#sorry for broken grammar and i cant English at times in my ramblings
serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
titbits about this verse's main class stories:
- Sith Warrior: Kritanta (Wrath OC) and Vowrawn are the main characters. They have Vaylin and Preeti the Jawa within the crew as secondary/supporting characters, they replaced Jaesa and Broomark. Quinn and Pierce and Vette were temporary crew members and they don't stay with the Vathraki during or after class story (example: Quinn was killed as result of betrayal). note: Vowrawn is not running the Sphere of Logistics but does run the Sphere of Special Operations alongside with Kritanta as his SIC in this verse.
- Jedi Knight with dosage of Consular's chapter 3 arc: Jazz (Jedi OC) and Tau are main characters. Blizz, Eleena, Nadia and Pharen are supporting characters acting as crew members. Jazz and Blizz were recruited into Task Force Nova after Jazz completed her Jedi trials, while Tau and the others were established members. Chapter 3 centers around stopping the Emperor's Sleeper Agents and finding the missing Jedi Masters rather than 'stop the Emperor from consuming/destroying the worlds' arc. Darth Lachris is one of the villain in this.
- Imperial Agent: Aris (Cipher Nine OC) as the main protag with Marr as secondary main character starting from chapter 2 onwards. Aris did not have any crew members as she works alone with Shara Jenn as her handler until thst changed when Marr stepped in and took over to coordinate with Shara. Marr has more involvement in her story throughout and is joined with their team, Lana Beniko, Xarion, and Krovos, at the end of chapter 2 and chapter 3 in a bid to stop the Star Cabal. Aris and Jadus had an established dark history together before prologue and Jadus remains as the villain in this. Aris and Marr are in arranged marriage as of chapter 1 so the romance between was a bit of slow burn.
There's no Bounty Hunter, Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Consular, Smuggler and Republic Trooper stories in this verse as I'm not overly invested in these classes except for the three where my main OCs were apart of.
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