#sorry cetan!!
radiant-flutterbun · 2 years
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Eye Spy
Black cats.
Something about black cats enamored Eyespot.
It wasn’t a surprise to her parents when they became her Charge.
When she was old enough she began to wonder further and further from home, collecting all of the black cats she could find. It didn’t matter if they were feral or tame. She would bring them home.
The young guardian made her way through the Sunbeam Ruins, looking for any black cats she could find. Everytime she found one she felt an itch deep in her brain, like a memory trying to resurface. 
Muerto was playing with Ren, the black cat he named after his dear friend of the same name. He tossed a handmade mouse toy crafted by Niossa and it rolled into the wheat field nearby. Ren chased after it and Muerto chuckled.
“Ren, you act like a dog sometimes. I can’t believe I have a cat that plays fetch.”
He waited a moment for Ren to return, proudly clutching the mouse in her jaws. But the wheat field did not stir.
He got to his feet and approached the field. Heart thumping, he pulled back the wheat which grew above his head. He was small for a coatl.
Ren was purring and rubbing herself against the paws of another dragon. A young gray guardian was barely hidden by the wheat. She giggled as the cat played with the blue silks draped over her body.
Muerto hissed and the guardian’s many aqua colored eyes turned toward him.
“Stay away from my cat!” He spat at her, his feathers poofing up.
The guardian tilted her head. “Oh. I’m sorry. We were only playing.”
“Yeah well, It’s time for Ren and I to go home so. Come on Ren!”
The guardian picked up the cat before she could move.
“No. This cat is mine now.”
“Uh no she’s not! Put her down!”
“It’s my Charge, understand? I can’t help it. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her.”
“Fuck that! Give her back!” Muerto unsheathed his brandy new scythe. It was a gift from his talonok friend, Kuaka. He aimed it at the young guardian. And then time stopped.
The birds were silent. The wheat was frozen mid breeze. The guardian watched him, her multiple eyes narrowed in a glare. Ren was in the midst of a meow.
“Now, now, Muerto. I can’t let you harm my Sight.”
An umber colored spiral with ram shaped horns appeared beside Muerto. She was draped in red and green starsilk, and covered in gold jewelry. 
Muerto, finding that he could move, slashed his scythe at the spiral. It cut through her like she were a hologram. Dumbfounded, Muerto paused.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“What nasty language coming from a child. Makes me wish Eyespot swore,” The spiral sighed, and twitched her tail, her jewelry clanking as she did. “My name is Shira, I’m the head of the Order of Shapeshifters. AKA the Elders, AKA one of the oldest fuckers around. Besides your parents, and the angels.”
Muerto bristled. “How do you know who I am?”
“Oh that’s easy. Everyone knows who you are.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means,” Shira circled Muerto “That you’re important, and multidimensional beings like to talk.”
Muerto opened his mouth to speak but Shira cut him off.
“But this isn’t about you. Yes I know you, and my people like to gossip about your people. But that’s not what this is about. This is about her,” She turned toward the guardian. “See, she’s a shapeshifter like me. Not like your sister, or that purple one. We’re draconic shapeshifters.”
“Shut up. I don’t care,” Muerto growled. “Tell your friend to give my cat back.”
“Yeah that’s the problem isn’t it? I kinda can’t do that. You must understand, Eyespot is my Sight. I need her. I need her to remember.”
“What does that have to do with Ren?”
“It’s kind of a long story, and I don’t have all day. But if it’ll help you understand, I fucked up with Eyespot once, and I cannot afford to fuck up again. She’s destined to replace me. And I want to retire so badly. It’s not everyday a Sight is born, and I cannot afford to wait for another. If I retire without Eyespot knowing who she is, some idiot like Huttonia or Cetan will take my place and let’s just say there’s going to be a lot of problems throughout the multiverse if that happens.”
Shira clapped her hands and the wheat field started to shrivel and die. Eyespot and Ren lay as a pile of bones. The sky was blackened with smoke. In the distance the Lightweaver could be seen battling a giant spider. Shira clapped her hands again and the world returned to normal, but was still frozen.
“Eyespot has always been a troubling one. But she’s better than anyone else. Better than me. I tried to teach her a few life lessons but was admittedly a bit too harsh on her. Who would have guessed murdering her shitty boyfriend and making her powerless would make her hate me to the degree that she asked for well. This.” She gestured toward the dragon. “She asked for a second chance. And I will let her have it. Until she remembers.”
