#sorry barou . that is my pookie
prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
barou: this guy called me a useless shitstain on the field - cuts to him asking you to tie his shoe for him
i love him so much 🤧 going to lay on the floor and die i think hes so cute
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snaillock · 1 month
Hey pookie!! i saw that you are on hiatus now:(( but!! i just read your sae and his streamer boyfriend fic, and it was soooo good!! and i just wanted to ask: what is your personal opinion about the other blue lock boys with streamer boyfriend?🤔 do you think they would be jealousy or maybe they watched their boyfriends streams and yeah xdd
ps: lot of kisses to you
(sorry this reply is so late oh my god 😭)
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oh my god haiiiii. never thought i would get a response abt that ancient ass fic but i’m glad i did bc im super proud of it and it makes me happy to see that people still enjoy it.
original fic if anyone’s interested
so here are some more thoughts on random bllk boys with their streamer bf
i think the ones who aren’t really into that streaming culture would probably be some of the more jealous types. like sae, of course, would be one of them as well as barou(tho he would rather die than admit that), kaiser.
ok side track about kaiser but he would totally bask in the fact that his boyfriend is also very high status personality and very loved by others but would still be pretty possessive about you in a very tsundere-esque way. he would hate seeing any simps in your chat.
the ones who would probably be the biggest fans of their bfs streaming would be hiori, reo, nagi, and bachira. i can totally imagine reo just dumping huge sums of money just to send cutesy donation messages.
actually for nagi, it would be such a regular thing for him to play games with you on stream. simply because he just wants to play with you and doesn’t really care that there’s an audience that comes with that.
honestly i could come up with a lot more ideas for how the bllk boys would be with a famous streamer bf so perhaps i shall make a proper post about that.
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merlucide · 2 months
When the door slamed, @sharkissm got so scared that she almost jumped, and otoya instantly jumped on her, sitting on her lap and almost crushing her with his weight. "OTOYA! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME WITH YOUR WEIGHT!!!" she slapped his arm, but her words fell on deaf ears because otoya only hugged her even tighter.
Barou, @cookies-kiki pookie wookie and her, @jujutsustraycats and karasu, @pupsndpaws and Charles were on the second floor since it all started, trying to open the windows, but also failed. Everyone that was on the first floor could listen to barou screaming, completely annoyed by the whole situation. While everyone tried to calm each other's down in their own ways, suddenly @blue-thief gave an idea. "What about someone break a window so we can escape and see if shidou is alright out there?" but oki quickly said in a really sad voice,"we can't. Every window here is bulletproof..." Ben just looks at her in disbelief but also disappointed that the only option was wait.
"But there's the emergency power circuit on the basement, it's really old but I think it still works" otoya remembered, while he took his phone in hand. "Shit! The internet is gone too! How can I watch my netorare now!" He started to complain, "OTOYA EITA!! I ALREADY SAID THAT YOU SHOULDN'T WATCH THAT STUFF WHEN THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE WITH US!!" oki screamed on his ear, slapping his arm again.
While everyone voted for who should go down to the basement check the emergency power circuit, @cookies-kiki and barou came back down saying that there wasn't sucess to open the windows and voted too. The chosen one was Snuffy because he was the most sane and would probably know how to turn it on.
*the lights come back on*
Oh thank goodness 🙏🙏
phew okay- *gets some hand sanitizer and rubs it all over oki* sorry your contaminated since… he touched you..
anywho- what’s the next step? We still need to find Soleil, and ofc course find out what’s happening here….
