#sorry for not writing the big shb moments that explain the sutble shifts from the early shb stuff i wrote to this point in time
heretic-altias · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 26 - Last
I march on for the final stretch despite incredible sleep deprivation, so this might be a little all over the place but it's DONE. The boys are fightingggg.
Don’t know my characters? Here’s a basic breakdown to help you out!
“Did you really expect to be left in peace after getting back from the First? Because that’s what it sounds like” Kito argued fiercely.
He and his brother were fighting. Again. It was not the first time they’d fought since returning to the Source and it would most definitely not be the last. This had started over dinner, and still went on long after the sun outside had faded, leaving the stars to shine above.
“No I didn’t! But you know I’ve always wanted to see Sharlayan! Did you expect me to be happy you’re all going without me?” Kotah shouted back, his ears lying flat.
“The only reason you’re not going is because you have the criminal record of a serial killer! You’re lucky the Alliance let the Scions keep you in Mor Dhona at all! Our influence is the only reason you’re not dead, you’re lucky the Alliance trusts us that much because anyone else in your spot would be dead. You brought this on yourself” Kito snapped.
“Look I know you all hate me. I know you only keep me around because you owe me after everything on the First. If I could have stayed there without dying, I would have. But by the Twelve just let me be upset about this!”
“I don’t know why you picked me to complain to then! Go talk to Urianger, he likes you! Or G’raha who was busy sleeping through everything you did and only knows you as the hero you somehow became on the First!”
Your anger is getting the better of you Twintania interjected to Kito.
I don’t really care. He came to me complaining he couldn’t go visit Sharlayan because he killed innocents. I know he’s my brother but I just… I can’t bring myself to care. I trust him now but I don’t like him, you know? Kito sighed mentally, sharing the jumble of emotions along with his words in the hopes Twintania would understand.
Kotah meanwhile continued to argue, entirely unaware of the second conversation happening in Kito’s mind.
“I just thought you’d at least understand! You knew how badly I wanted to go when we were kids!”
“But we’re not kids anymore, and the person you’ve become is not someone I like,” Kito finished, walking away.
Twintania was right. He would go too far if he kept this up. As much as he wanted to spell out exactly how he felt, this wasn’t the time or place.
There might never be one.
Twintania understood him, but at the same time didn’t. She usually tried to encourage peace between them despite her usual fierceness. Their shared minds allowed them to see from each other’s perspectives very easily, but that meant Kito knew how much dragons valued their kin. Kito and Kotah weren’t blood related, but they’d grown up as siblings both adopted by the same father. To Twintania, they were connected in the same way she was to her own siblings or the great wyrms were to each other. But Kito was human, and humans didn’t work the same way.
They both understood and couldn’t understand each other on this matter at the same time.
He does not like himself either. It shows in how he carries himself, Twintania noted as Kito left the conversation.
He shouldn’t. Was all Kito had to say on the matter.
Of course Kotah didn’t like himself. He had proven on the First in the end that he had changed, enough for Kito to trust him. But how can you like someone you can’t forgive? It was all too complicated, and Kito had a feeling this strain between them would remain for the rest of their lives.
And yet you will be cordial again in the morning. Mortals and their conflicts. So short, yet so intense. Capable of burning with all of Nidhogg’s rage for the most fleeting of moments… Twintania mused to herself.
You are not helping Kito grumbled, stomping off to bed.
But he had to admit he probably would feel better with some rest. While the feelings were always there, the arguments never lasted more than a day. Somehow, they remained friendly enough the rest of the time.
Knowing that would not stop the famous Warrior of Light from having a bit of a pathetic tantrum once alone though.
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