Muerto was still shaken by the vision, but he managed to calm himself enough to speak up.
“That doesn’t explain Ren. But I don’t care. Give her back.”
“No. Because everytime Eyespot collects a new cat she remembers a little more. Do you understand now, Muerto?”
“No. I don’t. There’s plenty of other black cats. I want mine back.”
“Sorry, but Eyespot has already decided that the cat is hers. And I’m afraid my interference will make things worse like I did before. I’m going with the hands off approach this time.”
“Give her back.”
“She’ll take good care of the cat. I can promise you that. And you can have the cat back as soon as Eyespot remembers.”
“Give her back!” Muerto picked up the scythe again, this time his black flames licked at the blade. He swung at the spiral again when her icy eyes stared into his own.
He dropped the scythe and the flames disappeared. He fell to his knees. That pain. He remembered that pain. He looked down and gasped.
A metal rod was sticking out of his chest, his heart pierced through. Blood pooled onto his feathers. He gasped for breath and fell over.
The birds continued their songs, and the wind breezed on. The pain disappeared, and when he looked down again, there was no metal and no blood. Only a silver scar that could barely be seen under the fluffy gray feathers.
The spiral was nowhere to be seen, and the guardian was gone too.
Muerto began to cry.
He lost her again.
“Hey Muerto! I found something you might like- hey what’s wrong?” Niossa bounced toward him, holding a squirrel skull in her paws.
Muerto choked back a sob as tears dripped down his face.
“She took Ren.”
“I-I don’t know.” He took her paw in his, his body still shaking from the previous vision.
“Well which way did they-”
Muerto shook his head. “Don’t. I’ll explain later. I just…” He hugged her and sobbed into her shoulder.
She hugged him back. “Ok. Ok. Hugs now, talk later.” 
Meanwhile Eyespot traveled with Ren. She took a moment to examine her new cat.
“I think I like the name Axel for you.”
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
| First Fight |
Continued from X
“It’s not a big deal? How can you say that?” Cétan watched as Agron paced around the room, an action he often did when his temper was high. Yet Cétan never thought he’d see a day when that temper was directed at him, especially when he was not in the wrong.
“Why is it always ‘some other time’? Why does your brother always come first? Didn’t you promise Granny you’d take care of me… That you’d love me more than anyone?” Cétan faltered a bit and broke eye contact. To say it outloud felt petty and selfish, but he was only being open and honest. So many times Cétan had felt like he was in second place behind Duro. Always close to catching up, but never finishing first. But he knew Agron loved his brother and of course family came first, still, wasn’t Cétan his family too?
Cétan had tried to suppress the selfish side of him, reasoning with himself that he didn’t have a brother, he didn’t know what it was like. It worked for a while until he began thinking that maybe Duro was inventing his own problems just to draw Agron’s attentions to him. Maybe Duro didn’t like his brother being taken from him… The thought frustrated him because he could understand that reasoning but Duro was also an adult in his own relationship! Why did Agron feel the need to drop his life entirely and rush to his brother’s rescue over every little thing?
Cétan wasn’t sure what he wanted to hear from Agron. He didn’t want to monopolize him and demand he never see his brother again, but he was growing weary of the apologies that never lead to a change in behavior. He didn’t like feeling that he’d always be runner up in Agron’s life.
A dangerous and hurtful thought came to him and he looked up at Agron once more. “Are you bored with me?”
Agron had known this was not going to be a small fight, and he usually tended to avoid such confrontation. But . . . he couldn’t do that now. They were too far past that. He felt the pain in his chest when Cetan spoke of how he had promised Granny to take care of him. That he would love him more than anyone. Words he had made promise of to Cetan’s grandmother before she passed away. “Am I not fucking doing that?!” He snapped, voice not raised but strong in tone. It caused those feelings of failure to resurface in Agron; and this whole situation, reminded him of when Duro would get angry with him. Obviously the nature of both relationships was different, but those feelings of failure were the same. Because Duro and Cetan were the two people he loved most in this world. 
“I can’t just abandon my brother when he needs me. Just like I wouldn’t abandon you.”  His voice continued on that tone, now standing still and looking at Cetan. His next question causing him to pause and just look at him. “Is that what you think it is?” He rhetorically questioned. “That I’m bored with you?” As if in disbelief. “Of course I’m not fucking bored of you, or us. But if this isn’t good enough for you then maybe you should just fucking move back home.” He didn’t mean it; the words came out of the intensity of the situation, for Agron knew that sometimes in the heat of the moment . . . he could say the wrong thing. And, instantly regretted it after the words left his lips yet made no apology. Cetan’s home was here, with him, and he knew it but . . . it was too late to take back what he had said.  
