What about the food?”
“I’ll order it later for us, don’t worry.” I nodded. He grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and threw it at me. I unfolded it and put it over my legs. He sat back down next to me and I let my head rest on his shoulder. He smiled gently at me and wrapped his arm around me, letting me get comfortable.
I grabbed the blanket and made sure to put it over his legs too as I didn’t want him to be cold. He grinned at me and I felt myself smile back at him. He started the movie and we both became immersed within it, forgetting about our worries.  
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