#sorry for all the typos did not proof read this bc my laptop was threatening to refresh the cache or crash the entire time
bluebeetle · 5 years
what is earth 14?? i see you tag some of your dc reblogs with it and i am very curious!!
hey anon sorry for the late reply lit every time i sat down to type anything out something came upOKAY SO. In 2014 my friend @autistbartallen​ and i  were complaining about the shitty writing in the new 52 Teen Titans book, particularly with Bart Allen (Kid Flash II) and them replacing his entire personality, NAME EVEN, and backstory with something we thought was pretty boring. 
And then it went to us talking about how inconsistent the writing with Bart and Wally (the Flash II) was on whether or not Wally hated Bart or loved him, and then we were sad bc Wally at the time was still AWOL in the comics iirc (I forget the exact timing) 
So we just made our own AU for them that soon spun into “what if we just made own our version of everything” and since then we’ve been slowly (bc a lot of our older ideas were Bad and we scrapped them lmao) playing around with it and giving it a set timeline and teams and stuff.
We just use the tag for designs/scenerios we like that we think fit it/are “Canon”
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(these are unfinished snippets from our working timeline rn)
the Earth 14 name comes from the fact that in Infinite Crisis they established 52 parallel earths but 14 was never given anything backstory so we decided it was “ours” to kinda parallel it to the actual DC universe, ahah. we mostly based it on the comics but stole a lot from other things we liked such as animated stuff lke young justice 
and working out the different plots and their themes, the biggest being Grief and Family, since basically the main plot ended up being this:
Bart Allen’s parents, Meloni and Don, get killed by the villain Zoom (Hunter Zoloman) and he gets put into Wally’s care and the two have to learn to not hate each other while Bart learns to be a hero and Wally learns he doesnt have to be a copy of is uncle, Barry, who at this point died 8 years ago and his death sorta plays a huge role in how certain characters are today (others being Hartley Rathaway who appears later and a lot of the adult characters since a bit thing with our world was that we limited the death and revivals a lot to give them more meaning) 
and just sorta spirals from there with Wallys relationships to his old team (including of course Dick Grayson) and to his own villains (Snart and Hartley appear a lot, tho hartley has gone straight by ths point bc Dom and i LOVE their friendship in the 90s comic) and meanwhile Bart befriends Damian Wayne and Conner Kent bc theyre both new heroes too at this time and snowballs again into those two and their issues and a bunch of other hero stuff
Basically its just a mix of ideas we like from the comics, plus a few of our own and our own take on stuff.
Like literally just before this we were talking bout our ideas for a blackest night plot and how it ties into everything which also led us to retooling some of the Lantern mythos (mostly the indigo bc i never liked their concept much) ((also keeping the whole parallax hal thing bc we dont like hal jordan as ahero a whole lot lmao)):
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It’s most a For Us™ AU we’ve been adding to and changing and playing with for 5 years but we may do more in the future? Maybe? Who knows! I was thinking of writing out a small snippet based on Damian and Bart’s first meeting in this in part bc its hard to find fan stuff where Damian is the main character(also like everyone is lgbt…. bc we are… so wally is trans and barts nb. wally is also black bc only the black wally existed in 2014 and we used to watch the flash show too where iris is black)
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