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cetanlittlehawk · 7 years
Blue Skies, White Lies
Continued from X
agron-rebel-general: Cetan’s tone immediately alerted Agron to knowing something was wrong … and then that something became more abundantly clear. Agron was going to fucking kill Jackson. He remained silent, trying to think of what he could say to get out of this. To assure Cetan that all was well and he need not be concerned. It was one thing to not tell him about the wound … another to directly lie to him. And, Agron didn’t think he could do the latter. He had never lied to Cetan before and did not wish to start now.
The mention of them not having been intimate, caused Agron to clench his jaw, looking into Cetan’s eyes, aware of the fact that he had to say something right now. Especially with the direct question … one that made it impossible to beat around the bush. Concern in his eyes, and his gentle touch. “I’m not your patient.” Immediately after the words left his lips, Agron felt guilty for the tone he took. He closed his eyes for a moment, instant regret flooding him.
“I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized, reaching out to touch Cetan’s cheek. “I’m fine. It’s nothing, alright?” He offered a small smile, leaning forward to kiss Cetan’s cheek. He had no answer to anything else. To why they hadn’t been intimate – something that Agron was realizing he sorely missed. Perhaps he should address it. “I guess just with my work and your studies, we’ve both been busy.” Which, wasn’t a complete lie. And the best he could say. “Have you eaten?” An attempt to sway the subject, because … keeping things from Cetan wasn’t exactly easy.
I’m not your patient. Cétan flinched as if the words had physically slapped him in the face and he immediately lowered his head like a scolded child. And even when Agron’s hand came to rest upon his cheek, Cétan couldn’t bring himself to stand as Agron’s equal. The words were harsh, but not incorrect. Cétan might be studying to be a doctor but as of now he was far from it, maybe his concern was just an overreaction. One that definitely angered Agron. 
Cétan began to wonder if he hadn’t done something wrong last week that would have caused Agron to keep his distance. It was true, their schedules were conflicting, but even when Cétan had made time, Agron was too tired, or too distracted. 
Feelings of anxiousness and worry filled him from the stomach up. This fear and uncertainly was completely new to him. He’d always believed in Agron. Agron had never lied to him, never betrayed him, never made him feel that he was anything less that everything. But now little seeds of doubt were creeping their way into his brain, prying open cracks in the trust that was built.
“Aggie?” He murmured, nervously chewing on his bottom lip like he always did. “You.. You still love me, right?”
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“That’s about all,” Amanda said. “Except that Sarek is shaken.” Spock’s eyes narrowed. 
“Father? I cannot believe that.” 
“It’s true,” Amanda said with a smile. “It is ironic, isn’t it? I am the emotional human, but I escaped with nothing more serious than a scratch. Your father is the unemotional Vulcan, but he went into a frenzy of activity, calling you back from the Science Academy, ordering guards from the security service. I think what disturbed him most was discovering that Wurnall was not a Cetan at all, but a Marathan.” 
Spock gasped. “What?” 
“You see? Even you are startled.” Amanda yawned. “I am sorry. One effect of accelerated healing is that it makes me very sleepy. Ask your father the rest. And don’t worry, Spock. The man is in custody, and I’ll be fine.” She closed her eyes.
Spock may not understand his father, but Amanda does and finds her ‘emotionless’ adorable.
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Bersabor kena banyok sikit bulan puasa ni. Jangan cepat melatah jangan cepat nak maroh dengan manusia berperangai cetan tuu 😙 #staychicandprettay #ramadhan2017 . . . Sorry pipol sis busy bakhang lagi lagi nak di akhir bulan ramadhan ni dengan tempahan tudung . . Orang kata 10 malam terakhir ni lah Jalan TAR ni padat padu beb. Berasak-asak nak jalan 😂 . . . Daripada korang pergi melecakkan ketiak di celahan orang ramai, dan tak boleh nak beli pape pon. Mehh singgah kedai kami kat FB Shop. Boleh klik links di bio kami tauuu 😽😍
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
Gimme angst (Cétan)
29. Your muse has been taken and is bleeding to death because they are friends partners with mine. They are barely alive when my muse finds them, and there is a message carved in their skin for mine. What will my muse do? 
