#sorry for liking the silly raccoon mascot horror game
dandy-dog · 4 months
Indigo Park Time Frame?
Hey there, so I watched a playthrough of Indigo Park and it's apparently the new thing my brain has decided to focus on. I thought I was immune to mascot horror after my FNAF fixation died about a decade ago but whoops, apparently not Anyway, I watched this video wherein UniqueGeese says the game canonically takes place in 2023 (time stamp is 6:06 if you want to skip to it) and it made me think back to this scene:
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Someone much smarter than me has probably already done the maths for this but I got curious and decided to try and do it anyway. That time adds up to 7 years and 11 months. Meaning the park presumably shut down in 2015. The game does give us enough information to be more precise though. Now originally, I did a bunch of sleuthing here using the date and time given in the roadcam footage we see early on and other bits of context we get given by the game to figure out what the date Ed shows up to the park was... only to somehow completely miss the fact that the game gives you that information directly at the registration center 💀 So here's that:
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On the bright side though, after doing the math before I saw this I can safely say the date I figured out was right using the information we're given ingame. So kudos to the dev team for their consistency with that! Regardless, if we trace that date back using the time frame Rambley gives us, that means Indigo Park shut down and was evacuated on October 8th 2015.
This correlates with the newspaper we see on Ed's desk in the opening of the game. That said, this newspaper seems to only report on the sudden evacuation of the park on October 22nd?
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So do with all of that information what you will 🤷
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