#sorry alex enjoyers i dont hate you i just hate what he represents <\3
br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Why do you not like Alex from BB, like in your opinion, what do you think is wrong with him and how would you fix him.
this is such a complicated question bcuz there isnt anything wrong with him as a CHARACTER he's not unfunny or annoying or anything its just like. okay its very clear that around season eight the writers realized that gene didnt have any friends his own age at school and didnt have ANY male friends he hung out with (not counting peter here bcuz we dont see him in very many episodes although im sure they're casual friends) he really only spends time with his sisters and their friends. they decided that they needed to give him a friend in his grade which would be FINE except they just like introduced him out of nowhere as a way to give gene a Masculine Male Friend and it wasnt like a character we've seen gene previously interact with or a background character he becomes closer with. like yeah technically they did the same thing with courtney but that was in SEASON THREE so it made more sense to introduce new classmates bcuz we hadn't spent a lot of time at their school yet and didnt know everybody. its completely out of nowhere and theyre just immediately like yes we're best friends now. and the next episode everybody acts like alex has been there the whole time. and yeah things can happens off screen but that excuse doesnt really work when THE WRITERS KNOW THAT THIS IS AN ANIMATED TV SERIES AND OFF SCREEN DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST it just feels like such a forced relationship that they did purely bcuz they felt like they needed to and not because it was natural for gene's character development or personality and that annoys me
personally i think there were many better ways to introduce a best friend if they wanted to do that (maybe courtney or peter both kids we already know gene is friends with in his grade) or a new kid at school who gene shows around and spends time with over a few episodes (like tina and tammy except not awful) either way u NEED to give their relationship more time to develop. louise and rudy are a great example of this bcuz they werent best friends right away. they casually hung out with each other over a period of time in different episodes and then EVENTUALLY them being closer makes sense bcuz u can tell they really bonded over their adventures vs with gene and alex its like okay here are these two characters they're best friends now. there isnt even chemistry between them if im being honest
yeah i would either introduce him way earlier in the show and give him more episodes where he's casually around gene or use another previously existing background character and give them a few episodes together. honestly i stand by my opinion that peter would've worked really great in alex's place bcuz they already interacted in multiple episodes and were in a band together
as for NOW there isnt really anything they could do to fix alex or make me like him i just think he was a poor writing decision and i would rather they just forget about him tbh
on a personal note in school i was best friends with a kid who reminds me of gene (except a lot quieter and more introverted. very sweet kid) and he didnt have any male friends he exclusively hung around girls (and mee :3) and he grew up to be a gay effeminate fat man so it feels almost like they're trying to erase certain aspects of gene's personality and make him less i dont know uhh gnc in that specific way and make him more of a stereotypical nerd which he has NEVER been. i dont think that was their intention but that kinda rubs me the wrong way too
there isnt anything wrong with liking alex or his character Personally i do not enjoy episodes with him in them and i feel like he was mostly a bad writing decision but luckily they dont bring him into episodes too often (although they didnt seem too interested in using secondary characters at all in season thirteen so who knows)
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