The moment Agron had found out that Cetan was missing . . . he could have sworn his heart stopped beating in his chest. Fear seized him completely, and he did not stop looking for the man he loved. There was nothing else that mattered. No need for sleep. No need for food. All he needed was to have Cetan back in his arms, and let this nightmare be over. Especially since everyone knew exactly who had taken him. Agron had responded to the call that was placed by the guy who was then later arrested when police came on the scene. A few years later and he was released from prison. Now to exact revenge on Agron for what he had done. Apparently, he had done his research. Gathered enough information to know exactly where Cetan was, and who Cetan was to Agron. It was the most effective way to strike at the firefighter. Right at Agron’s heart and soul: right at the man he loved. 
Small clues would come in. Pictures of Cetan, a lock of his hair . . . things that left Agron more and more terrified. And more angry than he had thought possible. It had been over a day now and while they were closing in, it was not quick enough. Agron overheard a lead while out with one of the officers, and he didn’t hesitate to follow up on it with him. Screw back up. This was the best lead they had for some time and whatever hope Agron could hold onto, he would. Rushing into the abandoned building, he saw a curled up figure on the floor and rushed towards it, falling to his knees next to him. “Cetan!” He gently touched his lover’s shoulder and turned his body, eyes widening at the blood that covered his entire chest. Cetan’s shirt was ripped open and the letters “FIREMAN” lightly carved into his chest. 
The commotion in the back ground alerted Agron to the fact that they had caught the guy, his eyes looking up and suddenly feeling torn. Torn: as to whether to kill the guy who had done this to Cetan, or stay with his partner. His love for the younger male trumped all other emotions as he pulled his jacket off pressed it against the bleeding wounds as best he could, gently pulling him into his arms to hold him. “I need a fucking medic!” He shouted out, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes. “Hey,” he said in a quiet voice. “Stay with me.” Leaning down he pressed his lips against Cetan’s temple. “Please, stay with me.” While he felt his heart finally beat again upon being reunited with Cetan . . . it ached. It fucking ached to see him like this, knowing it was his fault. And the flood of emotion poured out of him as the couple of tears escaped his eyes. 
Gimme Angst | Accepting |
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
Do you ever knock? (Cétan Little Hawk)
11. getting drunk
Agron did not drink often, even less frequently did he get drunk. But the massive fight with his brother over the phone had left him in a horrible mood. One drink had led to two, two had led to three . . . and before he knew it, he was completely inebriated. He was fed up with Duro’s life choices, and the stress he felt for his brother’s decisions were pouring out in this . . . less than healthy outlet. But Agron could not stop. His mind so fuzzy that he almost didn’t hear the key in the door as Cetan walked in. Agron was sitting on the couch in the living room, evidence of empty bottles on the coffee table. “Helcome wome!” He called to him, not finding anything wrong with the words as he took another gulp and emptied the contents of his cup and attempting to stand up. 
Do You Ever Knock | Accepting |
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
[stroke] (Cétan Little Hawk) ❤️
[ stroke] for your muse to gently stoke my muse’s face.
There was no better feeling nor sight to wake up to than Cetan. Agron looked at him sleepily, a smile on his lips as his lover gently stroked his cheek. The larger male couldn’t help but let out a content breath, basking in the warmth of his touch. He slightly turned his head, lips brushing against the palm of Cetan’s hand as he kissed it repeatedly, in gentle caresses. His other arm was draped around Cetan, fingers combing through his lover’s beautiful long dark locks of hair. “I wish we could stay like this all day,” Agron thought out loud.  
Muse Reaction Soft Edition | Accepting |
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
"Mmm....You're warm" ( Cétan Little Hawk)
Agron smiled at Cetan’s words, finding himself so incredibly comfortable. Although, that was nothing new ever since sleeping by Cetan’s side. They had decided to go camping, just the two of them. During the night, it of course grew colder, and though they had their sleeping bag and blanket, body heat was certainly one of the most effective ways to keep warm. Which was why Agron currently had an arm around Cetan, nestling the younger male against his body. He let out a content exhalation of breath, his hand to the arm wrapped around Cetan gently rubbing his forearm. “And you are so comfortable,” he told him, speaking aloud his thoughts. “Who knew camping could feel so luxurious,” Agron added teasingly, though not without truth. 
Sentence Starter Meme | Accepting |
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
Kinky... (Cétan Little Hawk... omggg only because Cétan would die in 99.9% of these scenarios! XDXDXD)
Random Number Generator Picked . . . 