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wabatle · 1 month
sososo obvi bllk and you obvi alrdy know i am a girl and would like to be matched up w i boy (honestly what girl from bllk would youmatch me up with anyway💀.. egos assistant??)
for personality
i am a weirdo uhh my friends call me an anime nerd but i dont think in that much of one??
i am VERY sarcastic, savage, and snarky
traits are (plz dont take this as like bragging or anthying just being honest) humorous, uhh VERY soft hearted, kind of a pushover but i used to be a rlly big push over, in ambiverted but at first you would prolly think im introverted, oh im also kinda teasing and in very emotional i will cry if watching a sad movie and i get frustrated easily whicheventually makes me cry(crybaby ik)
oh another thing abt me is that im not rlly good at like expressing my emotions like thro words and sometimes in my face like sometimes i see like scenery for egi probably think it’s really pretty and like stunning and beautiful but like if you ask me what i think id prolly just say “oh its nice” like do yknow what i mean?? Same with my face like i always have a straight face unless in rlly happy that day and the only time ill like actually express my emotions is if youre talking to me or make me laugh
dam that was a lot
un ok for hobbies voice acting, gaming, watching anime, listening to music, writing, editing
kinda semi hobbies thati like but dont rlly do that much are baking and dancing
Things that make me feel negative? Hmmm not entirely sure what you mean by that but… i tii hi ink just negative stuff in general like i HATE movies or shows with sad endings they make me so sad and theres jo feeling of satisfaction at the end :((
Things that make me positive? Well it makes me rlly happy when i make other laugh or when ppl approach me or pop in my inbox like what im bot the one starting a convo fir once?? CRaZY
Someone i dint wanna be matched up with… hmm uhh well any of the side chars like the bald monk💀💀💀 i forgot if you even write for them but also others liek naruhaya and giganaru OH i dint wanna be match up with barou either
Idrc if you post this answering my ask or tagging but sometimes i like to read over my ask when someone answers it so actually could youanswer with my ask
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @stellas-starry-stories13's Blue Lock Matchup~!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — A/N: It might be because you're biased and I'm biased but now I genuinely think you and this person are soulmates. ❤️ Ngl we're actually really similar lmaooaoaoao anyways enough of my yapping!!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — I think your Blue Lock soulmate is...
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — Chigiri Hyoma!
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I read the part where you said you were sarcastic, savage, snarky, and sassy and immediately said, "Chigiri."
You two are such a duo ngl. Like genuinely you guys are perfect for each other. Such a sassy couple like omg.....
The teasing is real. You probably tease each other so much like help.
Chigiri also isn't that great with expressing his feelings, so you both can help each other on that front. If, like in the example you gave me, you say a view is nice and he can tell you're not saying what you're thinking, he'll ask you, "what are you really thinking about?"
He'll def laugh at you if you're crying about a movie 💀. I'm sorry but he would.
He's pretty good at noticing when you're getting stressed or frustrated, so he'll remind you to take a break and watch something with him.
You definitely pick anime to watch together and watch at least one episode every time you see each other.
Similar to when people come into your inbox, Chigiri texts you every day, whether to ask you something or talk to you about stupid things.
It doesn't take him long to laugh at your jokes. Someone else said the same joke as you and he's just (ㆆ_ㆆ), but you say it and he's giggling.
I think he would like to take you to an arcade for dates. I mean, he's pretty much down for doing whatever you like as long as he can enjoy it too.
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I hope you liked it! Thanks for the req Stella my pookie bear!!! 😍😍😍
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ode2rin · 1 year
isagi is the cutest in my opinion, he remains my lover no matter what other characters are introduced. everyone else is my side chick. but isagi definitely gives sun after the rain energy. you’ll fall on your face a few times and he’ll be there to help put you back. which is why him hanging out with people who’ve been stood up sounds like a canonical event in my mind. the small conversation about coffee, yeah he gonna do his best to engage someone. this plays well with his soft personality to the other boys of blue lock when he’s off field. that episode of additional time where barou, nagi, and chigiri realized how much they rely on isagi for help on basic tasks. yeah he’s got a good heart in my mind and is just a helpful guy who wants everyone to feel good.
MOVING ON, the descriptions in this piece? yeah mimi, i might need to live in your brain for a minute.
your descriptions of readers bad experiences with love hits home to all hopeless romantics who just get met with a wall of disappointment.
