pgsmr · 8 years
Which maker? It isn´t hard make/use so real look faces?
We use RPG Maker 2003. Danny (our developer/programmer) has hacked the engine and done a lot of work on it to make do things that it normally can’t, however. Amaya (@wisppit-art) does most of our graphical work, and she’s an insanely talented artist! She works very hard, but I’m sure she could tell you more about the process than I could.
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pgsmr · 9 years
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Hello, everyone! Sorry to have kept you in the dark for so long. We’ve received numerous questions about how game progress is coming along, and after a lot of work, we’re happy to say that we’re almost finished with Act 1! 
All of these screenshots have been taken directly from the game, rather than being mock ups, and while some things are still tentative, our team has worked out the bugs and kinks of the first act and is ready to begin moving forward. 
More updates will be coming!
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pgsmr · 9 years
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Remember when we promised you something exciting to make up for our absence? Here it is! A sneak peak at PGSM R Act 1. A fun day out turns into a rescue mission when a possessed shopkeep mistakes Usagi for a mysterious being known as 'the Rabbit'!
If you missed it, you can watch the opening cutscene, Act 0, here.
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pgsmr · 9 years
Where have you guys been? Haven't heard any updates in a while :D
I’ve had this sitting in the box for way too long. Whoops!
We haven’t had many things to update on for a while. Our developer went MIA for a while, but is back now and working on the game. Amaya and myself have completed a lot as far as graphics and script, but our stuff is slightly on hold until Danny has caught up. We’ll try to put out something to whet your appetite in the upcoming weeks, hopefully, so please look forward to it!
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pgsmr · 10 years
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More PGSMR locations based on the series!
Ami’s living room/dining room & bedroom, Crown outside, Naru’s house outside, Rei’s bedroom, Usagi’s bedroom & dining room/kitchen.
Sorry for the small size; the screenshots from the show were shrunk down to match the real size of the pixelwork.
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pgsmr · 10 years
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Updates on Crown Karaoke are officially finished! Both the outside and inside are complete, as well as a couple of additional rooms that didn’t appear in the main series.
While slow, PGSMR progress has been steady lately, and graphically there’s very few things left to do before act 1 programming and demo release! I really don’t want to estimate a date for the demo, but with the way things are going, I hope to be able to announce that in the near future!
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pgsmr · 10 years
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I don’t usually save progress on my sprite work, but for some reason I did keep wip files for these two images and thought they’d look cool as gifs. Enjoy!
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pgsmr · 10 years
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Sidequests and unlockable costumes are a fun part of any game, and PGSM R happens to have both!
This early-game scene shows the cast about to start an easy fetch quest for an NPC. The reward is an alternate costume that your leading party member can don to sport a new look as they walk around Juban. 
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pgsmr · 10 years
Today on PGSM R, we're going to discuss a couple of characters that, while new to PGSM, are not foreign to the Sailor Moon series itself. 
Umino Gurio
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Umino is a teenage boy who just transferred to Juban, and first sees Ami at the library after losing his glasses. He is still incredibly intelligent, and shares many interests that his anime-counterpart enjoys, such as anime, manga, and idols. However, he also has a deep interest in the culture and practices of Japan itself. 
Umino will have close relationships with Ami and Naru. 
Yuichiro Kumada
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A young man in his early twenties, Yuichiro joined a band during his final year of high school, which was met with lukewarm responses. Garnering an interest for the occult, he heard about the strange occurrences at the Hikawa Shrine, and begged to become Rei's apprentice. However, her dislike for intruders resulted in a harsh first encounter.
Yuichiro will have close relationships with Rei and Mamoru.
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pgsmr · 10 years
Is the demo at December 31?
Our deadline for the demo is December 31. That is, the very latest we want to get it out. Act 1 is a bit tough because there is a lot of groundwork involved that affects the rest of the game (maps, characters, etc). Once that's out of the way, we'll be able to proceed at a much smoother pace. 
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pgsmr · 10 years
When's the demo??
The team is aiming to have the demo ready by the end of 2014. Our initial date was unfortunately set back by unforeseen circumstances , but we're all working very hard to make sure everything is ready. 
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pgsmr · 10 years
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FINALLY back to work on PGSMR stuff. This summer has been crazy. So here’s a mock battle image with one of the finalized Juuban backdrops, as well as the finalized battlers of the girls. The mechanics and other graphical elements are still being worked on.
Also here’s a little teaser of Mercury’s transformation and speech poses. c:
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pgsmr · 10 years
Anymore progress ? I keep coming back expecting something new :(
Sorry, anon, we've been a bit busy with personal things. The game is still being worked on, but nothing that we can really show off. We'll do our best to have something for you guys soon!
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pgsmr · 10 years
Wasn't the demo supposed to come out this month ? Just wondering, you guys got all quick to work and just kinda stopped?
We were putting in a lot of work for the Act 0 trailer/video. And we nearly burnt out. We’re kinda needed a break and we took mini breaks. We’re back to the game kinda slowly now. But it’s getting there. Sorry for the wait.
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pgsmr · 10 years
Very nice screenshots. I really like that you're making buildings/etc based on the actual show.
Thanks for the comment :)
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pgsmr · 10 years
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Progress 2009 - 2014. Finally got things figured out.
The last image reflects the style the game will be released in.
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pgsmr · 10 years
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PGSMR buildings inspired by places shown in the series! There will be many more, but these are the ones that are pretty much done right now.
Top to bottom:
Game Panic Arcade (Act 12)
Art House (Act 13)
RAM Music Store (Act 5 & Final Act)
Random Shop (Act 6)
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