23. My muse catches your muse masturbating.
Agron was going to surprise Cetan. He had gotten off work earlier than expected, and grabbed some lunch and dessert for them. He didn’t inform Cetan he was coming, nor did he even tell Granny. But when he got there, it appeared she wasn’t home anyway. Agron smiled, quietly slipping inside the house and walking as carefully as he could not to be heard. The sneaking continued, slyly making his way to Cetan’s room. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door.��“Surp--” But abruptly froze midway as he stood in the threshold and his eyes slightly widened at the sight before him. Cetan, with no pants or underwear, and his hand between his legs rubbing at. . . fuck! The shock of it was enough to leave Agron firmly in place, as if everything -- including his brain -- had completely numbed. Completely malfunctioned.
Kinky Meme | Accepting |
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
| I Get Jealous |
It had been a long shift, but finally . . . it was coming to an end. The fact that Agron would hopefully see Cétan tonight was what helped him get through the long hours of work. His feelings for the other continued to develop and strengthen the more he got to know Cétan. Agron wasn’t sure he had ever felt this way about another . . . and so, grew eager at the thought of seeing him. Though, he kept this to himself. He wasn’t one to overly discuss his partners in front of his coworkers. They were indeed like a second family to him, but some things were just too intimate to share with others. 
His thoughts distracted him from the conversation, as he and one of his fellow fireman were in the room meant for sleeping, gathering their things and tidying it up as they neared the end of their shift. The hand to his forearm was what pulled Agron out of his thoughts and brought him back to the present. “Sorry, what?” He asked, now focused on the other male. Agron had been working with him for some time now, and was what the German would consider a casual friend. He was asking him out for drinks, though Agron knew where he would rather be. 
“Maybe some other night.” Was as best as Agron could decline, not thinking much of it as he resumed to packing his belongings. He felt more than saw the other male shift closer to Agron. The guy tended to get in his personal space a lot . . . and seemed to be rather touchy feely. They had a good rapport though and Agron had not thought much about it. Not before this moment, when he felt the other take hold of his arm -- or maybe he had never actually let go, turning him and pressing his lips against Agron’s. The shock of it caused him to abruptly still, frozen in place, while his mind belatedly caught up to what was happening. 
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agron-rebel-general · 6 years
who are your m/m ships with agron?
OK! FIRST OF ALLL, I am SO SORRY for taking FOREVER to reply to this!!!!! I REALLLYYY hope I’m not forgetting anyone in this list !!! PLEASE feel free to add your name if I am ;)!!!!
SO I HAVE to start with my fellow Nasir role players!! The following beauties are the ones I most actively post Nagron with: @tiberius-nasir , @warrior-nasir , @darkestbeforedxwn , @adsagsona   
AND NOOOW for a list of canons, ocs, crossovers, etc!! Its going to be alphabetized and like I said, I REALLLYY hope I don’t forget anyone!! These are just the active ones too!! 
Alcide [ @wolf-herveaux ] , Alec [ @archerxalec ] , Alex [ @pinkfaerieboy ] , Ari [ @ariboone ], Barry Allen [ @darkestbeforedxwn ] , Brayden [ @braydenelijahfortuo ] , Conlaodh [ @thepocketqueer it was totally just a reply to a meme, but still ;)] Caz [ @adsagsona ] , Cetan [ @cetanlittlehawk ] , Ciar [ @bastardantichrist ] , Donar [ @fucktheromans] , Lugo [ @lugo-a-go-go hahah I think it was just one meme but omg too funny! sshh don’t tell Duro ] , Tommy [ @adsagsona ] , Remy [ @devouringdxrkness ] , Silas [ @the-roman-beast] , Spartacus [ @bloodandhonor ] Steve Rogers [ @captxindorito ]
I PROFUSELY APOLOGIZE if I leave anyone out!!! Please poke me if I did and I will GLADLY add you to the list!!! 
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
Do you know any Melitta rp blogs or any other Spartacus rp blogs that I can follow?
HEY THERE LOVELY ANON!!!!!! OK SOO to answer your question… I actually have a Melitta rp blog!! So these are my blogs for other Spartacus characters: 
@melitta-bodyslave , @ask-barca , @varro-answers [this one is a WIP!!!] 