“and coming from someone who has been gravely hurt in the name of so-called love, it’s impossible not to wonder if such love even exists in this world or if it's merely a figment of your imagination born from those contemporary romance books you read on your lonely nights.”
yeah i’m in this, and i don’t know if i like it or i feel seen.
ALSO, how you describe isagi? im in your walls??
“it's an understatement, as a matter of fact. the guy before you is downright mesmerizing. if you could gaze at his face for more than two seconds without being called weird, you could map the entirety of how blessed this man’s face is — the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he speaks, the subtle strength in his jawline, and the way his hair falls in a perfectly disheveled manner”
“amidst the lively exchange, you catch glimpses of isagi's gentle nature, his ability to make you feel at ease, and his genuine curiosity about your thoughts and experiences. it's a refreshing change from the superficial interactions you've had in the past, and you're left wondering if the man in front of you is even real.”
delicious, delectable, i love him desperately. i don’t know if anyone has mentioned this but your writing has definitely made large amounts of improvement in the short time you’ve been active. it’s honestly fun to see you become more detailed in descriptions and conveying deep insights about the reader through words. in a post you mentioned that in something you were writing that the reader was feeling to similar to you and i’m going to guess that this one might be the one in particular due to how vivid you describe their feelings and thoughts. i’ve been reading your posts since sometime in may and i absolutely adore anything you write or post. so i will fight all your mean and nasty anons for you! we will box them deadass!
have a great day mimi! xoxoxoxoxoxo (extra today)
(🏹 anon)
sorry for the extra long wall of text, i hope this reaches you well! i gave myself an emoji i hope it’s not taken yet. love you mimi, mwah!
[sorry this took a while i was really like this 🥺 the whole time i was reading thru it ]
you don't know how much this means to me. i often joke about not needing any attention for my writing because i write for myself and for my silly pookies. but at the end of the day, i am still a human sitting through hours of pouring my heart out and translating my thoughts into words. and as much as one might try to deny it, knowing that someone enjoyed the piece of writing i put out here can really make a difference, especially when you're someone who receives 'flop' in your asks like me lmao (enough negativity, shoo shoo shoo!). i love hearing your thoughts, 🏹 anon (ps. i actually call you paragraph anon in my mind XD). 
no, but you're so right about isagi giving off 'sun after the rain' energy. if you haven't seen it, i actually mentioned in a previous ask how isagi is the guy who comes after heartbreaks (if you want to read it, here!). i wanted to portray him as someone who naturally exudes comfort in his presence, to the point where you can't help but lower your guard and let him in, if that makes any sense. that's just the vibe i got from him, especially in the first few episodes when chigiri was struggling to free himself.
you wouldn't want to live in my mind, even for a minute, i assure you 😭 and not at you pulling out these sentences jsaksklajs
i'm glad to know that my intention in writing the reader's background has reached the right audience. i was contemplating the direction i took with how i wrote the reader's experiences. i wondered if it would still be relatable or if i made them a bit too sappy (which i did, but it was for the plot T^T). and yes, you're right!! i was referring to this fic when i said that the reader is a little bit too 'me' XD. and now, reading your thoughts, i guess it's you and me hehe. don't worry, if you feel seen by the reader, i'm happy to let you know that i was attacked (and it kind of felt like i was oversharing as a writer, by the way T^T).
“i don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but your writing has definitely shown significant improvement in the short time you've been active” stop ✋🏻 you're making me cry ✋🏻 as someone who goes into hiding after posting because she doesn't have a good relationship with her works, this means so much to me, you don't understand :( i'm actually trying to focus more on writing the reader better. my past works were heavy on the characters' thoughts because i wanted to characterize them properly (i hope i did, oh my god), but in “just maybe”, i wanted to try writing solely from the reader's point of view.
thank you so much, anon! i'll be printing this out, and it will replace my awards on our walls.
i hope you're well and having the time of your life! love you lots <3
(don't worry, the emoji is not taken hehe. i'll go and search for your other asks to tag them properly so i can come back to it 🫵🏻)
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