NOW for other rp blogs … there are SOO MANY BEAUTIFUL people out there!!! I am only going to be reccing mutuals and peeps that I post with!! Inclusive of canons and ocs!! I won’t be including crossovers so PLEASSEE no one get offended!!!! I rp with people who have sparty verses but as the question was just for sparty rps, I’m limiting it to that!! ALSO, putting these in alphabetical order so no one feels like I’m ranking them!!! I am also SO SO SO sorry if I have forgotten anyone!!!
@ask-pietros [Pietros], @bloodandhonor [Spartacus] @donar-the-german [Donar] , @-flamboyant-moose- [Kore] , @gannicusrageson [Gannicus] , @gxnnicus [Gannicus] , @kriiieger [Saxa] , @ladykore [Kore] , @lugo-a-go-go [Lugo] , @thracixn [Spartacus] , @martyry [Mira] , @tiberius-nasir [Nasir] , @untamed-german-pup [Duro] , @warrior-nasir [Nasir]
@agonymasked [Mahdi] , @brothersabri [Sabri] , @cetanlittlehawk [Cetan] , @nodomina [Turia] 
MULTIMUSE [with Spartacus characters]
@darkestbeforedxwn , @kidsofthekelvinhero , @painistemporary @radioxactive , @sharingtales, @whorunwithwolves , @witchesandwarriors
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
Continued from X
Granny had kept giving him the side eye. She didn’t say anything but Cétan knew what she was thinking – he’d been stood up. He supposed most people would have thought as much, but Cétan wouldn’t even consider it. There had to be a good reason for his absence for Agron had never given him a reason to believe otherwise. Agron was kind, gentle, foul mouthed and always considerate, so even as he watched the hours tick away, his unwavering trust never faltered.
His concern, however, grew with each passing moment. Agron had given him a phone to keep in contact with but now he wasn’t answering his own. He gave Granny a hug and she scruffed up his hair when she shuffled off to bed. Afterwards he sat in the kitchen, a silent phone resting in his palm. Where are you?He thought. Perhaps he got called back to work and didn’t have enough time to let him know. Perhaps he had even forgotten his phone at home. Cétan tried to keep his mind on such mundane excuses instead of letting his imagination get the best of him.
He must have dozed off as he was startled awake by a knock on the door. He checked the clock that hung over the stove. 1:00 am. It had to be Aggie. Only he would show up this late… and only he ever knocked. Bare feet padded across linoleum floors to open the unlocked door.
The blood was the first thing to register. It was everywhere. Soaking his clothes, dripping down his skin and pooling at his feet in the entryway. “Aggie!!” Cétan nearly shrieked, lunging forward to pull him into the house. “Oh my god! We have to get you to a hospital!…. Is that a stab wound? Were you stabbed!?” Without hesitation, Cétan shrugged out of his tee-shirt and used the balled up material as a compress against Agron’s side. With his free hand he used his palm to swipe at the blood that stained Agron’s face, trying to see how bad the wounds were since head injuries usually bled worse than what they were.
Cétan’s whole body was a live wire and he seemed attentive to every little detail. He lead Agron over to the couch closest to the door and laid him down, not caring how dirty or bloody the fabric would get. “Hold on, Aggie, I’ll call an ambulance.”
Cétan’s react was precisely why Agron had not wanted to come here like this. Why he had not wanted Cétan to see him in such a state. And yet, there was an undeniable comfort being in his presence. Being with him right now. As if in this moment, Cétan was the only person that Agron wanted to see. The person that Agron had feared me may never see again. His body numbly moved with Cétan’s direction, urging him on the couch and somewhere in the back of his mind, Agron knew that his blood would stain it. Just as it would the shirt that Cétan removed to have something to wipe the blood with. Everything felt hazy; shock ceasing all else in Agron right now. 
His questions belatedly processing, knowing that Agron had to say something. Though the trauma and exhaustion -- including the blood loss -- was making it difficult. He reached out to take Cétan’s hand in his own, unsure if it was for reassurance for his partner, or further comfort for Agron’s own self. He just found himself holding Cétan’s hand. Needing that contact as he let out a few heavy breaths. “I’m fine.” The words instinctual though he knew they weren’t exactly true. 
“It didn’t go in, just cut across.” The stab wound. More of a slash. But was that what was really important right now? Agron gazed up at Cétan, uncertain what emotions his gaze held, only that it was unguarded in this moment. “I’m . . . “ Agron breathed, the words barley coming out despite the sincerity of them. “I’m so fucking sorry.” That he came like this. And without thinking about the blood or anything else, he gently took Cetan’s hand towards his lips and kissed the back of his hand.  
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